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Two Bomb Attacks In Public Health Ministry Where Cabinet Meets


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Two bombs attack in Public Health Ministry where cabinet meets

BANGKOK: -- Two bombs exploded in Public Health Ministry compound near a building where the Cabinet used as a venue for its special meeting.

No one was injured. The attacks took place as a press conference conducted after the special cabinet meeting is taking place.

The cabinet changed the meeting from the Government House to avoide the red shirts protesters who have been rallying at Pan Fah Bridge nearby.


-- The Nation 2010-03-23


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the cabinet meeting at the health ministry?

was the subject of this session "public health" by any chance?

what about the army barracs, where they took a residency the last week and where they belong?

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Minor blasts hit Thai ministry after cabinet meeting

BANGKOK (AFP) -- Two small blasts hit a Thai ministry complex Tuesday, causing minor damage but no injuries, shortly after the prime minister and his cabinet met there under tight security.

The blasts slightly damaged three cars when they exploded behind a public health ministry building guarded by thousands of security personnel deployed due to ongoing anti-government protests.

Public Health Minister Jurin Laksanawisit said Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva had left the complex, in Nonthaburi province north of Bangkok, shortly before the blasts.

"I have to wait for the official investigation to know what type of bomb it was but initially I believe it was fired from an expressway," the minister told reporters. "It shows that our politics is getting more violent."

Military officials at the scene said they believed the blasts were caused by M79 grenades. There have been four other small grenade blasts this month since tough security laws were enacted ahead of the protests.


-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-03-23

Published with written approval from AFP.


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Wait, wait, wait,....Before jumping to Conclusions, cool down...

firecrackers as usual by the same sensationalist journalist(s) or real?

Waiting for details.....

Do you believe firecrackers, the type used for new years and other celebrations, are the same thing as grenades, the type the military uses in war?

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Wait, wait, wait,....Before jumping to Conclusions, cool down...

firecrackers as usual by the same sensationalist journalist(s) or real?

Waiting for details.....

Do you believe firecrackers, the type used for new years and other celebrations, are the same thing as grenades, the type the military uses in war?

You have Grenades and Grenades... from the training grenades with plaster, the 'defensive grenades with very limited effect and the Offensives grenades for really killing (with fragmentation)....

When I was doing my national service, some were playing tricks with the first category,(in the loom when opening the door) the second category was considered as a bluff and not really dangerous at few meters, only the third one was very serious and the type used for war attack.

Nowadays they may have categorised in more types. I have no more play with those things since 40 years, I need an update. sure a lot of people may give us more informations

So cool down, some people want to make noise....

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Wait, wait, wait,....Before jumping to Conclusions, cool down...

firecrackers as usual by the same sensationalist journalist(s) or real?

Waiting for details.....

Do you believe firecrackers, the type used for new years and other celebrations, are the same thing as grenades, the type the military uses in war?

You have Grenades and Grenades... from the training grenades with plaster, the 'defensive grenades with very limited effect and the Offensives grenades for really killing (with fragmentation)....

When I was doing my national service, some were playing tricks with the first category,(in the loom when opening the door) the second category was considered as a bluff and not really dangerous at few meters, only the third one was very serious and the type used for war attack.

Nowadays they may have categorised in more types. I have no more play with those things since 40 years, I need an update. sure a lot of people may give us more informations

So cool down, some people want to make noise....

I reckon if your child was standing there and was killed by this tiny little firecracker you would not be so calm. Some people believe that launching grenades is rather a serious thing. And for the record, I don't think these grenades are coming at the behest of the UDD leadership. Neither do I think they were ordered by Abhisit. I think it much more likely that they are coming from one of the many splinter groups from the reds, blues, yellows, or greens.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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Wait, wait, wait,....Before jumping to Conclusions, cool down...

firecrackers as usual by the same sensationalist journalist(s) or real?

Waiting for details.....

Do you believe firecrackers, the type used for new years and other celebrations, are the same thing as grenades, the type the military uses in war?

You have Grenades and Grenades... from the training grenades with plaster, the 'defensive grenades with very limited effect and the Offensives grenades for really killing (with fragmentation)....

When I was doing my national service, some were playing tricks with the first category,(in the loom when opening the door) the second category was considered as a bluff and not really dangerous at few meters, only the third one was very serious and the type used for war attack.

Nowadays they may have categorised in more types. I have no more play with those things since 40 years, I need an update. sure a lot of people may give us more informations

So cool down, some people want to make noise....

I reckon if your child was standing there and was killed by this tiny little firecracker you would not be so calm. Some people believe that launching grenades is rather a serious thing. And for the record, I don't think these grenades are coming at the behest of the UDD leadership. Neither do I think they were ordered by Abhisit. I think it much more likely that they are coming from one of the many groups from the reds, blues, yellows, or greens.

