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The Hunt For Female Viagra


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Perhaps some (insider) explanation about what Viagra is and how it work seems to be helpful.

First, Viagra (or Cialis or Levitra ) are not sexual stimulants (aphrodisiacs). A man who does not feel attracted or stimulated by a girl can take as many Viagra as he (or his heart) can take, he will not get excited (i.e. hard). Many women who's bf takes Viagra, might feel sad, believing that he does not find her attractive anymore. Well, cheer up! Taking Viagra has nothing to do with getting aroused or not. Viagra helps with a purely physiological thing, pumping blood into his organ, thus enabling intercourse. There may be many reasons why the blood does not end up where it is expected to, such as alcohol, old age, or this ED thing (erectile dysfunction).

Second, there may be reasons even for a "normal" guy to take a Viagra. Experience shows that on many cases the erection just stays on, even after intercourse and a "go round" is easier for him this way. This is a good reason to try out and prolong you fun time.

The female organ most similar the the male's is the clitoris. While aroused, it swells and gets a lot of blood. Now it would be interesting to know (perhaps from a gynecologist) if more blood streaming there would enhance the feeling how this could be achieved.

I am just a user of Viagra I admit, but certainly not a medical doctor or scientist.

I hope my clarity of language makes up for the lack of politeness.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Pueraria Mirifica. You can buy it in many stores here. It's reported to be for breast enlargement. But actually has many other properties, including libido. Here's an extract from recent research ...

'Source: Medicinal Plant Research Institute, Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand; July 2000Pueraria Mirifica has a strong positive benefit in nearly all women that far exceeds any placebo effect. In Phase I and Phase II trials, they used all the climacteric (change of life) parameters, including hot flashes, night sweats, depression, loss of sex drive and 14 more symptoms. In every case, every woman saw immediate positive results, and after six months (the length of the trial), every woman’s score was well below the subjective level for climacteric symptoms, in all areas.

Before clinical studies of the standardized Pueraria Mirifica extract were conducted, various toxicological studies were performed. Subchronic toxicity studies were carried out by the Medicinal Herb Research Institute, Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health. A 2001 study, “Efficacy and Safety of Pueraria mirifica for the treatment of vasomotor symptoms in perimenopausal women by Drs. V. Chandeying, S. Lamlertkittikul and A. Schauss. The other researchers beside Dr. Schauss were on the Faculty of Medicine of Prince of Songkla University and the study was conducted at the Hat Yai Center Hospital in Thailand. The clinical trial involved 37 women who took either 50 mg or 100 mg of PM over six months and found that perimenopausal women treated with PM all had significant improvement in modified Greene climacteric scale and its parameters.In this study, the climacteric indicators improved (declined) as follows: hot flashes, from 2.5 to 0.5; night sweats, from 1.7 to 0.6; headaches, from 2.4 to 0.8; and mood instability, from 2.3 to 0.9. Sixteen other climacteric indicators also improved accordingly. In an earlier Phase 1 safety study, conducted by this research group in 2000 and involving ten women, it was found that, when taking 50 mg/day and 100 mg/day of PM, none of the women suffered estrogenic side effects including dysfunctional uterine bleeding, irregular menstruation or breast tenderness. The study concluded that the blood biochemistry tests established the safety of the PM. Of course, this is only a small phase-one study, and in a larger population you always expect individual differences in tolerances of anything, as well as optimal dosage, which is largely dependent on body weight. In other words, individual results may vary and any herb should be discontinued if adverse effects are noted. In this Phase 1 study, all of the climacteric indicators declined from moderately severe (43.8) to mild (10.9). The hot flashes decreased by 11-fold, and the night sweats declined by more than four-fold, with the most significant drop occurring during the first 30 days.

Smith Naturals, in the USA, did Ames mutagenicity studies, acute, sub-chronic and chronic toxicity testing. And, when Bio-Botanica reviewed them, they further did a GLP (a lab with Good Laboratory Practices certification) toxicity test as well as a GLP Ames test to further support the testing done in Thailand. Every test returned the same result of no toxicity at normal human dosage levels and even up to more 2,000 times that dosage. Back in the 50’s, Dr. Pope conjectured from chemical models that miroestrol might enter the adverse effect range above one gram of miroestrol / dose, but that’s still more than 50 times the human dose, and no one has ever confirmed any adverse effects as Pope conjectured from chemical structural models. The standardized PM extract contains 20 mg miroestrol / 100 g. That equates to 0.2 mg / g, and since about 100 mg of PM is used per dose, the end result is 0.02 mg miroestrol / 100 mgs PM. Since Dr. Pope speculated that one gram of miroestrol could be the start of the adverse effects range, there would need to be 50 doses / day to achieve this level.

