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Safe For Us Woman To Travel Alone In Thailand?


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What an odd question. Are you afraid of political violence against you as an American? not likely no. Are you afraid of being assaulted? Well that can happen as it can anywhere so use caution like you would at home.

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I would not travel Thailand alone if I was a woman. I hear to many horror stories to let this post pass by with out a warning. Now I also wouldn’t travel alone in many other countries. If you do be safe drunk tourist are often targets male or female.

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I am a woman. I travel Thailand alone fairly regularly. Yes I speak Thai but I have also been in the tourist industry for a very long time and am well aware that most women are fine. do not engage in risky behavior and most likely you will be fine. risky ie, do not befriend men you do not know and go with them alone, thai or foreign. do not get so drunk you don't know what you are doing. do not wander around in the middle of the night. etc etc. most women with a modicum of common sense already know these rules but seem to let them go out the door when on holdiay.

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Ive been going about places mostly on my own for 3 years in Asia. I went to Cambodia on my own, to Laos many times on my own, and Malaysia. I regularly go on my own around Chiang Mai, i have also been up to Mae Sai to do a border crossing at Burma on my own. Ive never had any problems. But, at the same time, i am careful. Just as I would be careful in my own country when it comes to going about places on my own, i am careful here too. ie: Just as I would avoid walking home on my own late at night in the UK, well same here.

There is a pinned thread in the Ladies forum that is worth taking a look at to give you some tips too.

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I live in Pattaya and am quite regularly out on my own. Use common sense as sbk says, you wouldn't walk down a dark alley at home why would you do it here? I have travelled around Thailand on my own as well as Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Laos. BTW my Thai is cr@p!

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The only thing is that US woman are used to speak/talk in a very load voice

Thai people in general but north specially dont like that (nor does the rest of the world)

But for the rest ...

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Pieter :)

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I would not travel Thailand alone if I was a woman. I hear to many horror stories to let this post pass by with out a warning. Now I also wouldn’t travel alone in many other countries. If you do be safe drunk tourist are often targets male or female.

What a strange post. There is not a country in the world that can give a 100% guarantee of safety. Its a bit like flying yes planes crash but look at the odds. If your mindset is that you might be part of a "Horror Story" best stay home and lock the dors.

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I agree with the 3rd or 4 th answer,I believe it was wek,or something like that.Be careful at night,like anywhere on the planet.don't talk to men.Don't get drunk.Just watch yourself.Buy an equalizer you'll feel better,and don't be afraid to use it.

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A weird question deserves a weird answer. Socio-political unrests are not your concern.

Personal safety depends on you... Are you young?, attractive?, adventurous?, drinker?, bar goer?, loud mouth?, flirty?, daylight bird or a night owl?... Use your own judgement...

Which part of US are you from? Have you been there really safe?...

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What an odd question. Are you afraid of political violence against you as an American? not likely no. Are you afraid of being assaulted? Well that can happen as it can anywhere so use caution like you would at home.

That is not an "odd question." Especially if the poster lives abroad.

The perception of violence and unrest in Thailand that people living outside of Thailand get from news reports is perhaps worse than you think.

The question is valid and deserves an answer from women living here, not men.

Why? Because most of us (i.e., men) never feel unsafe here.

Maybe women living here have a different perspective.

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^^ Sbk, Eek, Aussiechick & now myself are all women all living & regularly traveling around Thailand. To echo the other ladies, just keep your wits about you, be a polite & concientious traveller & learn a small amount of polite thai, hello, how much, thank you etc & you will be fine.

That said, I rocked up to Thailand aged 22 & was drunk often, had thai & western bf's, was a crazy wild girl & still apart from one quite annoying stalker who I dealt with in my usual blunt way never had a problem. I was lucky though in that I met in my first week & am still friends with, a group of thai & farang of the same age & lifestyle so we were all protected by the pack. But with hindsight appriciate how lucky I (we) were so advise caution & a bit of sense.

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Here are some great tips for personal safety in Thailand:

Overall, Thailand is a safe nation in which to travel. Physical attacks and other crimes against individuals are far less likely than in many other developed nations. Just as you need to be aware of your surroundings and personal safety when out and about in your home country, you need to keep your wits about you in Thailand as well. The following represents good advice in regard to many aspects of personal safety and security to be considered during your time in the Kingdom. Be mindful of this advice and it may help reduce an already low probability of encountering any trouble.

When considering your personal safety common sense precautions still reign supreme - just like anywhere else.

Specific concerns:

Accommodation: When you first check-in to your room, do a quick security and safety inspection. Does the peep hole work? Is the bolt lock or safety chain working? Do you know where and how far away the emergency exit(s) are? Is there a smoke alarm? Do any windows that open to the outside have a functional locking mechanism?

Do not leave valuables in your room. It is not good enough simply to lock (or hide) valuable items and money in your suitcase. Passports, cash, cameras, and so on should always be kept secured either in the room safe provided, or in the main hotel safety box usually available at hotel reception. Even during a short absence from the room for breakfast lock up or carry anything you can't afford to lose. Keep your door locked at all times and make use of the spy-hole and safety door chain before opening the door to anyone.

Most hotels offer business cards written in both Thai and English. Keep one with you in the event that you can't clearly communicate your destination to a taxi driver. If your hotel only has cards in English, ask a staff member to write the name, address and phone numbers in the Thai language on a card for you.

