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Sunset, Chiang Mai, April 18


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... snip ... I am sorry if my earlier observation offended you in any way, as your message above suggests to me it might have. There was no such intention behind it.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Rasseru,

You have not offended us ! To offend us you must exhibit wit, panache, or hoist us on our own petard :) We are chuffed in our inner poetic parts to think you even think we are capable of speaking to you directly.

... snip ... I was not projecting anything of the kind, or indeed anything at all.

You are reading our poem ? : and not projecting: sacre bleu ! now you have wounded us to the core, or the corps, or the corpse.

... snip ... On the contrary, I just found it odd, and still do, that a specific mention was made in the title of the post to something that seemed to me to have about it an air of significance in relation to the poem but, as I thought about it, at the same time seemed like it could have in fact no relation to the poem or the perspective of the poem.

Glad you made it past the title ! While the relationship between titles of a poem and content would be an interesting (and maybe fruitful) literary debate, it reminds me of a year long ago when my human taught "computers" to students in the IB program at the French-American bi-lingual school in San Francisco : I asked one fifteen year old, who was really brilliant, if he had read the poem "Howl" : he asked me if it was a song by Snoop Doggy-Dog before we could say "by Allen Ginsburg." Unfortunately, being only a computer teacher, I could not assign said young brilliance the task of writing an essay on the relationship between title and content of a poem like Yeats' "Wild Swans at Coole" :D

Let's us just say that: while we understand neither the title, or the poem (speaking as deliveryboys), that we believe the title follows the principle of taqqiya as found in Shia Sufi mysticism and discussed by Aircraftsman T. E. Shaw (formerly Lawrence of Arabia) in you know what book.

best, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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