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Racism in thailand


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<font color='#000000'>Deep down all Thai's know they are better than all other races. Even the poorest of the poor, still want to be reborn Thai.</font>

1. Being Thai is not a race, it's a nationality.

2. Deep down, all Thais THINK they know they are better.

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I leaned down and after getting over hving the shit frightened out of me, asked the owner to bring me a rice sack, then picked up a four metre Burmese Python, which had decided to make itself at home.

Thais think I am nutty for having done that

I don't think it's just Thais who think you're nutty for having done that. :o

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Some Chinese inventions: the horse collar, wheelbarrow, moldboard plow, paper money, cast iron, helicopter rotor, propeller, the decimal system, the seismograph, matches, mapping the circulation of the blood, paper, brandy and whiskey, the rocket and multi-staged rockets, the abacus....  

And where would we all be without our moldboard plows?

You reckon whiskey is of Chinese origin? Where did you get that idea from? Could you back it up with some references?

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I would think that making generalizations against anyone regardless of race, colour, sexual preferance, or any other factors is plain wrong and change should begin one person at a time. It is a major cop out to say its alright because the world does it.

Hear hear. Well said, if not well spelled. :o

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Some Chinese inventions: the horse collar, wheelbarrow, moldboard plow, paper money, cast iron, helicopter rotor, propeller, the decimal system, the seismograph, matches, mapping the circulation of the blood, paper, brandy and whiskey, the rocket and multi-staged rockets, the abacus....  

And where would we all be without our moldboard plows?

You reckon whiskey is of Chinese origin? Where did you get that idea from? Could you back it up with some references?

www.google.com Chinese + whiskey + invented

Then again you'll also find hits under Irish + whiskey + invented.


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It IS possible to be completely open minded and still come to formulate a personal philosophy that includes racist/discriminatory views.

Don't be daft. It IS NOT possible. They contradict each other.

Some people can do it, some cannot. Apparently some people think that one should live by rules too rigid to mold to reality.

From spelling bees to the NBA, even blind people recognize there are differences along racial and ethnic lines.


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Some Chinese inventions: the horse collar, wheelbarrow, moldboard plow, paper money, cast iron, helicopter rotor, propeller, the decimal system, the seismograph, matches, mapping the circulation of the blood, paper, brandy and whiskey, the rocket and multi-staged rockets, the abacus....  

And where would we all be without our moldboard plows?

You reckon whiskey is of Chinese origin? Where did you get that idea from? Could you back it up with some references?

www.google.com Chinese + whiskey + invented

Then again you'll also find hits under Irish + whiskey + invented.


Well, yes - a Google search. I couldn't have thought of doing that myself. I did one about China and whiskey and didn't get any hits.

Of the two searches you suggest, the Chinese one says they invented it in the 7th Century and the Irish invented it in the 6th. So why do you believe the Chinese got there first?

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Some Chinese inventions: the horse collar, wheelbarrow, moldboard plow, paper money, cast iron, helicopter rotor, propeller, the decimal system, the seismograph, matches, mapping the circulation of the blood, paper, brandy and whiskey, the rocket and multi-staged rockets, the abacus....  

And where would we all be without our moldboard plows?

You reckon whiskey is of Chinese origin? Where did you get that idea from? Could you back it up with some references?

www.google.com Chinese + whiskey + invented

Then again you'll also find hits under Irish + whiskey + invented.


Well, yes - a Google search. I couldn't have thought of doing that myself. I did one about China and whiskey and didn't get any hits.

Of the two searches you suggest, the Chinese one says they invented it in the 7th Century and the Irish invented it in the 6th. So why do you believe the Chinese got there first?

The Chinese + invented + whiskey search turns up the word "first."

That's why.

It's possible that neither source is correct. The original point was that the 'we invented' self assurance for slighted foreigners is irrelevant.


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From spelling bees to the NBA, even blind people recognize there are differences along racial and ethnic lines. 

You wot? Please explain this nonsensical statement.

There is only one race and that's the human race.

There's nothing to explain. It's an easy to understand sentence.

What term would you use to define "Mongloids, Negroids, and Caucasoids?" You don't have to use the term "race" if you don't feel like you can.