Beaches and Swimming: It is not advisable to frequent deserted beach areas. You should never put yourself in a position where you can't be seen or heard by others should an emergency arise or you need assistance. nud_e and topless bathing are frowned upon in Thailand, and showing a lack of modesty could unfortunately be misinterpreted by others as a statement of your own level of morality and intentions - be aware of your dress. When you are in more remote or very quiet areas, you should consider your options for seeking assistance should an unlikely event like a robbery or assault occur or you become injured.

Most Thai beaches do not have lifeguard protection. Be aware of posted signs indicating no swimming areas, areas of rip current, areas of undertow and where swimming is otherwise dangerous. Of course, you should never swim alone.

Late night walks on poorly or dimly lit and isolated beaches are also not a good idea. In the busier areas you may encounter other nuisances such as drunks, prostitutes, thieves, muggers etc.

Sunscreen: Never underestimate the power of the Thai sun. Summer or winter overexposure will burn you badly and do irreparable damage to your skin. Between the hours of 10am and 3pm UV rays (the ultraviolet rays that give skin damage or worse) are at their strongest.

Wear a hat, wear wrap type sunglasses with EPF10 (eye protection factor), wear a strong SPF factor water-resistant sunscreen. Reduce your exposure to the sun to short bursts. Permanent skin damage starts to occur after 15 minutes. The tropical sun is not to be trifled with, do not underestimate it.

Drink Water: Keep yourself hydrated at all times, safe bottled drinking water is available everywhere, it's cold and it's cheap. Carry a bottle of water with you at all times, don't underestimate the risks of dehydration.

Taxis: Bangkok meter taxis are a very safe mode of transport and operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Presenting yourself with an air of confidence, knowing that the meter must start at THB35 and be prepared to get out and take another taxi if not. Do not engage the driver in unnecessary conversation. If needed, repeat your destination confidently, clearly, slowly, and politely. Do not take taxis parked by hotels or tourist attractions, there are so many that it is far better to flag down a passing taxi.

*Note for women: Nearly all taxi drivers are men. If you feel more comfortable with a female driver you may wish to call and arrange with Julie's Taxi Service. Julie's has a selection of drivers including female drivers that can be arranged for you in advance.

Women who like to dress-up in an overtly-sexual manner for those big nights out, should be aware that unfortunately this may be misinterpreted by some as a statement of your own level of morality and intentions. In the circumstance where you need to catch a taxi home late at night by yourself, the following advice was offered on the Thai forum by a female member:

"Don't wear anything too sexy, Thai men do like to stare at us foreigners, and so just wear modest clothing. I always carry a button shirt to throw on if I'm going to be catching a cab. Don't talk to them if you can help it, just be sharp and direct with your words, dont UMm and Ahh with them. If you know where you want to go just tell them clearly and loudly, then sit back and if they ask any questions pretend you don't understand."

Tuk Tuk: It's part of the Thai experience to try a tuk tuk at least once, however as a general rule, it's best to avoid them as a primary means of transportation. If you must use a tuk tuk, unlike a taxi, you have to negotiate the fare to your destination first, and don't pay until your safe arrival. Do not let them take you to tailors, gem stores, or anywhere else that you didn't ask to go. Do not let them talk you into sightseeing, and other special sites.

Eating out: To avoid a surprise bill, avoid any restaurant or bar that doesn't clearly display or otherwise quote their prices. It is perfectly ok to ask a street vendor or other merchant, prices before ordering. Once you've consumed it, you've bought it - so be aware of the prices beforehand.

Day/Back Packs - Handbags - Shoulder Bags: There have been incidents of bag snatchers on motorbikes. Keep your bag clutched tightly and securely to your side when walking. In crowded conditions, consider wearing your day-pack in front of you instead of on your back. Be aware of persons who may innocently bump into you as a means to distract you.

Carrying Cash: Pickpockets are not common but they do exist. Take the usual precautions with wallets, purses, and day packs. Do not flash your cash, be discreet when opening your wallet/purse to pay for something. You can learn a lot by watching Thai people, they are often very discreet when reaching for their cash, almost to the point of being secretive. Splitting up your money can be a good idea. Carry a small amount of instant access cash in your preferred receptacle, and carry the balance (along with your credit cards), in a more secure place (money belt, hidden pocket, in your shoes, etc).

Jewellery: Best advice? Do not bring it, if possible. However, if you must wear expensive jewellery, do so discreetly. When riding motorbikes or in the back of songtaews, keep your necklace tucked well inside your clothing, or better yet, leave it in your hotel room safe. Thieves are very adept at snatching these items from your neck, and while in motion. This is not uncommon, in busy areas, it is indiscriminate - Thai people are just as likely to be the victims of this type of theft.

ATMs: When practical try to use ATMs that are inside a bank or inside a secured building. If you must use one in a shopping mall or street make sure you cover the keypad (with your other hand) as your enter your PIN and do not walk away counting your cash.

Credit Card Fraud: Fraud exists in Thailand, as in any other country. If you must pay by credit card, never let your card out of your sight. Watch as it's used, and double check the purchase amount and currency, before signing or entering your pin number. Once you sign the receipt, in most cases you are accepting and agree to pay that amount.

