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Thaksin's Vendetta Is Wrecking The Country


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As they say follow the Money. Take the money away the problem will be solved. I am surprised it took them so long to stop the transfer of money. Also I think the Government should allow everyone who has suffered financial losses because of these people who fund these terrorist and their disruptions to sue for all the damages. It will take care of the money these people have so they are not able to destroy this country ever again

In speaking with someone who was in Bangkok seeing a friend, another friend a red shirt rode up with his motorbike all decorated in red colors. This guy, unemployed, said he was getting 300thb cash everyday for just showing up at the rally, 1000thb if he decorated his bike and rode around with the others.

1000thb a day, that's a better salary than most Thais make. Is it a wonder they continue?

Yes, cutoff the money and I'm sure many will go home.

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I have been seeing this coming a LONG time.

It was never

'will Thaksin go for revenge big time?'

but was always

'WHEN will Thaksin go for broke with revenge or a power grab big time.'

Ever since his badly done attempt to keep his Temp PM chair in mid 2006,

with a ginned up S.O.E. or Martial Law stemming from that very badly done

'attempted assassination' I realized the guy has no limits or scruples.

I wasn't surprised he was removed from the scene, and only a little at the soft reaction to it,

but that always brought the worry about how and when he would seek to avenge his lost face.

When people post it's not about Thaksin, I can only surmise:

a ) they are on his payroll, spreading the PR message.

b ) they really don't understand the situation well.

c ) they are so lost in their ideological world that LOGIC and observation

are swamped out by philosophical desire.

He did build a huge patronage network in the old school style over 20 years or so,

and then used it for more modern style rapacious greed. But also developed the

untapped potential of Issan, by using a modern business organizational model

coupled with old school Communist cadre indoctrination techniques.

Machiavelli would be proud; well actually Ceaser Borgia, whom Machiavelli was commenting on.

Thaksin took policy corruption to levels never seen, even in Thailand.

And then a step too far with Temasek.

Money = Power = Face and this all feeds a severely damaged ego.

His whole life was nouveau-riche striving for Hi So acceptance. Power

with money was the sole route there... problem was he completely forgot

that "having class" is more important than being accepted in first class.

He married up, way up, and was always pushed to fit into a world that

he was not prepared to enter, and that rejected him no matter how much cash he had.

After his return from self imposed exile, but before the 2nd self imposed exile,

he went to Anupong's mother's funeral, uninvited, and faced off with Prem and Anupong.

The pictures made clear they though he was in exceedingly poor taste to go there.

and made no efforts to hide this, a very un-thai action, but Thaksin did a very un-thai act

to try and reinstall himself at 'Prems level' at Anupong's time of mourning.

To this day Prem has pictures of the incident on his website... quite tellingly.

So rather than the public forgiveness he sought Thaksin got dissed big time.

Som nom na. Except this fed kerosene onto Thaksin's inflamed damaged ego.

Most people deal with others as if they are typically rational, not sometimes or often

slightly ting tong. Mental stability is not solely judged whether you are incoherent when speaking.

This guy is damaged goods, and shows instability under stress, letting him regain control

of the country through proxies is a non-starter, no matter what it takes to get that dirty job done.

Excellent, very informative post.

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hey TV's "Toxic little dirty water" supporters

where are you now?

you are all acting like cowards.... like your big daddy hero.... shopping for purses now

you all make me want to puke :)

i dont know who is lower really him or you?

why dont u go join him and leave Thailand

your acting like bullies and cowards the lot of you

You`re strange and twisted, but I like you.

Edited by BigWheelMan
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Blaming Thaksin for what has been brewing for many years is very shortsighted.

Much of what is happening today is the result of decades of meddling,corruption and mismanagement in Thailand.

Sure Thaksin has played his part of the villian with much aplomb and indeed he has plenty of dirt on his hands.


However it doesn't take much digging to figure things out.

Wake up Thaksin bashers there is more going on behind the scenes if you care to look a little closer.

Very perceptive article on this in today's Sydney Morning Herald.

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Blaming Thaksin for what has been brewing for many years is very shortsighted.

