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Party's Over As Troops Descend On Bangkok Red-Light District

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I know that there are forum rules about discussing bar girls, but there seems to be a lot of preconception and misunderstanding about how much they make and what they do with it.

Yes, there are "superstars" who can make 50-80K a month. I don't know any in this category, so I can't comment. Most of my BG friends work in establishments that pay them no salary whatsoever. They get 30% of the bar fee (about 250 baht) plus whatever the customer pays them. They get 2 days off per month. If they are late for work, they are fined 10 baht per minute. If they take an day off, they are fined 500 baht. Monthly income is 12-20K.

They need 2K per month for rent and utilities (shared room), 3K for food, 2K for transportation, and 2K for everything else - that's 9K. Cosmetics - Mistine is about as good as it gets. Clothing bought at locals markets, Big C or Lotus is upscale. Everything else gets sent home. Milk for the kids, toys, clothing and school expenses. Help with the payment on the motorcycle or pickup. An allowance for the parents.

Nothing to do with show, everything to do with survival.

'monthly income 12-20K'

Why then don't they just work in a factory in Ayudhya or Chonburi? with OT they could match or even better 12-20K.

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"Why then don't they just work in a factory in Ayudhya or Chonburi? with OT they could match or even better 12-20K."

Too much like hard work!

Far more poor people work in those kind of places than in bars.

"Why then don't they just work in a factory in Ayudhya or Chonburi? with OT they could match or even better 12-20K."

Too much like hard work!

No, you are misinformed. The best one can make with OT to the max is 8-9K. Not to mention that most factories are not hiring, let alone anyone with less than M. 3, if not M. 6, education. Thailand's industrial base has shrunk drastically because it can no longer compete with China, Vietnam, Cambodia.

And if you think that being a BG is not hard work, you know nothing about that line of work at all.



It's been 50 years since The Vietnam War. Approximately 5 generations of Issan women have traveled south to work in the sex trade since this war.

I have often asked myself the same question, where has the money gone???? Sure, they gamble, drink samsong and swing in a hamock all day, but the money "earned" from the sex trade, by successive generations, and the many that have had farang "sponsors" - where did it go?

Why does the next daughter born in the family have to go and work in a bar. You can't drink that much samsong and you can't lose at card ALL of the time.

Sex trade earnings and farang "donations" have been heading to Issan for 50 years. Surely some familys have increased their wealth to a point where the next generation doesn't have to work in the sex trade?

So, "Ozzieman05" - since you know all about Thailand, and what the women do with the money - how about you tell us.

It has been 35 years not 50 since the war in Vietnam was over and the 50,000 American troops that were stationed all over Thailand including Issan were withdrawn. How many generations happen in 35 years?

Maybe you want to think about the number of Japanese troops that were stationed here during WWII. In most countries the Japanese troops held the local populations in slave brothels but not Thailand because the Thai’s were Japanese allies. The Japanese troops paid the girls.

How about the Chinese KMT troops? How many were stationed in Thailand and how long did they stay and what city did they have R&R in?

Are you assuming that women did not go to Bangkok to work in Bars before the Americans came? Ha ha ha.

BTW Pattaya was still a small town with only two hotels when the Americans left in 1975.

Digest those facts and ask your question again and I will give you the answer.

"Why then don't they just work in a factory in Ayudhya or Chonburi? with OT they could match or even better 12-20K."

Too much like hard work!

No, you are misinformed. The best one can make with OT to the max is 8-9K. Not to mention that most factories are not hiring, let alone anyone with less than M. 3, if not M. 6, education. Thailand's industrial base has shrunk drastically because it can no longer compete with China, Vietnam, Cambodia.

And if you think that being a BG is not hard work, you know nothing about that line of work at all.

Tourist comes to Thailand and goes to bar and drinks all day long. Eats dinner and then drinks all night long. Goes to hotel and well, you know. Gets up and goes to bar and drinks all day long. Eats dinner and then drinks all night long.

What does a BG do?

Ps if she is in shape and can dance the wages are posted on the go go clubs when they advertise for employees. If you can read Thai you know what they make.

