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Why Ning Is Going To Bangkok Tonight In Her Red Shirt


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I don't understand why so many are saying Nings story is fake, even if it was... do you all deny that stories just like that one actually do exist all throughout Thailand? Or is Thailand actually the paradise of equality and justice some of you are suggesting it is? :)

I think the point of the story is that Thailand is actually a paradise of equality and justice BUT ONLY if you are wealthy or have other significant influence.

PoliTards will cherry pick whatever part of the story they want to support their illogically formed arguments for either Thieving Thaksin or the equally morally and financially corrupt government in power.

Meanhwhile, the current government and their "oh so educated much better than you" power in party will conveniently bundle in all the valid grievances with Thaksin and then merrily ignore them, because, well, you know, they "just know better."

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I don't understand why so many are saying Nings story is fake, even if it was... do you all deny that stories just like that one actually do exist all throughout Thailand?

I don't think people will deny that there are poor people in Thailand. That part of the story is inconsequential as to whether it's real or not. It's the using of that part to put forth a political agenda (going to red rally) in a deceptive manner (by purporting it to be real) is less than honorable. It's using poor people. Same as the benefactor of today's red rally uses poor people.

Edited by Esai
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I don't understand why so many are saying Nings story is fake, even if it was... do you all deny that stories just like that one actually do exist all throughout Thailand?

I don't think people will deny that there are poor people in Thailand. That part of the story is inconsequential as to whether it's real or not. It's the using of that part to put forth a political agenda (going to red rally) in a deceptive manner (by purporting it to be real) is less than honorable. It's using poor people. Same as the benefactor of today's red rally uses poor people.

Many here are charaterizing the red cause as using/abusing the poor for Thieving Thaksins desires. Perhaps the core of the movement can just take it over from within and turn into what this story is about, a struggle for rights and equality for the long shat upon underclass.

Even if they can't, it's still the only group that even pretends to give a shit what the poor want/need.

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I can't believe that 5 pages have been created on this thread on an unverified story from an unverified source.

The story is as phony as the notion that the reds are not about Thaksin.

I see he still hasn't responded to Admin's request.

Consider the OP. Of course it's not a true story.

And Cnxforever is groveling sycophant who obviously doesn't object to creating fiction, including his puerile and cliché ridden "Ning" yarn.

But as any good troll, he got a number of people believing this absurd fiction.

Also, as a proper troll, he hasn't posted on the thread since the OP.


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Joined: 2010-03-05

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Well, we all "know better", don't we, Mellow? As for your cynical remark about Thailand being a "paradise of equality and justice" only for the wealthy and powerful (is a result obtained by power or wealth "justice" anyway?) I agree as long as you put Thailand in the same bucket as the US, UK and the rest of the Western world, for if you think that influence and money do not give you a huge advantage in those countries you truly have your head in the aforementioned bucket.

The problem I see here is that this is not Spurs vs Arsenal, or the Giants vs. The Redskins. For me, aligning yourself with either "side" in this "argument" shows you (not you personally) to be a rabid partisan with no real understanding or belief in the meaning of democracy and equality. Neither "side" in this argument will deliver either democracy or equality. It took us well over 100 years in the west to achieve what the Thai man in the street is striving for (and good bloody luck to them when they het it, because then they'll realise it is truly the impossible dream- sorry that should bet "get" but this bloody editor doesn't work in Firefox) so it's not going to happen overnight, though hopefully not in 100 years!

To follow your cynical theme, once they do get it they can wander around in the same self satisfied smug state we all do, looking at perhaps some African nation going though the same pains and tut tutting about how backward they are and wouldn't they be so much better off being real democrats. Just as we do. So, we are in Afghanistan and we are in Iraq. Ask any man in the street in the US or UK or Oz with a brain (no mean feat, I'll agree) about those two enterprises and see if he agrees with them. No need to give you the answer to the overwhelming response. Where's our democracy?

I don't understand why so many are saying Nings story is fake, even if it was... do you all deny that stories just like that one actually do exist all throughout Thailand? Or is Thailand actually the paradise of equality and justice some of you are suggesting it is? :)

I think the point of the story is that Thailand is actually a paradise of equality and justice BUT ONLY if you are wealthy or have other significant influence.

PoliTards will cherry pick whatever part of the story they want to support their illogically formed arguments for either Thieving Thaksin or the equally morally and financially corrupt government in power.

Meanhwhile, the current government and their "oh so educated much better than you" power in party will conveniently bundle in all the valid grievances with Thaksin and then merrily ignore them, because, well, you know, they "just know better."

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So Cobra, regardless of whether it was a Troll, is it a valid discussion point? I'd suggest that the nine pages indicate that it is and that unless you have something valuable to add you should <deleted>.

Nine pages of troll feeding,


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The rights and freedoms we enjoy in my country (UK) were not given to us by the ruling classes. They were taken from them.

That is true!

And we've left quite a few of our young men buried on foreign soil in ensuring others continued to enjoy their freedoms.

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Can anyone here prepare a list of the grievances of the red shirts? Simple, clear, plain English without emotion or comment.

