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I am fed up with places that double charge farangs - so why not start an <deleted> list! I mean the Thais are saying F*** U to us right?

For me <deleted> = Farang Unfriendly

Top of the list is Fabrique

Double charge at the door - and a charge on bringing a bottle in - BUT only if you are farang! so I say <deleted>!

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Only been charged differently once in Chiang Mai, Doi Suthep, one time of many visits.

I have been to both Mandalay, Fabrique, most of the Thai clubs in fact, Night safari, the zoo, national parks/ camping etc.

Mostly I go to warm up. Only 5 more months till I am back in CM and my wife and I are really looking forward to Warm Up!

And yo, Gotlost: Not every bar serves every type of liquor, If I want to drink something different that night I have no qualms about corkage fees. I would think the opposite of people who bring in something nicer than "El Toro" haha.

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Anyone that brings their own bottle deserves to be triple charged and are Cheep Charlie's. :)

ya think? last time my mate came over, he brought over a bottle of Gentleman Jacks, hardly cheap and dont think you would easily find a bottle for sale here in CM :D

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Only been charged differently once in Chiang Mai, Doi Suthep, one time of many visits.

I have been to both Mandalay, Fabrique, most of the Thai clubs in fact, Night safari, the zoo, national parks/ camping etc.

Mostly I go to warm up. Only 5 more months till I am back in CM and my wife and I are really looking forward to Warm Up!

And yo, Gotlost: Not every bar serves every type of liquor, If I want to drink something different that night I have no qualms about corkage fees. I would think the opposite of people who bring in something nicer than "El Toro" haha.

Most people that bring their own bottle are bringing El Toro or 100 Pipers and are Cheap Charlie's. You don't see John Walker Black or JD. :)

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Only been charged differently once in Chiang Mai, Doi Suthep, one time of many visits.

I have been to both Mandalay, Fabrique, most of the Thai clubs in fact, Night safari, the zoo, national parks/ camping etc.

Mostly I go to warm up. Only 5 more months till I am back in CM and my wife and I are really looking forward to Warm Up!

And yo, Gotlost: Not every bar serves every type of liquor, If I want to drink something different that night I have no qualms about corkage fees. I would think the opposite of people who bring in something nicer than "El Toro" haha.

Most people that bring their own bottle are bringing El Toro or 100 Pipers and are Cheap Charlie's. You don't see John Walker Black or JD. :D

No no no, most people bring a bottle of Black or JD, but have 100 pipers inside of it, or mekong! :)

It's funny to see the "presentation" of the black bottle coming out of a box so beat up it's almost falling apart.

There used to be an awesome pub where (gah can't remember the name, that newish club with neon flowers on the wall is near the Dunkin Donuts on HK and canal rd intersection) Anyways this club "Chalom Buri", they would write your name on your bottle if you were not finished, they also gave a free bottle of 100 for the first 10 tables. Probably why they had to close, saving the bottles and giving it away for free had to add up.

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You know... double pricing is not something that is only found in Thailand.

Hawaii, for instance, has had a double pricing system for ever. Locals are given the coveted "locals" card to receive lower prices on everything...

I don't hear a lot of bitching about Hawaii...

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You know... double pricing is not something that is only found in Thailand.

Hawaii, for instance, has had a double pricing system for ever. Locals are given the coveted "locals" card to receive lower prices on everything...

I don't hear a lot of bitching about Hawaii...

In China they have triple pricing: (from bottom to top) a price for locals, a price for non-local Chinese, a price for foreigners, on the other side a Chinese who commits a crime against a foreigner gets extra punishment.

Guess here it's just their whole attitude against foreigners even from the gov, they really think they are best of the world, but see what they produce nothing but crap, their annoying complacency.

Totally not aware nor interested in the suffering in the world, not learned to count their blessings just self centered, never satisfied and always complaining even about themselves, the 'me no beautiful me black' syndrome, telephone no have money and 'you buy give me' attitude.

But don't steal from me please.

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I pretty much base everything on value for my money. I hate eating in airports and bus stations because of the gouging. It's probably not the vendors fault, but caused by excessive rental of the property. Sometimes I'll give far more than what I've been charged because I can afford more, and I think the value of a service (to me personally) is worth more than I'm being charged.

I understand that Thais pay less in parks, zoos, and in many shops where the vendors dicker. I also know that most Thais receive very little mark up on whatever they do, and I'm willing to add a little more to their pocket if I feel I'm getting value for my money. Having been in Thailand for a while has given me an understanding on what many things cost. I basically go by that. I KNOW I can get a good meal in a Thai cafe for 30 baht, but I'll accept paying 50 or 60 baht for the same meal in a proper restaurant. But, when I'm in Phuket and a street cafe wants to gouge me into paying 100 baht for Kow Pat (fried rice) then I say no. I'll not return to places that gouge. It's not that I can't afford it, but it's just that I know the basic value of certain items.

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I think that it is acceptable to charge tourists and non tax paying residents more for parks and other nationally funded places.

I don't think that it is acceptable for restaurants or hotels though.

I assume that private business charge more because they don't really want your business anyway. I have no problem with that at all. If a place wants to be for Thais only, that is ok with me.

If you cannot speak Thai well enough to explain that you live here and are not a tourist or some degenerate, then can you really blame a place for charging you more.

Try being an asian tourist in NY and see how much you get overcharged for things.

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The topic of double charging has been done many times on this forum, it happens, accept it or not - up to you. You pays your money, you make's your choice but let's not let this thread degenerate into a Thailand bashing contest because then it will have to be closed.


