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I was on such a good route to become healthier, but then all of a sudden I am back to where I began...

Lays, cokes, candies, and all the other junk food I have run away from over the last few months are back...

I have stopped running as much as well... Just don't feel like it...


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I think the only thing you can really do is to forgive yourself from being human and start again. Even if you have to force yourself. The hardest part is often getting started. You'll be glad you re-committed to your healthy lifestyle now instead of waiting another 6 months, or 12 months, or.....

I think that a lot of successful "losers" (weight, that is) will tell you that it's a long process, with lots of ups and downs. I know it's hard, but try not to focus on the daily blips. Look at the overall trend. There will be good days and bad days - no one is perfect. Just try to make progress towards your goal. If you're trying to lose weight, shoot for an overall downward trend, and know that there will be tons of small gains and losses along the way. There are even free graphing programs online that will help you track this if you want.

A few bad days/weeks does not constitute a failure, only a small setback. :) And you can learn from it. Remember how you feel now and remind yourself of this the next time it it starts to happen...because it probably will, and that's ok. :D Best of luck!

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try to join some motivation group/circle of people, also joining a gym or sports club (the best are team sports) would give you exercise.

but first of all - stop buying those sweets, sugar.

good to read some books about healthy lifestyle and diet, they might inspire you to try some new tricks

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trust me i am trying but i am now back to where i just buy without thinking... Then when i get home i see that i have bought 2L of coke and a large bag of lays...

I eat it and the i feel guilty...

I will just ry harder.... No sports clubs here i can join...

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Well, there's a couple trains of thought on this one. Some people find that they still need a little bit of the "guilty" foods every so often. If they don't, they feel deprived and usually end up binging on that food eventually, or blowing off the whole diet. Other people find that they need to go "cold turkey" when in comes to unhealthy foods. I'm in the second group - if I'm trying to avoid a certain type of food, it's easiest for me to just not buy it. If it's not sitting around my house, I can't eat it. At the grocery store, I don't even go through the junk food aisle, or other aisles of food I'm trying to avoid.

Maybe you could try both methods and see which works better for you? Maybe you need to allow yourself a small amount of your favorite foods every week? Just try to plan ahead for this so it's a conscious decision, not an impulse in which you're likely to eat too much.

Another idea, which I know is a huge waste of money, but sometimes necessary to stay healthy and lose weight....if you get home and realize that you bought things you did not mean to buy, get rid of them! Ideally you can give them away, but if you have to, throw them in the garbage before you get a change to eat them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

still not started, but lucky for me school started today... Alarmclock is set to five in the morning... Pout for a short run... Lets hope it works this time around... Will join the gym next week, i just hace to find time in my schedule...

Crossing fingers, legs and nipples (can i say that)? Start the fight again...

I make a vegetable soup that is really good, so that will be back on the menu tomorrow...

Funny some of you should mention to throw away or give away food i buy/have that i should not eat... I did that this morning with some lays and some other stuff... Even back down to a bottle of coke again...

Tomorrow... NONE!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Snowflake - I dont think you should be too hard on yourself, just gping by the name of your topic seems you realize that what you need is a healthy lifestyle and not an intensive diet, which lets face it is very difficult not to stick to!

I am not an expert but what has worked for me is to make small changes - this way you can stick to them. Changing your whole diet and cutting out everything that you love is not going to work.

Making veg soup as you mention is a great start, its cheap and fab for getting some of your 5 a day veg into your diet.

There is no harm is drinking coke, or having crisps (or chips as our US friends may call them :) ) but you justneed to be a little strict and have them in 'moderation'

team that with some fruit, nuts and good stuff and plenty of water every day then you have already a good basis. what also works for me is making a shopping list before I go to tesco, dont fill the troly just with rabbit food but make sure that you have some good stuff in there, from this list work out a weekly meal plan and stick to it. or pre make meals and freeze them if you can. we always buy loads of veg , when we get home we make soup, divide it into individual portions in freezer bags and pop it in the freezer,every lunch time or dinner time just pop it in the microwave...simple :D

you just need to try and make it part of your routine. also dont feel like you need to spend 6 hours a day at the gym, 30 minutes of excercise a day will benifit your health greatly. try walking for 15 mins in the morning then in the evening or try going to the gym on set days in the week, brisk walk on the treadmill, have a turn on the bike and get your heart rate up.