Women should not take PM before the age of 18. If a menstruating woman takes PM, the recommendation is not to take it during the week of her period. Thai traditional medicine recommends younger women taking one week off. There is no need for pregnant women to take PM as they are not menopausal.

Pueraria Mirifica has been shown. in tests, to be safer than standard Oestrogen replacement drugs, which are often synthesised from the urine taken from pregnant mares (conjugated equine oestrogens; CEE)

While both standard HRT drugs and Pueraria Mirifica alleviate symptoms associated with menopause, PM won’t harm you. If anything, it may cause you to live longer and in better health. PM also contains substantial quantities of other phytoestrogens, including daidzein, genistein, puerarin, and mirificin. But most importantly, and uniquely, PM contains miroestrol.

The recent phenomenon of women taking Pueraria Mirifica for breast enhancement was taken from the true story about PM enlarging breasts by a full cup size in Japan. More than a decade ago, Japanese cosmetic companies flocked to Thailand to purchase “PM” to mix in creams and to be taken orally. After some time, they sought lower and lower prices. The end result was that the wildcrafters simply mixed in less expensive species. Some Thai wildcrafters are eighth generation. They know the market value of real PM. The original breast enhancement study was done in Tokyo by Japanese Prof. Kuramoshi and Thai Assoc. Prof. Yuthana Smitasiri. They showed that 72% of women taking PM exhibited significant increases in breast size. Younger women had a markedly higher rate of success than older women, who lowered the overall success rate. Some years ago, a company in California launched ISIS, a system using real PM. They guaranteed success or your money back and had 96% satisfied customers, not asking for their money back.

Recent studies show many more significant benefits from PM. One health benefit is that in the regions where PM grows, they have the lowest breast cancer rate in the world. Their breast cancer incidence is even 40% lower than Japan, where they consume the highest level of phytoestrogens in their daily diet. It’s less than 10% of the United States rate. In addition, cell culture studies show that PM is anti-cancer to estrogen-sensitive breast cancer cells. It’s even beneficial for men.'


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  • 3 weeks later...

Im a man and I think I have the perfect libidinous gifts ANY man can give his special girl......

1.) NEVER, and I mean, NEVER call her "my old lady."

2.) Get your own dam_n beer out of the fridge, your legs arent broken

3.) Cook once in a while you neanderthal

4.) No public, or pubic scratching, for that matter, which brings me to my next point...

5.) Shower EVERY day, sometimes more than once if its hot. Otherwise youll start to smell like a flower of Rafflesia.

6.) Footrubs are better than sex, (yes I said that) so give them once in a while

7.) At least act you like her inlaws, it helps.

The list goes on ad nauseum infinitum.....

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Patsy popped one once. :)

A few years ago i was out with some friends and one of the guys had some viagra. And they were all joking about it and all that. So I took one.

All I got all evening was - well pats are you getting horny!!! No.

Did nothing to me.

But then my hymen is attached to my nose.... Perhaps i should have sniffed it!!!

Female viagra - why should we have to pretend. What does it do? If i am in the mood, I am in the mood, basta. There are gels and massage oils around which (i have heard) thtimulate all the thenses.

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Wait till you hear my smilysexysummersong which i post every year. The others just LOVE it!! (Don't worry girls, it's gonna be explosive this year!!)

I have been looking around the u toob for the purrfect one!!! Eek et al are sitting on the edges of their seats waiting for this yearly flubbocks....

I think the last one they liked was the male belly dancer. But they just let me go on with it because i am a bit odd.

But anyway, welcome

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  • 2 weeks later...

I regret the impression that my last comment made--under no circumstances was I advocating the unwitting drugging of a potential sexual partner. I see how that misconception arose, however. I expressed myself poorly.

I have one other observation to make: the ultimate female aphrodisiacs remain money and power.

And thank God for that!


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the ultimate female aphrodisiacs remain money and power.

So true.

And, in this part of the world, we can add to that, white skin.

-- Oneman


..and thats why you have women who will drool over the gardener and other guys who have little in the way of obvious status or wealth...

Tbh guys, i dont mean to sound nitpicky, but it is kinda getting tiring on this forum to read men declaring how women think and feel about things. :)

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It's not a demand side problem, it's a
side problem Specifically, the quality of the supply ... unless/until
improves, why would women want to increase their libidos?!