Moderating Team

Thai Visa

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The topic of double charging has been done many times on this forum, it happens, accept it or not - up to you. You pays your money, you make's your choice but let's not let this thread degenerate into a Thailand bashing contest because then it will have to be closed.


Moderating Team

Thai Visa

The reason they do it is to keep out the farang riff raff, I don't blame them. There's a thousand and one other places to drink in CM, like Crow Boy says if you don't like it go somewhere else. :)

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The topic of double charging has been done many times on this forum, it happens, accept it or not - up to you. You pays your money, you make's your choice but let's not let this thread degenerate into a Thailand bashing context because then it will have to be closed.


Moderating Team

Thai Visa

Guess still all posts make sense, nothing of Thailand bashing am I right or am I wrong.

Also foreigners can be blamed for beeing treated like (fill in by yourself), I know a Skandinavian guy who standard gives 1.000 baht tip after a Thai massage (and when he is drunk he loves to brag about it) I think this is sick, even arrogant and just demanding attention, no suprise foreigners are easy seen as crazy and 'too easy money'.

Usually we can know where to expect rip offs... 2 weeks ago I paid 200 or more for a real discusting spaghetti bolognese, where ? On the Nightbazar of Chiangmai... Just a week later I had (really) the best spaghetti bolognese ever, and for only 160b, where ? At the Italian just in my own town.

We choose, and I won't go to Puke ket.

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The topic of double charging has been done many times on this forum, it happens, accept it or not - up to you. You pays your money, you make's your choice but let's not let this thread degenerate into a Thailand bashing contest because then it will have to be closed.


Moderating Team

Thai Visa

The reason they do it is to keep out the farang riff raff, I don't blame them. There's a thousand and one other places to drink in CM, like Crow Boy says if you don't like it go somewhere else. :)

Yes, if you don't like it go somewhere else. I think that the Ops intention was to identify the places that charge more for foreigners, then people can decide for themselves to go there or not. But as usual the ranting starts and then you have to read through all the BS to find the places in question. LOL :D

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You know... double pricing is not something that is only found in Thailand.

Hawaii, for instance, has had a double pricing system for ever. Locals are given the coveted "locals" card to receive lower prices on everything...

I don't hear a lot of bitching about Hawaii...

Maybe because its not a hawaii forum. There is plenty to bitch about in Hawaii let me tell you.

Anyway its not hard to get the Kamania discount in Hawaii. You say " Eh Bra I'm Kamiana". Lot of small businesses would ask me if I am Kamania and I am definitely a mainland looking caucasian.

Kamania just means local. If you live there, speak a little Pidgin or frequent a business then you can be a Kamania or local. It has nothing to do with race or nationality.

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You know... double pricing is not something that is only found in Thailand.

Hawaii, for instance, has had a double pricing system for ever. Locals are given the coveted "locals" card to receive lower prices on everything...

I don't hear a lot of bitching about Hawaii...

Any place that offers discount cards for locals is operating a double pricing system. I haven't heard of many locals complaining about that.

Farangs, or visitors in general, normally get a better service than Thais, so the one or two places that don't do that aren't worth getting upset or paranoid about. I'm still amazed, after all these years, by the fuss people make if I , as a Foreigner, turn up at an all-thai function. You get treated like an esteemed guest, even if you weren't invited!!

I'd rather accentuate the positive, as they say.  :)

Edited by KevinHunt
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paying corkage is standard practice in all major clubs, whether thai or farang. asking people to pay that doesn't make a place farang unfriendly. all thais pay.

these clubs that charge an 'entrance fee' give you drink coupons to the same value, so you're not losing any money. if you can't afford 300 baht on a night out, stay at home.

fabrique isn't farang unfriendly, they are just a business...

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You know... double pricing is not something that is only found in Thailand.

Hawaii, for instance, has had a double pricing system for ever. Locals are given the coveted "locals" card to receive lower prices on everything...

I don't hear a lot of bitching about Hawaii...

probably because we are in Thailand and its a Thai board...? :)

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paying corkage is standard practice in all major clubs, whether thai or farang. asking people to pay that doesn't make a place farang unfriendly. all thais pay.

these clubs that charge an 'entrance fee' give you drink coupons to the same value, so you're not losing any money. if you can't afford 300 baht on a night out, stay at home.

fabrique isn't farang unfriendly, they are just a business...

Respectfully you have missed the point - I am happy to pay corkage if everyones pays - <deleted> is that only farangs pay!

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You know... double pricing is not something that is only found in Thailand.

Hawaii, for instance, has had a double pricing system for ever. Locals are given the coveted "locals" card to receive lower prices on everything...

I don't hear a lot of bitching about Hawaii...

indeed, try being a tourist in central london these days. ripoff central.

only solution is voting with your feet. if a place isn't overly welcoming to farang customers then why would you want to go there anyway?

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I have always spoken thai to try and explain my situation of living here. Often they'd let me in, with whoever i was going there with. If they still said i had to pay more, i just left quietly and never went back there. Plenty of choice in chiang mai!

It is easy for it to be annoying, but farang who live in thailand, chiang mai in particular, have a low-cost good-value lifestyle available to them, while thais are often working much harder for much less money. And then perhaps the annoyance can be less.

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You know... double pricing is not something that is only found in Thailand.

Hawaii, for instance, has had a double pricing system for ever. Locals are given the coveted "locals" card to receive lower prices on everything...

I don't hear a lot of bitching about Hawaii...

probably because we are in Thailand and its a Thai board...? :)

Okay.... I meant that when in Hawaii I don't hear anywhere near the bitching I hear here.

And I also just wanted to point out that it's common practice in many parts of the world - even the USA.

- double roll of the eyes - :D

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