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Need A Little Advice On Current Problem.

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I have had to renew my British passport, by applying in Hong Kong, as the old one was full.

I applied in what I thought would be plenty of time (3 weeks) to get my new passport back, before my tourist visa for Thailand expired on the 14th of May.

Unfortunately, due to the problems in Bangkok, my passport went astray on it's way back to me, and was finally tracked and delivered by DHL today.

So I am now on day 6 of overstay.

I had planned to go to Laos for a fresh visa before this, but obviously with no passport this was impossible.

I am wondering, if I go to immigration, if they will give me an extension of a few days, to allow me time to make the arrangements to head up to Laos for a new visa?

Any ideas/opinions please?

Thanks in advance.

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You said it, six days overstay and counting. The best extension immigration could have given you for an expired tourist visa is 7 days if you had verifiable travel plans, cost 1900 baht. But you are now sort of in a pickle, immigration maybe sympathetic given the current situation.

Edited by InterestedObserver
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You would like to think you could go to immigration, point out it is entirely the fault of a certain bunch of people making a lot of noise in Bangkok, and have immigration say "Sorry about that, thankyou for visiting Thailand, here is an extra 2 weeks on your visa and don't worry about the overstay charge".

In reality, well I think we all know how it's going to turn out.

Ahh well.

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