A big thank you to "Sheryl" for two reasons:

1) For reminding us of the joys and pleasures of living in Thailand. Here we have an endless supply of Thai women all around. They are (mostly) petite, slender, pretty, polite, clever, know how to please a man ... AND they seem delighted with the "quality of the supply" (of farang men here). On the other hand, any men who are still back there in the "homelands", have to endure the "Sheryl" attitude every day, in every way. Thailand is the perfect escape for men, escape from women with the attitude quoted above. Ahhh, life is good here.

2) For encouraging me to mention a little-known, but very useful function here on Thai Visa: the ability to ignore all messages from any poster you wish. The Ignore User function is quick and easy to use. You can find step-by-step instructions on my member profile page. Of course, the "ignore user" function words on my user ID, too. I encourage anyone who might feel the least, little bit offended by my approach, to use it. After all, Thai Visa is a free market of ideas.

-- Oneman



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I have to disagree with you, oneman. At least in regards to the OP's topic... search for something that aids women in getting physically aroused.

Money and power have very little to do with that. Money and power DOES attract women, no doubt, but not necessarily sexually. I've been with MANY women who had only minor interest in sex... or at least with me. I've also had many women the complete opposite. I am currently with two Thai women who enjoy it (at least with me) frequently, but I've certainly have met a lot who only ACTED like they were interested. When a man is young and horny all the time he doesn't really care too much what partner he is with. As you get older you want quality and not quantity. I'm sure it is the same with women as well. Biologically, we all slow down as we age. And, with some it happens sooner than with others. I know many men who don't seem interested in sex at all... at least not with their wives. I'd believe that is true with women as well.

Presently, I don't need Viagra because the two women I'm involved with are more than stimulating enough. When they get excited then I get excited. However, if I was married, I'm quite sure I wouldn't be this active. It certainly SEEMS to be a mental thing that triggers our interest in sex. At least it is when you get older. I know there are some physiological causes to increase the blood flow, but if a person is not aroused by one's partner, then all the drugs in the world are not going to change things.

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Oneman, I'm sure you are very attractive to a certain kind of thai women & good luck to you but of you think that gives you carte blanche to be rude in the ladies forum then think again. I suggest you take your chip elsewhere if you wish to continue being able to contribute to the ladies forum then have a read of the rules at the top of the page & bide by them.

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Oneman, I'm sure you are very attractive to a certain kind of thai women & good luck to you but of you think that gives you carte blanche to be rude in the ladies forum then think again. I suggest you take your chip elsewhere if you wish to continue being able to contribute to the ladies forum then have a read of the rules at the top of the page & bide by them.

Thank you, Boo, for sharing your feelings here.

Any man on Thai Visa could use Boo's comments as a response to Sheryl's post above, with equal validity.

He might post something like, "Sheryl, I'm sure you are very attractive to a certain kind of man & good luck to you but if you think that gives you carte blance to be rude to the large numbers of men on the Thai Visa forum then have a read of the rules at the top of the page & abide by them."

But, in my opinion, that would be rude, so I enter it only as an hypothetical example, not as an actual rebuke.

One of the main reasons I love being a white man living in Thailand is there is really no need for female Viagra here.

Perhaps, as a "recreational drug" it's interesting to Thai women -- but I doubt it.

The Thai women I've known seem to have no need whatsoever.

My thanks to the original poster (a man, I'm sure) for opening the topic of Viagra for women.

I've learned quite a bit from this topic -- including quite a bit about Western women, as well.

-- Oneman


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Money and power have very little to do with that. Money and power DOES attract women, no doubt, but not necessarily sexually.

IanForbes -

I appreciate your polite debate on this topic.

However, all my observations indicate that the most potent "Viagra" for women -- and I do mean sexually -- is ample money or power.

Just ask former US President Bill Clinton.

Of course, there are always exceptions -- and I, personally, am encouraged that a man of your age is one of them.

Encouraged, because I am in the same age range.

Back in my "homeland", all the Viagra in the world wouldn't attract many women.

But the power of my position (it was just small power, really), and a little display of my money, attracted more female attention than I wanted or needed.

Moreover, money and power are natural products -- we don't need a doctor's prescription.

For men like Ian Forbes, who don't even need any of that, you have my respect and admiration.

I'd love to know how you do it.

Being handsome is probably a big part of your success.

I'm not handsome, and can't change that, so, I play the game with money and, in Thailand, with my white skin, instead of Viagra.

It's so easy here, eh?

Oh, and for those who think I'm talking about prostitutes when I say, "money", that's not it at all.

An attractive, somewhat expensive condo is plenty "potent" Viagra among Thai ladies.

So is a somewhat expensive car.

And certainly, a long weekend for two at a very nice hotel in Singapore qualifies as "money".