I think you guys should stop with the "stereotyping" about "white skinned" and "dark skinned" Thai women. There are both sorts on both sides. Plenty of "high so" prostitution places in Bangkok where you'll only see Thai women as white as porcelain. Most foreigners however will never see those places or aren't even aware that they exist. Likewise, most dark skinned women work at Nana, Patpong or Soi Cowboy.

There are also plenty of white and dark skinned women that don't work as prostitutes, so give up on the stereotyping, guys.


I agree too. Some fit the sterotypes, others do not. Not all issan girls work in bars/massage as prostitutes. I know plenty who do not, and do not even want "farang" boyfriends/husbands. And remember, there is also a high population of Non-thai prostitutes in bkk.

Also not all issan men are drunks. Yes, the higher % do drink like fish...but remember not all of them do. Not all farang men are here to enjoy the "red-light" life either.

Unfort. we all hear more about the bad, instead of good.

I'm sure most of the people who are sterotyping are not happy being lumped in the sterotype of their culture.

I know that there are forum rules about discussing bar girls, but there seems to be a lot of preconception and misunderstanding about how much they make and what they do with it.

Yes, there are "superstars" who can make 50-80K a month. I don't know any in this category, so I can't comment. Most of my BG friends work in establishments that pay them no salary whatsoever. They get 30% of the bar fee (about 250 baht) plus whatever the customer pays them. They get 2 days off per month. If they are late for work, they are fined 10 baht per minute. If they take an day off, they are fined 500 baht. Monthly income is 12-20K.

They need 2K per month for rent and utilities (shared room), 3K for food, 2K for transportation, and 2K for everything else - that's 9K. Cosmetics - Mistine is about as good as it gets. Clothing bought at locals markets, Big C or Lotus is upscale. Everything else gets sent home. Milk for the kids, toys, clothing and school expenses. Help with the payment on the motorcycle or pickup. An allowance for the parents.

Nothing to do with show, everything to do with survival.

If you really knew many ladies in the business you would know it has nothing to do with survival and everything to do with addiction. The kind of woman you are talking about today is one out of one ten.

A freedom fighter fights those who wish to take away the freedom and liberty of the people.

In the 16 months that the Democrats have been in government, what freedoms and liberties have they taken away from the people?

The freedom of demorcratically elected governemnt. I'll give you an example, Peter. If you voted for a a political party in your country, and they "won" the election. (if you don't know what that means - it means, they got the most votes) and then some "higher powers" didn't like the outcome of that election, and protested (like - take over your countrty's main airport) and ended the elected governemnt's term - that would be taking away the freedom of the majority of the people.

A freedom fighter fights those who wish to take away the freedom and liberty of the people.

In the 16 months that the Democrats have been in government, what freedoms and liberties have they taken away from the people?

The freedom of demorcratically elected governemnt. I'll give you an example, Peter. If you voted for a a political party in your country, and they "won" the election. (if you don't know what that means - it means, they got the most votes) and then some "higher powers" didn't like the outcome of that election, and protested (like - take over your countrty's main airport) and ended the elected governemnt's term - that would be taking away the freedom of the majority of the people.


there was no government in place whose term had not ended.


It's been 50 years since The Vietnam War. Approximately 5 generations of Issan women have traveled south to work in the sex trade since this war.

I have often asked myself the same question, where has the money gone???? Sure, they gamble, drink samsong and swing in a hamock all day, but the money "earned" from the sex trade, by successive generations, and the many that have had farang "sponsors" - where did it go?

Why does the next daughter born in the family have to go and work in a bar. You can't drink that much samsong and you can't lose at card ALL of the time.

Sex trade earnings and farang "donations" have been heading to Issan for 50 years. Surely some familys have increased their wealth to a point where the next generation doesn't have to work in the sex trade?

So, "Ozzieman05" - since you know all about Thailand, and what the women do with the money - how about you tell us.

Actually mate, ill have a go at that one..

To have a guess id say..

the latest 30,000 baht phone

10,000 baht handbags


expensive clothes

fur coat

shoes ect ect ect

Actually i could go on all night, suffice to say the list being luxury items which they cant afford, motivation being to gain "face" and look big in front of their friends.. :)

What Thai guys spend their money on is of course another story..They pay their mia nois 20k a month so they can buy all the above things :D

Reminds me of the old farang joke..