Clubs, Pubs and Parties: Most importantly never leave your drink unattended, never accept a drink from a stranger or recent acquaintance. Drink Spiking - the act of covertly adding chemicals or drugs to your drink - is not unheard of and the consequences speak for themselves. Similarly don't leave your cash and valuables unattended. Be aware of your alcohol consumption, try not to overindulge and not be able to safely make your way home. It's possible that someone may be watching and assessing how easy a target you'd make.

Party Drugs: Do not accept drugs in any shape or form, at any time or for any reason. Apart from never really knowing what substance you are actually ingesting, you should seriously consider the possibility that any offers of drugs may in fact be a undercover Police operation. Punishments for the possession, distribution or use of even small quantities of illegal substances are extremely severe.

Possession also includes being under the influence of drugs. Police have the power to order urinalysis (urine analysis) drug screening, the results of which can be used as evidence against you in any future criminal prosecution and form the basis for your arrest for possession. It is not unknown for the Royal Thai Police to conduct enforcement raids on bars and clubs where party drugs are suspected, and order mass searches and screenings of all patrons - both Thai and foreigners alike - without exception.

There are reports of corrupt Police officers using tourists caught with drugs - in any amount - as a means to extort large sums of money in exchange for releasing them without arrest or criminal charge.

New Friends: While Thailand is the Land of Smiles, you really should be cautious of any stranger who approaches you, irrespective of their nationality. Encounters such as these can potentially lead to you becoming the victim of a scam or con artist. Do not simply trust a stranger based solely on the fact that they're from your home country. Con artists of all nationalities are out there scheming and cheating their way through life. Thai people can be very helpful and accommodating when asked, however it is not a normal Thai custom to approach strangers and offer unsolicited advice or assistance.

Games and Wagering: Do not get involved in card games, gambling, cockfights, pool-table games for money etc. Even though widely practised by law, with the exception of the national Thai State Lottery and the occasional Horse Racing event, gambling in any form is illegal.

Touts: Do not let a tout or stranger lead you away from, or to, a location other than your intended one. Claims of "not open to foreigners", "closed today for ... ", "special deal" etc is your clue to ignore them. Do not buy gemstones unless you are qualified to know their value, and can judge good quality from poor.

Tickets and such: At bus stations and train stations, always ignore touts and go directly to the Official ticket seller's window. In many cases, tickets for Muay Thai boxing and movies sold thru unofficial channels are invalid and/or forgeries. Airline tickets are never transferable from one person to another and must be purchased either directly from the airline or an authorised agent.

Where Are You?: Always be aware of your surroundings, and be mindful of how you would describe your exact location in an emergency situation. Make a note of the Thai Tourist Police generic phone number which is 1155 and add it to your cell phone speed dial list. The Thai Tourist Police is a special arm of the National Royal Thai Police and specifically trained to deal with common situations involving a non-resident tourist. Many speak basic and passable English.

If you are confronted with any situation where trustworthy assistance is not close at hand, dial the number!

Moving Around at Night: Obviously avoiding dimly lit and seemingly uninhabited areas is good personal safety practise. Stay in well lit areas, where there are lots of people. Any place that gives you an initial, serious feeling of unease is best avoided.

Embassy and Consular Assistance: It is a good idea to familiarise yourself with the emergency contact details of your home country's Embassy or Diplomatic representation in Bangkok. This link lists most Consulates & Embassies in Bangkok. Note the emergency contact details for urgent after hours Consular assistance. Some examples of where that emergency call goes, are;

AUSTRALIA: Call the Embassy on 02 344 6300 and select option 1 to be transferred to the 24 hour Consular Emergency Centre in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Canberra, Australia.

UNITED KINGDOM: In the event of a consular emergency involving a life or death situation, call the switchboard number 02 305 8333.

UNITED STATES: You may contact the Embassy switchboard 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 02 205 4000. Ask to speak to the Duty Officer who can and will assist with all after hours emergencies. This includes, but is not limited to, emergency hospitalisation, loss of passport, arrest or serious injury.

Register yourself: Many Country's Foreign Affairs Departments offer online registration of your overseas trip. Take a few moments to register your travel plans, so that your whereabouts and contact information are known in case of natural disasters, accidents, etc. This also allows your next of kin to be contacted in a timely manner, should the need arise. This is a free and voluntary service and only serves to help you should an emergency arise while in the country.

Carrying Your Passport: It is required by Thai law that Thai citizens AND all visitors MUST carry proper identification at all times. This must be presented upon demand by a Police Officer or other legitimate Government Official.

Note that is not always safe, practical or appropriate to carry your physical passport on you at all times. Passports are a very valuable commodity that can be the target of theft and are very expensive to replace while overseas. Consider keeping your passport locked in your room safe or the primary hotel safe at the reception desk while at each destination.

Do make several photocopies of your passports photo/details page, as well as the stamped arrivals card that is stapled in your passport that you received when entering Thailand. Carry these copies with you in your day-pack. These will assist in establishing your identity and immigration status when you don't have your physical passport on you.

Also consider making a colour scanned copy and having it laminated. If you produce that to an Official when required to, in many cases this will satisfy the identification requirement, or at least suffice until your actual passport can be collected from your accommodation for verification.