Other hands are throwing their ideas into the ring.

the more on edge they can make army and reds the more likely something will pop.

So the question must be.

Who has the most to gain if things go very bad. Or is amoral enough to do this?

Who has little other option besides to make things go bad

and change public perceptions of the players?

Opportunity is always there,

who has motive and WILLINGESS to act like this?

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Wait, wait, wait,....Before jumping to Conclusions, cool down...

firecrackers as usual by the same sensationalist journalist(s) or real?

Waiting for details.....

Do you believe firecrackers, the type used for new years and other celebrations, are the same thing as grenades, the type the military uses in war?

You have Grenades and Grenades... from the training grenades with plaster, the 'defensive grenades with very limited effect and the Offensives grenades for really killing (with fragmentation)....

When I was doing my national service, some were playing tricks with the first category,(in the loom when opening the door) the second category was considered as a bluff and not really dangerous at few meters, only the third one was very serious and the type used for war attack.

Nowadays they may have categorised in more types. I have no more play with those things since 40 years, I need an update. sure a lot of people may give us more informations

So cool down, some people want to make noise....

I reckon if your child was standing there and was killed by this tiny little firecracker you would not be so calm. Some people believe that launching grenades is rather a serious thing. And for the record, I don't think these grenades are coming at the behest of the UDD leadership. Neither do I think they were ordered by Abhisit. I think it much more likely that they are coming from one of the many groups from the reds, blues, yellows, or greens.

I agree with you this kind of military equipment should stay in the Barracks, and the fact they are available nearly freely is an important issue.

But we must keep cool, because a M69 is a Training grenade...some firecrackers are more dangerous.

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The M-79 is a large-bore rifle used to fire 40mm cartridges (they're basically like large shotgun shells). You can fire tear gas, rubber bullets, sponge rounds, bean bags, buckshot (like the classic shotgun), flares, smoke, anti-personal, high-explosive etc.

By far the most "popular" round is the high-explosive round constantly referred to by Thai news reports as "M-79 grenade".

Given the recent M-79 activity, I can only guess someone's got a big box close to expiry and wants to use them up.

In any case, these are most definitely not "large firecrackers". They will obliterate any human within 5m, are likely to dole out substantial damage or death to anyone within 15m, and can throw shrapnel beyond 200m.

The effective range against point targets is 150m. The maximum range of the rounds you are seeing used around Bangkok is 400m, as illustrated by today's attack on the Public Health Ministry. It appears whoever fired the first shot (allegedly from the expressway) likely hoped the second round would travel farther. The trajectory of the incoming rounds also appears to support the thesis that it was a nice, high lob.

BTW, the gun's Vietnam-era nickname "Blooper" comes from the distinctive sound made when its fired, literally sounds like "bloop". If you can hear it, it's unmistakable. It's probably drowned out against typical Bangkok traffic but the bang of the exploding grenade is kinda hard to cover up.

I've been meaning to write up a "Grenade Primer" but haven't had time yet. It might appear later today:


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Now starts the blame game.

Yes, do you think it's strange? Since the reds demonstrate there is a lot of violence towards the government. You remember? This is the "front for democracy and against dictatorship. The last weeks I hear nothing else from these red ST*PID redgroup leaders than dictates and using non-democratic violence. If you want a democratic way to achieve goals then do it in the parlement and senate. Don't use bribery to lure ignorant uneducated poor people to use as a tool for the wealthy background leaders. It's a disgusting image what damages Thailand's good name in the world. These redgroup leaders don't love Thailand they try to destroy it. It's time the government sets a deadline to the demonstaters. Enough is enough. There is already enough damage done. Stop this idiotic behavior!

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The blasts slightly damaged three cars ...Military officials at the scene said they believed the blasts were caused by M79 grenades.

if 3 cars were only little damaged, than it wasn't m79 - according what you wrote this granade will seriously damage everything within 5 meter.

teddy - there is no violence and talks about it anywhere in thailand (well, maybe with an exemption of 6000 riffles stolen before the protests from the army barracks and than returned the last saturday).

and don't blame anybody for not "loving" thailand - it's not an obligation for citizens to become nationalists and think about the state interests, before the other, more important things, like social and economic justice.

as to the parliament, bribery and poor - corruption and bribery exists and has it's roots at the very top of the society down to the bottom of the pyramide where those poor and dispossessed are exploited. The present government was formed not by the 500 baht/day bribe, but some 50 mln one off bribe to the key politicians

Edited by londonthai
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The M-79 is a large-bore rifle used to fire 40mm cartridges (they're basically like large shotgun shells). You can fire tear gas, rubber bullets, sponge rounds, bean bags, buckshot (like the classic shotgun), flares, smoke, anti-personal, high-explosive etc.