1) Thaksin isn't PM anymore but should be still.

2) Past Loans are due, Thaksin would probably forgive them and issue new ones., or so they believe,

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What struck me in Nings story was the way she was treatened, looked down on by the people surrounding her. They did not know her real story of life, and showed not any interest to learn about it, but had no problem to judge her, even in the loudest way, and humilliate her. No interest in the story of the other human, no compassion to the life of other human, just this urge to show of your own way of thinking , your own morality, your own inner poor spirituality

It made me think about a remark I read here before; Every country has the government it deserves. The government and all politics are part of the "personality of Thai society" Politics start with the general individual awareness of the people living in a certain culture/country.

I am realy shocked looking at the fact this country also makes the impression it is a budhist spiritual country.

Where is the spirituality, where is the essence of Budhisme in politics in Thailand? Looking at the wealth and poorness in this country, I would say this country doesnot make the impression to have a lot of inner spirituality.

This is a very material minded culture, that is no judgement, but an observed fact. Everything is about money.

Some of the rich people, the people you never hear about, becos they are the realy smart people, they rule this country.

About every poor person wants to become part of the elite of rich powerfull people, thinking there is -material - heaven, and being part of it they still have no compassion, still have no empathy, for individuals like Ning, and will continue to look down on her, treatening her like dirt, only showing the dirty side of themself, like one can see in the politic nowadays. This country will not gain any progress by politics. Thailand can only change when there will be a change in the individual way of thinking. Thailand could change when there will be a middle class of Thai people who will realise the importance of realy taking care the individuals surrounding you, and stop taking care your self in the overacting material way. That is not the road of politics but the road of modern spirituality.

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Can anyone here prepare a list of the grievances of the red shirts? Simple, clear, plain English without emotion or comment.

1) Thaksin isn't PM anymore but should be still.

2) Past Loans are due, Thaksin would probably forgive them and issue new ones., or so they believe,

You forgot to mention something about the elite's.

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Ning has a very good point

but why do all these poor people think Thaksin will save them ? - baffles me completely !

Because he is the only PM that I know of -- I moved to Thailand in 1991 -- who actually focused on them. One policy was the 30-baht health care plan that said all hospitals must offer care to anyone for 30 baht; there were also lots of make-work projects. It seemed at the time that he was using government funds to "buy votes" from the poor, but isn't that what politicians do? -- make policies that make voters happy so they will vote for them again?

A key to it all is the urban/rural divide with BKK ruling and the countryside groveling.

It was the first time the rural underclass felt they had a champion to fight for them.

It's no use pointing out that Thaksin was possibly corrupt, etc. So are the rest so he's no different. The rural areas have been selling their votes since "democracy" began in Thailand. But Thaksin actually followed through on some promises that directly benefited them. That's why they still supoort him.

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Ning has a very good point

but why do all these poor people think Thaksin will save them ? - baffles me completely !

Because he is the only PM that I know of -- I moved to Thailand in 1991 -- who actually focused on them. One policy was the 30-baht health care plan that said all hospitals must offer care to anyone for 30 baht; there were also lots of make-work projects. It seemed at the time that he was using government funds to "buy votes" from the poor, but isn't that what politicians do? -- make policies that make voters happy so they will vote for them again?

A key to it all is the urban/rural divide with BKK ruling and the countryside groveling.

It was the first time the rural underclass felt they had a champion to fight for them.

It's no use pointing out that Thaksin was possibly corrupt, etc. So are the rest so he's no different. The rural areas have been selling their votes since "democracy" began in Thailand. But Thaksin actually followed through on some promises that directly benefited them. That's why they still supoort him.

Two great reasons to "Vote Thaksin"

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Why is this post still going, social inequality will always exist, in Thailand, in the UK, and all other places.

Replace "Ning from Bangkok" with "Sally from Scunthorpe".

Alcoholic Mother, missing Father.

Lived with Grandmother.

Husband run off with another man.

Three kids to support

Difficult to survive on social security handouts

Vote for XXX party because they will tax bankers at 50%

And they will give me benefits

Sally gazed into my eyes and said " I love Man Utd, but Man Utd does not love me".

No offence to Scunthorpe or Manchester intended, both Lovely places.

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I think I should post here to answer to some of the replies to Nings story.

I have come to this country at the tender age of 25. 25 years later I am still here and call Thailand my home. Most of this time except for the first 2 years in Bangkok - I have spent in the countryside and the last 15 years or so in- and outside Chiang Mai.

After I learned the language and got to know many "regular" Thais who do not speak much English - and their stories where fascinating to me.

I mention this because if Thais tell me a story in Thai it is not the same to me as if they would do it in English however good or bad they speak.

Those of you who speak Thai will understand - it would be the same as trying to translate a Thai song into English - it does not work - it will not be the same.

When she told me her story I first felt pitty for her - but when she went on I started admire her - not so much for what she had overcome - but more for what she had "become" - today she is a self-respecting women who knows what she wants.