It is never recommended that you surrender your passport when hiring a vehicle or similar situation. If a service provider such as a motor scooter rental business is unwilling to accept a photocopy of your passport, move on and try someone else. Every hotel will photocopy your passport at check-in and make a note of your visa (or visa exemption) details. Remember that your single most important document that you have while overseas is your passport - guard it well.

If you plan on applying for a visa while in Bangkok, for other countries in the region such as Vietnam, you will be required to temporarily surrender your passport for a day or two while your visa is in process. You should only surrender your passport directly to the Embassy staff or through a reputable agent, if not in Bangkok. Either way, you should request a receipt for your passport and note its details.

Thailand is a fun place with lots to see and experience and for the most part tourists come and have a wonderful time. Do remember that trouble doesn't take a vacation and that you do need to be actively aware of your surroundings and situations - just like you'd do in any other city or even at home.

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Here are some great tips for personal safety in Thailand:

Overall, Thailand is a safe nation in which to travel. Physical attacks and other crimes against individuals are far less likely than in many other developed nations. Just as you need to be aware of your surroundings and personal safety when out and about in your home country, you need to keep your wits about you in Thailand as well. The following represents good advice in regard to many aspects of personal safety and security to be considered during your time in the Kingdom. Be mindful of this advice and it may help reduce an already low probability of encountering any trouble.

When considering your personal safety common sense precautions still reign supreme - just like anywhere else.

Specific concerns:

Accommodation: When you first check-in to your room, do a quick security and safety inspection. Does the peep hole work? Is the bolt lock or safety chain working? Do you know where and how far away the emergency exit(s) are? Is there a smoke alarm? Do any windows that open to the outside have a functional locking mechanism?

Do not leave valuables in your room. It is not good enough simply to lock (or hide) valuable items and money in your suitcase. Passports, cash, cameras, and so on should always be kept secured either in the room safe provided, or in the main hotel safety box usually available at hotel reception. Even during a short absence from the room for breakfast lock up or carry anything you can't afford to lose. Keep your door locked at all times and make use of the spy-hole and safety door chain before opening the door to anyone.

Most hotels offer business cards written in both Thai and English. Keep one with you in the event that you can't clearly communicate your destination to a taxi driver. If your hotel only has cards in English, ask a staff member to write the name, address and phone numbers in the Thai language on a card for you.

Beaches and Swimming: It is not advisable to frequent deserted beach areas. You should never put yourself in a position where you can't be seen or heard by others should an emergency arise or you need assistance. nud_e and topless bathing are frowned upon in Thailand, and showing a lack of modesty could unfortunately be misinterpreted by others as a statement of your own level of morality and intentions - be aware of your dress. When you are in more remote or very quiet areas, you should consider your options for seeking assistance should an unlikely event like a robbery or assault occur or you become injured.

Most Thai beaches do not have lifeguard protection. Be aware of posted signs indicating no swimming areas, areas of rip current, areas of undertow and where swimming is otherwise dangerous. Of course, you should never swim alone.

Late night walks on poorly or dimly lit and isolated beaches are also not a good idea. In the busier areas you may encounter other nuisances such as drunks, prostitutes, thieves, muggers etc.

Sunscreen: Never underestimate the power of the Thai sun. Summer or winter overexposure will burn you badly and do irreparable damage to your skin. Between the hours of 10am and 3pm UV rays (the ultraviolet rays that give skin damage or worse) are at their strongest.

Wear a hat, wear wrap type sunglasses with EPF10 (eye protection factor), wear a strong SPF factor water-resistant sunscreen. Reduce your exposure to the sun to short bursts. Permanent skin damage starts to occur after 15 minutes. The tropical sun is not to be trifled with, do not underestimate it.

Drink Water: Keep yourself hydrated at all times, safe bottled drinking water is available everywhere, it's cold and it's cheap. Carry a bottle of water with you at all times, don't underestimate the risks of dehydration.

Taxis: Bangkok meter taxis are a very safe mode of transport and operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Presenting yourself with an air of confidence, knowing that the meter must start at THB35 and be prepared to get out and take another taxi if not. Do not engage the driver in unnecessary conversation. If needed, repeat your destination confidently, clearly, slowly, and politely. Do not take taxis parked by hotels or tourist attractions, there are so many that it is far better to flag down a passing taxi.

*Note for women: Nearly all taxi drivers are men. If you feel more comfortable with a female driver you may wish to call and arrange with Julie's Taxi Service. Julie's has a selection of drivers including female drivers that can be arranged for you in advance.

Women who like to dress-up in an overtly-sexual manner for those big nights out, should be aware that unfortunately this may be misinterpreted by some as a statement of your own level of morality and intentions. In the circumstance where you need to catch a taxi home late at night by yourself, the following advice was offered on the Thai forum by a female member:

"Don't wear anything too sexy, Thai men do like to stare at us foreigners, and so just wear modest clothing. I always carry a button shirt to throw on if I'm going to be catching a cab. Don't talk to them if you can help it, just be sharp and direct with your words, dont UMm and Ahh with them. If you know where you want to go just tell them clearly and loudly, then sit back and if they ask any questions pretend you don't understand."