Much of what is happening today is the result of decades of meddling,corruption and mismanagement in Thailand.

Sure Thaksin has played his part of the villian with much aplomb and indeed he has plenty of dirt on his hands.


However it doesn't take much digging to figure things out.

Wake up Thaksin bashers there is more going on behind the scenes if you care to look a little closer.

Yes there is more going on behind the scene than what meets the eyes. Like an Eton raised puppet with a strong understanding of governance, and an honest courage to draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough with all this garbage being supported to try and install a democracy. Who the hel_l do you think put him there if was not the Army support of Anupong and the other puller of the strings. Is it not bloody obvious to people that the Khun Pinnochio's masters actually have finally found a man that can democratically lead Thailand and are trying to encourage that process? The saddest thing out of all this mess will be if Abhisit is lost to that process.

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Blaming Thaksin for what has been brewing for many years is very shortsighted.

Much of what is happening today is the result of decades of meddling,corruption and mismanagement in Thailand.

Sure Thaksin has played his part of the villian with much aplomb and indeed he has plenty of dirt on his hands.


However it doesn't take much digging to figure things out.

Wake up Thaksin bashers there is more going on behind the scenes if you care to look a little closer.

O.K. lets look closer, as a rural poor Thai you get 100-300-1000thb a day to risk your life as a red shirt protester while your fearless leader shops for expensive handbags in Paris. The same leader that gave you 500thb to vote for him.

You guys that want to look at "the bigger picture", get a load of that picture. These people are being duped by a meglomaniac.

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Do people still actually believe that this is only about Thaksin?

I will be amazed if people still do not see the bigger picture here.

He's 90% to do with it right now, but I could be underestimating it.

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It's must be some kind of a record.

This is the only photo of Thaksin in recent weeks that has no one claiming it's been photoshopped.

Psst, did you notice that the handbag shadows are towards the left while Thaksin's shadow is having a cuppa at the sidewalk cafe?


Edited by Payboy
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12 Yr Old Allegedly Responsible for Din Daeng Fire

Police have in custody a twelve year old boy who they believe is responsible for the fire at a 5-storey building in the Din Daeng area.

During questioning, the boy admitted that the wandered into the rally by mistake, but stayed because he enjoyed the free food and activities.

He claimed that setting fire to the building made him feel like a man.

-- Tan Network 2010-05-18

12 years old. Very sad. Very very sad :)

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Tolley @ 2010-05-18 10:22:06) *

Blaming Thaksin for what has been brewing for many years is very shortsighted.

Much of what is happening today is the result of decades of meddling,corruption and mismanagement in Thailand.

Sure Thaksin has played his part of the villian with much aplomb and indeed he has plenty of dirt on his hands.

Nonetheless who is really to be blamed for the current situation cannot be named.

However it doesn't take much digging to figure things out.

Wake up Thaksin bashers there is more going on behind the scenes if you care to look a little closer.

Tangential thinking.

And distraction from the manipulation of the root cause.

It's never been truly about the peoples plight, that exists,

but is being manipulated. And that is the real reason this battle is joined.

Edited by animatic
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I fail to understand why the Thai government have not done everything possible to have an international arrest warrant put out by Interpol for the arrest of Thaksin and the red leaders who have recently fled Thailand. Can anyone help me out here? Why has this not been done? Is it a complex legal procedure?

Thai logic. Can you imagine that Seh Daeng (RIP) was still a member of the Thai Army?!

Some things I will never understand here.

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Do people still actually believe that this is only about Thaksin?

I will be amazed if people still do not see the bigger picture here.

Tony... what have you been smoking? Wake up boy! Ask ANY red tshirt gang member/leader and you'll get your answer. They're PROUD of it!

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Do people still actually believe that this is only about Thaksin?

I will be amazed if people still do not see the bigger picture here.

He's 90% to do with it right now, but I could be underestimating it.

Thaksin is not even in Thailand.

Nobody is a puppet really, in the end we all make our own choices. Sure Thaksin is a creep, but both sides use him as a excuse to hide behind from their own poor behavior. Same old passive-aggressive way of dealing with conflict.