I think if your just make some changes to your diet (and thats not going on a diet) and factor in even broken up excercise sessions into your day you will feel fab.

good luck and dont be too hard on yourself :D

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Small changes.. like others say.. if you do too much at once you will fail

I slowly increase the changes until i know its working.

You could start with eating oat meal in the mornings, maybe buy one of those ovens from the carefour and start roasting your meat and some potatoes without fat.

I have deviated from the right path at times too, quite recently actually. For me it was not the eating but the drinking. But i'm back on track and lost it already. But i know its frustrating.

A friend of mine even took steroids because it kept him from drinking and gave him the incentive he needed. But of course those are not good for loosing weight and illegal.

Sometimes it helps to get fat burners or caffeine when your hitting a hard stretch just to get you motivated again. They are not a long time solution and they don't help much but they could give you the incentive you need. I do like caffeine for my workouts only problem is i wont sleep much after taking caffeine tablets so i stopped with them.

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But oatmeal is disgusting. It is inedible.

Seems like you are more down the pump and bulk side of things than a regular guy wanting to drop the fat from a lazy lifestyle. What I mean is that you seem to have your own motivation, based on muscles and so forth which is a million miles away from joe six pack needing to shape up. You can eat your oatmeal because it fits your needs, even though it tastes like cat food :)

We can't do that because we don't really want to shape up, we just know we have to. We won't eat health foods and shakes and take pills and potions like the body builders do. That's what I mean, trying to tailor the solution to the problem. One size does not fit all if you see what I mean ?

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But oatmeal is disgusting. It is inedible.

Seems like you are more down the pump and bulk side of things than a regular guy wanting to drop the fat from a lazy lifestyle. What I mean is that you seem to have your own motivation, based on muscles and so forth which is a million miles away from joe six pack needing to shape up. You can eat your oatmeal because it fits your needs, even though it tastes like cat food :)

We can't do that because we don't really want to shape up, we just know we have to. We won't eat health foods and shakes and take pills and potions like the body builders do. That's what I mean, trying to tailor the solution to the problem. One size does not fit all if you see what I mean ?

I doubt your going to make it if your not willing to make sacrifices. What i do is loosing fat just as what you guys want and true i dont have that much to loose so its harder at this point. But the thing is you need to give up things to achieve what you want.

If you wont eat health food and you keep on eating your pizza's and fats how do you ever think to shape up ?

You cant have it all you will have to give up some things.

I only drink a protein drink after a heavy workout, that is not something you need to do but other then that my food choices are the ones you might need to to shape up.

Its just real hard to eat junk food and still loose weight, because junk food contains so many calories in one meal.

Actually oatmeal is not that bad for me, id rather eat brinta (some kind of porridge) or curds from Holland but that is not available here. I have to make due with what i can get.

I start with 150 gr of oatmeal in the morning (with milk and heated in the microwave)

Then i got around 800 grams of meat with veggies and some carbs dived over the rest of the day. I also take some healthy fats and that is all i eat.

That does not mean i never go to sizzler or eat a pizza, but i try to limit that to once a week or less. Call it a cheat day. In that day i just take one junk meal.

My diet is real high in proteins and low in carbs because that works with me but it does not work for every body and once in a while i need to fill up with carbs again to keep on going.

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  • 2 months later...
But oatmeal is disgusting. It is inedible.

Seems like you are more down the pump and bulk side of things than a regular guy wanting to drop the fat from a lazy lifestyle. What I mean is that you seem to have your own motivation, based on muscles and so forth which is a million miles away from joe six pack needing to shape up. You can eat your oatmeal because it fits your needs, even though it tastes like cat food :)

We can't do that because we don't really want to shape up, we just know we have to. We won't eat health foods and shakes and take pills and potions like the body builders do. That's what I mean, trying to tailor the solution to the problem. One size does not fit all if you see what I mean ?

