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Whats Funniest Thing Your Wife Has Done Or Said ?


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my thai wife was always going on how she wanted to see switzerland because of the mountains and snow before she came to u.k ( we live in belfast northern ireland) so one day i took her on a drive around northern ireland and just out across the sea there was a small island about a mile out which we could get a boat out to, it was a coldish day and i asked her did she want to go over on the ferry, she said " no too cold darling" me " but you allways wanted to see switzerland love " wife jumping up and down " oh yes me want see switzerland , come , go now " :) haha driving down the road one day there was a dead badger at side of road , wife " can you eat or not " ? :D another time we went to the mountains over looking the sea and there was lots of big seagulls swooping down near where we lay at edge of the cliff overlooking sea, wife says " when nok stay thailand he die sure, i think alloy " hahahaha

anyone want to add some

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also add the most embarrassing thing your wife has ever done. we were walking through a shopping centre one day and she spotted a two pence piece lying on the ground a few metres away , she ran over and grabbed it and put it in her pocket with an impish grin on her face , the place was crowded with shoppers some of who looked down at her doing this as i could tell by the look on one girls face , others smiled but it was both embarrassing and funny, i told her not to do this again ( unless it was paper money ) her reply was the usual " up to me " although she did say it was bad luck to let the kings/ queens head lie on the ground

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My GF had never been to a golf course and joined me in the cart during a round at Panya Indra. As I was a single golfer I joined three Thai players. On one of the greens she walked up to me with a coin in her hand. -"Honey, I find money here, why someone forget here?"

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There's the good old looking at the SureFire C2 torch (80 Lumens) and commenting that it's too mutt bright and then blinding her other eye making sure....

or ordering lobster brisque and since it was gravy like ordering rice to go under it and then adding naam plaa to the whole mix.....

or when building the house (I work overseas) the bathroom ended up bigger than the master bedroom......

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Funny thing: My wife had never seen snow either. Well, that was before this winter. She has been staying with my mother in the U.S. this winter and went from never experiencing snow to getting 16 inches in the month of January. I asked her, "Honey, how do you like the snow?" Her reply was "I SICK of snow! I'm tired of snow! I cannot stay here in winter time anymore." She has been a trooper being snowed in for over 3 weeks. Ha Ha Ha

Embarrassing and funny: Before my wife and I were married, her english wasn't the greatest. When I talked to her I talked a lot in slang and bluntness so that she would understand better. One of the things I would say is "I gotta go take a schit" instead of being a polite gentleman. Well, she thought this was an acceptable expression. So time went on and we made plans to get married. When my mother and a friend of the family from the States, who is also Thai, came for the wedding we were sitting outside a couple of days before the wedding just hanging out. I had to relieve myself. After a few minutes Mom asked my wife where I went. "Oh, he go take a schit." After I got back I had to explain why I was teaching my wife to talk like that. Oh, the scorn of a mother!

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As you enter the subdivision where our daughter lives in Texas, you pass a family cemetery of about 10 graves.....all nicely maintained and shaded with mature oaks.

On a recent visit to Texas, my wife and daughter went out to do some shopping. When they returned, my daughter said to me, "Dad, Mom's been trying to tell me something about Aunt Chester. She said it's something to do with the cemetery at the entrance to the subdivision."

I paused and put all my 35 years of translating my wife's broken English to work........."She's not talking about Aunt Chester.....she's probably talking about 'ancestor'.

And, of course, that was exactly what she was trying to talk to our daughter about.

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Out of the blue one day she said, "we have to go get black pack" which I heard as meaning she wanted to get a back pack. We went to a number of sporting goods type places and after looking at a zillion back packs she asked me why I wanted to buy a back packs. It seems she wanted to buy some black bags or garbage bins bags as we might know the.

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Drinking a few glasses of beer at Tawandeng German beer bar in Rama 3 in Bangkok.

Got high pretty fast but funny, for the most part.

And was so sick the next day, that she never drunk again.