"Spent 50,000 baht in one week in BK, 90% of it went on beer and bargirls, the other 10% i just wasted

Mate, the phone is stolen, the handbag is a copy, the cosmetics were bought for them by a farang who was on holidays and took them shopping, the clothes are cheap from the market, "fur coat" - well, I've never seen a bar girl wear a fur coat in 30 degree heat in Thailand and the shoes are copies as well.

Apart from the about, there were no mobile phones for 40 years after the war, SO, question still stands, for 5 generations, since the Vietnam War, where has the money gone? Why are there still people living in poverty in Issan, sending their daughter to work in bars????

Could this be because EVERY Thai government has kept Issan poor to supply women to the sex trade, for tourism, and supply labour to minimum wage jobs, AND, is it possible, this is what the "red shirts" are protesting about?

((("Ozzieman05" - since you know all about Thailand, and what the women do with the money - how about you tell us.))))

As I aid before this subject can take up another topics

But the above is given in great detail in many books and available on the Stickman Web site

Majority of Thais life is all about face

and the money send home is spent on stupid things only with 1 object to make the family look good in the eyes of other villages

This posting is about Red shirt problems in Bkk and not for me to give you a lesson on Thai culture, again there are many any books on this subject if your really interested

Do you know what a book shop is ????

Have you read one of the books yourself???????? Or, do you just plagerise from authors?

Slightly off topic, but, whilst the Red Shirts have protested and shut down the business district and caused the deployment of the Army and Police, on mass, has anyone considered the cost, to the current Government, of "fighting this domestic battle?" The Red Shirts can live on a cup of boiled rice a day, and we all know Mr.T is "chipping in" a few baht for them, but, economically, it's possible, the Government will not be able to sustain the prolonged cost of Army, Police and emergency services deployment.

All of these personel have to be paid, fed, housed etc. The logistics for all of this is very costly to Thailand. To some degree, as far as the defence forces of Thailand are concerned, Thailand is at war. Wars cost a lot of money and they are in this one alone, not with any "richer" allied countries. Add to the cost of the defence force, the local Police, Fire Brigade and Ambulance involvement, all staff at 24/7, and this mounts up to a HUGE bill, for the Government. The day may come when they can't afford to pay their Army, Police and other emergency services, plus, all the support staff for them.

Further compounding this cost is, which is on topic, the economic cost, in real terms, to the country. Not much money is "coming in." So, tourism, imports, exports etc etc are not generating their normal income. However, tourisms is the talk on TV and we know for a fact this is down.

The current Government must have a "cut off point" for funding all of this. After all, Thailand is not America, The UK or The EU.

I'm not sure The World Bank would be interested in loaning money to Thailand for this "project."

We all know the Red Shirts are "hitting" the Government, economically, but has anyone considered the economic cost of this "domestic war?" It's this cost that could bring down the Government, not the loss of tourism etc.

The Army, Police etc all have families and bills to pay. If you can't pay these people, there will have to be another coup.

Absolute poppycock.

Do you think the soldiers clock on when they arrive on Silom and then clock off again after they leave? They're not paid by the hour, and they're not paid very much.

Great, Sabre, and the rest of the logistics - WHO PAYS???? And, where does that cash come from???? And, what happens whenthe cash dries up to pay?

Well some of the recent comments on hard working Isaan girls - many of whom work in establishments owned by leading lights in the Yellow movement (who else owns Bangkok) and do actually look after their poor parents and younger siblings have answered my earlier questions - some of you guys are just blatant racists. In a some Western countries where there is a degree of civility and respect for others your comments would get you a well deserved fine.

So now we have it.

There are no reds running go-go bars, beer bars and massage places.

How do we know?

Kevin has checked them all out.

He should patent this white-washing of the reds.

No-one else has.

Go for it Kevin.

There are more daughters and grand-daughters working in the go-go bars that are owned by yellow shirts. You can not deny this, it is fact. 90% of bar girls come from Issan.

I know that there are forum rules about discussing bar girls, but there seems to be a lot of preconception and misunderstanding about how much they make and what they do with it.

