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Oz Embassy Confirming 40k Income ?

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Can anyone that has done this let me know what exactly is required ?

I had heard from someone that the Oz embassy did not do this, but immigration require it....so catch 22 kinda.

Anyway, just want to know how and what is required as i have to travel to Bangkok from afar, so needs a full day of travel and do not want to do it and find out something 'else' is required to be done.

What does the Oz Embassy require as proof of an income amount ?

How do they supply this confirmation ? on a confirmation letter from them or a stat dec ?

If stat dec, do they have them on hand or do I have to take my own ?

What is the cost of this ?

Any other relevant info deemed helpful would be good.


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You are only required to fill out a Stat Dec. When you get there, they are sitting on a counter with all different forms. Just fill one

out. Make sure you cross out the section you don't use.They don't ask for any proof of income.

By the way, when you put the amount in, make sure you have it in both currencies, I made the mistake of only putting in AUST $ once ,made it harder with immigration here on Samui.

The cost is under a thousand.

If you get there & you see a few people, grab a number , before you fill the form, makes it quicker.

Good luck.

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Just want to add, the Australian embassy did not ask to see any financial papers regarding my income, but when the immigration officer interview me regarding my first retirement visa, she was very inquiring about my income & ask to see prove of it.

Off course she got a power kick to send me to do more photocopies LOL

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These are things easily determined by emailing the Australian Embassy. Anytime I've ever emailed them about anything I've received a very informative reply on the same day.

I did this last week. If you email them they will send you a statutory declaration form to print out and fill in so you can have it ready for signing and stamping at the Australian Consulate. DON'T SIGN IT UNTIL YOU'RE THERE AND IN FRONT OF AN OFFICER. The April fee was 590 baht. The fee can change every month to follow the AUD exchange rate so it could be slightly different this month.

They will not look at any proof of income. They don't want to know about it, but they will tell you that some immigration offices may want to see some proof so it's up to you to find out about the requirements at your local immigration office. The best idea is to take some proof in with you just in case they ask you.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Remember, you are swearing the truth when filling out a stat. dec. of your income. Not sure what the penalty is for false information on a stat.dec. if you get caught-out in Thailand.

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Thought I would share this with you.

Left home about 8:45 AM yesterday, made my way to Sathorn by Taxi (approx 25k from my place). Aust Embassy Consulate - Next in queue. Get salary/pension Stat Dec Signed. 550 Baht. BTW, the onus is not on the Officer to make sure you are being honest, the onus is on YOU. Penalties for knowingly and deliberately making a false statement are contained on the form itself. It is a serious Legal Document after all.

Anyway, from the Aust Embassy to Chaeng Wattana (another 20+ Ks). Get my ticket from the front desk. Retirement Visa Renewell. Section L. There are about 20 in the queue in front of me. In less than an hour I am in front of a pleasant female Immigration Officer (Two Rings on her shoulders). I hand over my Stat Dec, Passport, completed, signed and dated, TM 7 and copies of the relevant pages of my Passport. She checks them off, gives me two forms to sign, relieves me of 1900 Baht and that's It. As soon as the two Indians are finished with the OIC, (3 Rings on her shoulder) I can see her and close the deal. The Indians piss off, I go to her desk and sit down and she, like an automaton, ticks the checkboxes, stamps my passport with the new visa, hands it to me and bids me farewell. Set lao.

Out to the front counter. Another ticket. For 90 Day Report. Off I go, and I am in and out with about a minute to spare before the mandatory 12:00 PM knock off for lunch.

Outside the rank is full of cabs. I am outta there and I am back home by 12:30.

Can't whinge about that!

Thai, Smooth as Silk.

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