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Chulalongkorn Hospital Evacuated After Stormed By Red-Shirts


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Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva Sunday said his government has already made a decision to deal with the protesters at Rajprasong commecial area.

How many months before we get to know what this plan is? When it happens do you think we'll notice, or is it to let the protesters die of old age in front of Central World decades from now?

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One side behaving appallingly followed by the other side behaving appallingly.

The red side has behaved appallingly. Whether the other side has behaved appallingly also is a matter of speculation yet to be proved. Personally, at the end of the day, i trust in the doctors at the hospital to act in the best interests of their patients. If the reds don't share that trust then fine, but until they have proof then all they are doing is hastily drawing unsubstaniated conclusions, which is funnily enough what they accuse others of doing when bombs go off and guns get fired, and people suspect the reds as having been involved. "Practice what you preach" springs to mind.

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Here I am at 53 pages of farang rant and I am impressed with how little there is for farang to do, how much free time is available for the farang in Thailand to spend making that "one up." Thanks to all for the picture your time and words have painted.

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I for one thought at the time that the takeover of the airport and Got buildings by the yellows was terrible but the leaders have now been charged and await their day in court. But that is behind us now and to try to use it as some sort of justification for what the reds are doing now is just stupidity.

We see: the yellows did, the yellows did, continuously as if what happened in the past can somehow excuse what we are seeing today. The Got is not dealing with the yellows invasions of the past or Pol Pot or Hitler it is dealing with the reds today and the way they are dealing with it seems now to be working with 2 defeats and PR disaster last week and yesterday infighting among the leaders.

Seems to me it is only a matter of a short time before the first of the brave leaders makes a run for it, but who will be the first. My money's on Big Mac he has already shown he has the potential, then a week or so after the first defection only Sae deang and his band of brothers will be left to defend the cause. Soon after that we will see how many of his followers really want to be in a box alongside their glorious leader.

Moving the patients out was the correct thing and probably should have been done sooner, consider if the tyre barrier were to catch fire how do you think the smoke would affect the hospital patients, come to think of it, it would probably kill half those hiding behind it.

On a lighter note; as the reds have been in the habit of producing videos to show "we didn't do it" I wonder when the video of them not invading the hospital and getting shot at by the soldiers they didn't find there will come out? Could take a bit of editing that one.

My post on the subject was deleted, as well as my clarification that I was mistaken over dates (15 May, not 1 April). (Edit: My apologies if it appeared that my "editing" was perceived as deliberate misquoting - that was not my intention)

Suffice to say that I (and I believe some others) am not repeating the mantra "the yellows did, the yellows did," to "excuse" or to somehow justify what the reds are doing - far from it. Their violence is inexcusable. My point is that neither side has "clean hands" and that neither side can claim the moral high ground. Since you mentioned "Pol Pot or Hitler", while it is taking the analagy is a bit far, would it be acceptable for either of them to judge others and to claim that their own transgressions were irrelevant and "behind us now"? I don't think so.

"the leaders (of the airport takeover) have now been charged and await their day in court." Correct - but just how long will they be allowed to wait, while one of them (Kasit, who took centre stage at the takeover) is a deputy PM and Foreign Minister, making government policy? To quote you out of context, you are correct: "The govt is not dealing with the yellows invasions of the past" and there is no sign that they have any intention of doing so.

I am not knocking Abhisit and his government for their handling of the current situation, although it is evidently totally incompetent. I am knocking him because he lacks the leadership, the respect and the authority to move on and to lead a government that can stand above cronyism and corruption (as Anand did very successfully, refusing to compromise his own standards for political expediency just so he could remain in office).

Neither the reds nor the yellows, nor anyone associated with them, is capable of leading any form of government which can heal the current political and cultural divide in Thailand. Clearing the streets may be a temporary solution, but at best all it will do is paper over the cracks - a band-aid on a sucking chest wound. I openly admit that I don't know what the answer is - but I do know what the answer isn't.

Edited by JohnLeech
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so markokang you where there you got pics of the sheels . that would mean you are one of the guys storming the hospital . remember they opend fire from inside according to nathuwat

please post the pics go on dont be selfish

cant wait to see

still waiting for your shell-pics

Even IF I post pictures are you going to believe me!?????

