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I Can Finally Leave Thailand.


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I think a lot of the "love Thailand or leave it crowd" are one retirement check away from having to deal with Thailand reality.

When they start abrogating the income-related retirement rules, you will hear them singing a different tune.

That's about as well as I've ever seen it written. If you don't have to work/do business in Thailand, and have enough money to keep the wife and her family bought off, then the stress level is exponentially lower. If those layers of insulation begin to wear away, then ... welcome to another Thailand.

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Good on you mate, I left January this year, althought I didn't stay as long as you. When it's time to go, no point in hanging around.

PS. You are probably going to get some stick from the Thai apologists on this forum :)

Thing i cant wait to leave behind in Thailand are : - Bad Food

Racism ( it is getting even worse day by day now ) Even my Son says so. Just from going to school he and all his friend ( most of them are half Thai / Half Farang ) they say how bad it can be . Most of them cant wait to leave Thailand and go to study in Uni in another country.

Also i have became like nearly every other Farang who lives here very lazy.

To be perfectly honest with you, it’s you who’s creating your own, how it seems boring life. Bad food?

1. Thai food is very delicious and you can cook your own food.

2. You write that most Thai /Farlang students can’t wait to leave Thailand, just a matter of time when they want to come back.

3. Racism: That’s everywhere around the Globe, lots of people from other countries might think all Thai girls are prostitutes. Respect others and they’ll respect you in Thailand. It might not work in Europe……

4. Whose fault is it that you became lazy? Even here in the Isan are parks to make exercises, places to go swimming and nice places to visit. Goes on and on and on………….please consider that you’re the one who created your circumstances, there’s nobody telling you what to do.

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I think a lot of the "love Thailand or leave it crowd" are one retirement check away from having to deal with Thailand reality.

When they start abrogating the income-related retirement rules, you will hear them singing a different tune.

That's about as well as I've ever seen it written. If you don't have to work/do business in Thailand, and have enough money to keep the wife and her family bought off, then the stress level is exponentially lower. If those layers of insulation begin to wear away, then ... welcome to another Thailand.

Should anyone be living in a foreign country with no means to support themselves anyway? :)

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I can think of nothing at all positive about Thailand anymore and especially so now that I have kids to think about.

nothing positive? sorry I don't get that at all... even when it drives me crazy (and it does!) there are always positives... Wats, people, nature, Buddhism etc.

I would not swap economic collapse, PC madness and material selfishness back in Europe for Thailand despite it's faults (it can get draining which is why I travel every few months but I enjoy coming back) but to say nothing positive is rather sad.

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You don't live in Thailand full time, do you? Thailand is a great place to be when you bring in money from the outside, scratch that, it's fuc_king awesome to be young and have money in Thailand, but unless you have a trust fund, you have to work for a living eventually. I am 27 and I don't think there are any real options to make a career in Thailand. It's basically TEFL or online business.

Thailand really isn't that cheap if you want a condo with decent amenities, motorbike, car, money for travel etc, money to go to decent restaurants, universities, clubs, taking out the girlfriend. All things which are necessary to meet the right people.

They have 45 kg girlfriends in other countries too. The Philippines is just as much fun as Thailand and much cheaper. They also speak English and have a work ethic. I am thinking of setting up an office there.

Huh? I know a number of farangs who have started with nothing and become quite successful here. Saying that it is impossible for foreigners to make a living here is just plain silly.

By the way, the Philippines are depressing as hel_l, dangerous and dirty. Thailand is heaven on earth in comparison. 202.gif

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You don't live in Thailand full time, do you? Thailand is a great place to be when you bring in money from the outside, scratch that, it's fuc_king awesome to be young and have money in Thailand, but unless you have a trust fund, you have to work for a living eventually. I am 27 and I don't think there are any real options to make a career in Thailand. It's basically TEFL or online business.

Thailand really isn't that cheap if you want a condo with decent amenities, motorbike, car, money for travel etc, money to go to decent restaurants, universities, clubs, taking out the girlfriend. All things which are necessary to meet the right people.

They have 45 kg girlfriends in other countries too. The Philippines is just as much fun as Thailand and much cheaper. They also speak English and have a work ethic. I am thinking of setting up an office there.

Concur... I have been Phil countless (well.. err...7 times) and going back again for 'fun' but infrastructure/security don't even think about it - no comparison at all - dirty, smelly and agressive in many ways - chicks are nice though :)

Huh? I know a number of farangs who have started with nothing and become quite successful here. Saying that it is impossible for foreigners to make a living here is just plain silly.

