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House Dissolution Won't End Conflict : Anand

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So the government breaks the constitution and shows double standards in the LAW again according the report.

But hey, its the Yellow Democrats, they are immune and can do anything they want ?????

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So the government breaks the constitution and shows double standards in the LAW again according the report.

But hey, its the Yellow Democrats, they are immune and can do anything they want ?????

No, but repeating that lie seems to make you happy.

They did however express an opinion. An opinion that a law has been broken that certainly will NOT hold up in court given the current SoE.

Double standards? Try "2 different governments chose different actions in 2 different circumstances."

If you want to talk about immunity and double standards, compare Arisman's group NOT being teargassed with RDX laced chinese military teargas, with the PAD being teargassed with RDX laced chinese military ordinance when both groups moved against Parliament. There at least you are comparing apples to apples ... but again 2 different governments chose different actions, but this time in the same type situation.

So the government breaks the constitution and shows double standards in the LAW again according the report.

But hey, its the Yellow Democrats, they are immune and can do anything they want ?????

No, but repeating that lie seems to make you happy.

They did however express an opinion. An opinion that a law has been broken that certainly will NOT hold up in court given the current SoE.

Double standards? Try "2 different governments chose different actions in 2 different circumstances."

If you want to talk about immunity and double standards, compare Arisman's group NOT being teargassed with RDX laced chinese military teargas, with the PAD being teargassed with RDX laced chinese military ordinance when both groups moved against Parliament. There at least you are comparing apples to apples ... but again 2 different governments chose different actions, but this time in the same type situation.

That was about day 120 of the Yellow shirt mayhem.

So when the Reds get to day 120 of the protests and they "block" parliament (which is what the Yellows did) to stop it from working, then I too will support some gas canisters to be used against the Reds, after day 120 and if the try to "BLOCK" parliament as the Yellows did.

The Reds just wanted to speak to Suthep.

The Yellows laid out an objective to prevent parliament from meeting and blocked access.

Very different - or you just want to misrepresent the facts ?

They should go for a compromise - elections within three months - it's the Elephant in da room

I thought 9 months was a compromise. Let's see where the elephant is then.

well I don't think 9 months is much of a compromise when reds want 15 days is it? 15 days to 270 days? the Elephant is running wild at the moment and who knows what damage could be done - more will be achieved by giving it bamboo than hitting it with a stick!

PM-Abhisit offered 9 months, instead of 21-months, and reasons why he didn't think a shorter-period was reasonable.

The three red-shirted negotiators took an SMS, then refused to negotiate, sticking with 15 days.

Yet you think that it's Abhisit who is intransigent ? No, the Red-Shirt negotiators were acting in bad-faith, they knew that their 'boss' would not accept any compromise at all, so they can't either. So much for their being 'leaders', or democrats ! :)


""""for F***sake - this is about the House Dissolution not about your wonderful and soft spoken Thai wives - they have been lucky and worked there way out of poverty - great - now can we move back ON TOPIC


Kissdani you are putting pearls before a swine as said in the bible

How can the Thais ever get it right if Pigheaded avitars from Chang Mai are able to defame people whose country he lives in

My self when ever I see a post with his avitar I just sweep past, the words are nothing but what he lives in

Thai women and men, and how they feel is the topic

which is the """"disolving of Parliment will not work""""

so what are the over ways

TV has been turned into a defame Thai by these cast out of from their own countries

best we just help those who want help and not turn this site into a circus

So the government breaks the constitution and shows double standards in the LAW again according the report.

But hey, its the Yellow Democrats, they are immune and can do anything they want ?????

No, but repeating that lie seems to make you happy.

They did however express an opinion. An opinion that a law has been broken that certainly will NOT hold up in court given the current SoE.

Double standards? Try "2 different governments chose different actions in 2 different circumstances."

If you want to talk about immunity and double standards, compare Arisman's group NOT being teargassed with RDX laced chinese military teargas, with the PAD being teargassed with RDX laced chinese military ordinance when both groups moved against Parliament. There at least you are comparing apples to apples ... but again 2 different governments chose different actions, but this time in the same type situation.

That was about day 120 of the Yellow shirt mayhem.

So when the Reds get to day 120 of the protests and they "block" parliament (which is what the Yellows did) to stop it from working, then I too will support some gas canisters to be used against the Reds, after day 120 and if the try to "BLOCK" parliament as the Yellows did.

The Reds just wanted to speak to Suthep.

The Yellows laid out an objective to prevent parliament from meeting and blocked access.

Very different - or you just want to misrepresent the facts ?

Hmmmm we are at what ... day 357 since last year's red songkran violence and the red ASEAN violence and the red .....

And you apparently missed what Arisman was saying or the fact that his own Red shirts had to LIE to their own people (yet again) to get them out of Parliament? Then again you think that what a former government allowed makes anything this one does suspect. Fairly shortsighted on your part :)

I believe part of what they say is true, this will NEVER go away, when side A is attempting to govern, side B is protesting and vica versa.

