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Taking Pictures Of Red Shirt / Police & Army


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I'm not looking to get into the middle of things or even get too close but does anybody know where most of the Red Shirts and Riot police are staging? Hopefully areas by an MRT or BTS. I'd like to take some pictures ... obviously from a distance but there seems to be little mention of where they actually are beyond small groups here and there. Even small groups would make for some good pictures if weighing between my safety and getting unique shots.

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Take a tip STAY AWAY altogether, if people see you taking pictures they will attack you, If the police see you they will arrest you, Take a look on U tube, The Army are firing at the Police so what chance have you, If the Thai Army does not trust the police who can it trust.

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I took a bunch last year during Songkran

Stood in the middle but came from the red side when arriving.

The BIB like to smile too :) Check the 1st pic...Kinda of funny. Nice guys

The reds were always nice too & gave me some snacks...

So I would say not attacked from either side :D





Edited by flying
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It's probably safer near the main protest site, especially during the day. Plus you'll get better pictures. If smaller groups start moving through town, that's where I'd rather stay clear. I really hope that doesn't happen to be honest.

Where the hel_l is the main protest site, lol ????

Every time I try to get an update on things they seem to be moving somewhere else. Again, would love to go to a place not to far from an MRT or BTS stop. I'd rather walk a little than depend on a Red Shirt taxi driver taking me somewhere i don't want to be. Again, am really just looking for pictures of Army & Riot police more than gatherings of red shirts ... unless from a distance.

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Take a tip STAY AWAY altogether, if people see you taking pictures they will attack you, If the police see you they will arrest you, Take a look on U tube, The Army are firing at the Police so what chance have you, If the Thai Army does not trust the police who can it trust.

Might I ask if you are taking any mind altering substances?

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