Tuk Tuk: It's part of the Thai experience to try a tuk tuk at least once, however as a general rule, it's best to avoid them as a primary means of transportation. If you must use a tuk tuk, unlike a taxi, you have to negotiate the fare to your destination first, and don't pay until your safe arrival. Do not let them take you to tailors, gem stores, or anywhere else that you didn't ask to go. Do not let them talk you into sightseeing, and other special sites.

Eating out: To avoid a surprise bill, avoid any restaurant or bar that doesn't clearly display or otherwise quote their prices. It is perfectly ok to ask a street vendor or other merchant, prices before ordering. Once you've consumed it, you've bought it - so be aware of the prices beforehand.

Day/Back Packs - Handbags - Shoulder Bags: There have been incidents of bag snatchers on motorbikes. Keep your bag clutched tightly and securely to your side when walking. In crowded conditions, consider wearing your day-pack in front of you instead of on your back. Be aware of persons who may innocently bump into you as a means to distract you.

Carrying Cash: Pickpockets are not common but they do exist. Take the usual precautions with wallets, purses, and day packs. Do not flash your cash, be discreet when opening your wallet/purse to pay for something. You can learn a lot by watching Thai people, they are often very discreet when reaching for their cash, almost to the point of being secretive. Splitting up your money can be a good idea. Carry a small amount of instant access cash in your preferred receptacle, and carry the balance (along with your credit cards), in a more secure place (money belt, hidden pocket, in your shoes, etc).

Jewellery: Best advice? Do not bring it, if possible. However, if you must wear expensive jewellery, do so discreetly. When riding motorbikes or in the back of songtaews, keep your necklace tucked well inside your clothing, or better yet, leave it in your hotel room safe. Thieves are very adept at snatching these items from your neck, and while in motion. This is not uncommon, in busy areas, it is indiscriminate - Thai people are just as likely to be the victims of this type of theft.

ATMs: When practical try to use ATMs that are inside a bank or inside a secured building. If you must use one in a shopping mall or street make sure you cover the keypad (with your other hand) as your enter your PIN and do not walk away counting your cash.

Credit Card Fraud: Fraud exists in Thailand, as in any other country. If you must pay by credit card, never let your card out of your sight. Watch as it's used, and double check the purchase amount and currency, before signing or entering your pin number. Once you sign the receipt, in most cases you are accepting and agree to pay that amount.

Clubs, Pubs and Parties: Most importantly never leave your drink unattended, never accept a drink from a stranger or recent acquaintance. Drink Spiking - the act of covertly adding chemicals or drugs to your drink - is not unheard of and the consequences speak for themselves. Similarly don't leave your cash and valuables unattended. Be aware of your alcohol consumption, try not to overindulge and not be able to safely make your way home. It's possible that someone may be watching and assessing how easy a target you'd make.

Party Drugs: Do not accept drugs in any shape or form, at any time or for any reason. Apart from never really knowing what substance you are actually ingesting, you should seriously consider the possibility that any offers of drugs may in fact be a undercover Police operation. Punishments for the possession, distribution or use of even small quantities of illegal substances are extremely severe.

Possession also includes being under the influence of drugs. Police have the power to order urinalysis (urine analysis) drug screening, the results of which can be used as evidence against you in any future criminal prosecution and form the basis for your arrest for possession. It is not unknown for the Royal Thai Police to conduct enforcement raids on bars and clubs where party drugs are suspected, and order mass searches and screenings of all patrons - both Thai and foreigners alike - without exception.

There are reports of corrupt Police officers using tourists caught with drugs - in any amount - as a means to extort large sums of money in exchange for releasing them without arrest or criminal charge.

New Friends: While Thailand is the Land of Smiles, you really should be cautious of any stranger who approaches you, irrespective of their nationality. Encounters such as these can potentially lead to you becoming the victim of a scam or con artist. Do not simply trust a stranger based solely on the fact that they're from your home country. Con artists of all nationalities are out there scheming and cheating their way through life. Thai people can be very helpful and accommodating when asked, however it is not a normal Thai custom to approach strangers and offer unsolicited advice or assistance.

Games and Wagering: Do not get involved in card games, gambling, cockfights, pool-table games for money etc. Even though widely practised by law, with the exception of the national Thai State Lottery and the occasional Horse Racing event, gambling in any form is illegal.

Touts: Do not let a tout or stranger lead you away from, or to, a location other than your intended one. Claims of "not open to foreigners", "closed today for ... ", "special deal" etc is your clue to ignore them. Do not buy gemstones unless you are qualified to know their value, and can judge good quality from poor.

Tickets and such: At bus stations and train stations, always ignore touts and go directly to the Official ticket seller's window. In many cases, tickets for Muay Thai boxing and movies sold thru unofficial channels are invalid and/or forgeries. Airline tickets are never transferable from one person to another and must be purchased either directly from the airline or an authorised agent.

Where Are You?: Always be aware of your surroundings, and be mindful of how you would describe your exact location in an emergency situation. Make a note of the Thai Tourist Police generic phone number which is 1155 and add it to your cell phone speed dial list. The Thai Tourist Police is a special arm of the National Royal Thai Police and specifically trained to deal with common situations involving a non-resident tourist. Many speak basic and passable English.

If you are confronted with any situation where trustworthy assistance is not close at hand, dial the number!

Moving Around at Night: Obviously avoiding dimly lit and seemingly uninhabited areas is good personal safety practise. Stay in well lit areas, where there are lots of people. Any place that gives you an initial, serious feeling of unease is best avoided.