Yes, there are "superstars" who can make 50-80K a month. I don't know any in this category, so I can't comment. Most of my BG friends work in establishments that pay them no salary whatsoever. They get 30% of the bar fee (about 250 baht) plus whatever the customer pays them. They get 2 days off per month. If they are late for work, they are fined 10 baht per minute. If they take an day off, they are fined 500 baht. Monthly income is 12-20K.

They need 2K per month for rent and utilities (shared room), 3K for food, 2K for transportation, and 2K for everything else - that's 9K. Cosmetics - Mistine is about as good as it gets. Clothing bought at locals markets, Big C or Lotus is upscale. Everything else gets sent home. Milk for the kids, toys, clothing and school expenses. Help with the payment on the motorcycle or pickup. An allowance for the parents.

Nothing to do with show, everything to do with survival.

100% agree with you. Why not give these people the same opportunity as those in the south???? Could these be what the Red Shirts are protesting for??????????????????????????????????????

I know that there are forum rules about discussing bar girls, but there seems to be a lot of preconception and misunderstanding about how much they make and what they do with it.

Yes, there are "superstars" who can make 50-80K a month. I don't know any in this category, so I can't comment. Most of my BG friends work in establishments that pay them no salary whatsoever. They get 30% of the bar fee (about 250 baht) plus whatever the customer pays them. They get 2 days off per month. If they are late for work, they are fined 10 baht per minute. If they take an day off, they are fined 500 baht. Monthly income is 12-20K.

They need 2K per month for rent and utilities (shared room), 3K for food, 2K for transportation, and 2K for everything else - that's 9K. Cosmetics - Mistine is about as good as it gets. Clothing bought at locals markets, Big C or Lotus is upscale. Everything else gets sent home. Milk for the kids, toys, clothing and school expenses. Help with the payment on the motorcycle or pickup. An allowance for the parents.

Nothing to do with show, everything to do with survival.

'monthly income 12-20K'

Why then don't they just work in a factory in Ayudhya or Chonburi? with OT they could match or even better 12-20K.

Yeh - sweat shops are a great job, for Issan people, of course. Not for southern Thai people. That sort of work is "below" them.

Well some of the recent comments on hard working Isaan girls - many of whom work in establishments owned by leading lights in the Yellow movement (who else owns Bangkok) and do actually look after their poor parents and younger siblings have answered my earlier questions - some of you guys are just blatant racists. In a some Western countries where there is a degree of civility and respect for others your comments would get you a well deserved fine.

So now we have it.

There are no reds running go-go bars, beer bars and massage places.

How do we know?

Kevin has checked them all out.

He should patent this white-washing of the reds.

No-one else has.

Go for it Kevin.

There are more daughters and grand-daughters working in the go-go bars that are owned by yellow shirts. You can not deny this, it is fact. 90% of bar girls come from Issan.

Probably you and Kevin hang out together in the go-gos to have checked this out.

Tell me, is your joint personal research of the same standard as Thaksin's anti-gay bigotry?

Maybe you have researched the gay areas as well.

I know that there are forum rules about discussing bar girls, but there seems to be a lot of preconception and misunderstanding about how much they make and what they do with it.

Yes, there are "superstars" who can make 50-80K a month. I don't know any in this category, so I can't comment. Most of my BG friends work in establishments that pay them no salary whatsoever. They get 30% of the bar fee (about 250 baht) plus whatever the customer pays them. They get 2 days off per month. If they are late for work, they are fined 10 baht per minute. If they take an day off, they are fined 500 baht. Monthly income is 12-20K.

They need 2K per month for rent and utilities (shared room), 3K for food, 2K for transportation, and 2K for everything else - that's 9K. Cosmetics - Mistine is about as good as it gets. Clothing bought at locals markets, Big C or Lotus is upscale. Everything else gets sent home. Milk for the kids, toys, clothing and school expenses. Help with the payment on the motorcycle or pickup. An allowance for the parents.

Nothing to do with show, everything to do with survival.

'monthly income 12-20K'

Why then don't they just work in a factory in Ayudhya or Chonburi? with OT they could match or even better 12-20K.

Yeh - sweat shops are a great job, for Issan people, of course. Not for southern Thai people. That sort of work is "below" them.

Regional bigotry a la red.

so much for class war.

Your knickers are showing.


