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Red Shirts Blood Campaign Is Dangerous : Health Groups


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Please clarify what are the "mystical health-group fairy tales " please Sean?

Would that be anumber of the points that have been raised, are enacted in law and have been researched over a period of time? Or something else that we are not privy to? Oh, I do like a bit of conspiracy theory, takes me back to working in the hospitals. :D

Exactly Toad. How many people contracted AIDS today in this action? You do not know because it takes three months to show up in the next blood test, which incidentally involves taking MORE blood from the subject, usually with their consent.

It is not a case of "how many did", it is a case of "how many could" - basic risk assessment principles Sean. As to contracting AIDS, I have already mentioned to this to you in a previous post - it would be HIV and not AIDS. :)

Edited by mrtoad
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Can you think of any better ways to peacefully convince Abhisit to dissolve what little representation of a government he still has left?

Well, they could all go home and pledge to allow representatives of any side to freely campaign, and spend the same energy as they've wasted in Bangkok stamping down on vote buying and exposing corruption from all parties.

Did they ever get a million cc, or is that just another one of these cryptic statements that so obviously means 100,000 cc? "The Million MilliLitre Malignancy". I wouldn't bet on them not having to add 900,000 cc of the "disinfectant agent" they were talking about in order to get the volume up.

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General Principles

Article 1: A practitioner of the nursing and/or midwifery profession shall be a decent member of society and shall abide by the laws of the country. Likely to have broken this rule

Article 2: A practitioner of the nursing and/or midwifery profession shall conduct themselves professionally with dedication and without discrimination of economic status, race, nationality, religion, social or political ideology. We have seen this issue before, about the refusal to treat

Article 3: A practitioner of the nursing and/or midwifery profession shall not behave in any way or commit any act which is prejudicial to the integrity of his/her profession. Goes without saying

Article 5: A practitioner of the nursing and/or midwifery profession shall not persuade or induce a client to receive treatment in order to gain personal benefits.

Article 8: A practitioner of the nursing and/or midwifery profession shall not in any way deceive patients or clients for the purpose of personal gain.

Article 9: A practitioner of the nursing and/or midwifery profession shall always observe and implement safety precautions while carrying out his/her professional practice. He/she must also avoid unnecessary expenses for the patients or clients.

Article 10: A practitioner of the nursing and/or midwifery profession shall not prescribe or encourage the use of any unrecognized secret medical formula or unidentified medical equipment.

Article 11: A practitioner of the nursing and/or midwifery profession shall not intentionally issue a false certificate or a dishonest opinion in any matter, concerning his/her profession.

Article 14: A practitioner of the nursing and/or midwifery profession shall decline to perform his/her professional practice in a public place unless it is an emergency or an act conducted in the performance of duty under the following; a ministry, bureau, department, Bangkok Metropolitan, Pattaya City, provincial administrative office municipality, sanitary district, or any local administrative organization notified by the Minister in the Royal Government Gazette or the Thai Red Cross Council.

Article 15: A practitioner of the nursing and/or midwifery profession shall not initiate or encourage illegal practice of his/her profession, that of a medical practitioner or a certified physician.

These are some of the Thai Nursing regulations. I have put a few here, as they are relevant to what is happening today - even if some people choose to believe that it is not relevant or true. Take your pick on how you choose to interpret them.

The red shirted doctor on TV this morning answered the first question about hygiene and enough needles for everyone, but when the reporter queried it might be considered unethical or illegal for a doctor or nurse to draw blood for political purposes he had no answer.

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I don't get it. I just watched the blood pouring on government house; no big deal really. I couldn't help but notice one of the UDD leaders who was pouring, stepped into the blood.

Has this leader "symbolically" stepped upon the slaves and the people, as they put it?

I would say, of course he has.

Edited by frodo
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No doubt this action is much more illegal than military coups and international airport blockades, in your mind?

Now now Sean - even from the age of 11 you should have learned that two wrongs don't make right.

Old Testament - New Testament, Bush Justice - City Justice?

If the instigators of the initial trespass of the laws would confess then perhaps the other side might turn the other cheek, but without that, it's dog eat dog, so it appears.

yeah, but then Thaksin would have to confess he got where he was due to the '91 coup, riots and political games in '92, and then where are we?

at some point someone has to grow up and accept that the coup happened, elections were held and the country moves on. except for those who worship thaksin, hoping to be on the big payroll when he rides in and gets his money and power back. except it aint going to happen.

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The red shirted doctor on TV this morning answered the first question about hygiene and enough needles for everyone, but when the reporter queried it might be considered unethical or illegal for a doctor or nurse to draw blood for political purposes he had no answer.

