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Gen Chaovalit Appointed As Supreme Commander Of People's Army Of Thailand


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Question for the red-shirt sympathisers and Thaksin apologists:

* Do you seriously believe that Thailand will remain a democracy if Thaksin manages to reinstall himself as 'leader'?

At least he was elected--as opposed to the current coup-backed dictatorship. Maybe a little closer.

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I'm all in favor of Thaksin continuing his downward spiral of vitrol and agression. The more he sinks, the further removed he becomes from the majority - which is a good thing. Because its obvious Abihsit is the only person suited for the PM chair at the moment. Unless.....do you think PM Charlerm has a good ring to it? :) Maybe he's available? rofl

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Now a days I am not keeping well and my dear doctors have ordered to stay calm and away from stress. Thailand, the land of smiles supposed to be the perfect place. Nope.

I am getting stressed, just reading words like People's Army... what's going on? Can't they live in peace. I mean they have fewer problems then many other countries in SE Asia.

Hope this all finally turns out to be a farce. I am surely going to stay away from the news for a while. Where I live now, there is no TV and internet is only through my GPRS. I have a choice. Keep away from news and get healthy.


Why does the word "ostrich" come to mind? :D

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I think it is time to up the stakes and play hardball. If Thaksin is in Dubai then insist on his extradition. If it is not provided freeze all funds in Thailand and send all nationals from that country home.

Indeed. If some American outlaw in a third world country set up a People's Islamic Army with a treasonous agenda meant to overthrow the US government, and appointed a retired general as its supreme commander, what would the American government do? Probably more like cruise missile strikes.

Yes, yes, a Thai cruise missile strike on Dubai sounds very likely about now.... :)

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I think it is time to up the stakes and play hardball. If Thaksin is in Dubai then insist on his extradition. If it is not provided freeze all funds in Thailand and send all nationals from that country home.

Indeed. If some American outlaw in a third world country set up a People's Islamic Army with a treasonous agenda meant to overthrow the US government, and appointed a retired general as its supreme commander, what would the American government do? Probably more like cruise missile strikes.

In any country (except Thailand) it is treason to set up a private army with the purpose of taking over power by a civil war or a coup. You either go in jail or in a hospital with soft rubber coated rooms.

But here, it's a long-honored TRADITION! TIT

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Keep repeating that one about the "current coup-backed dictatorship" TT. It never gets old, and Im sure it gives Ferwert a little wood each and every time :D

So happy to be a source of pleasure, however trite it may be. :)

Edited by toptuan
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Thaksin denies planning to use violence

Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra Thursday denied he was planning to use violence in the campaigns against the government.

He posted a message in his Twitter page, Thaksinlive.com, as:

"Do not panic over news that there are going to be violence. I told every one who comes and see me that we will fight with peace. She Daeng [Khattiya Sawasdipol] comment was just a warning for the government not to crack down on the people.''


-- The Nation 2010-02-04


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So the last democratically elected PM of thailand makes a military appointment.

The junta staged an illegal coup to overthrow the previous democratic government.

The junta installed an illegal puppet government and also doctored the constitution and appointed the judiciary.

Good to see the forces of democracy fighting back against the forces of evil.

The world will admire these freedom fighters

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I still think the tactic (whether true or not), combined with planting themselves in front of military bases around the country to read an anti-coup statement, is brilliant.

The seeds are sown. We would do well to remember that Thailand has had 18 coups since 1932. And that not all of them succeeded.

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I still think the tactic (whether true or not), combined with planting themselves in front of military bases around the country to read an anti-coup statement, is brilliant.

The seeds are sown. We would do well to remember that Thailand has had 18 coups since 1932. And that not all of them succeeded.

One would have to say that today certainly got everyone's attention.

I heard a few things today that show that this is not an issue that is going to go away any time soon.

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This is all about one man and his sick desire for money. Nothing but money. if he would give half a sh!t for Thailand or the Thai people he would stay in his self-imposed exile and keep his stupid mouth shut. Nobody IN Thailand has any real interest to find him or even bring him back into Thailand, if they had he'd be rotting in Jail since long time. Thaksin could live a rich and peaceful life in Dubai or where ever he chooses.... but no, he wants those 76 billion Baht that aren't his to begin with so badly that he would intentionally destroy his home country to get it.

