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Thailand Army Chief Calls For Parliament Dissolution

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I am Human and have Rights in this World and the most Democratic Right I have along with every person on thiis planet is "The freedom of Speech" in whatever country I am in.

Just for your Information:

Article 19.

  • Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

This is all very nice in theory - but reality is something completely different. This is not a "perfect world".

"all animals are created equally just some are more equal than others".

Why they need article 19 freedom of speech in a country that is 95% Buddhist?

Just claim freedom of religious conviction? disillusionment is a poison of mankind, seek enlightenment and truth. Ya, from behind bars!

Funny that , speak the truth , practice loving kindness towards your country and fellow citizens, get arrested

OR be a criminal, pretend you are a Buddhist - get out of jail

That's LOS for you!

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The government and military have been very quiet these last couple of days. Gotta wonder what their next move is.

Govt - most likely resign and dissolve parliament after Songkran

Military - back in the barracks.

Let's hope so... best thing that could happen and should have happened three weeks ago

I think better wait before the celebrations.

PAD said they will be demonstrating from 18th.

Could get uglier before it gets better


Thanks so much, confirms my 'conspiricy' theory! it's being settled now instead of later.

Let's be fair, this government came into power because of criminal elements like Newin and other who stole the seats of the PPP (TRT/PT) and decided that they knew better than the voters. These voters demand their seats back. Nothing wrong with that.

The red shirts should never ever agree on a 6 month time frame. A six month time frame will bring the man with blood on his hand and who is an known Thaksin hater in power general Prayuth Chan Ocha. A new government must be in place latest in July or in early august to derail his promotion to army leader. It is worth fighting a bit longer to avoid that or at least negotiate that Chan ocha is out and never make it as army leader. God forbid that this man ever gets his chance.

Given the funny and outright stupid statements of Foreign Minister Kasit who is charged with economic terrorism charges by prosecutors the government is desperate. It will take a few days longer before Thaksin or the red shirts are accused of the drought, the dry Mekong and the fact that the yellow shirts closed the airport.

If a PM has to come on TV everyday to assure his people that everything is under control and that the army is with him, it means in general that he is in trouble, that nothing is under control and that the army is split.

Thanks Mythbuster Good Observations and Analysis.

The best and clearest picture of what and why it is happening and those really behind the unrest was published in The Economist Mar 18th 2010 . "Behind the present unrest in Thailand lie far deeper fears" "Another bruising round in Thailand's protracted power-struggle was under way, with no clear end in sight" This edition was not published In Thailand because of its sensitive subject but can be read on the internet . It is essential reading !!!

Another good letter from a Dom Dunn on another papers blog :

Unbalanced coverage

Though I consider myself a cynic, the utter hypocrisy displayed in your editorial today (''Censorship is doomed to fail from the start'', April 11) caused my jaw to hit the ground.

You write: ''All media have a responsibility not to inflame passions and strictly adhere to the truth.'' Since before the Thaksin assets verdict your newspaper has done nothing but seek to create anti-UDD feelings among your readers, both by your one-sided reporting and in the tone you use.

Your choices of stories have been overwhelmingly pro-government, and today is a case in point - on a day when many Thai people died, the majority of them members of the UDD, you chose to devote your entire front page to a picture of a wounded soldier.

For the past month you have reported every official statement, no matter how incredible or lacking in supporting evidence, and countless unsubstantiated and unattributed anti-UDD stories and rumours.

The statements of any ''spokesman'' claiming to represent a peace group, businessmen or tourist operator have been given space, without any effort being made to verify the truth of either the group's membership, or of their facts. Your reporting constantly betrays your bias by referring to the UDD as ''reds'' or ''red mob'', their leaders as ''bosses'' and portraying the members as rural simpletons.

You finish by writing that it is ''unfortunate'' that UDD supporters feel they cannot trust mainstream media sources. It's not unfortunate, it's a disgrace, the Thai media's failure to provide full, fair and balanced reporting means that you must bear a share of the responsibility for this weekend's tragedy.

Thai journalists have abysmally low ethical and professional standards. I was staggered to learn that a representative of the ASTV Manager Group has quit the board of the Thai Journalists Association in protest at the TJA's opposition to the shutting down of the PTV channel.

The people who work for the ASTV/PTV channels are not journalists, they are propagandists and they should not be eligible to join a journalists association, much less serve on its board.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty

-Thomas Jefferson

The government and military have been very quiet these last couple of days. Gotta wonder what their next move is.

Govt - most likely resign and dissolve parliament after Songkran

Military - back in the barracks.

Let's hope so... best thing that could happen and should have happened three weeks ago

I think better wait before the celebrations.

PAD said they will be demonstrating from 18th.

Could get uglier before it gets better

I pray it does not... no matter what peoples colour etc. Thailand needs peace

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