Embassy and Consular Assistance: It is a good idea to familiarise yourself with the emergency contact details of your home country's Embassy or Diplomatic representation in Bangkok. This link lists most Consulates & Embassies in Bangkok. Note the emergency contact details for urgent after hours Consular assistance. Some examples of where that emergency call goes, are;

AUSTRALIA: Call the Embassy on 02 344 6300 and select option 1 to be transferred to the 24 hour Consular Emergency Centre in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Canberra, Australia.

UNITED KINGDOM: In the event of a consular emergency involving a life or death situation, call the switchboard number 02 305 8333.

UNITED STATES: You may contact the Embassy switchboard 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 02 205 4000. Ask to speak to the Duty Officer who can and will assist with all after hours emergencies. This includes, but is not limited to, emergency hospitalisation, loss of passport, arrest or serious injury.

Register yourself: Many Country's Foreign Affairs Departments offer online registration of your overseas trip. Take a few moments to register your travel plans, so that your whereabouts and contact information are known in case of natural disasters, accidents, etc. This also allows your next of kin to be contacted in a timely manner, should the need arise. This is a free and voluntary service and only serves to help you should an emergency arise while in the country.

Carrying Your Passport: It is required by Thai law that Thai citizens AND all visitors MUST carry proper identification at all times. This must be presented upon demand by a Police Officer or other legitimate Government Official.

Note that is not always safe, practical or appropriate to carry your physical passport on you at all times. Passports are a very valuable commodity that can be the target of theft and are very expensive to replace while overseas. Consider keeping your passport locked in your room safe or the primary hotel safe at the reception desk while at each destination.

Do make several photocopies of your passports photo/details page, as well as the stamped arrivals card that is stapled in your passport that you received when entering Thailand. Carry these copies with you in your day-pack. These will assist in establishing your identity and immigration status when you don't have your physical passport on you.

Also consider making a colour scanned copy and having it laminated. If you produce that to an Official when required to, in many cases this will satisfy the identification requirement, or at least suffice until your actual passport can be collected from your accommodation for verification.

It is never recommended that you surrender your passport when hiring a vehicle or similar situation. If a service provider such as a motor scooter rental business is unwilling to accept a photocopy of your passport, move on and try someone else. Every hotel will photocopy your passport at check-in and make a note of your visa (or visa exemption) details. Remember that your single most important document that you have while overseas is your passport - guard it well.

If you plan on applying for a visa while in Bangkok, for other countries in the region such as Vietnam, you will be required to temporarily surrender your passport for a day or two while your visa is in process. You should only surrender your passport directly to the Embassy staff or through a reputable agent, if not in Bangkok. Either way, you should request a receipt for your passport and note its details.

Thailand is a fun place with lots to see and experience and for the most part tourists come and have a wonderful time. Do remember that trouble doesn't take a vacation and that you do need to be actively aware of your surroundings and situations - just like you'd do in any other city or even at home.

having read this if you follow everything suggested you wont have time to do anything else better stay at home.

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Here are some great tips for personal safety in Thailand:

Overall, Thailand is a safe nation in which to travel. Physical attacks and other crimes against individuals are far less likely than in many other developed nations. Just as you need to be aware of your surroundings and personal safety when out and about in your home country, you need to keep your wits about you in Thailand as well. The following represents good advice in regard to many aspects of personal safety and security to be considered during your time in the Kingdom. Be mindful of this advice and it may help reduce an already low probability of encountering any trouble.

When considering your personal safety common sense precautions still reign supreme - just like anywhere else.

Specific concerns:

Accommodation: When you first check-in to your room, do a quick security and safety inspection. Does the peep hole work? Is the bolt lock or safety chain working? Do you know where and how far away the emergency exit(s) are? Is there a smoke alarm? Do any windows that open to the outside have a functional locking mechanism?

Do not leave valuables in your room. It is not good enough simply to lock (or hide) valuable items and money in your suitcase. Passports, cash, cameras, and so on should always be kept secured either in the room safe provided, or in the main hotel safety box usually available at hotel reception. Even during a short absence from the room for breakfast lock up or carry anything you can't afford to lose. Keep your door locked at all times and make use of the spy-hole and safety door chain before opening the door to anyone.

Most hotels offer business cards written in both Thai and English. Keep one with you in the event that you can't clearly communicate your destination to a taxi driver. If your hotel only has cards in English, ask a staff member to write the name, address and phone numbers in the Thai language on a card for you.

Beaches and Swimming: It is not advisable to frequent deserted beach areas. You should never put yourself in a position where you can't be seen or heard by others should an emergency arise or you need assistance. nud_e and topless bathing are frowned upon in Thailand, and showing a lack of modesty could unfortunately be misinterpreted by others as a statement of your own level of morality and intentions - be aware of your dress. When you are in more remote or very quiet areas, you should consider your options for seeking assistance should an unlikely event like a robbery or assault occur or you become injured.

Most Thai beaches do not have lifeguard protection. Be aware of posted signs indicating no swimming areas, areas of rip current, areas of undertow and where swimming is otherwise dangerous. Of course, you should never swim alone.

Late night walks on poorly or dimly lit and isolated beaches are also not a good idea. In the busier areas you may encounter other nuisances such as drunks, prostitutes, thieves, muggers etc.