Its a very sad situation and serves no thai person well. :)

unfortunalty what i hope does not happen might be the only solution. that is to split the country into 2. or maybe govened by 2 parties. red for the north yellows for the south. still thailand being thailand. like england and scotland. the 1 that wins the most votes gets to have the slight upper hand but 1 side will be govened and rulled by there own people. maybe more like instead of proviences have states. 2 or 3 states.

thats all i can think that will complamice the situation.

i suppose that the reds will not be happy till taksin is given a pass though. maybe let him back but change his sentence to restrict his powers. make him sign to agree. so he cannot stage another war to gain more power.

i just hope that the muslims who are far more ruthless in the deep south don't follow suite


who knows maybe PM abbist might be the next fugative. seems to be catchy in thailand. PM then number 1 most wanted. there has to be power to prtect PM's from stopping them being proscuted for doing there jobs. i mean how many ordinary people have to power to set the army to war and kill other people. the govenors must be protected or they might aswell not be a prime minister in any country

who knows maybe PM abbist might be the next fugative. seems to be catchy in thailand. PM then number 1 most wanted. there has to be power to prtect PM's from stopping them being proscuted for doing there jobs. i mean how many ordinary people have to power to set the army to war and kill other people. the govenors must be protected or they might aswell not be a prime minister in any country

I wouldn't worry about Abhisit. He's done absolutely nothing worthy of prosecution or praise since being appointed PM by the Army. Not even a cooking show! He's clean.

I am from Undon so I guess I must be a red shirt, but 5 years ago I came to Bkk and got a job at 4,000 baht a month, I worked hard for a rich Bkk Family and send most of the money home to my family.

I never once made trouble for the family that paid me, I just worked hard, the harder I worked the more money I made and soon was making 8,000 baht a month

When I met my western husband he helped me decide to go out and open my own business, and slowly and with a lot of hard work it got better and better, now I own 2 shops and looking at opening a third.

The hours are long but I make good money and do not have to ask 1 baht from my western husband, now I employ 4 girls from my home town, so we send 4 times more money back home. I look after my family and put my younger brother through University.

These so called Rich Bangkok people you are protesting against use my shops and pay me money which I send back to Udon both through myself and also my staff.

Hurt the Thai elite no way, I have like many others learnt to use them to help my family,

Imagine if all the red shirts who are causing all the problems got up and did what I and many of my friends have done how much money would be flowing back to Udon

Wake up my brothers and sisters of Udon you are being used, this is not about our people, this is about a select few who are using you for their own financial gain.

Protesting, violence, is not the way to a better Udon

The real way is to take the advantage the Bangkok gives us, work hard and educate our younger brothers and sisters, I can tell you now, no promise you now, our time will come when we will rule Thailand, but because we worked hard and deserve it.

What you are doing to day is setting a example for tomorrow, You are the creators of tomorows problems

I ask my and your Budha to open your eyes to the real truth

Powerful and hope this goes on the RED SHIRT TV when it's back on the air. Much respect to this RED turned (RED-WHITE-BLUE) lady!



The Red shirts are in Protest, the house will not be disolved

The Government has issued a Emergency decree

The courts say they have the rights and power to do so

How can someone on the other side then go to court to have this nul and void ????

Re my Thai wife posting

The sad part of this posting is we may just have gotten more genuine Thai's to tell us their feeling but after the face bashing my Thai wife got from people on this posting, I can say now she will never tell her feeling to a Farang again

What really worries me is that Thais have a different way of saving face than western people

and to save face they rely on one fact that has never changed

even 2 Thai's with opposite beliefs will join forces when the 3rd party is farang

they call it Thai Love Thai

Many members of this site have stopped her speaking her mind on this site

but the Thai grape vine was the origional Thai mobile service, and he mobile is now 10 times more busy than normal, and the word Thai Visa is same in Thai and English so I know the subject

and like and elephant a Thai never forgets

Please remember we are here only as guests, and its okay to talk our feeling but this is Thai Country


The Red shirts are in Protest, the house will not be disolved

The Government has issued a Emergency decree

The courts say they have the rights and power to do so

How can someone on the other side then go to court to have this nul and void ????

Short answer to your question. No It cannot be changed.

When the court refused to offer an injunction against the rally they prevented the reds from appealing the decision. They also stated clearly that the protest was no longer legal AND that under the ISA that the government had all the power it needed to end the protest.

Things have changed and we are now under a State of Emergency in BKK and surrounding areas. This can be cried about later but it can't be interfered with while it is going on.


Thank you

just wanted another opinion as I though this was the normal way of things

Guess it all makes good new for the press

And to give hope to the Red Shirts that we will soon put a stop to this



They were all caught buying votes.

Its only the PPP who got convicted of the offence.

All the others had the evidence thrown away it seems.

Why would the coup appointed EC and the EE want to find only PPP guilty ? Any reason ? :D


likewise :D I wonder

Don't you guys ever read anything????

Even though it's explained 100 times.

Even though you respond to the explainations.

You don't actually read what they say.

No wonder you never learn.

Semi-literate, like most of the Thai Rouge.

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