And to those who STILL go on about how "democratically" he was elected, he BOUGHT those elections by paying CASH for every vote he got! I have seen that with my very own eyes, no hear-say. Where did that money come from? Shady deals with other countries, involving huge telecommunications and other firms in the name of his wife, his kids and his gardener. He, as PM, could easily grant another country billions of Baht in loans so that country could buy satellite services from one Shinawatra-named company... oops, wasn't Thaksin's name also "Shinawatra"..? Nah that's his wife or the kids, a PM can't own a company.


They should let one Bangkok bus driver travel to Dubai and drive a bus there while Thaksin is out of his luxury hotel. Would be the end of a problem that could destroy the Thailand we know and love.

Best regards......


Edited by Thanh-BKK
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all the previous demonstrations....where were all the millions of supporters?

prove your stats, prove that they only show up for the money, prove the numbers. If you can't you are posting pure hyperbole.

Just because you think something is fact because it ties in with your yellow thinking does not make it fact. Too many posters on here post pure speculation about the red shirts yet jump up and down and get upset when the same is done about the yellows. If you can not prove your figures or show a link to official figures for what you are saying then I suggest in your post you should add 'in my opinion', and since your opinion pretty much counts for diddly squat we can choose to see your figures for what they are, pure hyperbole.

yes my fault most probably there were many millions on the demonstrations, just no one noticed them. From last April there are clear videos when the army took all the personalities, sure the numbers can be found on the internet, when they brought them back to their villages.....My respect to the army that they could find hundred thousands of busses to bring back the millions of demonstrators.....

It is just wishful thinking.....Or maybe you can show some evidence?? It is much easier to prove with pictures from above the amount like the PAD did.

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So the last democratically elected PM of thailand makes a military appointment.

The junta staged an illegal coup to overthrow the previous democratic government.

The junta installed an illegal puppet government and also doctored the constitution and appointed the judiciary.

Good to see the forces of democracy fighting back against the forces of evil.

The world will admire these freedom fighters

So now Samak and the brother in law were not democratically elected? You guys better get your stories straight :D

If they weren't, then it was Thaksin's party who put them in there undemocratically. If they were legit, then the current government is legit also. Which is it?

And ah yes, the forces of democracy. I watched them last April in person. Setting fires and then throwing bricks and bottles at the firemen who came to put out the fires. Threatening local merchants when they complained that the reds were pissing on the street. The reds are nothing but hired thugs who couldnt give two $h*3s about democracy. They'll make a great army - first whiskey break and it'll all be over :)

Edited by Netfan
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all the previous demonstrations....where were all the millions of supporters?

prove your stats, prove that they only show up for the money, prove the numbers. If you can't you are posting pure hyperbole.

Just because you think something is fact because it ties in with your yellow thinking does not make it fact. Too many posters on here post pure speculation about the red shirts yet jump up and down and get upset when the same is done about the yellows. If you can not prove your figures or show a link to official figures for what you are saying then I suggest in your post you should add 'in my opinion', and since your opinion pretty much counts for diddly squat we can choose to see your figures for what they are, pure hyperbole.

yes my fault most probably there were many millions on the demonstrations, just no one noticed them. From last April there are clear videos when the army took all the personalities, sure the numbers can be found on the internet, when they brought them back to their villages.....My respect to the army that they could find hundred thousands of busses to bring back the millions of demonstrators.....

It is just wishful thinking.....Or maybe you can show some evidence?? It is much easier to prove with pictures from above the amount like the PAD did.

actual links or actual stats please or it is pure hyperbole. you seems to think the fact that there was not millions at the meeting actually means anything.

In your opinion the numbers at these meeting matter so do us all a favour and tell us exactly how many people were at them, more to the point tell us who said there were millions at them, or even better how many people voted for them in their political guise at the last elections, that would be a truer reflection on support than how many people managed to get from the north east to bangkok for a demo

Edited by tonywebster
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I think it is time to up the stakes and play hardball. If Thaksin is in Dubai then insist on his extradition. If it is not provided freeze all funds in Thailand and send all nationals from that country home.

Indeed. If some American outlaw in a third world country set up a People's Islamic Army with a treasonous agenda meant to overthrow the US government, and appointed a retired general as its supreme commander, what would the American government do? Probably more like cruise missile strikes.