By far the most "popular" round is the high-explosive round constantly referred to by Thai news reports as "M-79 grenade".

Given the recent M-79 activity, I can only guess someone's got a big box close to expiry and wants to use them up.

In any case, these are most definitely not "large firecrackers". They will obliterate any human within 5m, are likely to dole out substantial damage or death to anyone within 15m, and can throw shrapnel beyond 200m.

The effective range against point targets is 150m. The maximum range of the rounds you are seeing used around Bangkok is 400m, as illustrated by today's attack on the Public Health Ministry. It appears whoever fired the first shot (allegedly from the expressway) likely hoped the second round would travel farther. The trajectory of the incoming rounds also appears to support the thesis that it was a nice, high lob.

BTW, the gun's Vietnam-era nickname "Blooper" comes from the distinctive sound made when its fired, literally sounds like "bloop". If you can hear it, it's unmistakable. It's probably drowned out against typical Bangkok traffic but the bang of the exploding grenade is kinda hard to cover up.

I've been meaning to write up a "Grenade Primer" but haven't had time yet. It might appear later today:


My wife works very close to the Ministry of health. I know the area well. The expressway is not anywhere near the Ministry of health. I would say its at LEAST 500 metres or possibly more, as the crow flies, from the expressway. They would need to get inside the grounds of the ministry to be any threat to the buildings (though some migth be a target from the outsie road, not the expressway itself. The ministry is fenced and has 5 or so gates. I assume now manned by soldiers, and I would imagine they are checking all vehicles now (could drive in easily before). Perhaps the explosives where to agitate the nearby military.

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Now starts the blame game.

Yes, do you think it's strange? Since the reds demonstrate there is a lot of violence towards the government. You remember? This is the "front for democracy and against dictatorship. The last weeks I hear nothing else from these red ST*PID redgroup leaders than dictates and using non-democratic violence. If you want a democratic way to achieve goals then do it in the parlement and senate. Don't use bribery to lure ignorant uneducated poor people to use as a tool for the wealthy background leaders. It's a disgusting image what damages Thailand's good name in the world. These redgroup leaders don't love Thailand they try to destroy it. It's time the government sets a deadline to the demonstaters. Enough is enough. There is already enough damage done. Stop this idiotic behavior!

they've certainly done more than enough over the past few years to be banned from protests. these aren't even non-violent democratic protests anymore like one thinks of with the term "protest." this crap will keep happening until they they really crack down on these clowns.

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Minor blasts hit Thai ministry after cabinet meeting

BANGKOK (AFP) -- as but initially I believe it was fired from an expressway," the minister told reporters. "It shows that our politics is getting more violent."


-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-03-23

Published with written approval from AFP.


An expressway? I live just around the corner from there and i see no expressway around that area....I know the traffic was caotic on Tiwanon road and i DID hear a rather suspicious big bang...... If you know the area of that place you'd know that anyone could have been there even though they closed the gates...... I go in there before they even open the gates sometimes to set up my wife's stall

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My wife works very close to the Ministry of health. I know the area well. The expressway is not anywhere near the Ministry of health. I would say its at LEAST 500 metres or possibly more, as the crow flies, from the expressway. They would need to get inside the grounds of the ministry to be any threat to the buildings (though some migth be a target from the outsie road, not the expressway itself. The ministry is fenced and has 5 or so gates. I assume now manned by soldiers, and I would imagine they are checking all vehicles now (could drive in easily before). Perhaps the explosives where to agitate the nearby military.

From the closest lane on the expressway to the closest cars in the parking area behind the ministry is 376 meters. The maximum range of a standard HE round fired with the M-79 is 400 meters, putting it well into the parking area. If firing from a higher position (raised expressway), the range will be slightly longer. I think you might even be able to fire a 53mm round from the M-79, which would probably give substantially greater range, at the risk of damage to the weapon and/or user.

The Grenade Primer is up: http://thailand.media140.org/bangkok/?p=713

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Tension rises after bomb attack near Cabinet meeting venue

By The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Two grenades were fired from an M79 launcher yesterday into the compound of the Public Health Ministry, where this week's Cabinet meeting had just been held, causing only minor property damage but intensifying the political instability.

Despite the strict security provided by police and military personnel, the attack was carried out at about 2.30pm, not long after the Cabinet finished its meeting.

An investigation has so far found that the grenades were launched from a vehicle on an elevated expressway. Footage from expressway cameras is being studied to locate the suspected activities or vehicle used.

