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McDonalds Silom Center Bombed


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They've invaded a hospital, messed with TV signals at Thaicom, blocked highways, stopped public transit, frightened sick women and children, threatened arson, committed terrorism, kidnapped people, taunted police, closed shopping malls, canceled Songkran, ruined the tourism industry, poured blood on the streets, stolen bodies, barricaded public roads, cost thousands of people their jobs, broken numerous laws, intimidated politicians, harassed citizens, fought the army, and threatened to send Thailand into a downward spiral of civil war that could tear the nation apart for decades to come.........

But McDonald's. You've gone too far, you've supersized our anger now!


"Reach for the skytrain yellow shirt"

Edited by Humungus
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This must be a sign of the red shirt terrosts retreat. They will bomb and pilage everything as they leave, leaving no food supplies behind them.

So what are they doing looking for food in MacDonalds? It's the last place they will find it.

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They've invaded a hospital, messed with TV signals at Thaicom, blocked highways, stopped public transit, frightened sick women and children, threatened arson, committed terrorism, kidnapped people, taunted police, closed shopping malls, canceled Songkran, ruined the tourism industry, poured blood on the streets, stolen bodies, barricaded public roads, cost thousands of people their jobs, broken numerous laws, intimidated politicians, harassed citizens, fought the army, and threatened to send Thailand into a downward spiral of civil war that could tear the nation apart for decades to come.........

But McDonald's. You've gone too far, you've supersized our anger now!


"Reach for the skytrain yellow shirt"

proof you can google just about anything

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Passive non-violent unarmed protest for democracy - yep - they ARE brainwashed - now I know why it is the land of smiles - yaa baa in their moo sup in the morning and total incomprehension and the brainwashing they receive on stage.... out there, Kwai Daeng. :) Oh yeah and McD's is a real threat!

Edited by asiawatcher
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What I want to know is where they got that pingpong ball....

Well they are one 'pingpong ball'-throw away from Patpong.

exploding ping pong ball show, wow, what will they think of next. good to know thailand is still the hub for something.

Well with Patpong taken over by the army,

the ping pong ball launchers are under-employed...

Priscilla Queen Of The Desert comes to mind...

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They can't do that to KFC, too many people are learning how to eat chicken with a spoon and a fork there.

Just superb point!!! thats why it always felt wierd - the way they hold fork+spoon and knife.

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Now they've gone too far. What's next on the list - KFC?

Have It Your Way!

or the highway.

Last McDonald's bombing I remember was in Milau France and that was over USA Cheese Taraffs...

go figure.

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Thaivisa and it's news sources are starting to sound a little tabloidish???? Just a little broken glass and headlines read "McDonalds Silom Center Bombed, Bangkok"........cummon guys, why's a little bang on labor day a big thing???

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Thaivisa and it's news sources are starting to sound a little tabloidish???? Just a little broken glass and headlines read "McDonalds Silom Center Bombed, Bangkok"........cummon guys, why's a little bang on labor day a big thing???

Yeah, just cause it's on Silom road you try and make a connection. Maybe the protesters at central world are there for May day and got there a bit early.

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i heard that a Thai fast food company had paid 175 million baht to the reds so their stores nationally would not be damaged

i think this news eliminates McDonalds from the speculation as to which fast food company was extorted by the reds

i also think the fugitive red leader seen munching a big mac in there recently might get his supply cut now too.......

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Anyone knows if Kaosan rd is OK to go to?

I plan on going there this evening by taxi from Bangkapi.

There are no protests in the area, was there 2 days ago, pretty much business as usual.


I just wonder if there are any road blocks on the way there

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....maybe an unimpressed gourmand?....maybe a more appropriate response would to have avoided eating there?

Or maybe a clumsy attempt to tempt the US to come and protect their strategic interests?

As in all of these incidents I wonder cui bono? as the Latins used to say....

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WOW that is almost a declaration of war against the U.S. Bombing thier national icon and thier main source of food. I guess the American tourists will be cancelling trips and others heading home after this, what are they going to do without thier burgers and fries? They would perish in a foriegn land. :)

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Annoying though I'm sure this protest is for you guys living in BKK, just remember that these guys had their government overthrown by force, a gerrymandered constitution effectively imposed on them, their new government beseiged by paid hirelings (yellow shirts), and their political party banned by the establishment leaning judiciary.

when the deomocratic route is closed off, this kind response is, sadly, fairly inevitable.

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Now they've gone too far. What's next on the list - KFC?

I see that Khun Suthep is fed up with the police. For me it's time to transfer the police officers in charge to desk jobs in Nakorn Nowhere and replace them with police who want to serve the people.

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