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Netherlands Is Searching For 32 Missing People From Laos


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Netherlands is searching for 32 missing people from Laos who were given refugee status in the Netherlands. They stayed in a refugeecamp in Thailand and from there they would go to the Netherlands, a spokesman of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained.

In December however Thailand decided they would have to go the Netherlands via Laos, and Thailand sended them back to Laos. "Since they were not collected by the government they probably went to their original hometown." The spokesman said. Netherlands however does not fear for the lives of the refugees.

The 32 are part of a group of around 150 refugees, which would go to Western countries, including the United States. Together with this countries Netherlands now is trying through the governments of Thailand and Laos to identify where the refugees are located.

The refugees are part the Hmong population, according to the spokesman. In Laos the Hmong would be not save because during the war in Vietnam they cooperated with U.S. intelligence agency CIA against the Communists.

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Where are they? -

a quote from the movie Outlaw Jose Wales:

Fletcher: dam_n you, Senator. You promised me those men would be decently treated.

Senator Lane: They were decently treated. They were decently fed and then they were decently shot.

Seriously, I hope they find them OK. One would certainly question such a procedure, sending them back to Laos, if the Netherlands agreed to take them as refugees already.

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