I doubt your going to make it if your not willing to make sacrifices. What i do is loosing fat just as what you guys want and true i dont have that much to loose so its harder at this point. But the thing is you need to give up things to achieve what you want.

If you wont eat health food and you keep on eating your pizza's and fats how do you ever think to shape up ?

You cant have it all you will have to give up some things.

I only drink a protein drink after a heavy workout, that is not something you need to do but other then that my food choices are the ones you might need to to shape up.

Its just real hard to eat junk food and still loose weight, because junk food contains so many calories in one meal.

Actually oatmeal is not that bad for me, id rather eat brinta (some kind of porridge) or curds from Holland but that is not available here. I have to make due with what i can get.

I start with 150 gr of oatmeal in the morning (with milk and heated in the microwave)

Then i got around 800 grams of meat with veggies and some carbs dived over the rest of the day. I also take some healthy fats and that is all i eat.

That does not mean i never go to sizzler or eat a pizza, but i try to limit that to once a week or less. Call it a cheat day. In that day i just take one junk meal.

My diet is real high in proteins and low in carbs because that works with me but it does not work for every body and once in a while i need to fill up with carbs again to keep on going.

Join biggest loser Asia, Australia, US etc. But mainly do what you want to do for yourself. Don't do it for someone else. You are what you are inside or outside. Once you realize that you are free of want's and needs then you can enjoy your life. Eat a bit of everything, exersize your heart out, enjoy travelling, enjoy working and so on. The main issue is you know when you are feeling good or feeling fat. But why is that? You should live healthy and over time you are and will become healthy.

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Join biggest loser Asia, Australia, US etc. But mainly do what you want to do for yourself. Don't do it for someone else. You are what you are inside or outside. Once you realize that you are free of want's and needs then you can enjoy your life. Eat a bit of everything, exersize your heart out, enjoy travelling, enjoy working and so on. The main issue is you know when you are feeling good or feeling fat. But why is that? You should live healthy and over time you are and will become healthy.

Smart stuff like this you really need to do for yourself not for anyone else. I train because i like it and i want to be in shape. But like everyone it has its ups and downs.. Coming out of a down now going to an up.

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Join biggest loser Asia, Australia, US etc. But mainly do what you want to do for yourself. Don't do it for someone else. You are what you are inside or outside. Once you realize that you are free of want's and needs then you can enjoy your life. Eat a bit of everything, exersize your heart out, enjoy travelling, enjoy working and so on. The main issue is you know when you are feeling good or feeling fat. But why is that? You should live healthy and over time you are and will become healthy.

Smart stuff like this you really need to do for yourself not for anyone else. I train because i like it and i want to be in shape. But like everyone it has its ups and downs.. Coming out of a down now going to an up.

Agree with the smart stuff comment :whistling: You are absolutely right about plans being followed and not being followed. Don't blow a month of training just because you had a megapizza and didn't train yesterday. Push through it and you will go from being a snowflake falling to a snowbird soaring (This is TM protected :rolleyes: )

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  • 3 months later...

I've no time for people like this.

Either you want to be somewhere else or you don'e. Until the motivation arrives we're all wasting our breath.

Ignore the implied sexuality of the posting, it's most likley from a bi-50 something getting off on a cycber fantasy.

For once I suggest we all have agood laugh at fatso's [ or our] expense.

Personally, I think you need to up the lays [ the foodie ones] and cut out the lays [the implied ones.]


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  • 3 weeks later...

As a late update...

I have lost 14kg since april, not much, but I have been exercising more than before so I have gained alot of muscles...

I am happier, I am fitter, and I have about 10kg more before I am close to happy...

Now, if I could only convince myself to go to the gym...

Last week I had to make a new hole in my belt- again!!! My friends keep complaining that I should buy a new belt, but it helps me to see progress, in cm!!!

(I need to drink less coke!!)

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