He has no answer, because he knows what the answer is - but has chosen to ignore it. I for one, hope he and those that have been involved are removed from their respective registers.

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No doubt this action is much more illegal than military coups and international airport blockades, in your mind?

Now now Sean - even from the age of 11 you should have learned that two wrongs don't make right.

Old Testament - New Testament, Bush Justice - City Justice?

If the instigators of the initial trespass of the laws would confess then perhaps the other side might turn the other cheek, but without that, it's dog eat dog, so it appears.

yeah, but then Thaksin would have to confess he got where he was due to the '91 coup, riots and political games in '92, and then where are we?

at some point someone has to grow up and accept that the coup happened, elections were held and the country moves on. except for those who worship thaksin, hoping to be on the big payroll when he rides in and gets his money and power back. except it aint going to happen.

So lets all grow up and admit that democracy in Thailand is founded on military coups, and get some dinner. I'll be back in an hour as I haven't had breakfast yet.

Thanks and see you then, comrades.

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A reporter said about 3,000 people gave blood.

Probably about right

Stark contrast with what another so called "reporter" used by TV was declaring :)

Politicians generally get a bad wrap the world over, but today has reassured me my preferences is for politicians who don't practice voodoo witchcraft. Fussy, I know.

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A reporter said about 3,000 people gave blood.

Probably about right

Stark contrast with what another so called "reporter" used by TV was declaring :)

Politicians generally get a bad wrap the world over, but today has reassured me my preferences is for politicians who don't practice voodoo witchcraft. Fussy, I know.

Very fussy indeed Insight.

Such a thing would suggest that politicians who use human blood, or the blood of any animal for the matter, to perform voodoo rites and witchcraft are somehow not fit to represent a nation.

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Very fussy indeed Insight.

Such a thing would suggest that politicians who use human blood, or the blood of any animal for the matter, to perform voodoo rites and witchcraft are somehow not fit to represent a nation.

I'd agree on that, it says a lot about them.

I just got a text from a friend who says the Reds are now at Democrats HQ and have taken over the building - I guess another blood poring ritual is about to be enacted. :)

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:) Phillipines nominally Catholic, Thailand nominally Buddhist, I dont think blood letting is anywhere in the Buddhist Canon then I may be wrong....I find it is becoming a total circus and the Ring Ting Tong Master is watching from afar....saddens me greatly after my 9 happy years in The Kingdom, should be thankful illness forced me to return home while this is going on in a country that I loved some much and did some much healing for me, without much blood letting only at BNH for my cholesterol readings etc...Dukkha
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All this at the behest of the people who desire to rule the country.

Indeed it inspires nay confirms that Darwins ''Missing Link is alive and unwell and is leading the Red Shirt brigade,

Indeed ''The lunatics are running the asylum.''

Apologies Wolfie, personal thoughs came to the forefront

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well the picture of human blood at the gates is disgusting. It looks like there is about 10 liters there, so the worrying thing is what are they going to do with the other 990 liters? Where is that going to be poured?

It would not surprise me in the least if Thaksin thought that with a million people and a bit of ritualistic blood spilling, he was going to fly back in to scenes of adulation and lead a revolution, pick up his get out of jail free card and get his money back. Well I really hope the Goverment hangs on in there and pisses on Thaksin's party!

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Okay, they've got the blood poured onto the Government House. Then what?

TAN Network: Army Specialist Gen Khatiya S. declares that reds have lost the war; thinks Jatuporn should torch himself.

I'm hoping to see that with Jatuporn. Make this whole event have a climatic ending :)

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^more amusing if Gen Khatiya S. torches himself. :D

Better yet, have them both embrace while they torch themselves. For a real kicker, might as well add Natthawut, and Arisiman. That would be the icing on the cake! :)

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[quoteTAN Network: Army Specialist Gen Khatiya S. declares that reds have lost the war; thinks Jatuporn should torch himself.

[/quote^more amusing if Gen Khatiya S. torches himself.

''Of such things dreams are made'' :)

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Was down the the meeting in Sam Prat and wiffee suggested that I might give some blood.....(to go with my red shirt..clack clack)

Told her it was much too valuable and besides have already given enough... plus sweat ...already...

Time for a Heinee methinks... :)

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Okay, they've got the blood poured onto the Government House. Then what?

TAN Network: Army Specialist Gen Khatiya S. declares that reds have lost the war; thinks Jatuporn should torch himself.

I'm hoping to see that with Jatuporn. Make this whole event have a climatic ending :)

I am more interested in Thaksin's next possible move. Who is this Gen Khatiya?

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