Take some responsibility people and <snip> Thaksin back in your pants.

Edited by soundman
Removed sexual reference.
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I fail to understand why the Thai government have not done everything possible to have an international arrest warrant put out by Interpol for the arrest of Thaksin and the red leaders who have recently fled Thailand. Can anyone help me out here? Why has this not been done? Is it a complex legal procedure?

Thai logic. Can you imagine that Seh Daeng (RIP) was still a member of the Thai Army?!

Some things I will never understand here.

I heard he was de-commisioned two days prior to his shooting. I guess he was still technically a member but would not have been for long.

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Do people still actually believe that this is only about Thaksin?

I will be amazed if people still do not see the bigger picture here.

So what is the "bigger picture"?

Thailand is more democratic than it's neighbours. It's not a paradise, but all these Red arguments are really over the top.

Democracy does not mean to possess the right to demolish roads, public places or block roads. I think, this people have to understand.

Lesson not learned yet.

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they backed him into a corner..

using any dirty underhand method they could use..

what is he supposed to do???

Retire, as he promised to do at least three times, on a couple billion dollars. Could have made a nice life for himself; now he will die a tired, sick old man.

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12 Yr Old Allegedly Responsible for Din Daeng Fire

Police have in custody a twelve year old boy who they believe is responsible for the fire at a 5-storey building in the Din Daeng area.

During questioning, the boy admitted that the wandered into the rally by mistake, but stayed because he enjoyed the free food and activities.

He claimed that setting fire to the building made him feel like a man.

-- Tan Network 2010-05-18

12 years old. Very sad. Very very sad :)

You mean "feel like a Red Shirt".

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I fail to understand why the Thai government have not done everything possible to have an international arrest warrant put out by Interpol for the arrest of Thaksin and the red leaders who have recently fled Thailand. Can anyone help me out here? Why has this not been done? Is it a complex legal procedure?

Thai logic. Can you imagine that Seh Daeng (RIP) was still a member of the Thai Army?!

Some things I will never understand here.

I heard he was de-commisioned two days prior to his shooting. I guess he was still technically a member but would not have been for long.

He could only have been de-commisioned by highest institution in the Country, but as I heard, Abhisid did not pass the request on. But it does not matter. Seh Daeng sent out this hatred messages for a long time with no consequence. So does Thaksin and again no real consequences. All too little too late.

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It's must be some kind of a record.

This is the only photo of Thaksin in recent weeks that has no one claiming it's been photoshopped.

Psst, did you notice that the handbag shadows are towards the left while Thaksin's shadow is having a cuppa at the sidewalk cafe?


They DO have electric lighting in shops these days.... not just a lantern or candle ......modern lighting can caste many different shadows....photoshopped or not it is what the calibre of this despot would do....now where was it he said he would be leading at the front ready to take the first bullet

BTW how come Chavalit had an urgent desire to see the sights of Kumming in China.....one would have thought it would have been more logical to go to the Expo in Shanghai....I did ask this yesterday but unfortunately had to go out so did not see a reply posted.....would really like to know the reason

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they backed him into a corner..

using any dirty underhand method they could use..

what is he supposed to do???

People call him a megalomaniac then seem surprised when he fights back :)

All other ex PMs quietly went to ground for years or decades.

That is the Thai Way. Your time is up accept that.

Most all have done that historically, and are left with much of the spoils of their time at the top,

and quietly live lives of luxury, but not power. Thaksin is of a different stripe.

Thaksin has no diety-given right to be the leader of the Thai people indefinetly.

They tried to backed him out the side door, not into a corner. If he had just taken that exit gracefully,

he would have kept most of his money and gotten a slap on the wrist sentence,

lived in cash given oppulance in a special cell for a short time, or not, and gone back

out quickly to be making more money.

Most cases would have gone quietly away. But Thaksin decided he is too big to be eased out.

Or it just hurt his ego too much and made stink after stink after stink. That kept his cases on the front burner.

Until they finally put the hammer down....and they will do it to his street minions too.

Poor manipulated souls that many of them are, they are sad pawns in the revenge chronicle,

that will have dozens of erudite books written about it.

