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Red Shirts Blood Campaign Is Dangerous : Health Groups


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A bit like the fact that this disgusting PR stunt using blood has been seen by some as "original" and "creative" . Ole Thaksin's buddy Hun Sen and his crew were pretty original and creative in days gone by. :)

Hands up who thinks that the party name "THAI ROUGE" has a certain potential?

Ole Thaksin seems to think so.

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A quick Google search suggests blood donor minimum age may be more of a liability issue than a health issue. In America some states impose a 16 year old minimum, while others use 18 as the minimum. But, perhaps all public sector and individual parties that are vocal about an isolated, single, red shirt issue that could compromise health, may consider getting behind a more united, universal health issue that only requires reeducation, viz., eating and drinking from common plates and cups: drinking fountains with a tin cup everybody uses without even rinsing it first, group of people eating from the same plate, stirring the food around with their forks looking for the perfect morsel. You won't get STDs or HIV, but the list of types of diseases contagious from saliva mentioned in various sources includes:

Common Cold


Upper Respiratory Infection


Bacterial meningitis


Epstein-Barr virus

Cold sores


Molluscum contagiosum

Hepatitis B

Chronic Hepatitis B


Am I a doctor? No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night.

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^more amusing if Gen Khatiya S. torches himself. :D

Better yet, have them both embrace while they torch themselves. For a real kicker, might as well add Natthawut, and Arisiman. That would be the icing on the cake! :)

Put in on Pay Per View TV and be able to cover the costs of clean-up

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A quick Google search suggests blood donor minimum age may be more of a liability issue than a health issue. In America some states impose a 16 year old minimum, while others use 18 as the minimum. But, perhaps all public sector and individual parties that are vocal about an isolated, single, red shirt issue that could compromise health, may consider getting behind a more united, universal health issue that only requires reeducation, viz., eating and drinking from common plates and cups: drinking fountains with a tin cup everybody uses without even rinsing it first, group of people eating from the same plate, stirring the food around with their forks looking for the perfect morsel. You won't get STDs or HIV, but the list of types of diseases contagious from saliva mentioned in various sources includes:

Common Cold


Upper Respiratory Infection


Bacterial meningitis


Epstein-Barr virus

Cold sores


Molluscum contagiosum

Hepatitis B

Chronic Hepatitis B


Am I a doctor? No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night.

So then a biological warfare. :)

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Well it wouldn't be the first time the Thaksin lot have spilled blood, would it?

Let them go ahead and do it, it will show the country (and the international press) that they are just animals and lose them a lot of sympathy

Calling people animals is unnecessary and unhelpful. Even worse is that it's actually from a forum moderator. Maybe it says a lot about this forum.

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What happened to the bags of faeces?

I think he's in Cambodia (though someone said Montenegro) and the rest of the family are in Europe I somewhere I believe. :)

Edited by wolf5370
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Well it wouldn't be the first time the Thaksin lot have spilled blood, would it?

Let them go ahead and do it, it will show the country (and the international press) that they are just animals and lose them a lot of sympathy

Calling people animals is unnecessary and unhelpful. Even worse is that it's actually from a forum moderator. Maybe it says a lot about this forum.

He was obviously speaking metaphorically, and doesn't mean they have hooves, wings or horns. Of course, in your 3 1/2 hours as a forum member, you have a wealth of knowledge aboiut this forum so tha you can make such unnecessary and unhelpful comments such as "Maybe it says a lot about this forum" . Go on, now you get to say "yeah, but I've been lurking for 5 years, just didn't post until now", someone may even believe you.

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What happened to the bags of faeces?

I think he's in Cambodia (though someone said Montenegro) and the rest of the family are in Europe I somewhere I believe. :D

I love this one, hopefully someone will have a photo of it soon as well.

now we sorted out the male faeces, and by deduction the female one, which one is the third gender one?


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Well it wouldn't be the first time the Thaksin lot have spilled blood, would it?

Let them go ahead and do it, it will show the country (and the international press) that they are just animals and lose them a lot of sympathy

Calling people animals is unnecessary and unhelpful. Even worse is that it's actually from a forum moderator. Maybe it says a lot about this forum.

He was obviously speaking metaphorically, and doesn't mean they have hooves, wings or horns. Of course, in your 3 1/2 hours as a forum member, you have a wealth of knowledge aboiut this forum so tha you can make such unnecessary and unhelpful comments such as "Maybe it says a lot about this forum" . Go on, now you get to say "yeah, but I've been lurking for 5 years, just didn't post until now", someone may even believe you.

How patronising...................

Very bad !!!

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I love this one, hopefully someone will have a photo of it soon as well.

now we sorted out the male faeces, and by deduction the female one, which one is the third gender one?


Step up to the potty, young Oak. Don't be shy.

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Well it wouldn't be the first time the Thaksin lot have spilled blood, would it?

Let them go ahead and do it, it will show the country (and the international press) that they are just animals and lose them a lot of sympathy

Calling people animals is unnecessary and unhelpful. Even worse is that it's actually from a forum moderator. Maybe it says a lot about this forum.

Another reincarnation ?

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I like this comment in The Gruaniad...

"So will the gory ritual work? Nothing, says Somtow, is less certain. According to the TV experts, "using your enemies' blood to ensure victory might be a logical example of sympathetic magic, but spilling your own could have the opposite effect." The Cambodian theory, too, could well backfire, "because you need to be 'pure of heart' to perform that rite . . . Without such doctrinal protection the magic would reverse itself, and the intended consequences would occur to the curser, not the cursee." And in any case, everyone agreed that "the entire ceremony can easily be negated by sprinkling some holy water from the Emerald Buddha Temple over the blood".

