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Excuses Thai Women Give You Not To Meet


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These are just a few of the few excuses that I have received lately from the ever so beautiful Thai ladies for canceling appointments to meet for the first time for coffee and conversation. These are all quotes from the women, I have omitted the quotation marks.

I am too busy this week call me next week.

I have to go to the temple and meditate for a week.

There are too many sick people in my village right now.

I don't speak English.

Maybe my sister could help translate for me.

I am too ugly for you.

I'm shy.

It is Chinese New Year.

I spend every weekend with my father, He just remarried a lady 20 years his junior and I must help him.

I would have to bring my daughter and a friend of mine and I don't think that you would like that.

I don't have money for the bus.

Save you money and don't call me.

You called me a B...., because I would not hold your hand on our second date.

There are more but I will leave it at that. I am starting to understand why ferangs may prefer prostitutes.

They don't have excuses and what you see is what you get. Phom mai chai ferang khii nok.

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I think all of those equate to "you're a creep, leave me alone".

So true! Unfortunately, many of the farang visiting or living in Thailand don't consider themselves "creeps" even though they can't successfully hook up with anyone but a hooker. And of course, the hooker is agreeable for only one reason. Truth be known, similar rejections by hookers is probably a recent experience as well.

The above opinion is not pointed at anyone in particular. It is based simply an observation (seeing, hearing, reading) of the activities within the farang community in Thailand which is a reflection on all farang in Thailand.

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I think all of those equate to "you're a creep, leave me alone".

So true! Unfortunately, many of the farang visiting or living in Thailand don't consider themselves "creeps" even though they can't successfully hook up with anyone but a hooker. And of course, the hooker is agreeable for only one reason. Truth be known, similar rejections by hookers is probably a recent experience as well.

The above opinion is not pointed at anyone in particular. It is based simply an observation (seeing, hearing, reading) of the activities within the farang community in Thailand which is a reflection on all farang in Thailand.

I don't do hookers so it is not a recent experience with me.

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Umm, maybe they just don't like you?

Umm only one had ever met me before and previous to not meeting they all had positive communication with me.


It doesn't surprise me that one or two women have excuses and not turn up. Chatting across the Internet (which I assume is what is happening here) is all very easy, but many women will get shy at the thought of actually having to meet a farang.

Also, that's a lot of excuses, so I take it that it's a lot of different women. One thing that really turns off Thai ladies is if they feel they are just one in a long list. Even though it's the Internet, I am pretty sure they like to think they are the only lady being spoken with.

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Umm, maybe they just don't like you?

Umm only one had ever met me before and previous to not meeting they all had positive communication with me.


Did you by any chance send them a photo sometime between the positive correspondences and the excuses?

:) Good question. I was actually thinking more that maybe they were just chatting with you for fun but didn't like you enough to actually meet. Or maybe, they're trying to work on you until they feel ready to hit you up for money. :D

Oh, and you do realize that this forum is intended for females living in or interested in Thailand, not for talking about Thai ladies, right? If you post on forum full of mostly foreign women, you should expect to get a woman's opinion. I'm guessing that most of us would say that with all those excuses, the woman/women in question just isn't interested.

Edited by tonititan
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If all of the reasons the OP has given (and more) have happened to him "lately" ..... then maybe he should take a close look at who he is asking out, and at himself, and look for the LCD (least common denominator). I suggest that if there are that many women not wanting to meet him .. that he himself is the least common denominator.

I have been told "no" in a few different ways over the years but not as many times as the OP relates to having been told 'no' recently!

Things to think about ----

Are the women you are asking out much younger than yourself? If so, can you demonstrate in visible ways financial success and an understanding of Thai values?

Are the women you are trying to meet all from one class of people?

Are you inviting them out to places that conservative Thai women would not go?

etc etc

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Indeed this forum is FOR women, not ABOUT women and if you want a general man's opinion as to why you are being given excuses then I am happy to move it to a more appropriate forum.

If you want women's opinions then I can tell you its quite simple. She is just not that into you.

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Great, now when can we get a Man's Forum? :)

its called Bedlam :D

haha, good call, I meant to say Normal Man's page. Not the padded cell for recluses who are too afraid to venture out behind their 500 post sanctuary - aka Bedlam.

Oh, isn't that the footie forum then?

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Great, now when can we get a Man's Forum? :)

its called Bedlam :D

haha, good call, I meant to say Normal Man's page. Not the padded cell for recluses who are too afraid to venture out behind their 500 post sanctuary - aka Bedlam.

Oh, isn't that the footie forum then?

Not according to Migsy :D

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Umm, maybe they just don't like you?

Umm only one had ever met me before and previous to not meeting they all had positive communication with me.


Did you by any chance send them a photo sometime between the positive correspondences and the excuses?

Well what do think after communicating with some of them for six months? Yes I sent them photos of me when I was 16 like many of them do.

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If all of the reasons the OP has given (and more) have happened to him "lately" ..... then maybe he should take a close look at who he is asking out, and at himself, and look for the LCD (least common denominator). I suggest that if there are that many women not wanting to meet him .. that he himself is the least common denominator.