The story is true - I had written it in "MS Word" and copied it here into the TV website. (So for those of you who saw something more in this - no there is no conspiracy)

I posted her story because I wanted to give the "red sea" in Bangkok a face - after reading so many verbal abuses here in this forum against the reds which are absolutly unnessecary - but I wrote it most of all provoke a discussion as to why certain people join the protests.

So please voice your opinion but don't call others idiots or stupid if you don't know them.

Since I now know a participant in the protests personally I am not interested in the politics on the streets of Bangkok - but see TV and news reports with different eyes - and so do my friends and her husband - we are worried.

We did not want her to go but she even took leave from her work and insisted - she also insisted that she is not marching for Thaksin - she knows he is thinking he is using them - but maybe he is the one who is used by them now ?? - he brought them together - and now that they know each other they might be able to force change in Thai society - without him. He might have miscalculated and is not needed anymore very soon.

This is just a start in a long and painfull process I believe - but once people have a taste of freedom - there is no turning back!

And she insisted to go because she wants change - she said "Thai people want change - but do nothing - change will not come by itself - we have to go and fight for it" - and who can argue with that? :)

And to those who think she does not exsist - she is real. Ning is a beautiful woman with a bright smile and a great personality.

We meet often, sometimes several times a week as she and her husband live in my neighbourhood. We meet for drinks and cook food and have great conversations together with other friends.

And for those of you who live in Chiang Mai - you might have even met her - she works in a well known hospital - as she felt when she started this job years ago - that it was the right job for her as she likes to help other people as good as she can.

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Where are the Samuel Gompers, the Cesar Chavez's, the Ralph Naders to organize and lead these worthy people? Only carpetbagger Chao Por to suck their blood and anti Buddhist monks to addle their brains by feeding their superstitions. If Thaksin could fill that void, despite his arch criminal tendencies, I'd be all for him, but it seems he's not willing to take that risk.

I'm with you on this one. He places himself in the ordinary category for this reason alone. He sees the masses in essentially the same way that the yellows do. He just makes more of an effort to hide his true feelings.

Edited by Pakboong
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Difference is, Sally from Scunthorpe get's £35,000 in benefits a year.

Why is this post still going, social inequality will always exist, in Thailand, in the UK, and all other places.

Replace "Ning from Bangkok" with "Sally from Scunthorpe".

Alcoholic Mother, missing Father.

Lived with Grandmother.

Husband run off with another man.

Three kids to support

Difficult to survive on social security handouts

Vote for XXX party because they will tax bankers at 50%

And they will give me benefits

Sally gazed into my eyes and said " I love Man Utd, but Man Utd does not love me".

No offence to Scunthorpe or Manchester intended, both Lovely places.

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I think I should post here to answer to some of the replies to Nings story.

I posted her story because I wanted to give the "red sea" in Bangkok a face - after reading so many verbal abuses here in this forum against the reds which are absolutely unnecessary - but I wrote it most of all provoke a discussion as to why certain people join the protests.

she also insisted that she is not marching for Thaksin - she knows he is thinking he is using them - but maybe he is the one who is used by them now ?? - he brought them together - and now that they know each other they might be able to force change in Thai society

Another nice post (snipped to save space )

Thanks for that & I hope you will post more often.

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I read a post earlier that indicated that the north/north-east poor considered a bangkokian with a car/house (with loans) as elite.

Could be true. Sad isn't it? There are tens of millions who are that poor.

I don't know how noble the Red Shirts are, but after people voted with the majority twice and their elected leader was deposed in some slimy way (when he was at a UN conference), the Reds might be the closest thing to justice they're going to get. They sure ain't going to get a break from the same old good old boys that have been running the show forever.

"Life is hard; when you are stupid, it is really hard"

John Wayne

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true story from the heart

loved it

how true of the rest of thialand

my wife swears she will not com back to live, but thia ruck thia

the story is so true of a lot or all third world countrys

but the people are so true to there country

not like the farang

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Goddamn that was sad, made me want to cry. :) This country DOES need a revolution, but of course Thaksin isn't the answer. Why is it so hard to find good people to run this country? Is there no one that would completely rehaul the education system and raise minimum wage and generally just look out for its main population?

I agree! An educational revolution, not a violent revolution. The educational system here needs reform, but upper education in most countries, I know, require money to attend. Knowledge is power, as it has been said. And what's the minimum wage here? Is there a class system? Hmm...

Unfortunately, there is a deeply entrenched controlling minority who work very hard to keep the masses undereducated. It is their main means of control. This control will not be surrendered without a fight.

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Unfortunately, there is a deeply entrenched controlling minority who work very hard to keep the masses undereducated. It is their main means of control. This control will not be surrendered without a fight.

Not to mention that the poor themselves work very hard to keep themselves undereducated and 'under financed.' Is that a bottle or lotto ticket in your hand? Something with an engine that you can't afford but are financed to the hilt for in your dirt driveway? Playing a bit too much 'karma lotto' at the temple with funds/resources that are better kept for your own family? Sitting on your rear/napping instead of working? If so, hopefully you aren't going to blame the controlling minority for your decision(s) (and likely generation upon generation of poor decision making) for stunting your and your family's forward progress.


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