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Police Poised To Arrest Mafia-linked Politicians


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Police poised to arrest mafia-linked politicians

BANGKOK: -- The police are preparing to issue arrest warrants for a number of national level politicians suspected of involvement in protection rackets in Bangkok, the national police inspector warned today.

The announcement comes after a month-long crackdown on Bangkok mafias, who typically demand protection money from traders and motorists.

Pol. Gen. Sereepisut Taemeeyawes, the National Police Inspector, who chairs a Bangkok mafia suppression committee, said that evidence pointed to the involvement of high-ranking Bangkok administrators and local and national politicians in the protection scams.

Over the next month, investigative officers would issue warrants for their arrest, he said.

Since the launch of the police crackdown on mafias, police in Bangkok have arrested 95 suspects and are taking legal action against 38, some of whom are municipal officials and police officers.

--TNA 2005-06-03

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Typical Announcement, right along with..

"Police know the suspects, and are watching them carefully"

"An arrest is imminent"

Etc., etc..... :o

Does anyone really believe that the police will arrest their main benefactors?

Only those currently on the 'outs' with those in power will be considered, is my best guess. :D

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Actually this should be read as "mafia bosses you have 2 weeks to arrange your scape goats before we take them down for you, then back to business as usual".

Hmm Somjai's informer is still available for rap taking I do believe? :o

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Typical Announcement, right along with..

"Police know the suspects, and are watching them carefully"

"An arrest is imminent"

Etc., etc..... :D

Does anyone really believe that the police will arrest their main benefactors?

Only those currently on the 'outs' with those in power will be considered, is my best guess.  :D

and even then, it seems to be usually only the "underlings" of those that are on the "outs with those in power... :o

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