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Tracert Interpretation


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I did a tracert on thaivisa.com from both, my home and the office.

At home: TTT with a 2 or 3 Mbit Premier line, in the office TRUE with a 12 Mbit line. In a normal world you would expect a much faster connection form the 12 Mbit line...but here we go:

thaivisa is loading very slow on TRUE. See screenshot:


This is after minutes of loading! So I make a tracert on tv.com and here is the result:


It takes 18 hops to reach destination and the bottleneck is the trueinternetgateway with ping times of about 260 ms

Now look at the TTT tracer:


The gateway is much slower (up to 617 ms!) but only 14 hops. Thaivisa loads MUCH faster on TTT then it does on TRUE.

How to interpret those findings?

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Interpretation: Something is wrong with your True connection. As these things go, it might change tomorrow.

Try using other DNS servers, like from google, or OpenDNS (which isn't as easy to remember).

As for the tracerts I have no idea - it might mean something, or not, who knows. 260ms is not going to make your page loads take minutes, in fact, it's rather normal in Thailand.

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Your internet signal is a bus going from point A to B

12mb straight from point A to B is very fast bus

However your bus starts at point A routes to 18 different stops before ending at point b

All of this adds time and decreases speed

Why they route it this way is beyond me but then again this is Thailand, way behind the rest of the world in internet speed

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I'm using the google DNS, but this doesn't mean anything for the tracer.

No, it doesn't - my point was that the tracer results don't mean anything for your TV loading speed. A value of 260ms is not a bottleneck, and will not cause TV to load slow. Therefore your problem lies somewhere else. Maybe should have been clearer....

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I'm using the google DNS, but this doesn't mean anything for the tracer.

No, it doesn't - my point was that the tracer results don't mean anything for your TV loading speed. A value of 260ms is not a bottleneck, and will not cause TV to load slow. Therefore your problem lies somewhere else. Maybe should have been clearer....

okok....got it now. So how can we further investigate where the problem could be? I use google's DNS on both networks as it is the same laptop.

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I'm using the google DNS, but this doesn't mean anything for the tracer.

No, it doesn't - my point was that the tracer results don't mean anything for your TV loading speed. A value of 260ms is not a bottleneck, and will not cause TV to load slow. Therefore your problem lies somewhere else. Maybe should have been clearer....

okok....got it now. So how can we further investigate where the problem could be? I use google's DNS on both networks as it is the same laptop.

Try OpenDNS, and try removing all DNS entries... if that doesn't help... I don't know, it could be anything, from True having issues to Singapore (I don't have True and can't try it here) to your office line having some other issue, maybe somebody else in the office is using the line heavily - either they're torrenting a lot of stuff, or they have a virus which causes lots of load. Is only ThaiVisa slow, or is everything slow?

In fact if there's other people or machines connected in the office, try disconnecting those. Reset your modem and router too.

Edited by nikster
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True to ThaiVisa

traceroute to thaivisa.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 (  3.664 ms  3.719 ms  3.808 ms
2  ppp-124-120-222-1.revip2.asianet.co.th (  21.590 ms ppp-124-122-163-1.revip2.asianet.co.th (  20.426 ms ppp-124-120-222-1.revip2.asianet.co.th (  22.122 ms
3  ppp-210-86-189-50.revip.asianet.co.th (  22.226 ms  24.145 ms  25.117 ms
4 (  29.749 ms  30.683 ms  35.580 ms
5  61-90-254-118.static.asianet.co.th (  32.528 ms 119-46-78-134.static.asianet.co.th (  32.209 ms  33.928 ms
6  61-90-254-117.static.asianet.co.th (  32.978 ms  19.288 ms  19.561 ms
7  61-91-210-66.static.asianet.co.th (  20.552 ms  23.210 ms  22.055 ms
8  203-144-144-27.static.asianet.co.th (  22.884 ms  24.111 ms  25.610 ms
9  61-91-210-1.static.asianet.co.th (  28.339 ms  31.333 ms  28.876 ms
10  tig-net28-145.trueinternetgateway.com (  254.249 ms  251.690 ms  254.238 ms
11  sg-icr-anc1-26-206.trueinternetgateway.com (  253.331 ms sg-icr-anc1-26-210.trueinternetgateway.com (  255.637 ms sg-icr-anc1-26-206.trueinternetgateway.com (  253.287 ms
12  sg-icr-anc2-26-226.trueinternetgateway.com (  251.964 ms tig-net26-246.trueinternetgateway.com (  244.818 ms sg-icr-anc2-26-226.trueinternetgateway.com (  257.715 ms
13  tig-net28-26.trueinternetgateway.com (  155.121 ms  158.399 ms  155.189 ms
14  an-ats-int10.starhub.net.sg (  54.258 ms an-ats-int10.starhub.net.sg (  54.875 ms an-ats-int10.starhub.net.sg (  57.979 ms
15 (  57.850 ms  52.878 ms  51.278 ms
16  203-174-80-66.rev.ne.com.sg (  96.877 ms  99.325 ms  95.865 ms
17  203-174-80-54.rev.ne.com.sg (  95.495 ms  102.406 ms  95.822 ms
18  thaivisa.com (  97.296 ms  95.678 ms  94.497 ms

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TRUE just called. They have "fixed my internet". What exactly they were not able to explain me, but now it works without proxies in a speed unseen before. thavisa loads almost as fast as it was hosted on my hard drive.

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