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Have 2 Cats, And Wont Get Along With New Dog

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I have two young cats, for 3+ years now, and now we have a new TINY little pommeranian dog, he's super small, the size of a big rat haha

But the cats always try to mess with him, they think he's a toy, and he's scared SHITLESS of them!!!! I have to separate them everytime I leave my apartment

My question is, anyone know of a good strategy to help make them all get along?

Please help! I want 1 big happy zoo in my condo :))

Thank you

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dont think it will work; cats are very territorial... ask sheryl about her veteran cat vs new small dog story of a few years ago...

my two small ones got beaten up by a feral cat that 'owns' the sidewalk under our neighborhood, which is also the desidnated toilet area for all neighborhood dog walkers... this cat literally tossed lilee over like a toy; foofoo rushed int o help and got holes in his head...

mini leopards, thats what htey are, and never forget it...

sorry, nothing useful; im a canine person

u may have to define physically any territory i.e. divide zones of living and provide safe houses for the dog to escape to...


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If there is a solution to your problem, Zachary, you can get it from RJ Peters:

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She has dozens of dogs and cats and writes a newsletter about pets. The

doctor is not only well informed but also eager to help any and all animal

lovers with problems and questions.

Why not edit your message and email her? (//e-mail removed as per forum rules// )

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