Sunscreen: Never underestimate the power of the Thai sun. Summer or winter overexposure will burn you badly and do irreparable damage to your skin. Between the hours of 10am and 3pm UV rays (the ultraviolet rays that give skin damage or worse) are at their strongest.

Wear a hat, wear wrap type sunglasses with EPF10 (eye protection factor), wear a strong SPF factor water-resistant sunscreen. Reduce your exposure to the sun to short bursts. Permanent skin damage starts to occur after 15 minutes. The tropical sun is not to be trifled with, do not underestimate it.

Drink Water: Keep yourself hydrated at all times, safe bottled drinking water is available everywhere, it's cold and it's cheap. Carry a bottle of water with you at all times, don't underestimate the risks of dehydration.

Taxis: Bangkok meter taxis are a very safe mode of transport and operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Presenting yourself with an air of confidence, knowing that the meter must start at THB35 and be prepared to get out and take another taxi if not. Do not engage the driver in unnecessary conversation. If needed, repeat your destination confidently, clearly, slowly, and politely. Do not take taxis parked by hotels or tourist attractions, there are so many that it is far better to flag down a passing taxi.

*Note for women: Nearly all taxi drivers are men. If you feel more comfortable with a female driver you may wish to call and arrange with Julie's Taxi Service. Julie's has a selection of drivers including female drivers that can be arranged for you in advance.

Women who like to dress-up in an overtly-sexual manner for those big nights out, should be aware that unfortunately this may be misinterpreted by some as a statement of your own level of morality and intentions. In the circumstance where you need to catch a taxi home late at night by yourself, the following advice was offered on the Thai forum by a female member:

"Don't wear anything too sexy, Thai men do like to stare at us foreigners, and so just wear modest clothing. I always carry a button shirt to throw on if I'm going to be catching a cab. Don't talk to them if you can help it, just be sharp and direct with your words, dont UMm and Ahh with them. If you know where you want to go just tell them clearly and loudly, then sit back and if they ask any questions pretend you don't understand."

Tuk Tuk: It's part of the Thai experience to try a tuk tuk at least once, however as a general rule, it's best to avoid them as a primary means of transportation. If you must use a tuk tuk, unlike a taxi, you have to negotiate the fare to your destination first, and don't pay until your safe arrival. Do not let them take you to tailors, gem stores, or anywhere else that you didn't ask to go. Do not let them talk you into sightseeing, and other special sites.

Eating out: To avoid a surprise bill, avoid any restaurant or bar that doesn't clearly display or otherwise quote their prices. It is perfectly ok to ask a street vendor or other merchant, prices before ordering. Once you've consumed it, you've bought it - so be aware of the prices beforehand.

Day/Back Packs - Handbags - Shoulder Bags: There have been incidents of bag snatchers on motorbikes. Keep your bag clutched tightly and securely to your side when walking. In crowded conditions, consider wearing your day-pack in front of you instead of on your back. Be aware of persons who may innocently bump into you as a means to distract you.

Carrying Cash: Pickpockets are not common but they do exist. Take the usual precautions with wallets, purses, and day packs. Do not flash your cash, be discreet when opening your wallet/purse to pay for something. You can learn a lot by watching Thai people, they are often very discreet when reaching for their cash, almost to the point of being secretive. Splitting up your money can be a good idea. Carry a small amount of instant access cash in your preferred receptacle, and carry the balance (along with your credit cards), in a more secure place (money belt, hidden pocket, in your shoes, etc).

Jewellery: Best advice? Do not bring it, if possible. However, if you must wear expensive jewellery, do so discreetly. When riding motorbikes or in the back of songtaews, keep your necklace tucked well inside your clothing, or better yet, leave it in your hotel room safe. Thieves are very adept at snatching these items from your neck, and while in motion. This is not uncommon, in busy areas, it is indiscriminate - Thai people are just as likely to be the victims of this type of theft.

ATMs: When practical try to use ATMs that are inside a bank or inside a secured building. If you must use one in a shopping mall or street make sure you cover the keypad (with your other hand) as your enter your PIN and do not walk away counting your cash.

Credit Card Fraud: Fraud exists in Thailand, as in any other country. If you must pay by credit card, never let your card out of your sight. Watch as it's used, and double check the purchase amount and currency, before signing or entering your pin number. Once you sign the receipt, in most cases you are accepting and agree to pay that amount.

Clubs, Pubs and Parties: Most importantly never leave your drink unattended, never accept a drink from a stranger or recent acquaintance. Drink Spiking - the act of covertly adding chemicals or drugs to your drink - is not unheard of and the consequences speak for themselves. Similarly don't leave your cash and valuables unattended. Be aware of your alcohol consumption, try not to overindulge and not be able to safely make your way home. It's possible that someone may be watching and assessing how easy a target you'd make.

Party Drugs: Do not accept drugs in any shape or form, at any time or for any reason. Apart from never really knowing what substance you are actually ingesting, you should seriously consider the possibility that any offers of drugs may in fact be a undercover Police operation. Punishments for the possession, distribution or use of even small quantities of illegal substances are extremely severe.