Secondly I reply late because I am working every day at the Red Cross Hospital (Behind Chula). Unlike you I don't have a lot of time to sit behind a computer desk flaming other people! (Although I would like to take this opportunity to say you are a D@#k!:)

I don't appreciate your antagonism asking to see a photo of a shell on the ground when we both know it will make no difference to you calling me a liar!

Secondly IF you had read my post correctly you would know I was talking about an incident that happened in the CAR PARK outside of the building!

Finally here is an "alternative" report of what actually happened by Mandala News. (The only thing about this news story is that the shooting happened on the evening of the 29th (not the 28th). I believe this is a mistake by the writer.



"Chulalongkorn Hospital – an alternative account

May 1st, 2010 by Andrew Walker · 34 Comments

There has been enormous media coverage of red intrusion into Chulalongkorn Hospital. A New Mandala reader(NOT ME) has provided this alternative account:

Pure cunning of the state security apparatus and their army friends portrayed through the media as Red occupation of Chula Hospital. Here’s the truth from firsthand accounts, including a close friend currently at the protest site: on the morning of the 28 April the Director of Chula Hospital ordered the moving of patients out of two buildings to other hospitals without any reason. Outpatients was open as usual. In the evening [see correction below] Red Guards asked to check inside the hospital as two security guards at the hospital arrested them and then let them go. However, a group of soldiers ran from the hospital building and crossed the road toward Suriwong Road and later to rejoin an army site situated on Silom Road. Soldiers shot twelve rounds to scare the red guards who in turn then then ran back to the rally site. Morning 29 April, Hospital Director referred to a higher authority requesting to unblock the road and that there would not be any army or police around. The three core leaders (Jatupon, Wiira, and Nuttawut) agreed, even as it was apparent that there were no patients inside since midday the day before. This road is strategically vital because it connects to the back of the Red stage. But the director did not keep his word. In the evening, eye witness accounts noted around 400 heavily armed soldiers located near the protestors and inside the hospital building itself. There were no patients and all lights were turned off in these buildings. Then the army moved in close to the mouth of Silom Road: About 50 PAD simultaneously came to wave flags and taunted the protestors. The red guards then quickly replaced the barricades. The police and blue uniform special branch then ran across the road. It is clear that the final plot is being hatched: Newin’s thugs have now infiltrated the protestors because of the mixed colours and the army using Chulalongkorn University grounds and the Hospital as a base for massing forces for the final crunch. the final push will come from at least two sides, but through the rear with the help of the “Hospital” director and the black shirt thugs are armed to move in close to the stage. It is anticipated to come early in the morning before five AM because that is the time that the day volunteers replace the night protestors. Did this account get reported in the media?

[uPDATE: 2 May 2010. The author has corrected one aspect of this account. The author now reports that the shooting incident took place on 29 April. ]"


So now you either believe me OR conclude there is a conspiracy going on! lol

I will not reply to anymore posts regarding this as I don't really want to waste my time. I have already spent too much time trying to defend a simple incident that happened 10 meters away from me! I had no idea it would be so controversial!

Back to my job of helping people!

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so markokang you where there you got pics of the sheels . that would mean you are one of the guys storming the hospital . remember they opend fire from inside according to nathuwat

please post the pics go on dont be selfish

cant wait to see

still waiting for your shell-pics

Even IF I post pictures are you going to believe me!?????

Secondly I reply late because I am working every day at the Red Cross Hospital (Behind Chula). Unlike you I don't have a lot of time to sit behind a computer desk flaming other people! (Although I would like to take this opportunity to say you are a D@#k!:)

I don't appreciate your antagonism asking to see a photo of a shell on the ground when we both know it will make no difference to you calling me a liar!

Secondly IF you had read my post correctly you would know I was talking about an incident that happened in the CAR PARK outside of the building!

Finally here is an "alternative" report of what actually happened by Mandala News. (The only thing about this news story is that the shooting happened on the evening of the 29th (not the 28th). I believe this is a mistake by the writer.



