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Recommend An Airline, Travel Agent, Or Place To Buy A Ticket To Us From Bkk


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Hi I was wondering if anyone could advise a place/airline/agent to purchase a one way ticket back to Washington DC. When I came here 6 months ago I bought a one way ticket for about 600 usd as I didn't know when I'd come home. I figured I could just get a one way home from here.. little did I realize that the return cost would be MUCH more! I went to some stand on one of the floors of the emporium that quoted in the 40,000 baht range which is pretty crazy! hoping to buy a ticket by Monday. If anyone has any suggestions that'd be great!

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You've been in Thailand for 6 months already, and you're still going to EMPORIUM to buy, well... ANYTHING??

Either you're just plain nuts (in which case, you need help: PM me and I'll tell you where I buy my tickets; hint, it aint anywhere close to Sukhomvit Rd), or you're clearly rich enough to pay the ASTRONOMICALLY-JACKED-UP-FOR-TOURISTS prices at Emporium.

(Mods: I hope that's within the boundries of "not counter-soliciting against TV sponsors"?) :)

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Never ever, use an agent. Why pay their mark up for common information. User the internet and search all last minute deals on all the search engines of low coat carriers. if you need a start go direct to the carriers. I fly the cheapest. Chine Air, Eva air. Emirites a good look too. No one flies lower on reg flight than China air. search google. orbitz, travelocity. They have most common carriers.

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Never ever, use an agent. Why pay their mark up for common information. User the internet and search all last minute deals on all the search engines of low coat carriers. if you need a start go direct to the carriers. I fly the cheapest. Chine Air, Eva air. Emirites a good look too. No one flies lower on reg flight than China air. search google. orbitz, travelocity. They have most common carriers.

That's all well and good for *published* fares and tickets, but there are times when airlines create tickets that aren't immediately (or sometimes, ever) released publicly (or to websearch engines), to create false capacity controlled limits, or for other pricing reasons. But these tickets ARE findable by travel agents, when they use direct-to-airline booking systems (Sabre, Galileo, etc). There are times when a good agent can find one of these "unpublished tickets", that date/timewise, or pricewise fit's your needs in a way that outweighs the commission the agent collects to find it for you. Also, agents can access multiple CLASSES of tickets including ones with certain features that you may need, like no penalty for changing dates, refundability, etc.

And I do understand the point of trying to find the absolutely lowest most rock-bottom priced ticked to get you from point A to point B, but there are times when a $100 (or less) price difference gets you a HUGE difference in quality of conveyance. Specifically, CHINA AIR SUCKS BALLS.

I tried the cheapest ticket route with them once (via the internet), and in addition to the most uncomfortable seat and accommodations I've ever experienced in a longhaul flight (terrible food, filthy & stinky bathrooms and massively inflexible overweight baggage charges), there was some non-visible "small print" limitations (which were NEVER disclosed on the website), including some that made it impossible (even with a fee) to change the return flight to certain days (even though they flew every day), and a 3 month expiration of the entire ticket. End result, I lost the return flight completely. In an instant, my cheapest RT ticket become the most expensive OW ticket I ever bought. :)

Sometimes, you really only get what you pay for, and there's a reason that that's not always the best way to go.

Buyer beware.

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Do not know about Thailand and i have been here for a while, but back in the West agents always have much better prices then internet. In Thailand i am yet to find an agent offering good deals.

One of my mates is a travel agent in BKK and this is how he explained it. When agent sells a ticket in Thailand they only get 100-200 baht from the airline. So when they get promotional price from the airline and sell it for the same price as airline and pocket the difference.Anyhow check out http://asiatravel.com Often the have super saver deals.

Also i find visiting the actual airline website itself sometimes can get you a very good deal like this for instance http://www.thaiair.com/AIP_SuperDeals/DisplaySpecial ( no deals right now, but last week they had BKK-Australia return for 16000 baht, while the normal price is 25000+

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