While Thai ladies don't appreciate the food in the fine restaurants that I enjoy, when they see the prices on the menus it is as effective as Viagra.

Alas, condos, cars, travel, and fine dining are not cheap.

Viagra is far more "cost effective". :)

So maybe there is something to be learned from the "hunt for female Viagra".

What do you think?

-- Oneman



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And where exactly did sherly be "rude to the large numbers of men on the Thai Visa forum " No where in that quote did she mention men or men on thaivisa. ? Like I said, I am sure you are attractive to a certain type of thai women & good luck to you but unless you can keep your issues off the forum then it is best to stay away. This is not up for discussion. If you have a problem with this moderator request to abide by the rules then take it to support (at) thaivisa.om but keep it away from here.

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Well oneman, you must have left your home country as indeed a " oneman". It all sounds very lonely and deprived and more or less even angry. Now you let yourself being taken for a ride just because of money, sounds like a very gratifying lifestyle.

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I think women need & enjoy sex as much as men (providing there is no religious induced guilt or physical;. psychological/emotional issues) but for most (all?) women, sex starts in the head. For us it is so much more than a physical release. The best sex a woman can have is with a man she is mentally aroused by & sorry to burst bubbles but money & power is such a cliche & one that younger woman will rarely care about (with obvious exceptions :D )

I have found that men who attract women impressed by such things as a semi decent car/apartment a bit of flash cash/ jewelery are usually looking for such women so as to be impressive. If you can pull a woman with little more than a gift of charm & manners then that, imo & ime, that is a real achievement & will work just as well as any proposed pills :)

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funny that 'Oneman' took offense at Sheryl's short post which is obviously a joke/taunt/tease.

I felt much more uneasy with the OP's formulations which to me seem to be full of paranoid feminism.

"the pharmaceutical firms make us women feel inadequate"

wow, this even beats the classic "darling, do these jeans make my ass look fat ?"

For the record, many women (no, I didn't write 'all' or left out the quantifier to suggest generality, and I didn't even write 'western women' though I was tempted) - so, many women make men feel inadequate ALL THE TIME.

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I find it interesting how many men feel the need to come into the ladies forum in an effort to justify their own feelings of anger, inadequacy or whatever their issues may be. Do you honestly think women are unaware that some women make men feel inadequate? And just curious, if I had posted the same thing yet the other way around, what the reaction would be?

It seems that many of the men on this forum feel the need to blame whatever their problems may be on half the western world rather than look in the mirror and figure out that perhaps their problems are the result of their repeated bad choices.

As for the OP- yes camerata is a man, and given that he is actually a very nice man, I doubt he had any ulterior motive other than to post what he thought was a rather interesting (and IMO) bizarre news article for women to read and find interesting.

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funny that 'Oneman' took offense at Sheryl's short post which is obviously a joke/taunt/tease.

I felt much more uneasy with the OP's formulations which to me seem to be full of paranoid feminism.

"the pharmaceutical firms make us women feel inadequate"

wow, this even beats the classic "darling, do these jeans make my ass look fat ?"

For the record, many women (no, I didn't write 'all' or left out the quantifier to suggest generality, and I didn't even write 'western women' though I was tempted) - so, many women make men feel inadequate ALL THE TIME.

Truth hurts. Drinking might help ignore it. If men feel inadequate, that is either:

- because he is inadequate: Man's problem, his to address

-or because he has low self-esteem: man's problem, his to address.

Sorry - a little bit of an off-topic digression.

Trying to get back on to it (so to speak) I'm not sure how viagra would help in my case; I know gentlemen are supposed to stand up for ladies on the bus, but that's taking it a bit far...

I would guess that lubricants are the female equivalent of viagra, insofar as they help the mechanical activities when the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak; it seems that the pharmaceutical companies mentioned in the OP are trying to address a slightly different issue.


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Truth hurts. Drinking might help ignore it. If men feel inadequate, that is either:

- because he is inadequate: Man's problem, his to address

-or because he has low self-esteem: man's problem, his to address.

LOL, then you agree women's feelings of inadequatedness have nothing to do with the pharmaceutical firms?

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Truth hurts. Drinking might help ignore it. If men feel inadequate, that is either:

- because he is inadequate: Man's problem, his to address

-or because he has low self-esteem: man's problem, his to address.

LOL, then you agree women's feelings of inadequatedness have nothing to do with the pharmaceutical firms?

I don't feel qualified to comment on ladies' feelings of inadequacy, never having felt them.

I could comment on the ability of the advertising industry to make us want things that are of no use to us


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