"Chulalongkorn Hospital – an alternative account

May 1st, 2010 by Andrew Walker · 34 Comments

There has been enormous media coverage of red intrusion into Chulalongkorn Hospital. A New Mandala reader(NOT ME) has provided this alternative account:

Pure cunning of the state security apparatus and their army friends portrayed through the media as Red occupation of Chula Hospital. Here's the truth from firsthand accounts, including a close friend currently at the protest site: on the morning of the 28 April the Director of Chula Hospital ordered the moving of patients out of two buildings to other hospitals without any reason. Outpatients was open as usual. In the evening [see correction below] Red Guards asked to check inside the hospital as two security guards at the hospital arrested them and then let them go. However, a group of soldiers ran from the hospital building and crossed the road toward Suriwong Road and later to rejoin an army site situated on Silom Road. Soldiers shot twelve rounds to scare the red guards who in turn then then ran back to the rally site. Morning 29 April, Hospital Director referred to a higher authority requesting to unblock the road and that there would not be any army or police around. The three core leaders (Jatupon, Wiira, and Nuttawut) agreed, even as it was apparent that there were no patients inside since midday the day before. This road is strategically vital because it connects to the back of the Red stage. But the director did not keep his word. In the evening, eye witness accounts noted around 400 heavily armed soldiers located near the protestors and inside the hospital building itself. There were no patients and all lights were turned off in these buildings. Then the army moved in close to the mouth of Silom Road: About 50 PAD simultaneously came to wave flags and taunted the protestors. The red guards then quickly replaced the barricades. The police and blue uniform special branch then ran across the road. It is clear that the final plot is being hatched: Newin's thugs have now infiltrated the protestors because of the mixed colours and the army using Chulalongkorn University grounds and the Hospital as a base for massing forces for the final crunch. the final push will come from at least two sides, but through the rear with the help of the "Hospital" director and the black shirt thugs are armed to move in close to the stage. It is anticipated to come early in the morning before five AM because that is the time that the day volunteers replace the night protestors. Did this account get reported in the media?

[uPDATE: 2 May 2010. The author has corrected one aspect of this account. The author now reports that the shooting incident took place on 29 April. ]"


So now you either believe me OR conclude there is a conspiracy going on! lol

I will not reply to anymore posts regarding this as I don't really want to waste my time. I have already spent too much time trying to defend a simple incident that happened 10 meters away from me! I had no idea it would be so controversial!

Back to my job of helping people!

This report has already been long discredited for the biased opinon piece that it is. the language is neither neutral nor objective, but rather hysterical and inflammatory. Why would the reds send only 200 guards if they thought there were 400 soldiers inside? Why would they come with stick to fight with 400 soldiers with guns? Why haven't the Red leaders been shouting this from the stage instead of falling over themselves to in turns apologise then blame each other, the hospital, the government, the position of the stars etc etc?????

It's a nonsense and you know it.

Edited by dobadoy
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This report has already been long discredited for the biased opinon piece that it is. the language is neither neutral nor objective, but rather hysterical and inflammatory. Why would the reds send only 200 guards if they thought there were 400 soldiers inside? Why would they come with stick to fight with 400 soldiers with guns? Why haven't the Red leaders been shouting this from the stage instead of falling over themselves to in turns apologise then blame each other, the hospital, the government, the position of the stars etc etc?????

It's a nonsense and you know it.

I have no idea about that part of it, you may be right! I am only talking about the incident in the car park at 9pm on Thursday night!

Read my post again! Call me a liar if you want but its REALLY bizarre that more than 1 person come up with the same lie!

I was 10 meters away from the shooting and even talked to one of the soldiers!

I already said I wouldn't reply to anymore comments but have 1 day off after a long time! Pity I am wasting it on here:/

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Yes Markokang

i will happily say that I don't believe either the story which does not even match the claims by the reds, but also that I don't believe that you are telling the truth with your statements.

The claims you are making are not backed up anywhere other than in an article whose author is nothing other than a NewMandala reader. It gets the weight that the article deserves ... that of a single post on any web forum.

There has been enormous media coverage of red intrusion into Chulalongkorn Hospital. A New Mandala reader has provided this alternative account

Note --- this disclaimer doesn't say "The true account" ... NewMandala wouldn't even step out that far ... it says "an alternative account".

Note --- for all we know You are Andrew walker's source (or your claims on TVF are)

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so markokang you where there you got pics of the sheels . that would mean you are one of the guys storming the hospital . remember they opend fire from inside according to nathuwat

please post the pics go on dont be selfish

cant wait to see

still waiting for your shell-pics

Even IF I post pictures are you going to believe me!?????