In any country (except Thailand) it is treason to set up a private army with the purpose of taking over power by a civil war or a coup. You either go in jail or in a hospital with soft rubber coated rooms.

But here, it's a long-honored TRADITION! TIT

hahahaha....other countries other traditions....In Austria we have a day, on which adults camouflage themselves as devils and scare children....very strange tradition in Thai eyes.

Here army generals camouflage in civilian clothes and scare adults.....very strange tradition in farang eyes.

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Anti-coup rallies outside army bases in Thailand

Bangkok, Feb 4 : Hundreds of anti-government protestors wearing their signature red shirts rallied outside army bases across Thailand today urging soldiers not to take part in another military takeover of the government.

''All soldiers who love democracy should join forces with the red-shirts and reject their superiors' order if the order is not lawful,'' said a statement handed to the soldiers by the anti-government United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) protestors.

The statement was also read out by UDD leaders on their television channel this morning as the rallies took place in front of army camps in several cities of Thailand.

In their televised statement, the UDD leaders said they did not recognise Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's government as it lacks democratic legitimacy but did not want it to be removed by the army.

Rumours of a coup d'etat have been flying around in recent weeks ahead of the long-awaited Supreme Court ruling later this month on the fate of the over 2 billion US dollars worth of assets of former Prime Minster Thaksin Shinawatra which were seized after the armed forces toppled his government on September 19, 2006.

Army Chief Anupong Paojinda reiterated today there would be no attempt to unseat the government by the armed forces during his visit to the United States starting tomorrow.

The denial comes following media speculation that powerful sections of the armed forces were planning to launch a putsch in the army chief's absence.

Some media commentators have linked the coup rumours to an attempt by Mr Thaksin, who is said to be living in Dubai, to forestall an adverse verdict when the Supreme Court announces a decision on his frozen personal assets on February 26.

A number of retired senior armed forces personnel have joined the main opposition Phuea Thai party backed by Mr Thaksin and a senior serving army commander who is an avowed UDD supporter, is under investigation over a late night grenade attack on the Army Chief's office last month.



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Thaksin denies planning to use violence

Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra Thursday denied he was planning to use violence in the campaigns against the government.

He posted a message in his Twitter page, Thaksinlive.com, as:

"Do not panic over news that there are going to be violence. I told every one who comes and see me that we will fight with peace. She Daeng [Khattiya Sawasdipol] comment was just a warning for the government not to crack down on the people.''


-- The Nation 2010-02-04


Unfortunately former-PM Thaksin appears to have run out of space, in his tweet, before being able to deny this serious 'Peoples Army of Thailand' allegation against him, from the PTP. What a pity. :D

For any pedants out there, I note that Thaksin's use of the English-language seems to have deteriorated, a bit like his political fortunes, really. :)

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As a foreigner who is host of a country I would never comment on complex political questions which are definitely internal Thai affairs.

Even if this is against our (foeign) interests, I would understand if the long overdue revolution in Thailand will finally take place. Elites can not treat forever a whole population the way it is done in Thailand.

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all the previous demonstrations....where were all the millions of supporters?

prove your stats, prove that they only show up for the money, prove the numbers. If you can't you are posting pure hyperbole.

Just because you think something is fact because it ties in with your yellow thinking does not make it fact. Too many posters on here post pure speculation about the red shirts yet jump up and down and get upset when the same is done about the yellows. If you can not prove your figures or show a link to official figures for what you are saying then I suggest in your post you should add 'in my opinion', and since your opinion pretty much counts for diddly squat we can choose to see your figures for what they are, pure hyperbole.

yes my fault most probably there were many millions on the demonstrations, just no one noticed them. From last April there are clear videos when the army took all the personalities, sure the numbers can be found on the internet, when they brought them back to their villages.....My respect to the army that they could find hundred thousands of busses to bring back the millions of demonstrators.....

It is just wishful thinking.....Or maybe you can show some evidence?? It is much easier to prove with pictures from above the amount like the PAD did.

actual links or actual stats please or it is pure hyperbole. you seems to think the fact that there was not millions at the meeting actually means anything.

In your opinion the numbers at these meeting matter so do us all a favour and tell us exactly how many people were at them, more to the point tell us who said there were millions at them, or even better how many people voted for them in their political guise at the last elections, that would be a truer reflection on support than how many people managed to get from the north east to bangkok for a demo

on the last election PPP and Democrats got the same amount of votes in the popular vote. The smaller parties went all on an anti-thaksin course and got some more votes, but they changed their plan after the election.