By the way, the Philippines are depressing as hel_l, dangerous and dirty. Thailand is heaven on earth in comparison. 202.gif

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Work ethic is relative. IMO folks with a good work ethic jump at overtime and don't complain about the pay rate. If there's an employee meeting of say 300 folks, with overtime shifts on offer, on average you might get about a 15% rate of volunteers. In Singapore (way higher pay rate regardless) or China (also regardless of a way lower pay rate) that might be more like 60%.

That said, their work ethic is hardly a drag on my own work ethic, and every screw, nail, and bolt has its purpose, no matter how lazy (or not) it is. If it costs me a few extra people to get my product to market, that hardly affects my kid's education, my property taxes in other countries, or whatever lifestyle I have created for myself and my family.


People that take all the overtime they can get are just bad with money and they don't value their own time.

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You don't live in Thailand full time, do you? Thailand is a great place to be when you bring in money from the outside, scratch that, it's fuc_king awesome to be young and have money in Thailand, but unless you have a trust fund, you have to work for a living eventually. I am 27 and I don't think there are any real options to make a career in Thailand. It's basically TEFL or online business.

Thailand really isn't that cheap if you want a condo with decent amenities, motorbike, car, money for travel etc, money to go to decent restaurants, universities, clubs, taking out the girlfriend. All things which are necessary to meet the right people.

They have 45 kg girlfriends in other countries too. The Philippines is just as much fun as Thailand and much cheaper. They also speak English and have a work ethic. I am thinking of setting up an office there.

Huh? I know a number of farangs who have started with nothing and become quite successful here. Saying that it is impossible for foreigners to make a living here is just plain silly.

By the way, the Philippines are depressing as hel_l, dangerous and dirty. Thailand is heaven on earth in comparison. 202.gif

hey hey, somebody said something good about Thailand on this forum !

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Work ethic is relative. IMO folks with a good work ethic jump at overtime and don't complain about the pay rate. If there's an employee meeting of say 300 folks, with overtime shifts on offer, on average you might get about a 15% rate of volunteers. In Singapore (way higher pay rate regardless) or China (also regardless of a way lower pay rate) that might be more like 60%.

That said, their work ethic is hardly a drag on my own work ethic, and every screw, nail, and bolt has its purpose, no matter how lazy (or not) it is. If it costs me a few extra people to get my product to market, that hardly affects my kid's education, my property taxes in other countries, or whatever lifestyle I have created for myself and my family.


People that take all the overtime they can get are just bad with money and they don't value their own time.

Wasn't talking about money management. Was talking about work ethic. If they were good with money they probably wouldn't be line/wage workers.


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Good on you mate, I left January this year, althought I didn't stay as long as you. When it's time to go, no point in hanging around.

PS. You are probably going to get some stick from the Thai apologists on this forum :)

Five years here also and the plane leaves March 18. Not coming back, happy to go.

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I think a lot of the "love Thailand or leave it crowd" are one retirement check away from having to deal with Thailand reality.

When they start abrogating the income-related retirement rules, you will hear them singing a different tune.

That's about as well as I've ever seen it written. If you don't have to work/do business in Thailand, and have enough money to keep the wife and her family bought off, then the stress level is exponentially lower. If those layers of insulation begin to wear away, then ... welcome to another Thailand.

Should anyone be living in a foreign country with no means to support themselves anyway? :)

No, of course not. If one has to work or run a business to survive in Thailand, then it's a very different experience than the retirees who are bring money in and pass it around with enough generosity to keep people happy -- or at least not totally p*ssed of because the brother's motorcycle didn't materialize along with the father's operation and the mother's new refrigerator.

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I tend to agree that there are things here that are better than back home but there are so many things that are worse. One of the things that I find disgusting is the fact that the law completely sides with the locals no matter who is in the wrong or right. i.e. If I'm driving home from work one day and a drunk Thai guy on a motorcycle comes round the corner on my side of the road blind drunk and crashes into my car and gets injured. I will be the one to blame, 100% no matter who is wrong or who is right. I have seen this happen so many times. The whole, you are farang, you pay, attitude is disgusting. I feel that you have to be so cautious here, because the law will never be on your side. One guy I know was recently parked at an intersection waiting to turn and a bike came hurtling round the corner, strayed onto the otherside of the road, smashed into his car and landed in a heap on the other side of the road. The local muslim population in the area dragged him from his car, gave him a good beating then dragged him to the police station where he was forced to pay 50,000 baht to the guy or face going to jail. What can you do in that situation?

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Thailand has changed a lot since I first visited 10 years ago. The internet was still in its infancy and I was one of the first people walking around with a mobile phone. I think the more we discover a place, the more we compare it with 'back home.'

To me - some of the MAGIC has gone from Thailand, but it's still 100 times friendlier and safer than Australia.


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They have 45 kg girlfriends in other countries too. The Philippines is just as much fun as Thailand and much cheaper. They also speak English and have a work ethic. I am thinking of setting up an office there.