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From spelling bees to the NBA, even blind people recognize there are differences along racial and ethnic lines.  

You wot? Please explain this nonsensical statement.

There is only one race and that's the human race.

There's nothing to explain. It's an easy to understand sentence.

What term would you use to define "Mongloids, Negroids, and Caucasoids?" You don't have to use the term "race" if you don't feel like you can.


It's not easy to understand. That's why I asked you to explain it. I take it English is not your first language?

What are Mongloids, Negroids and Caucasoids? Please define.

I used the word race in a previous post.

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What term would you use to define "Mongloids, Negroids, and Caucasoids?" You don't have to use the term "race" if you don't feel like you can.

lets see steroids, asteroids.... words that rhyme? words that end with oilds?


Don't forget Androids!

And are alkaloids people who are addicted to alcohol?

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From spelling bees to the NBA, even blind people recognize there are differences along racial and ethnic lines.  

You wot? Please explain this nonsensical statement.

There is only one race and that's the human race.

There's nothing to explain. It's an easy to understand sentence.

What term would you use to define "Mongloids, Negroids, and Caucasoids?" You don't have to use the term "race" if you don't feel like you can.


It's not easy to understand. That's why I asked you to explain it. I take it English is not your first language?

What are Mongloids, Negroids and Caucasoids? Please define.

I used the word race in a previous post.

Those are 3 races of humans.


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where does humanoid fit into the equation?

and where do freaks like me fit into the equation?

racism is illogical....

but back to the original thread.... thai racism.. are burmese and kymers at the bottom of the totem pole? or mons?

and how do the central thais view the inhabitants of the koh kret area? I was of the understanding they were the original peoples.

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<font color='#000000'>Interesting subject..

I am a Sri Lankan national, and looks like from India due to my skin color.

The above posts are correct. The Indian’s gets the least respect in Thailand and sometimes I feel that they do deserve it. Unfortunately myself and my Thai GF is also getting categorized into that due to my skin color. But with upper middle class Thai families, I have never experienced any difference. They respect me coz they are aware, from where Buddhism came to Thailand.

If I get some respect, it is simply due to the fact of Buddhism and otherwise, unless I have money to show off myself, we will not have any future in Thailand.

If they have some technique to change the skin color, irrespective of the cost, I will do it and become white. :o:D

For me I am not sure whether I can call this Racism. I think the basis of judging a Foreigner in Thailand is “how rich he is?”.

Also they like to see Foreigners spend money. The problem with Indian’s who come to Thailand is, they are not ready to spend money for entertainment. They are very focused on Earning the maximum and go back to India or buy Assets and make the family rich. This has some similarities to what Thai-Chinese think except for the fact that spending money for entertainment. Specially Thai-Chinese people do not go well with Indian People due to this reason.

Indian’s who come to Thailand, always stay together and try to build a community of Indian’s than mixing with Thai People. Actually this is the case even when they live in UK, Australia, US etc..

The actual situation is they themselves do not like Thai People due to the Living together culture and the way they are addicted to sex etc. I have heard that they are saying Thai People are like Animals. [excuse me]

In total, if my estimation is correct over 100,000 Indian’s live in Thailand.  All I know is non of them do not care what Thai People think about them. They know it and they stick together and trying to get the maximum from Thailand.

I think the number of buildings and prime property they own in Sukhumvit and Silom area is a good example of the intentions of Indian's living in Thailand.

I think they dislike Thai People more than Thai people dislike them.



Hey Kwiz117,

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when I read your post.

I’m an Indian living in Thailand for the past 15 years. I’m happily married to a Thai girl and we have a lovely 5 year old son. In all the time I’ve spent here, I’ve never been racially discriminated against by Thais – at least not any more or any less than the next foreigner. In fact, I’ve seen Thais treat Thais much worse than they treat me.

I really doubt the intentions of posting your diatribe against Indians. Do I detect a sense of envy at the success enjoyed by Indians in Thailand? So many properties and so many businesses couldn't be built (or tolerated) if the whole country hates us!

Wouldn’t you love to own some tall buildings or hotels on Sukhumvit Road? Or perhaps would you just like to own a factory in Nakhon Nowhere? Sour grapes, eh?

