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Schengen Visa For Thai Girlfriend In Uk

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Was wondering if anyone could recommend the best country to apply for a Schengen visa for my thai girlfriend who is in the UK with me at the moment

from what i read should of tried to get one while we were still in thailand as some countries sites say apply in country of residence

i would like to go for a bit of a travel about maybe france spain portugal germany italy for a few weeks while she is here so any country will do

just the easiest route really

Im based in Bristol at the mo so any countries with a consulate outside london would be good to

thanks in advance for any help

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Well i know you prefer not coming to London but keep it open as an option as My wife has had two Schengens issued by the French embassy, a very straight forward process and best of all it's free. You check the website and choose an appt date on their calender, then on the day of the appt you go to the embassy, submit the docs, wait for 2 or 3 hours and then get issued with the schengen. Our first one was for 6 months multi trip and the second just granted was for one year multi trip. Probably the fact that we are married makes things a little easier ie we didn't have to prove which country we would visit first or have any hotel bookings but overall i reccomend the French embassy route,


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If she is in the UK with a visit visa she cannot apply in the UK for a Schengen visa. The regulations were changed last year and Schengen applications now have to be made in one's country of residence.


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If she is in the UK with a visit visa she cannot apply in the UK for a Schengen visa. The regulations were changed last year and Schengen applications now have to be made in one's country of residence.


i agree, we tried while my wife was in the UK on visitors visa and was not possible. if she's in the UK on a long term visa, should be possible.

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I agree with most of the others here. You'll find it hard to find an embassy which will issue a Schengen Visa for your gf if on a tourist visa in the UK.

The German embassy in London used to inform me that they would do that only in emergencies! So unless you have a "very sick" aunt somewhere in Europe, you ugently need to visit with your gf (because your gf can't stay alone in the UK for whatever reasons), I don't really see a chance...

Sorry mate... :)

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What is :) a Schengen Visa?

It is the visa needed by non EU members to enter any of the European countries, allowing them to remain and travel through these countries for a certain period of time

The Shenghen visa CANNOT be obtained, in the case of the OP, in any other country than Thailand

And to answer an unspoken question: it is not easier to apply at such or such Consulate.

Edited by alyx
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What is :) a Schengen Visa?

It is the visa needed by non EU members to enter any of the European countries.

Not quite. Both the UK and the RoI are members of the EU, but neither are fully signed up to the Schengen agreement. Therefore a Schengen visa is not valid for either country and a visit visa issued by the UK or RoI is not valid in the Schengen area.

Bulgaria, Cyprus and Romania have not yet implemented the agreement, but do intend to do so.

See Schengen Area for more.

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What is :) a Schengen Visa?

It is the visa needed by non EU members to enter any of the European countries.

Not quite. Both the UK and the RoI are members of the EU, but neither are fully signed up to the Schengen agreement. Therefore a Schengen visa is not valid for either country and a visit visa issued by the UK or RoI is not valid in the Schengen area.

Bulgaria, Cyprus and Romania have not yet implemented the agreement, but do intend to do so.

See Schengen Area for more.

As you said they are not part of the Schengen area and I should have added members of the Schengen area

Edited by alyx
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