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International financial authorities should be notified by the Thai Government about Thaksin , he should have his all his financials frozen not just in Thailand.

Yes, but they avoid conflicts as they might be clueless how to do this.

Better lose the country than lose one's face.

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Do people still actually believe that this is only about Thaksin?

I will be amazed if people still do not see the bigger picture here.

He's 90% to do with it right now, but I could be underestimating it.

Thaksin is not even in Thailand.

Nobody is a puppet really, in the end we all make our own choices. Sure Thaksin is a creep, but both sides use him as a excuse to hide behind from their own poor behavior. Same old passive-aggressive way of dealing with conflict.

Take some responsibility people and put your boner for Thaksin back in your pants.

I'm sure that if we had voting rights, then yes, we would take some responsibility for the present situation. AS for who has a boner for Thaksin, I suggest that you first look at who is posting his pictures all over their rally site and broadcasting his speeches on super wide screen.

Edited by DeadPuppy
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Do people still actually believe that this is only about Thaksin?

I will be amazed if people still do not see the bigger picture here.

Would you please spell it out for us Tony?

It's amazing how so many 'educated' farangs are bent on blaming all that ails Thailand on an exiled ex-prime minister. Nobody is responsible for the army shooting civilians in Bangkok except the government. Illegal occupation of private and/or public property is not a good reason to shoot people. Neither is looting. The red shirt leaders may be selfish jerks dancing to Thaksin's tune, but it's NOT AN EXCUSE for the government to SHOOT PEOPLE. The government lies on the news everyday. So do the red shirts, but who should be the higher moral authority here? Most of you farangs come from western democracies... and most of you would support one political party over another. If you think the best solution to political impasse and or civil disobedience is to shoot those who disagree with you, then you should move to a place that supports that kind of thing (domestically) like Burma. The violence started when the army showed up... PERIOD. The rest of these arguments are pure political rhetoric, hearsay, and paranoia. Of course, if this continues, maybe you folks ARE in the right place.

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It's must be some kind of a record.

This is the only photo of Thaksin in recent weeks that has no one claiming it's been photoshopped.

Psst, did you notice that the handbag shadows are towards the left while Thaksin's shadow is having a cuppa at the sidewalk cafe?


Ummm... ever heard of light coming from more than one source (especially in an expensive designer shop). Check it out next time you're at the mall... oh wait, all the malls here are shut down! Guess you'll never know Einstein.

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they backed him into a corner..

using any dirty underhand method they could use..

what is he supposed to do???

People call him a megalomaniac then seem surprised when he fights back :)

All other ex PMs quietly went to ground for years or decades.

That is the Thai Way. Your time is up accept that.

Most all have done that historically, and are left with much of the spoils of their time at the top,

and quietly live lives of luxury, but not power. Thaksin is of a different stripe.

Thaksin has no diety-given right to be the leader of the Thai people indefinetly.

They tried to backed him out the side door, not into a corner. If he had just taken that exit gracefully,

he would have kept most of his money and gotten a slap on the wrist sentence,

lived in cash given oppulance in a special cell for a short time, or not, and gone back

out quickly to be making more money.

Most cases would have gone quietly away. But Thaksin decided he is too big to be eased out.

Or it just hurt his ego too much and made stink after stink after stink. That kept his cases on the front burner.

Until they finally put the hammer down....and they will do it to his street minions too.

Poor manipulated souls that many of them are, they are sad pawns in the revenge chronicle,

that will have dozens of erudite books written about it.

All other PMs did not have half their wealth taken and get ousted in an illegal military coup so it is unfair to judge unless you judge like with like. I think you are one of the posters that calls him a meglomaniac so why are you surprised when he acts like one?

Despite not actually dealing with my comment as you went of a tangent I will repeat it and word it differently, why are people surprised that a megalomaniac would fight back at the perceived (or real) injustices he has faced.

One thing you need to understand though as difficult as it is for you with your burning hatred for the man, this is about much more than just thaksin and until you grasp that you will continue to bark up the wrong tree, as will all the other posters that think this is about Thaksin and only Thaksin.

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