Secondly I reply late because I am working every day at the Red Cross Hospital (Behind Chula). Unlike you I don't have a lot of time to sit behind a computer desk flaming other people! (Although I would like to take this opportunity to say you are a D@#k!:)

I don't appreciate your antagonism asking to see a photo of a shell on the ground when we both know it will make no difference to you calling me a liar!

Secondly IF you had read my post correctly you would know I was talking about an incident that happened in the CAR PARK outside of the building!

Finally here is an "alternative" report of what actually happened by Mandala News. (The only thing about this news story is that the shooting happened on the evening of the 29th (not the 28th). I believe this is a mistake by the writer.



"Chulalongkorn Hospital – an alternative account

May 1st, 2010 by Andrew Walker · 34 Comments

There has been enormous media coverage of red intrusion into Chulalongkorn Hospital. A New Mandala reader(NOT ME) has provided this alternative account:

Pure cunning of the state security apparatus and their army friends portrayed through the media as Red occupation of Chula Hospital. Here’s the truth from firsthand accounts, including a close friend currently at the protest site: on the morning of the 28 April the Director of Chula Hospital ordered the moving of patients out of two buildings to other hospitals without any reason. Outpatients was open as usual. In the evening [see correction below] Red Guards asked to check inside the hospital as two security guards at the hospital arrested them and then let them go. However, a group of soldiers ran from the hospital building and crossed the road toward Suriwong Road and later to rejoin an army site situated on Silom Road. Soldiers shot twelve rounds to scare the red guards who in turn then then ran back to the rally site. Morning 29 April, Hospital Director referred to a higher authority requesting to unblock the road and that there would not be any army or police around. The three core leaders (Jatupon, Wiira, and Nuttawut) agreed, even as it was apparent that there were no patients inside since midday the day before. This road is strategically vital because it connects to the back of the Red stage. But the director did not keep his word. In the evening, eye witness accounts noted around 400 heavily armed soldiers located near the protestors and inside the hospital building itself. There were no patients and all lights were turned off in these buildings. Then the army moved in close to the mouth of Silom Road: About 50 PAD simultaneously came to wave flags and taunted the protestors. The red guards then quickly replaced the barricades. The police and blue uniform special branch then ran across the road. It is clear that the final plot is being hatched: Newin’s thugs have now infiltrated the protestors because of the mixed colours and the army using Chulalongkorn University grounds and the Hospital as a base for massing forces for the final crunch. the final push will come from at least two sides, but through the rear with the help of the “Hospital” director and the black shirt thugs are armed to move in close to the stage. It is anticipated to come early in the morning before five AM because that is the time that the day volunteers replace the night protestors. Did this account get reported in the media?

[uPDATE: 2 May 2010. The author has corrected one aspect of this account. The author now reports that the shooting incident took place on 29 April. ]"


So now you either believe me OR conclude there is a conspiracy going on! lol

I will not reply to anymore posts regarding this as I don't really want to waste my time. I have already spent too much time trying to defend a simple incident that happened 10 meters away from me! I had no idea it would be so controversial!

Back to my job of helping people!

This account (1) is up there with:

2. the 100s of dead calim from last year which never a shred of evidence to prove has been produced

3. Sean's UDD facebook account of the April incident in which an Rpg was accidently set off killing a commnader and then the soldiers turned round and fired a fusilade of bullets into other soldiers causing all the deaths of soldiers

1 and 3 have never been used by red leaders because they were quickly shown to be wrong by multiple eyewitness accounts

2 was used but believed by nobody outside the hard red people

On another point the whole country is supposedly divided including we hear the military. Is it likely that everyone who was a patient, worker or visitor at Chula on that fateful day was a brain washed government supporter who would have stuck to the story line? So I guess we assume the story we have heard is correct. Come to think of it even some of the red leaders are now backtracking massively and saying we have to take it on th echin and we screwed up and were wrong. Or maybe we should assume there is a conspiracy so big it even includes some of the red leaders.

Now I will leave others to draw their conclusions based on the likeliest sceanrio

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Finally here is an "alternative" report of what actually happened by Mandala News. (The only thing about this news story is that the shooting happened on the evening of the 29th (not the 28th). I believe this is a mistake by the writer.



