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Unofficial Tv Burns Night At Crossbar

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Hi all as the name implies we are having a get together In the Crossbar on Saturday the 30th Jan approx 7.00pm, or earlier if you like, to celebrate The great Bard himself.

It's an informal Piss - up really BUT we do have Haggis which will be shot on Friday so that it/they are nice and fresh.

Everybody is welcome especially anyone who can do any Burns.

Please add your name below for catering arrangements to be prepared ( ie how many Haggis do we need to shoot ) :D

Crossbar does have a great selection of Malt Whisky's to choose from plus the usual Blended ones. Also Brian has some special Beer promotions on the go at present. :D

Hope to see a few new faces on Saturday and that you will have a great night. :)

Confirmed So far we have.

Bigtoe3, + 1



Derek C

Perter C,

Kenny C,

Gavin C,

Gary C,


PS CAN Mods please put this post in the Bangkok Forum please- I think I've made a mistake somewhere - sorry :D


You'll be lucky to find any haggis left to shoot tomorrow bigtoe. Unfortunately I'm flying back to the UK on Friday. Will be in the Crossbar on Thursday for a pissup instead.

Hope you have a great night! :)


Thanks for adding my name, BigT.

Now you've written it down I understand what you were talking about the other day. Sometimes those Scottish accents are difficult for men who live south of the border and wear trousers instead of skirts.

A couple of questions:

1) Wasn't "THE Bard" from Stratford upon Avon in England. Or do you mean Robert?

2) Why is every famous Scotsman apart from Mel Gibson (Braveheart) called Robert?

3) Is it a good idea to list everybody's names and initials with so many "C's".

4) Will the ENGLISH Premier League football be on later. Especially Liverpool v Bolton

Anyway look forward to it.

Excellent idea :)

Thanks for adding my name, BigT.

Now you've written it down I understand what you were talking about the other day. Sometimes those Scottish accents are difficult for men who live south of the border and wear trousers instead of skirts.

A couple of questions:

1) Wasn't "THE Bard" from Stratford upon Avon in England. Or do you mean Robert?

2) Why is every famous Scotsman apart from Mel Gibson (Braveheart) called Robert?

3) Is it a good idea to list everybody's names and initials with so many "C's".

4) Will the ENGLISH Premier League football be on later. Especially Liverpool v Bolton

Anyway look forward to it.

Excellent idea :D

I am pleased to say that the REAL Scottish Bard was Rabbie or as you say in Posh English Robert.

Yes we did have more than a few famous sons of Scotland call Robert usually because they were figthing the English :D

Yes we will be waching the "English" football but with so many other nationalities playing I really don't see why its still called "English" :) oh I forgot Arsenal do have one English player :D

See you Sat.


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