Nonthaburi police chief Maj-General Supphakij Srijantharanont said the distance was 150-200 metres to the target - a parking lot for Mental Health Department officials. Three vehicles and the roof covering the lot were damaged. A trajectory study is under way and both the blast scene and the possible launch site have been blocked off.

Acting Government Spokesman Panitan Wattanayagorn said the attacks were meant to discredit security measures, although the areas put under control were not targeted.

Democrat Party chief adviser Chuan Leekpai said the attacks were outrageous and worrisome.

"They were carried out in broad daylight. The attackers and those behind the attack must be brought to justice, or this will be repeated over and over," he said.

Public Health Minister Jurin Laksanavisith said the attacks had demoralised officials, as "there had never been such an incident at the ministry".

In Chiang Mai, a grenade of the type fired from an M79 launcher was found abandoned near the Central Airport Plaza mall. The 40-mm explosive was salvaged, and bomb disposal officials said it was a dud if fired at a target but could still go off if touched later. They said a crack in a nearby wall was not made by a grenade hit.

At Parliament, a siege mentality remains as a tight security cordon was set up around the compound ahead of House sessions today and tomorrow, which the prime minister and coalition MPs are expected to attend.

Parts of eight roads have been closed to non-official vehicles and no-entry zones have been marked to keep protesters out.


-- The Nation 2010-03-24


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nice bomb the public health ministry. out of all the places. bomb the sic people. they could have chosen a better target !

Well not the sick people there,

but why bomb the people who administer the money that


This is the agency that sees that some hospital cash, supplies and training

actually DOES get in to Issan and to the people in need.

Perfectly no, but bombing them doesn't get you MORE services does it?

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nice bomb the public health ministry. out of all the places. bomb the sic people. they could have chosen a better target !

Well not the sick people there,

but why bomb the people who administer the money that


This is the agency that sees that some hospital cash, supplies and training

actually DOES get in to Issan and to the people in need.

Perfectly no, but bombing them doesn't get you MORE services does it?

i know i little bit thoughtless. maybe the reds are getting free health issurence aswell as free money

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CAPO condemns grenade attacks

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The Center for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO) has denounced the bombers behind the recent explosion at the Ministry of Public Health after the cabinet meeting on Tuesday.

CAPO Spokesperson Colonel Sansern Kaewkamnerd said the incident had caused trouble to normal people. He believed that the incident was instigated to discredit the government.

Colonel Sansern said the perpetrators must know well that the cabinet meeting was over at that time, and there were no government core figures inside. He however admitted that security at the ministry after the end of the meeting was loose, opening a chance for unrest instigation.

Meanwhile, United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) Secretary-General, Nattawut Saikua, insisted that the recent grenade attack had nothing to do with the UDD. He then accused the government of setting up the situation and blaming it on the UDD.

Mr Nattawut speculated that the attack was intentional because it took place after the prime minister and all cabinet members left the ministry. He then urged authorities to investigate and arrest those behind the explosion.

M79 grenades were projected onto the car park of the Ministry of Public Health Tuesday after the end of the cabinet meeting. Investigation is underway.


-- NNT 2010-03-24


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Former PM: Bombers at Health Ministry Must Be Caught

BANGKOK: -- The Democrat Party chief adviser and former PM urged authorities to bring the culprits of the bomb attack at the Public Health Ministry to justice, while the Center of the Administration of Peace and Order speaker condemned the attack as a plot staged to discredit the government.

Democrat Party chief adviser and former PM Chuan Leekpai urged authorities to bring the culprits of the bomb attack at the Public Health Ministry to justice, or else more violent attacks may ensue.

Chuan expressed his concern over the recent bombing at the Public Health Ministry, as the culprits flagrantly committed the attack in the daytime.

He said if the authorities fail to catch the culprits, similar attacks may follow.

In the wake of the bomb attack, Chuan confirmed that he will attend the Lower House meeting today. He urged all sides to settle their disagreement through parliamentary means.

When asked about the government's use of a large number of security officers to provide security, he said it is necessary given the circumstances.

Chuan refused to comment on a campaign by former prime minister and Pheu Thai Party Chairman Chavalit Yongchaiyudh to meet core leaders of coalition parties to persuade them to withdraw their allegiance from the government coalition.

He added that it would be more appropriate to direct this question to deputy PM on national security, Suthep Thuagsuban.

The Center of the Administration of Peace and Order or CAPO speaker, Colonel Sansern Kaewkamnerd, condemned the bomb attack at the Public Health Ministry.

He revealed that, at the time of the incident, security officers were withdrawing from the site and the instigators took it as an opportunity to attack, most likely to discredit the government.


-- Tan Network 2010-03-24


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