Huh? I know a number of farangs who have started with nothing and become quite successful here. Saying that it is impossible for foreigners to make a living here is just plain silly.

By the way, the Philippines are depressing as hel_l, dangerous and dirty. Thailand is heaven on earth in comparison. 202.gif

Filipinos are more friendly than Thais in general, and communication is much easier too, as many speak English well.

BUT: the country is really run-down, cannot compare with Thailand. Then, the crap Philippine food. The Philippines is a good holiday destination for a few weeks, better beaches than Thailand, less tourists.

But living there? No way!

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One of the things that I find disgusting is the fact that the law completely sides with the locals no matter who is in the wrong or right.

This is just not true. :)

Sorry, seen it happen on a lot more than one occasion, especially in the corrupt south.

Maybe it would be more actuate to say that the enforcement of the law completely sides with the locals no matter who is in the wrong or right.

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With a 2.5% unemployment rate, I would not consider Thai people lazy with no work ethic.

That is just another figure picked out of the air by the government.How anyone can put a figure on the unemployment if employees or employers are not required to do any registration?

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It seems psychologically weak to be so critical of others who don't like this place. Some posters can't even contemplate that other people might have a different opinion and think they are Thai bashers or delusional or poor or have a visa problem, whatever.

No, it's rather more the fact, that people, who really can't stand life here, are not strong enough to move, or, if that is not an option, can't manage to arrange their lives here in a way to reduce all the negative aspects to a minimum and enjoy all the positive aspects amap, but only complain about this and that, food, traffic, double pricing, low quality of this and that........

Best example are these frustrated guys, who stay in the middle of nowhere only because her wife was born there. Without the wife they would never ever be there. For sure, if they were at other places in Thailand, they would have a much better life.

You just proved the point I was trying to make.

When some people feel like they have an obligation to do or finish something (because it is the right thing to do), some people do it. That, my friend, takes massive mental strength and a moral base that is firm.

The last thing it is is weakness. Sure, it is easy to walk away from responsibility and many do.

Interesting comment about "frustrated guys who live in the middle of nowhere." Many actually like it there. For them, the positives of living in rural Thailand outweigh the negatives.

Some of that might be related to ones background: rural vs urban. Believe it or not, some people really do hate big cities, traffic, pollution, crime, etc.

And when you start getting bored, you can take a trip to the "big city."

Let me say it one more time for clarity: "It seems psychologically weak to be so critical of others who don't like this place. Some posters can't even contemplate that other people might have a different opinion and think they are Thai bashers or delusional or poor or have a visa problem, whatever."

That does not mean there are not people who love Thailand. It only means the reaction by these people to those who don't love Thailand bears analysis.

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Many years ago I heard the phrase that you can never go back home. I paid no attention and didn't think about it when I went back home. I found out then that it was true. Everything was just different. My original home no longer existed, my home became Thailand warts and all. Thailand is now home.

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Hope you are not headed to the good old US of A. Prepare yourself for a dissapearing middle class, more disparity between rich and poor than almost any country in the world, no universal health care, a huge debt, servitude to Wall Street, and fees and surcharges at every turn including anti terrorism measures designed to create a new police state. Otherwise there's always dollar cheeseburgers and Wal Mart for almost everyone to enjoy. Have fun!!!!

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You don't live in Thailand full time, do you? Thailand is a great place to be when you bring in money from the outside, scratch that, it's fuc_king awesome to be young and have money in Thailand, but unless you have a trust fund, you have to work for a living eventually. I am 27 and I don't think there are any real options to make a career in Thailand. It's basically TEFL or online business.

Thailand really isn't that cheap if you want a condo with decent amenities, motorbike, car, money for travel etc, money to go to decent restaurants, universities, clubs, taking out the girlfriend. All things which are necessary to meet the right people.

They have 45 kg girlfriends in other countries too. The Philippines is just as much fun as Thailand and much cheaper. They also speak English and have a work ethic. I am thinking of setting up an office there.

Huh? I know a number of farangs who have started with nothing and become quite successful here. Saying that it is impossible for foreigners to make a living here is just plain silly.

By the way, the Philippines are depressing as hel_l, dangerous and dirty. Thailand is heaven on earth in comparison. 202.gif

To call any copuntry hel_l on earth and call thailand heaven on earth in comparison to it is a big insult to any country. Thailand is no where near and never will be heaven on earth.

As some else has said. The locals in the Phililppines are alot more freindly than the locals in Thailand. Out side the tourist area's in Thailand the locals are ok. Alot of them do still say bad things about farangs when they think you cant understand them ( i know i speak thai ) . But in the tourist area's the some of the thing i have heard said about farangs is awful. Vene the the tourists are stood right infront of them spending there money in a shop. Many thais can still only sad bad things about farang and laugh to eachother about them.