It's been 50 years since The Vietnam War. Approximately 5 generations of Issan women have traveled south to work in the sex trade since this war.

I have often asked myself the same question, where has the money gone???? Sure, they gamble, drink samsong and swing in a hamock all day, but the money "earned" from the sex trade, by successive generations, and the many that have had farang "sponsors" - where did it go?

Why does the next daughter born in the family have to go and work in a bar. You can't drink that much samsong and you can't lose at card ALL of the time.

Sex trade earnings and farang "donations" have been heading to Issan for 50 years. Surely some familys have increased their wealth to a point where the next generation doesn't have to work in the sex trade?

So, "Ozzieman05" - since you know all about Thailand, and what the women do with the money - how about you tell us.

It has been 35 years not 50 since the war in Vietnam was over and the 50,000 American troops that were stationed all over Thailand including Issan were withdrawn. How many generations happen in 35 years?

Maybe you want to think about the number of Japanese troops that were stationed here during WWII. In most countries the Japanese troops held the local populations in slave brothels but not Thailand because the Thai's were Japanese allies. The Japanese troops paid the girls.

How about the Chinese KMT troops? How many were stationed in Thailand and how long did they stay and what city did they have R&R in?

Are you assuming that women did not go to Bangkok to work in Bars before the Americans came? Ha ha ha.

BTW Pattaya was still a small town with only two hotels when the Americans left in 1975.

Digest those facts and ask your question again and I will give you the answer.

Get a calculator. Vietnam War started in 1959. That's 50 years. American G.I's were paying US dollars for boom boom in Pattaya prior, during and after the war. Udon Thai and Ubon ratithani bases were the same. But R and R was big in Pattaya. It was the same in Angeles City in the Philippines (airforce airport bombing base).

So, you think US cash only started coming into Thailand AFTER the war - GET REAL. It was the war that kick the sex trade in Thailand off. It was the R and R soliders that created the market.

Let me guess - you worked in "the green zone."

A freedom fighter fights those who wish to take away the freedom and liberty of the people.

In the 16 months that the Democrats have been in government, what freedoms and liberties have they taken away from the people?

The freedom of demorcratically elected governemnt. I'll give you an example, Peter. If you voted for a a political party in your country, and they "won" the election. (if you don't know what that means - it means, they got the most votes) and then some "higher powers" didn't like the outcome of that election, and protested (like - take over your countrty's main airport) and ended the elected governemnt's term - that would be taking away the freedom of the majority of the people.


there was no government in place whose term had not ended.

So, the yellow shirts were fighting for cheaper airfares at the airport, were they?

I have a number of friends (yes, FRIENDS) who are bar girls in Patpong. They don't gamble, don't use drugs - just work to support their families as best they can. Two have called in me in the past few days. They are desperate. They were told not to come back after Songkran. They don't know how they're going to pay their rent or send money home at the end of they month. One asked me if I could send her 500 baht to buy powdered milk for her children. I've been to her home in Kalasin; it's not a scam. Just to point out that this mess is truly hurting people in ways that most of us can't imagine.

This makes no sense. These girls make a lot more money than poor Thais and supposedly have worked there a while so they already earned a good bit, and they still have zero savings? Life in Thailand - particularly in poor areas where they are coming from and living in low-standard conditions - is very cheap. So where is all the money they make going? They just spend everything and more from every paycheck?

Yes, yes and yes.


You have just gone to the top of the class of Farang Idiots who have no idea about Thai culture

Thai culture has no idea about saving, this is a stupid idea thought up by Chinnese Thais

The majority of these girls live on few baht them selves

There culture raises them to believe they have only 1 purpose in life and that is to support their parents, so 90 - 95% of all the money they have goes back home 5 mins after they make it, or Mama will be on the phone telling her what a bad daughter she has.

Where the money goes, well that is a new thread in its self, but I do say to you if you have any interest in Thailand or bar girls start reading some of the many books written on this subject

and stop making posts that prove you have no understanding of the culture, and how it works

You said what my post said and then you attack my post?

The above section you write is what I have seen a lot of anyway.

