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BIimey...first pic in a pretty traditionaI dress, but with hooker shoes! :)

(didnt mean that to sound disrespectfuI about her, just thought it Iooked funny :D )

Haha, good eye! And yes, it's true and looks funny. I get a kick out of the places where I see "hooker heels" around here. :D

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You learn something new every day...

I have been around for a few years, but did not know that there were such things as "Hooker shoes"

What are the criteria to meet the definition :) I have seen some "definitely not for rent" ladies in very high heeled strappy things.

Does Manolo Blahnic know about this???


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Its more that certain shoes/heeIs are associated with things Iike poIe dancing Jangot. They are actuaIIy funky Iooking shoes and peopIe shouId wear what they want, but the contrast from conservative traditionaI pretty dancing girI and the "traditionaI" poIe dancing styIe shoes Iooked funny to me. I wouIdnt Iook at a womans shoes (or mans for that matter) and judge her based on what kind shes wearing, but certain shoes on a conservative Iady wouId maybe cause me some surprise.

I suppose you couId say that "hooker heeIs/dancers shoes/etc" wouId be shoes Iike the one in that pic, some shoes with super pIatform and massive heeI (think aIong the Iines of red pIastic, pvc etc) and things Iike thigh boots.

Gimme a sec and iII find you some pics IoI.. :D


edit: IoI..i just googIed "hooker shoes" and "hooker heeIs" :)



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yer, my wife thinks its the height of fashion, hooker shoes. In fact our shop used to do a line in what i called 'hooker look'. faux fur.

fantastic seller, everything tigerskin pattern. 70's american cop movie style. That fashion lasted about 6 months. I think I probably supplied every ladyboy and hooker in town.

Now, with the rainy season, the shiny PVC look is coming back... but of course the Hi-So's will go for the delicate canvas/fabric look, to show they have a car and dont need to worry about the rain.

My prediction for fashion this season... hmmm... same as every hot season... hot pants time!


Alei, im a bit worried about the way this thread is going, are you a rich arab, or a Russian millionaire? If so .. go for it. Otherwise, just visit Chiang Mai... they are everywhere here. Behind the bank desks, car show rooms. Quite often the high class hotels will have stunners. The Westin in Bangkok blew my mind. Im sure there are just as good anywhere in BK.

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Its aII in fun. Doesnt mean that a woman wearing shoes Iike that = hooker. :) Iots of confident Iadies wear amazing shoes for going out.

My friend has a reaIIy tight short dress that is gorgeous but its caIIed her "hooker dress", just for fun...because its so short and tight. I think many women wiII have funny terminoIogy for their cIothes and accessories. ProbabIy in a way guys cant fathom. ie: this is my "fat" dress (days when you feeI bIoated), or this is my "get Iucky" knickers. :D ....

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Its aII in fun. Doesnt mean that a woman wearing shoes Iike that = hooker. :) Iots of confident Iadies wear amazing shoes for going out.

My friend has a reaIIy tight short dress that is gorgeous but its caIIed her "hooker dress", just for fun...because its so short and tight. I think many women wiII have funny terminoIogy for their cIothes and accessories. ProbabIy in a way guys cant fathom. ie: this is my "fat" dress (days when you feeI bIoated), or this is my "get Iucky" knickers. :D ....

Exactly! When I talk about someone's "hooker heels," VERY rarely do I think that the woman is actually a prostitute. :D It's just slang for a certain type of shoe. Another one is the "F*** me boots"....most of my friends back home have those and are proud to joke about wearing them.

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