Possession also includes being under the influence of drugs. Police have the power to order urinalysis (urine analysis) drug screening, the results of which can be used as evidence against you in any future criminal prosecution and form the basis for your arrest for possession. It is not unknown for the Royal Thai Police to conduct enforcement raids on bars and clubs where party drugs are suspected, and order mass searches and screenings of all patrons - both Thai and foreigners alike - without exception.

There are reports of corrupt Police officers using tourists caught with drugs - in any amount - as a means to extort large sums of money in exchange for releasing them without arrest or criminal charge.

New Friends: While Thailand is the Land of Smiles, you really should be cautious of any stranger who approaches you, irrespective of their nationality. Encounters such as these can potentially lead to you becoming the victim of a scam or con artist. Do not simply trust a stranger based solely on the fact that they're from your home country. Con artists of all nationalities are out there scheming and cheating their way through life. Thai people can be very helpful and accommodating when asked, however it is not a normal Thai custom to approach strangers and offer unsolicited advice or assistance.

Games and Wagering: Do not get involved in card games, gambling, cockfights, pool-table games for money etc. Even though widely practised by law, with the exception of the national Thai State Lottery and the occasional Horse Racing event, gambling in any form is illegal.

Touts: Do not let a tout or stranger lead you away from, or to, a location other than your intended one. Claims of "not open to foreigners", "closed today for ... ", "special deal" etc is your clue to ignore them. Do not buy gemstones unless you are qualified to know their value, and can judge good quality from poor.

Tickets and such: At bus stations and train stations, always ignore touts and go directly to the Official ticket seller's window. In many cases, tickets for Muay Thai boxing and movies sold thru unofficial channels are invalid and/or forgeries. Airline tickets are never transferable from one person to another and must be purchased either directly from the airline or an authorised agent.

Where Are You?: Always be aware of your surroundings, and be mindful of how you would describe your exact location in an emergency situation. Make a note of the Thai Tourist Police generic phone number which is 1155 and add it to your cell phone speed dial list. The Thai Tourist Police is a special arm of the National Royal Thai Police and specifically trained to deal with common situations involving a non-resident tourist. Many speak basic and passable English.

If you are confronted with any situation where trustworthy assistance is not close at hand, dial the number!

Moving Around at Night: Obviously avoiding dimly lit and seemingly uninhabited areas is good personal safety practise. Stay in well lit areas, where there are lots of people. Any place that gives you an initial, serious feeling of unease is best avoided.

Embassy and Consular Assistance: It is a good idea to familiarise yourself with the emergency contact details of your home country's Embassy or Diplomatic representation in Bangkok. This link lists most Consulates & Embassies in Bangkok. Note the emergency contact details for urgent after hours Consular assistance. Some examples of where that emergency call goes, are;

AUSTRALIA: Call the Embassy on 02 344 6300 and select option 1 to be transferred to the 24 hour Consular Emergency Centre in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Canberra, Australia.

UNITED KINGDOM: In the event of a consular emergency involving a life or death situation, call the switchboard number 02 305 8333.

UNITED STATES: You may contact the Embassy switchboard 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 02 205 4000. Ask to speak to the Duty Officer who can and will assist with all after hours emergencies. This includes, but is not limited to, emergency hospitalisation, loss of passport, arrest or serious injury.

Register yourself: Many Country's Foreign Affairs Departments offer online registration of your overseas trip. Take a few moments to register your travel plans, so that your whereabouts and contact information are known in case of natural disasters, accidents, etc. This also allows your next of kin to be contacted in a timely manner, should the need arise. This is a free and voluntary service and only serves to help you should an emergency arise while in the country.

Carrying Your Passport: It is required by Thai law that Thai citizens AND all visitors MUST carry proper identification at all times. This must be presented upon demand by a Police Officer or other legitimate Government Official.

Note that is not always safe, practical or appropriate to carry your physical passport on you at all times. Passports are a very valuable commodity that can be the target of theft and are very expensive to replace while overseas. Consider keeping your passport locked in your room safe or the primary hotel safe at the reception desk while at each destination.

Do make several photocopies of your passports photo/details page, as well as the stamped arrivals card that is stapled in your passport that you received when entering Thailand. Carry these copies with you in your day-pack. These will assist in establishing your identity and immigration status when you don't have your physical passport on you.

Also consider making a colour scanned copy and having it laminated. If you produce that to an Official when required to, in many cases this will satisfy the identification requirement, or at least suffice until your actual passport can be collected from your accommodation for verification.

It is never recommended that you surrender your passport when hiring a vehicle or similar situation. If a service provider such as a motor scooter rental business is unwilling to accept a photocopy of your passport, move on and try someone else. Every hotel will photocopy your passport at check-in and make a note of your visa (or visa exemption) details. Remember that your single most important document that you have while overseas is your passport - guard it well.

If you plan on applying for a visa while in Bangkok, for other countries in the region such as Vietnam, you will be required to temporarily surrender your passport for a day or two while your visa is in process. You should only surrender your passport directly to the Embassy staff or through a reputable agent, if not in Bangkok. Either way, you should request a receipt for your passport and note its details.

Thailand is a fun place with lots to see and experience and for the most part tourists come and have a wonderful time. Do remember that trouble doesn't take a vacation and that you do need to be actively aware of your surroundings and situations - just like you'd do in any other city or even at home.

Thank you very much for sound advices!!! Great tips!

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