"Chulalongkorn Hospital – an alternative account

May 1st, 2010 by Andrew Walker · 34 Comments

There has been enormous media coverage of red intrusion into Chulalongkorn Hospital. A New Mandala reader(NOT ME) has provided this alternative account:

Pure cunning of the state security apparatus and their army friends portrayed through the media as Red occupation of Chula Hospital. Here’s the truth from firsthand accounts, including a close friend currently at the protest site: on the morning of the 28 April the Director of Chula Hospital ordered the moving of patients out of two buildings to other hospitals without any reason. Outpatients was open as usual. In the evening [see correction below] Red Guards asked to check inside the hospital as two security guards at the hospital arrested them and then let them go. However, a group of soldiers ran from the hospital building and crossed the road toward Suriwong Road and later to rejoin an army site situated on Silom Road. Soldiers shot twelve rounds to scare the red guards who in turn then then ran back to the rally site. Morning 29 April, Hospital Director referred to a higher authority requesting to unblock the road and that there would not be any army or police around. The three core leaders (Jatupon, Wiira, and Nuttawut) agreed, even as it was apparent that there were no patients inside since midday the day before. This road is strategically vital because it connects to the back of the Red stage. But the director did not keep his word. In the evening, eye witness accounts noted around 400 heavily armed soldiers located near the protestors and inside the hospital building itself. There were no patients and all lights were turned off in these buildings. Then the army moved in close to the mouth of Silom Road: About 50 PAD simultaneously came to wave flags and taunted the protestors. The red guards then quickly replaced the barricades. The police and blue uniform special branch then ran across the road. It is clear that the final plot is being hatched: Newin’s thugs have now infiltrated the protestors because of the mixed colours and the army using Chulalongkorn University grounds and the Hospital as a base for massing forces for the final crunch. the final push will come from at least two sides, but through the rear with the help of the “Hospital” director and the black shirt thugs are armed to move in close to the stage. It is anticipated to come early in the morning before five AM because that is the time that the day volunteers replace the night protestors. Did this account get reported in the media?

[uPDATE: 2 May 2010. The author has corrected one aspect of this account. The author now reports that the shooting incident took place on 29 April. ]"


So now you either believe me OR conclude there is a conspiracy going on! lol

I will not reply to anymore posts regarding this as I don't really want to waste my time. I have already spent too much time trying to defend a simple incident that happened 10 meters away from me! I had no idea it would be so controversial!

Back to my job of helping people!

There's another flat untruth in this 'alternative account' that hasn't been mentioned yet. It says " the army using Chulalongkorn University grounds and the Hospital as a base for massing forces for the final crunch."

Chula University and Chula Hospital are different grounds. I can testify flat out 100% from my own eyes there are no troops in Chula university grounds nor have there ever been over the last 7 weeks. I go through that campus twice a day on the back of a 'win-motor-sai'.

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so markokang you where there you got pics of the sheels . that would mean you are one of the guys storming the hospital . remember they opend fire from inside according to nathuwat

please post the pics go on dont be selfish

cant wait to see

still waiting for your shell-pics

Even IF I post pictures are you going to believe me!?????

Secondly I reply late because I am working every day at the Red Cross Hospital (Behind Chula). Unlike you I don't have a lot of time to sit behind a computer desk flaming other people! (Although I would like to take this opportunity to say you are a D@#k!:)

I don't appreciate your antagonism asking to see a photo of a shell on the ground when we both know it will make no difference to you calling me a liar!

Secondly IF you had read my post correctly you would know I was talking about an incident that happened in the CAR PARK outside of the building!

Finally here is an "alternative" report of what actually happened by Mandala News. (The only thing about this news story is that the shooting happened on the evening of the 29th (not the 28th). I believe this is a mistake by the writer.



"Chulalongkorn Hospital – an alternative account

May 1st, 2010 by Andrew Walker · 34 Comments

There has been enormous media coverage of red intrusion into Chulalongkorn Hospital. A New Mandala reader(NOT ME) has provided this alternative account:

Pure cunning of the state security apparatus and their army friends portrayed through the media as Red occupation of Chula Hospital. Here’s the truth from firsthand accounts, including a close friend currently at the protest site: on the morning of the 28 April the Director of Chula Hospital ordered the moving of patients out of two buildings to other hospitals without any reason. Outpatients was open as usual. In the evening [see correction below] Red Guards asked to check inside the hospital as two security guards at the hospital arrested them and then let them go. However, a group of soldiers ran from the hospital building and crossed the road toward Suriwong Road and later to rejoin an army site situated on Silom Road. Soldiers shot twelve rounds to scare the red guards who in turn then then ran back to the rally site. Morning 29 April, Hospital Director referred to a higher authority requesting to unblock the road and that there would not be any army or police around. The three core leaders (Jatupon, Wiira, and Nuttawut) agreed, even as it was apparent that there were no patients inside since midday the day before. This road is strategically vital because it connects to the back of the Red stage. But the director did not keep his word. In the evening, eye witness accounts noted around 400 heavily armed soldiers located near the protestors and inside the hospital building itself. There were no patients and all lights were turned off in these buildings. Then the army moved in close to the mouth of Silom Road: About 50 PAD simultaneously came to wave flags and taunted the protestors. The red guards then quickly replaced the barricades. The police and blue uniform special branch then ran across the road. It is clear that the final plot is being hatched: Newin’s thugs have now infiltrated the protestors because of the mixed colours and the army using Chulalongkorn University grounds and the Hospital as a base for massing forces for the final crunch. the final push will come from at least two sides, but through the rear with the help of the “Hospital” director and the black shirt thugs are armed to move in close to the stage. It is anticipated to come early in the morning before five AM because that is the time that the day volunteers replace the night protestors. Did this account get reported in the media?

[uPDATE: 2 May 2010. The author has corrected one aspect of this account. The author now reports that the shooting incident took place on 29 April. ]"


So now you either believe me OR conclude there is a conspiracy going on! lol

I will not reply to anymore posts regarding this as I don't really want to waste my time. I have already spent too much time trying to defend a simple incident that happened 10 meters away from me! I had no idea it would be so controversial!

Back to my job of helping people!

Thanks for you report and keep visiting the forum.

A lot of farangs at TVF are very agressive and have a one sided hate mission, best way is to ignore them.

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An act of complete barbarism by simple minded folk who do not know the difference between right or wrong.

Or more recently indoctrinated to not care about right or wrong IF their cause is correct.

Or believed in strongly enough. A very Maoist reading of social morality.

One philosophy of the social contracts erased and replaced with another

that doesn't include responsibility toward other individuals and their rights.

Which of course invalidates the correctness of their cause

by their amoral stance at advocating for that cause aggressively.

Not aggressively in the sence of working hard, but in the sense of

aggression against others.

Many of the BASE of the Red Shirts certainly know right from wrong,

others it appears are unclear on the concept. In any case,

they are abdicating responsibility for a moral cause, by using immoral means.

If taking a moral stance the means DO to the end MUST also have

a similarly strong moral component.

This is lacking in the current Red Shirt modus operandi.

That is sad for those who started out following them for good reasons,

because their cause is now needing to extricated from the low road methdology

it has been driven down to the detriment of all..

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Many of the Reds come from Thailand's rural poor and urban working classes and seek the return of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in a 2006 coup and now lives overseas to avoid a jail term for corruption.


I think you are forgetting the large proportion of violent criminals -

I think they also miss that a large amount of people using that hospital come form the poor urban working class

:) Of course they are from the urban working class, they are the only ones that Thaksin can pay for their votes and to pay them to travel to Bkk, we saw it all on the media,so why do they try to deny it ????

Mr Thaksin, you are solely responsible for at least 27 of your nationals """DEAD""" WHAT IS YOUR ANSWER TO THAT ????????????? :D :D :D

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For a group that is supposed to represent THE PEOPLE, it is suprising how much damage to the country of Thailand, its business and economy, not to mention the disruption to everyones lifestyles, health and finances have been caused by these protesters to teh very people of Thailand they are supposed to represent - what about the recent bomb atttack that resulted in a local business woman being killed by a grenade... all she was doing was closing her business after a hard days work earning a living (my sincere condolances go to her family) - how does this action help the people????

คนเลวบึ้มเอ็ม 79 บีทีเอสศาลาแดง เจ็บ 75 ดับ 1 - พยานอ้างยิงจาก รพ.จุฬาฯ


There have been reports that the M79 attacks on silom road came from the fifth floor of the chula hospital.

Rhe red shirts didn't want to kick out and bully all the patients at chula but had other reasons.

You mean to use it as a platform to stage attacks from?

No, i don't think so. They don't wanted to get attacked from this location and assumed there where soldiers in the building.