I have been told "no" in a few different ways over the years but not as many times as the OP relates to having been told 'no' recently!

Things to think about ----

Are the women you are asking out much younger than yourself? If so, can you demonstrate in visible ways financial success and an understanding of Thai values?

I am dating women, Im just giving some examples of the excuses women give.

Are the women you are trying to meet all from one class of people?

Are you inviting them out to places that conservative Thai women would not go?

etc etc

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To be honest I don't think "they're just not that into you" is the only possible explanation, although of course it's a valid one.

I had a few (slightly) similar experiences with some Thai men (I'm a female) when I was (and still am) 100% sure the guys were interested in me. Don't ask me how I know, it's hard to explain... However, when the time came to actually "go out together" they either politely declined or they accepted and then called to cancel. Or they cancelled even though THEY were the ones who asked me out.

I think some of this may have to do with people getting "cold feet", that is, they are interested but then they get scared of actually turning their fantasies into reality, maybe because we are foreigners and they are not sure how to act, or what other people would think, which makes them uncomfortable.

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Well what do think after communicating with some of them for six months? Yes I sent them photos of me when I was 16 like many of them do.

Maybe the reason they send you pictures of 16 year olds is because they ARE 16. :)

I resent your insulting comments. Go and spend 15 years in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Thailand, Laos Japan and Mexico, and a few other countries and then get back to me. I have been coming to Thailand probably since before you were born. If all you have is prostitutes and sixteen year old on your mind. I Imagine you spend a lot of time in Pattaya. I wont entertain you any more.

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I think all of those equate to "you're a creep, leave me alone".

So true! Unfortunately, many of the farang visiting or living in Thailand don't consider themselves "creeps" even though they can't successfully hook up with anyone but a hooker. And of course, the hooker is agreeable for only one reason. Truth be known, similar rejections by hookers is probably a recent experience as well.

The above opinion is not pointed at anyone in particular. It is based simply an observation (seeing, hearing, reading) of the activities within the farang community in Thailand which is a reflection on all farang in Thailand.

I agree.

Even the women who work in the bars are selective, or at least the ones that work in the bars I frequent are selective. I hear them discussing various men all the time, and and some men in great detail. The men they don't like will see the women's backs turned toward them, and the women trying hard not to make eye contact. And, it's not very hard to spot those kind of men. They walk along like vultures looking for dead meat. That is why most of those guys wind up along Soi 6 in Pattaya.

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Indeed this forum is FOR women, not ABOUT women and if you want a general man's opinion as to why you are being given excuses then I am happy to move it to a more appropriate forum.

If you want women's opinions then I can tell you its quite simple. She is just not that into you.

Well said, sbk. It IS a woman's forum, and women have an entirely different set of problems than men. That is why they need their own forum. Some men forget that. Just about the entire remainder of thaivisa is a so called "men's forum".

Bedlam is the place to let your hair down and discuss topics other than Thailand. In my case I let ALL my hair down. :)

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Well what do think after communicating with some of them for six months? Yes I sent them photos of me when I was 16 like many of them do.

Maybe the reason they send you pictures of 16 year olds is because they ARE 16. :)

I resent your insulting comments. Go and spend 15 years in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Thailand, Laos Japan and Mexico, and a few other countries and then get back to me. I have been coming to Thailand probably since before you were born. If all you have is prostitutes and sixteen year old on your mind. I Imagine you spend a lot of time in Pattaya. I wont entertain you any more.

I don't understand what living abroad for 15 years has to do with anything except maybe your need to show off. I never mentioned prostitutes, so I have no idea where your comment is coming from. I wasn't insulting you in the above comment, I was serious that the girls might be 16 and lie and say they are older. Thai women/girls tend to look younger than they are. The age could explain why the girls are hesitant to meet you. Did I say anything about you liking 16 year old girls? No. It seems that you're getting a little defensive, so perhaps I inadvertently hit a nerve?

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[quote name='bkkjames' post='3344692' date='2010-02-16

Oh, isn't that the footie forum then?

Not according to Migsy :)


So if one woman posts in there that negates its usefulness as a man's forum. Um so whats that mean for the women's forum where it appears to be about 50/50 men and women posting? :D

And OP, you never answered my question, are you looking for women's advice or just general complaining about women? If the latter then this will be moved.

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[quote name='bkkjames' post='3344692' date='2010-02-16

Oh, isn't that the footie forum then?

Not according to Migsy :D

So if one woman posts in there that negates its usefulness as a man's forum.

cut him some slack SBK - to his defense ....Miggie's personality (read: ego?) is sooooooooooo big it overwhelms the rest of the male posters on there :)

I could get in trouble for this....but mai pen rai :D

OP - a woman's opinion? generally boils down to 'not interested enough'.

1. could be culture - Thai way of being coy,

2. add to that the fact that it is someone you met through the net....taking it to reality could be traumatic? - I speak from experience....Ive met some beer drinking football singing men from here :D[could get into trouble for this too]

3. I assume its through dating site - same way that you may be talking to many women, they must be talking to many men. they may have met others that they are quite happy with, and try to let you down indirectly

4. etc etc etc

could be anything really, but not enough interest is the bottom line.

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