I just don’t believe your trash about Indian factory owners trying to cancel Thai National Holidays from their working calendar. Not only is that against the law, but we Indians also enjoy all kinds of holidays! After all aren’t holidays also days of rest for us Indians from our evil but tiring money-making activities in Thailand.

Aren’t you going a bit too far by blaming all your problems on the Indians? Maybe a simple solution even lies in your own behavior or general approach towards the Thais. Perhaps it’s your body odor or maybe it’s the clothes you wear, or possibly you are just a plain a-hole.

I'm happy to know that you got some shreds of respect in Thailand because of your being a Buddhist. At least, there India has been able to help you by exporting Buddhism to Sri Lanka some centuries ago! Otherwise, you would have been just another monkey climbing trees for coconuts.

Get a life my friend – and invest in some quality body deodorant or decent clean clothes. See a psychiatrist and get some intensive self-respect therapy. That may up your chances a bit if all else fails in the Land of Smiles!

B) Megashox


Next time I spend money on entertainment in LOS, I'll remember to invite Kwiz117 to witness that rare occasion.

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All those answers you (and anyone else) can get from any major search engine.   

Given, not all people agree on what defines a race (and obviously, you and I do not). 


Instead of me wasting my time looking up your definitions for you, I think it would be much more profitable for you (and anyone else) to click on this link. Race is a fallacy.

Imagine there's no heaven...it's easy if you try...

...imagine all the people living life in peace...


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Imagine there's no heaven...it's easy if you try...

...imagine all the people living life in peace...

Yeah - and "Woman is the nigger of the world"

We all have our prejudices - learn to control them. This world is getting smaller and there isn't room for the follies of past generations!

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If they have some technique to change the skin color, irrespective of the cost, I will do it and become white. :DB)

That is, so far, the stupidest statement I have ever heard on this forum. Why? Are you such a loser, and lack the confidence needed to be comfortable in your own skin? Ridiculous. :o

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Semantics aside (for those who can't come to terms with the word "race")...

From spelling bees to the NBA, even blind people recognize there are differences (in terms of ability and potential) among "groups of people" that are more than skin deep.

And I don't mean that in a superior/inferior racist tone.


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Thankx Megashox for that posting to put a balance on Kwix's earlier rant, as I knew there had to be some Indian decendants out there who could put their side of the story of being a south Asian in Thailand, which didn't fit into Kwiz's earlier huge generalisations. I've seen Indian's married to Thais too, and they look as happy as anyone. Your post started off well, but degenerated into a personal slanging session by then end, which while being entertaining for onlookers, might lose you friends on the thread in time. Just a gentle word of advice hombre. :o

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my skin color.

If they have some technique to change the skin color, irrespective of the cost, I will do it and become white. :o:D

Ever heard of Micheal Jackson? He used to be very Black until he had his skin colour changed.

(Yes I know he claims it changed because of a skin complaint.....)

But do you know, it makes me very sad to hear you say you want to change the colour of your skin. Because it is perfectly fine. Good as anybody's.

Be proud of it my friend.

Prejudice is endemic in our World, and always has been.

And sadly, I sense you are just as bad as anybody in that respect.

So lets all accept it and get on with our lives........

"There is nothing either GOOD or BAD, but THINKING makes it so"


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I think there is an issue of "moneyism", in the racism debate in Thailand too, but for ordinary Thais, skin colour is far more of an issue in who they decide to fraternise with or reject out of hand (even running to the extent of rejecting curries!). After all, most ordinary Thais, have been stereotyped from birth that white is "suay" and dark skin "mai suay". Rather than rueing your own skin colour, why not make a positive effort to engage Thais (or anyone else) on confronting their own stereotypes and see if it can make a difference. Otherwise, go and see Mike Jackson for advice on lightening up.

::D:  B)</font>

The Whacko Jacko point has already been made long, long ago Mr Charles, but mai pen rai. Just pay attention Pike! But while we're on the subject, anybody seen the guy's (????????) nose lately? Last time I saw it, it was all caving in along with the rest of his face. Think he was even trying to sue the surgeon for making a pig's ear of it. Unbelievable really.................until you read dear old Bud's posts! B):o

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