But well, I'm working on it... :)

Edited by eurasianthai
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My wife and I have our own line of cosmetics that we sell here locally, she pretty much dose everything but I helped with the offshore sourcing and the web design. Anyway in the beginning we were lying on the bed trying to think of cool names for the different colors of eyeliner. Cosmetics have some funky names for their colors these days. So we were looking at our Green eyeliner and she said "hmmm Rain forest, na baby?" to which I replied "yeah thats cool." Then I picked up a silvery sort of charcoalish color and said "how about this one...hmm I think ...Ash, yeah?". She nodded and picked up our rich brown colored eye liner looked at it for a second and said "Hmmm how about 2 Girls One Cup?" I almost pissed my self I laughed so hard....and yes we went with that name as well. The girls here love it :)

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Not a wife/partner, but several Thais were helping me move to a new home. I had clearly labeled all the boxes in English. One of the Thais held up a "kitchen" box, and asked me "You want this in the chicken, right?" Hard to keep a straight face and point him in the right direction.

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One day when I came home from work my wife proudly announced to me as she plonked a big bowl of soup in front of me , " I make bird soup for you , aroi nah ? " Remembering that I had mentioned before that I liked pigeon , I thought she must of been to the Game shop and bought the pigeons and had made a soup instead of roasting them, ah well it was delishous .

Later on she mentioned , " take me long time catch bird you know " What she had actually done was caught wild birds in our garden using hooked fishing line baited with rice ! :) .

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One day when I came home from work my wife proudly announced to me as she plonked a big bowl of soup in front of me , " I make bird soup for you , aroi nah ? " Remembering that I had mentioned before that I liked pigeon , I thought she must of been to the Game shop and bought the pigeons and had made a soup instead of roasting them, ah well it was delishous .

Later on she mentioned , " take me long time catch bird you know " What she had actually done was caught wild birds in our garden using hooked fishing line baited with rice ! :) .

DANG that is funny!!

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Driving in Udon Thani we had another driver pull into our lane with no notice or signal and I slipped and said "Shti Head" and wife asked me what mean. I explained carefully that it was same as poop cow in head. Some weeks later we were again confronted with a typical thai driver mis step and she blurted out at him "Poop cow head you"

Another time while we were at a festival on the Mekong River wife was wading in the shallow water and told me that there was "Mak Mak wind in the water"

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There's the good old looking at the SureFire C2 torch (80 Lumens) and commenting that it's too mutt bright and then blinding her other eye making sure....

or ordering lobster brisque and since it was gravy like ordering rice to go under it and then adding naam plaa to the whole mix.....

or when building the house (I work overseas) the bathroom ended up bigger than the master bedroom......

i do believe you mean lobster bisque.

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Funniest thing,

The wife requesting for visitation rights to see the boy friend that she has been cheating on me with for the past 6 months (reportedly 6 months).... and in her mind it was a perfectly logical request.

I meet with the lawyer today.

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Recently the Thai wife has being calling me Yoda from Star Wars..

What a compliment i though she's telling me i am full of wisdom and she's proud of her smart husband !!

erh No!

She says...i look like him :)

not sure which nickname i prefer her calling me ling ping or yoda!! :D

she took a video of me snoring my drunken head off and decided i was that panda ling ping...sleeping all day and night !


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What is the funniest thing my wife did or said?

She said "I am having an affair". That was certainly a relief, and it solved the problem of me ending our marriage.

:) <removed> me thats so funny. !

so you're living in misery and wondering how to get yourself out of the sh1t and along pops your misses with a wonderful sentence

"i am having an affair"

You say "great" and run off to Thailand :D

The rest is happy history documented in photos and posts on TV.. :D

You're my idol :D

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Must admit that My Thai wife does many funny things, but I must say that the day I brought home a big mess of Buffalo wings to eat was the best.

When I told her that I brought home some Buffalo Wings for supper, she became quite upset that I would bring home beef to eat since she does not eat beef.

She would not believe me that it was chicken and not Buffalo. Even my explanation that Buffalo do not have wings did not straighten out the situition.

Fortunatelly, after her talking with several people, she realized that it truly was chicken.

Looking forward to what tomorrow might hold...55555555555555555555

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