Sala Daeng grenades proven to be shot from Chulalongkorn Hospital

BANGKOK, 5 May 2010 (NNT) – M79 grenade attacks at Sala Daeng Intersection on 22 April 2010 have been proven to be shot from Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, according to the Central Institute of Forensic Science Director, Khunying MD Pornthip Rojanasunan.

The director stated that M79 grenades against protestors of the Alliance of Patriots that day could have been launched from either the seventh or the eighth floor of King Bhumibol Building in Chulalongkorn Hospital based on traces and damages found at the scene.

Khunying MD Pornthip added that nitrate, a compound of the grenade, was found at both the seventh and the eighth floor of the building while a bullet hole was also found on the outside mirror of the women’s restroom on the eighth floor.

The director however could not conclude if the grenade attacks at BTS Sala Daeng station and in front of Bank of Ayudhya near Dusit Hotel were instigated by the same perpetrators or not due to different projectile directions.

Khunying MD Pornthip reasoned that all CCTVs inside King Bhumibol Building inside the hospital were damaged, and therefore no traces of the unrest perpetrators could be tracked.



-- NNT 5 May 2010


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Reposting from other thread:

The Chula accusation isn't new, what's new is the government acknowledging it.

5. (Big news IMHO) Night mgr of Chula Hospital admits letting #redshirt paramilitaries onto roof of bdg on night of Silom civilian attacks 6:11 PM Apr 27th via web

Taken from here:


No idea his source, and he's a bit of a conspiracy nut. But the fact he was writing this over a week ago means its been out there, at least from unofficial sources.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The hospital always say they are neutral, and no soldiers are allow in the hospital ever. Not even during WW2.

Min 0:55 in this clip

"We also seen MULTIPLE snipers on top of Chula Hospital, and also on top of one of the bank over there. They are not even hiding, just training their guns"

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  • 9 months later...

-- The Nation

An ex-policeman has been arrested in the March 20 rocket attack on the Defence Ministry.

Police said he was a high profile suspect found to have been implicated in eight previous bomb attacks throughout Bangkok.

The suspect Bundit Sitthichum confessed he had actually tried to fire the rocket-propelled grenade at the Temple of the Emerald Buddha located not far away but the rocket missed the target as it hit electric wire nearby, said chief of Department of Special Investigation Tharit Pengdit.

Bundit allegedly said a man with ties to a political party paid him Bt500,000 to carry out the attack on the historic and symbolic landmark, Tharit said in a press conference.

The lone RPG round hit power wires and deflected off them before hitting the Defence Ministry which is located opposite the temple. After a police press conference announcing Bundit's arrest, the red-shirted leaders spoke at the rally site at Rajprasong intersection that Bundit was paid by the government to lure the public into believing that red shirts were behind the attack.

Police and the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) are jointly handling this RPG attack case and will decide soon whether the latter would take over it, which involved acts of terrorism.

Bundit has also been implicated in other eight bomb attacks before the RPG incident, judging from manners of crimes and explosives used in the eight relevant cases, said deputy police chief Pol General Phanuphong Singhara na Ayutthya.

There were 60 bomb attacks occurring across the country, 46 in Bangkok alone, since the red-shirted rally began on March 12, he said.

DSI director-general Tharit said a senior red-shirted guard, Chayut Laijaroen, began to cooperate and provided information useful to the investigation. "But it is not deemed a full cooperation or all out confession from him yet," he added.

Acting police chief Pol General Patheep Tanprasert said police could say next two days whether many M79 attacks were carried out using grenades in the same lot which was seized on Wednesday from a man on a motorcycle, and later found owned by Pol Sgt Major Parinya Maneekhote, of Khoo Khot police station, who was arrested on Thursday.

This is a very big story

If Chayut speaks it will be surprising but he could bring the whole house of cards down if he does

UPDATE on Parinya Maneekot...

Policeman to stand trial for trafficking M-79s

The public prosecutors on Wednesday filed a criminal suit charging Police Sergeant Parinya Maneekot for illegal possession with the intent to trafficking of 62 (sixty-two) 40mm grenades produced for M-79 grenade launchers.

Parinya, of the Kukot police station in Pathum Thani, was arrested on April 28 last year at a checkpoint near Don Mueang Airport on Phaholyothin Road.

At the time of arrest, he was riding a motorcycle and trying to avoid the check in a suspicious manner. The subsequent search found the grenades for M-79.

His arrest coincided with riots involving the red shirts at National Monument.


