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Best Lawyer Story

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Been sent a true story. Probanly lots of you out there have heard it already.

A Charlotte, NC lawyer purchased a box of very rare and expensive cigars,then insured them against fire,among other things. Within a month,having smoked his entire stock of these great cigars and without yet having made his first premium payment on the policy,the lawyer files a claim.

In his claim,the lawyer stated the cigars were lost in small fires. The insurance company of course refused to pay,citing the obvious reason,that the man had consumed the cigars in the usual fashion. The lawyer sued.............AND WON

In delivering the ruling,the Judge agreed with the insurance company,that the claim was frivolous. The Judge also stated however that as the lawyer ' held a policy from the company that had warrented the cigars insurable,and also insured them against fire,without discerning what disagreeable fire is' he ordered them to pay.

Rather than endure a lenghthy and costly appeal,the company accepted the ruling and paid $15,000 to the lawyer for the loss.

After the lawyer had cashed the cheque,the insurance company had him arrested on 24 counts of Arson,with his own insurance claim and testimony used against him. The lawyer was convicted of ' Intentionally setting fire to his own insured property' and was sentenced to two years jail and a fine of $24,000

From the ' Criminal Lawyers Award Contest' awarded first prize :o

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Been sent a true story. Probanly lots of you out there have heard it already.

A Charlotte, NC lawyer purchased a box of very rare and expensive cigars,then insured them against fire,among other things. Within a month,having smoked his entire stock of these great cigars and without yet having made his first premium payment on the policy,the lawyer files a claim.

  In his claim,the lawyer stated the cigars were lost in small fires. The insurance company of course refused to pay,citing the obvious reason,that the man had consumed the cigars in the usual fashion. The lawyer sued.............AND WON

  In delivering the ruling,the Judge agreed with the insurance company,that the claim was frivolous. The Judge also stated however that as the lawyer ' held a policy from the company that had warrented the cigars insurable,and also insured them against fire,without discerning what disagreeable fire is' he ordered them to pay.

  Rather than endure a lenghthy and costly appeal,the company accepted the ruling and paid $15,000 to the lawyer for the loss.

  After the lawyer had cashed the cheque,the insurance company had him arrested on 24 counts of Arson,with his own insurance claim and testimony used against him. The lawyer was convicted of ' Intentionally setting fire to his own insured property' and was sentenced to two years jail and a fine of $24,000

From the ' Criminal Lawyers Award Contest'        awarded first prize :D


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Heard the lawyer story. Reminds me of another true story that happened in the UK in the eighties.

A "Madam" was arrested and brought to trial accused of running "a house of ill repute". Apparently, she had been paying taxes on all earnings, so she tried to sue the government for "living off immoral earnings". Unfortunately, she didn't get away with it.

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