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Tt&t Maxnet Sa Kaeo: Connection From Bad To Slow


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Since several days

no internet or very very very sloooow

customer service by telephone: cannot connect most of the time, when connect, after "for english plee pe nigh", I press nine and somebody starts talking a tsunami of Thai

sometimes they try to convince me or my wife to upgrade to a new service, specially for "inter channel", according to the lady, this means an international connection. I have tried to explain that their credibility is rather low, seen the quality of their actual service.

I do not have the impression, that in their eyes, this is a valid argument.

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I've heard a lot of bad feedback about this company and the very poor service level. I've even heard they reassign used numbers or share them since they cannot afford to invest in expansion from the advertising the made last year. I terminated that service one year ago opting for AIS aircard using 3G but the exorbitant cost made it not the best option. 3G charges by the amount of data used or downloaded whereas the older system offers a better package deal regardless of the amount of data used. Finally I changed to TOT internet last month when they launched its own internet service. They are the telco people and has the resources whereas TT&T rents the phone lines from TOT. This explains why the resources ran out on one.

This is my personal experience and my interpretation of the current situation. Someone else may think otherwise.

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The sales lady is probably correct. The premier service at 3 MB is the way to go. About a thousand Baht and it works great 99% of the time. The cheaper packages are for mostly inside Thailand, and really don't work well for international traffic.

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Repeating what others have said on this forum, the Maxnet Premier package offers indeed a lower share ratio between users and therefore usually offers better international speeds. Furthermore it offers a higher upload (1MBit). But there are also some reports, probably location-specific, that service quality after upgrading has NOT improved significantly.

A view things that might help in decision finding (or maybe on the contrary confuse you even more):

Maxnet is being restructured into 3BB. Read more on this here. I'm not sure whether this makes any difference on a technical level, some reports imply that but I kind of doubt it without being able to back this up with any information.

Not sure service reliability will improve with the upgrade to Premier, since I assume that technicians, employees and hardware used is more or less the same for both services.

A lot depends on what is the source of your Internet problems. If the Internet breaks down due to 'overload', e.g. all the kids coming home from school and turning on their computers or going to the internet cafes, Premier might help since you will share your network only with other Premier users (very simply spoken).

If it is due to nationwide problems or a general bandwidth problem in your province/region, it might not change anything at all.

Same applies if there is problems because some government agency goes crazy on trying to control the internet (conspiracy theory) in those days.

Btw I don't think changing from phone-line based ADSL services to mobile phone based 3G services is a good move (in Thailand, in your situation/location, yet). I doubt it is a available outside of greater Bangkok area, and GPRS/EDGE will give you only a fraction of the line speed that ADSL does.

Btw, did you see whether there the faster 3BB packages (10-16 MBit) are offered in Sa Kaeo? Many users give very good feedback on those new package, but I don't now if Maxnet/3BB can offer those packages outside of the cities yet.


Edited by welo
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