-- The Nation 2011-03-09

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  • 1 year later...

The Nation

An ex-policeman has been arrested in the March 20 rocket attack on the Defence Ministry.

Police said he was a high profile suspect found to have been implicated in eight previous bomb attacks throughout Bangkok.

The suspect Bundit Sitthichum confessed he had actually tried to fire the rocket-propelled grenade at the Temple of the Emerald Buddha located not far away but the rocket missed the target as it hit electric wire nearby, said chief of Department of Special Investigation Tharit Pengdit.

Bundit allegedly said a man with ties to a political party paid him Bt500,000 to carry out the attack on the historic and symbolic landmark, Tharit said in a press conference.

The lone RPG round hit power wires and deflected off them before hitting the Defence Ministry which is located opposite the temple. After a police press conference announcing Bundit's arrest, the red-shirted leaders spoke at the rally site at Rajprasong intersection that Bundit was paid by the government to lure the public into believing that red shirts were behind the attack.

Police and the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) are jointly handling this RPG attack case and will decide soon whether the latter would take over it, which involved acts of terrorism.

Bundit has also been implicated in other eight bomb attacks before the RPG incident, judging from manners of crimes and explosives used in the eight relevant cases, said deputy police chief Pol General Phanuphong Singhara na Ayutthya.

There were 60 bomb attacks occurring across the country, 46 in Bangkok alone, since the red-shirted rally began on March 12, he said.

Acting police chief Pol General Patheep Tanprasert said police could say next two days whether many M79 attacks were carried out using grenades in the same lot which was seized on Wednesday from a man on a motorcycle, and later found owned by Pol Sgt Major Parinya Maneekhote, of Khoo Khot police station, who was arrested on Thursday.

This is a very big story

If Chayut speaks it will be surprising but he could bring the whole house of cards down if he does

UPDATE on Parinya Maneekot...

Policeman to stand trial for trafficking M-79s

The public prosecutors on Wednesday filed a criminal suit charging Police Sergeant Parinya Maneekot for illegal possession with the intent to trafficking of 62 (sixty-two) 40mm grenades produced for M-79 grenade launchers.

Parinya, of the Kukot police station in Pathum Thani, was arrested on April 28 last year at a checkpoint near Don Mueang Airport on Phaholyothin Road.

At the time of arrest, he was riding a motorcycle and trying to avoid the check in a suspicious manner. The subsequent search found the grenades for M-79.

His arrest coincided with riots involving the red shirts at National Monument.


-- The Nation 2011-03-09

As a further update, then-Police Sargent-Major Parinya Maneekhot was convicted today of illegally possessing 62 M-79 grenades and sentenced to 10 years in prison.


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It came out in Parinya's trial that he was selling the above M-79 40mm grenades for 1,200 baht each.

Was the customer specified? I'm sure that it will be claimed that the transaction had nothing to do with the then current political disturbance, or that he was an itinerant peddler selling souvenirs.

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It came out in Parinya's trial that he was selling the above M-79 40mm grenades for 1,200 baht each.

Was the customer specified? I'm sure that it will be claimed that the transaction had nothing to do with the then current political disturbance, or that he was an itinerant peddler selling souvenirs.

which have been found to be cheap copies.

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It came out in Parinya's trial that he was selling the above M-79 40mm grenades for 1,200 baht each.

Was the customer specified? I'm sure that it will be claimed that the transaction had nothing to do with the then current political disturbance, or that he was an itinerant peddler selling souvenirs.

It was probably the army buying them for their false flag operations, obviously they would have had to resort to the black market to buy war weapons. :rolleyes:

Poe's Law disclaimer: the above comment is sarcastic in nature, mocking the simpletons that choose to swallow Red Shirt propaganda.

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Grenade-toting cop given 10 years in prison

A former police officer who was caught with a small arsenal of M79 grenades at an April 2010 protest has been sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Parinya Maneekhot, who then held the rank of Pol Sgt-Maj, was caught with the grenades at a police checkpoint while en route to a protest being staged by the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD). The incident began when police asked to search several bags Parinya was carrying on his moped. Parinya refused and fled the scene, managing to drop one of his bags in the process, which, it turned out, contained 62 M79 grenades and his police ID.

In the ensuing court case, Parinya contended that he had been ordered by his superiors to infiltrate the UDD protest, though the court rejected this contention.



February 1, 2013

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