My advice to Farangs who live here and like it, and also think the local thai's like them. Is DONT ever learn the thai language. If you do you will quickly understand you are not really welcome here even if you are spending money

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Let me say it one more time for clarity: "It seems psychologically weak to be so critical of others who don't like this place. Some posters can't even contemplate that other people might have a different opinion and think they are Thai bashers or delusional or poor or have a visa problem, whatever."

That does not mean there are not people who love Thailand. It only means the reaction by these people to those who don't love Thailand bears analysis.

and vice versa. IMO, its seems more like its the "its my opinion and therefor the only valid one" school of thought rather than anything to do with thailand.

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You don't live in Thailand full time, do you? Thailand is a great place to be when you bring in money from the outside, scratch that, it's fuc_king awesome to be young and have money in Thailand, but unless you have a trust fund, you have to work for a living eventually. I am 27 and I don't think there are any real options to make a career in Thailand. It's basically TEFL or online business.

Thailand really isn't that cheap if you want a condo with decent amenities, motorbike, car, money for travel etc, money to go to decent restaurants, universities, clubs, taking out the girlfriend. All things which are necessary to meet the right people.

They have 45 kg girlfriends in other countries too. The Philippines is just as much fun as Thailand and much cheaper. They also speak English and have a work ethic. I am thinking of setting up an office there.

Huh? I know a number of farangs who have started with nothing and become quite successful here. Saying that it is impossible for foreigners to make a living here is just plain silly.

By the way, the Philippines are depressing as hel_l, dangerous and dirty. Thailand is heaven on earth in comparison. 202.gif

To call any copuntry hel_l on earth and call thailand heaven on earth in comparison to it is a big insult to any country. Thailand is no where near and never will be heaven on earth.

As some else has said. The locals in the Phililppines are alot more freindly than the locals in Thailand. Out side the tourist area's in Thailand the locals are ok. Alot of them do still say bad things about farangs when they think you cant understand them ( i know i speak thai ) . But in the tourist area's the some of the thing i have heard said about farangs is awful. Vene the the tourists are stood right infront of them spending there money in a shop. Many thais can still only sad bad things about farang and laugh to eachother about them.

My advice to Farangs who live here and like it, and also think the local thai's like them. Is DONT ever learn the thai language. If you do you will quickly understand you are not really welcome here even if you are spending money


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The people in the Philippines APPEAR to be friendly, but many are just using the knowledge you pass on to scam other gullible tourists. I saw more scams in the Philippines then I ever knew existed. When a Filipino speaks to you in a friendly manner he's just trying to learn what you know so he can lower the guard of some other gullible tourist and make him more vulnerable. I saw it happen so frequently I couldn't believe it. Their patter would make an Indian tailor in Phuket go green with envy.

By contrast, when a Thai talks to you he's mostly just being friendly. There are the excpetions of course, but you learn to spot them after a while.

And, I heard of more murders within the group I was associated with then I ever heard happening in Thailand. Four guys I knew personally were murdered in Angeles City.

And, the government in Thailand is far more concerned about the environment than anyone in the Philippines. At least Thailand DOES have some national parks that are protected. In the Philippines the fishermen blow up the coral reefs wih dynamite just to kill a few fish to eat.

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The people in the Philippines APPEAR to be friendly, but many are just using the knowledge you pass on to scam other gullible tourists. I saw more scams in the Philippines then I ever knew existed. When a Filipino speaks to you in a friendly manner he's just trying to learn what you know so he can lower the guard of some other gullible tourist and make him more vulnerable. I saw it happen so frequently I couldn't believe it. Their patter would make an Indian tailor in Phuket go green with envy.

By contrast, when a Thai talks to you he's mostly just being friendly. There are the excpetions of course, but you learn to spot them after a while.

And, I heard of more murders within the group I was associated with then I ever heard happening in Thailand. Four guys I knew personally were murdered in Angeles City.

And, the government in Thailand is far more concerned about the environment than anyone in the Philippines. At least Thailand DOES have some national parks that are protected. In the Philippines the fishermen blow up the coral reefs wih dynamite just to kill a few fish to eat.

I thought the Philippines were at civil war?

Total carnage that place from what I an make out.

All of this makes you appreciate the West more and more and more . . . everyday.

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No where is perfect ..depends on what you make it I guess.

Good luck to you for me 12 yrs on still love it here yup some things really p88s me off but thats life, today I drove from Phuket to Donsak great weather , last month round the M25 to see my mum on a visit crap weather rude people cost a fourtune.

Hmmmmm no brainer for me right now, nope I am not a Thai apologist, there are Aholes everywhere.

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