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Grand Theft Auto 4


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Apparently, GTA IV has been banned in Thailand because crazy people exist. As to why the two are connected, don't ask me. I guess that's just the Thai brand of justice.

Anyway, I'm going to Bangkok in March to buy a PS3 and some games. I'm making my step son pay half the cost of things in return I buy him GTA IV and he gets 50% play time.

I doubt there are no shops that have this game imported. Thai police won't be <deleted>**ed hunting down computer games. I think banning this game was just another ridiculous political statement. So any ideas? Anyone know where I can buy it?

Thanx in advance.

Last resort, I'll import it myself from New Zealand. I've a friend there. But don't want to do this coz of costs.

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Like everyone said, you can buy it anywhere. It wasn't exactly banned, the official distributor decided to not distribute the game in Thailand. This was done after a Thai teenager stabbed a taxi driver and hijacked his cab, and then blamed his actions wanting to see if hijacking was as easy as in GTA. Anyway you can buy imported versions, this really only affects the cheap 500 baht Thai PC version which never came out.

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Thanks guys. Good reassurance.

To the OP

From someone who has not got a scubi but going to buy for a present

why do you choose PS3 and not Xbox?


I want a gaming console, not a toaster. I'm not a wealthy guy. I can afford a console for 12,000 THB, but I can't afford to constantly repair it every time it burns up. I live in south Thailand and my house has no air con'; it's as hot as an oven down here and a 360 is sure to fry.

Not only that, the PS3 has more potential in the long run. Games coming out now have better graphics, I think. It has more power. But it may be complex for the game makers to learn to use the PS3 hardware, once they have learned it, such as now, the games are getting better.

Unless you want specific 360 games, I can't figure why the hel_l you'd buy one.

I think Microsoft just rushed the console out trying to best Sony, but it wasn't really ready. Sony waited and had a later release, but it turned out to be a more powerful and durable console.

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I would agree with you on the PS3, but be cautious of the terrible dust in Thailand that seems to get in everywhere. I have to constantly clean my PS3, because once the dust gets into the console it's as good as a paperweight. The PS3 does cope a lot better with heat, and I have had hours of pleasure from mine, and don't regret spending the money on it. X-Box for me is just another Microsoft gimmick.

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I would agree with you on the PS3, but be cautious of the terrible dust in Thailand that seems to get in everywhere. I have to constantly clean my PS3, because once the dust gets into the console it's as good as a paperweight. The PS3 does cope a lot better with heat, and I have had hours of pleasure from mine, and don't regret spending the money on it. X-Box for me is just another Microsoft gimmick.

I've had mine since a week after they came out in Japan, never cleaned it once and it's always lived in central BKK. No problems so far. How do you go about cleaning them? Theres probably quite a bit of sh1t built up inside it by now.

One added use for em is to check to see if the maids are doing there job properly. If they wipe the exterior down, it will switch on every time :)

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