Magic spells, voodoo rituals, blood-spilling and fish-throwing, Somtow concludes, are unlikely to solve Thailand's immediate problems. But hey, if what you're after is the dissolution of the lower house of parliament, "when you have the all the resources of witchcraft and the supernatural at your disposal, why stoop to such mundane devices as, for instance, lobbying one of the smaller parties to switch sides so as to shift the balance of power?"

SP Somtow, a Thai author and composer

Edited by hunglikea
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Well it wouldn't be the first time the Thaksin lot have spilled blood, would it?

Let them go ahead and do it, it will show the country (and the international press) that they are just animals and lose them a lot of sympathy

Calling people animals is unnecessary and unhelpful. Even worse is that it's actually from a forum moderator. Maybe it says a lot about this forum.

Another reincarnation ?

You could probably bet both swingers on that. :)

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Well it wouldn't be the first time the Thaksin lot have spilled blood, would it?

Let them go ahead and do it, it will show the country (and the international press) that they are just animals and lose them a lot of sympathy

Calling people animals is unnecessary and unhelpful. Even worse is that it's actually from a forum moderator. Maybe it says a lot about this forum.

He was obviously speaking metaphorically, and doesn't mean they have hooves, wings or horns. Of course, in your 3 1/2 hours as a forum member, you have a wealth of knowledge aboiut this forum so tha you can make such unnecessary and unhelpful comments such as "Maybe it says a lot about this forum" . Go on, now you get to say "yeah, but I've been lurking for 5 years, just didn't post until now", someone may even believe you.

Incorrect. I was looking for news and updates on the situation in Bangkok as I have family there. I came across this forum yesterday. Having now had the chance to read a little more on this forum my suspicions have been confirmed.

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Well it wouldn't be the first time the Thaksin lot have spilled blood, would it?

Let them go ahead and do it, it will show the country (and the international press) that they are just animals and lose them a lot of sympathy

Calling people animals is unnecessary and unhelpful. Even worse is that it's actually from a forum moderator. Maybe it says a lot about this forum.

He was obviously speaking metaphorically, and doesn't mean they have hooves, wings or horns. Of course, in your 3 1/2 hours as a forum member, you have a wealth of knowledge aboiut this forum so tha you can make such unnecessary and unhelpful comments such as "Maybe it says a lot about this forum" . Go on, now you get to say "yeah, but I've been lurking for 5 years, just didn't post until now", someone may even believe you.

Incorrect. I was looking for news and updates on the situation in Bangkok as I have family there. I came across this forum yesterday. Having now had the chance to read a little more on this forum my suspicions have been confirmed.

What were they? That this is the place for really intelligent conversation by charming folk with nothing but loads of free time?

You are correct.

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Well it wouldn't be the first time the Thaksin lot have spilled blood, would it?

Let them go ahead and do it, it will show the country (and the international press) that they are just animals and lose them a lot of sympathy

Calling people animals is unnecessary and unhelpful. Even worse is that it's actually from a forum moderator. Maybe it says a lot about this forum.

Another reincarnation ?

You could probably bet both swingers on that. :)

Seems one of you suspects and the other is convinced that I'm someone I'm not. Comments on my post would be better. Maybe you could defend the moderators ill chosen comments as 'metaphorical' too - although as a metaphor for what I don't know.

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relax! This is a very good forum, packed with excellent information. There are some excellent people as well, but as in any site with a membership in the hundreds of thousands you will find people that are polar opposites to you in terms of their thinking. The comments on this thread are a little emotional, however it is a very emotional subject, and one which disgusts many many people. Thats all, don't read anything in to it more than that.

Welcome to Thai Visa :)

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relax! This is a very good forum, packed with excellent information. There are some excellent people as well, but as in any site with a membership in the hundreds of thousands you will find people that are polar opposites to you in terms of their thinking. The comments on this thread are a little emotional, however it is a very emotional subject, and one which disgusts many many people. Thats all, don't read anything in to it more than that.

Welcome to Thai Visa :)

Thanks for that - reckon I'll stick around and check out the rest of the forum.

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Just when I think nothing that happens here can surprise me...

The Redshirt 'blood drive' was one of the most abhorrent, disgusting travesties I have ever witnessed. Whatever sympathies (and they were admittedly few) I may have had for them are dissolved by this sickening demonstration of mindless hate.

Shame, shame, shame!

I encourage all decent people to donate blood to legitimate emergency relief efforts in response to this vile act, I will.

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Just when I think nothing that happens here can surprise me...

The Redshirt 'blood drive' was one of the most abhorrent, disgusting travesties I have ever witnessed. Whatever sympathies (and they were admittedly few) I may have had for them are dissolved by this sickening demonstration of mindless hate. Shame, shame, shame!

Wow. :D

Can you PLEASE look around you and realize you're in Thailand (you are, right?). It was a symbolic black-magic ceremony. These are very common in most parts of the country. A lot of this is just below the surface, but to be honest it's hard to live in Thailand and not eventually notice the importance and omnipresence of animist based rituals.

You may at best call that silly, but then any expression of religion or spirituality can be called that.

Consider for example that Abhisit, as most other people of his background, routinely offer pig heads to the spirits at least once a year. You might call that silly too, or you might embrace the notion that we live in a spiritual country with many interesting ceremonies and cultural and relgious expressions.

Sheesh. Talk about "mindless hate" :)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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relax! This is a very good forum, packed with excellent information. There are some excellent people as well, but as in any site with a membership in the hundreds of thousands you will find people that are polar opposites to you in terms of their thinking. The comments on this thread are a little emotional, however it is a very emotional subject, and one which disgusts many many people. Thats all, don't read anything in to it more than that.

Welcome to Thai Visa :D

Thanks for that - reckon I'll stick around and check out the rest of the forum.

Keep attacking the mods where no ill intent was intended and Im betting you won't be sticking around for long at all :)

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