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Parking U Toa Pua


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There is a sizable parking lot in front of the building. No tickets, fees etc...I would not hesitate leaving the car there for a while.

Parking there is not problem, but on my last visit you do get a ticket and they do charge, although it appears a little hit and miss, as sometimes seen the guy in his little booth, sometimes not, guess maybe has something to do with the Russian charter flights coming and charging the mini bus taxi drivers...may be wrong

Have left my car there on a few occassions for a couple of days each time....no problem

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Yo can leave your car there in the parking-lot.

If you're lucky, you may find a place under the the Sun-Shade at the South-end of the lot.

The charge is Bt. 50.-/day and I've never had any security concerns: safe as houses!


JGK/ Frequent Flyer


Edited by jaapfries
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I agree sometimes the security man is not manning the gate when you arrive in your car but they are almost always there when you leave because they know when the flights arrive !!!!!! Anyway 50 Baht a day isnt bad, and as far as the car being secure, remember you are in the middle of a naval base so surely that will put off most would be car thieves.

Ive never had a problem.

HL :)

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