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Tourist Visa

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Hello. I'm an American here in Thailand. Unfort I neglected to obtain a 60 day tourist visa before I entered the country 2.5 wks ago. I plan on staying in Thailand for roughly another 1-2 months. I want to spend about 3-4 wks of that in Chiang Mai taking some classes at Institute of Thai Massage. I also plan on traveling over to Cambodia and Vietnam, and possible Laos.

My question is regarding my travel visa. According to the books, I have 30 days in Thailand, and then can have another 7 if I leave and return. Most things I have found online say this isn't really true. What is my best course of action, as I am new to this? Should I stay here until just before 30 days is up, go across a border and come back? Does it make a difference if I fly back vs train or bus? Does it make a difference which border is use? Is it possible to obtain a 60 day tourist visa once I am here?

If anyone is out there with some answers please let me know.

Thanks for the time and help, Colin

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You can leave and return. You will get 30 days if flying back and 15 days by other means.

You can get a 60 day Tourist Visa at a Thai Consulate in a neighboring country. They are free of charge at the moment.

The 60 days can be extended for a further 30 days at Immigration for a fee of 1,900 Baht.

If needed Vientienne in Laos will issue a double entry Tourist Visa.

What you do will depend on your travel plans out of Thailand.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Colin,

If you were to leave Thailand and re-enter through a land border you will only receive 15 days. If you leave Thailand and re-enter by plane you will receive a 30 day transit visa. Tourist visas can only be obtained from a Thai embassy or consulate outside of Thailand. You will be able to obtain a 60 day tourist visa from outside of Thailand and this can be extended for an additional 30 days at immigration within Thailand.

Best regards,

Legal Advisor

Sunbelt Asia Co. Ltd


[email protected]

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