And even that would have looked different without the massive vote buying in the north and north east.

If enough people would have voted for PPP they would be still in government.

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Because its obvious Abihsit is the only person suited for the PM chair at the moment.

Have you seen Abhisit's human rights abuse record lately?

:):D :D

Right, and Chalerm would be a big improvement - he would be the man if an election were held today and by some chance he was able to put together a coalition, not a given. Why is it exactly that you think now would be a good time to hold an election, btw? You've got the former PM putting an army together - does that bode well for a peaceful process? What PM in any country in his right mind would call for elections under these circumstances? Whoever won, if they didn't get over 50% of the seats a coalition would have to be put together and the party in power wouldn't have been elected by the "majority" anyway. An election should be held as soon as the little children in red prove they are mature enough to handle it.

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Govt to mobilise resources to prevent violence

BANGKOK: -- The government will mobilise all its available resources to prevent any feared violent incident by red-shirt supporters of fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra, Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban said Thursday.

Speaking after a meeting with representatives from security agencies and military commanders, Suthep said the authorities were taking preemptive measures to prevent innocent members of the public from suffering incase such an incident takes place.

"The government will closely monitor the situation and will mobilise all the resources to prevent any undesirable incident. Our goal is to ensure the public's everyday life can continue without interruptions. We won't allow anyone to cause disruptions," he said.


-- The Nation 2010-02-04


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Anti-coup rallies outside army bases in Thailand

:) The only ones talking about a coup are the reds, why do they keep this up? The only real fear that has been created that is related to a coup is this "People's Army of Thailand" that should be renamed "Thaksin's Army for the Reclamation of the Funds he Stole"! Is the populace really gullible enough to buy the idea that if a megalomanic on the run from the law states something from outside of the country, it must be true? I will be amazed if the Thai people let these coup rumours infect them with the terror that Thaksin hopes it will. Come on Thailand, you're better than this.

''All soldiers who love democracy should join forces with the red-shirts and reject their superiors' order if the order is not lawful,'' said a statement handed to the soldiers by the anti-government United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) protestors.

Since The Military leaders aren't going to call for a coup, I think that should read: ''All soldiers who have fallen for the Thaksin propaganda machine should join forces with the People's Army of Thailand, so that we can burn the country to the ground if the Great Leader doesn't get his misappropriated funds back." <--I think this is a more factual translation.

Or maybe the reds are confused about the difference between The Military fighting back against their thug army, and The Military removing the current Thai government. If their Thug's Army of Thailand starts trouble, the real army will have to respond. Perhaps the reds feel that this would constitute a coup? I think someone needs to get them a dictionary...

-----------I just read the new post above--------

Govt to mobilise resources to prevent violence

Maybe it's time to call a state of emergency. That seemed to take the red's teeth out the last time. (and before those of you who would say "That's just what the ISOC wants", stop being paranoid, there isn't going to be a coup. Only another attempt of baby Thaksin to have another tantrum)

Edited by Meridian007
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What is the "Peoples Army of Thailand".

This has to be a &lt;deleted&gt; story or there is something very nasty brewing here.

The Red Shirts are Coming! the Red Shirts are Coming!

According to one Yellow supporter, who Posted in Military against the reds, they already hold sway in the province of Chiang Mai.

The worst thing about the situation in Thailand is both sides have some real screws loose and really poor perceptions of stabilty.

I have actually come to the conclusion they 'like' gang warfare politics.


It looks like a big one is brewing, a big one!

maybe it is what is needed for Thailand to move forward. Some growing up needs to be done on both sides and a bloody nose does tend to bring one to their senses

Wow .. eggo says "big one" and you call it a bloody nose?

Can we assume sir, that you are not actually in Thailand? Can we further assume that you have no family or loved ones here?

I would certainly hate to see any large scale violence happen in Thailand.

What Thailand needs to move forward are those institutions that Thaksin so damaged. A Free Press. Checks and Balances of power. etc

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I have a solution: Hold elections and let the people of Thailand choose.

They did. And some of the people that "won" seats were thrown out for electoral fraud (for the second time). The remainder formed a new coalition.

The people who were 'banned' are only out of politics for 5 years. They got off lightly - personally I think significant jail time was in order.

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