Well some of the recent comments on hard working Isaan girls - many of whom work in establishments owned by leading lights in the Yellow movement (who else owns Bangkok) and do actually look after their poor parents and younger siblings have answered my earlier questions - some of you guys are just blatant racists. In a some Western countries where there is a degree of civility and respect for others your comments would get you a well deserved fine.

So now we have it.

There are no reds running go-go bars, beer bars and massage places.

How do we know?

Kevin has checked them all out.

He should patent this white-washing of the reds.

No-one else has.

Go for it Kevin.

There are more daughters and grand-daughters working in the go-go bars that are owned by yellow shirts. You can not deny this, it is fact. 90% of bar girls come from Issan.

Probably you and Kevin hang out together in the go-gos to have checked this out.

Tell me, is your joint personal research of the same standard as Thaksin's anti-gay bigotry?

Maybe you have researched the gay areas as well.

What's wrong Yoshiwara? Do you fear working in the same office as someone from Issan one day? Maybe you fear having someone from Issan as your neighbour one day? Maybe you fear them actually being your boss one day. Or, you fear them actually having a VOICE in goverment after hundreds of years. Tell me, Yoshiwara, why do you fear the people from Issan so much. They are Thai as well you know.

What's wrong Yoshiwara? Do you fear working in the same office as someone from Issan one day? Maybe you fear having someone from Issan as your neighbour one day? Maybe you fear them actually being your boss one day. Or, you fear them actually having a VOICE in goverment after hundreds of years. Tell me, Yoshiwara, why do you fear the people from Issan so much. They are Thai as well you know.

Notice that you did not respond to the Thaksin anti-gay bigotry.

Probably too obsessed with your regional fetish.

The only voice in government you support is Thaksin's

However you dress it up.

A freedom fighter fights those who wish to take away the freedom and liberty of the people.

In the 16 months that the Democrats have been in government, what freedoms and liberties have they taken away from the people?

The freedom of demorcratically elected governemnt. I'll give you an example, Peter. If you voted for a a political party in your country, and they "won" the election. (if you don't know what that means - it means, they got the most votes) and then some "higher powers" didn't like the outcome of that election, and protested (like - take over your countrty's main airport) and ended the elected governemnt's term - that would be taking away the freedom of the majority of the people.

coalitions are always possible in a democracy, all the yellow shirts did was prevent the constitution being changed which would have allowed taksin to be above the law

Aren't the Democrats now trying to change the constitution to their benefit as well? And also trying to hold onto power until the next army reshuffle, to ensure that they have the support of the army in case they don't get elected at the polls, so that they can make another coup.

Aren't the Democrats now trying to change the constitution to their benefit as well? And also trying to hold onto power until the next army reshuffle, to ensure that they have the support of the army in case they don't get elected at the polls, so that they can make another coup.

Thaksin was trying to put his cronies into power just before the coup.

Locking up the police force and the army to lock up the institutions of state power.

Trying to do the same thing again.

Congratulations for being the first red cheerleader to acknowledge that the present red violence is not about having an election but rather about the timing of an election.

Your mates will not thank you.

Aren't the Democrats now trying to change the constitution to their benefit as well? And also trying to hold onto power until the next army reshuffle, to ensure that they have the support of the army in case they don't get elected at the polls, so that they can make another coup.

i cannot believe that you're still howling about thaksin.

the guy is a crook! whatever good deeds he does he counter it with a very bad deeds.

why don't you just keep quite and let the thai people decide their own faith, they defenitely don't need your opinion.

ah, by the way, when the constitution is re-written the democrats will then give you a copy, as every people in thailand, so that you can read it

and then tell us what you think.

stop barking here and letting us know that you are licking thaksin's feet.


Maybe you ought to open your eyes and look around. In my local area, Nonthaburi, there are numerous massage parlours, karoke bars, and other brothels. Guess what, none of them are aimed at serving foreigners. Go to any neighborhood in Bangkok and you will find the same thing. Go to any city in Thailand and you will find the the sex trade exists, and most of it is to service Thais. The Bangkok red light districts are a small portion of it. Sure Pattaya is a playground for tourists, but all over Thailand if you look around you will see the evidence of the Thai sex trade. If all the foreigners went home tomorrow prostitution would still thrive in Thailand. Don't go blaming foreigners for exploiting Thai women, Thais are equally capable of doing it to themselves.

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