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Connection's Speed


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hi' all

I have a real good solution for increasing the connection's speed B)

this is all in the windows registry, you would have to modify or to change and add some new keys, but it's woth the effort B)

once done properly, you can expect at least 20% faster!

it's all about MaxMTU and TTL ... sounds techy to you?

well, it is :o

as it is techy, I would post it if someone ask about, coz it could be a long post, and as you guess, I'll have to prepare it for you all B)

I always like to help ... B)

my wife use to say ... too much :D

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well, alright :o

so, give me the week-end, and I'll post this on monday B)

keep in mind that any software that is supposed to do the same has to be uninstall before. process conflict are never good for the system :D

also, you'll have to follow this, step by step as I'll write it.

if you mess up ... I'll give you a way out ... before this could happen B)

so, I'll work on this sunday, and post it for you all B)

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IT, my wife, said yesterday when I explain to her that I will give most of my tricks for com to you all ...

"go on, anyway, it's a good thing to give and to help :D "

I think that she finaly understood that help is not a job B)

so, I replied with a gentle smile, "give today if you can, don't say come back tomorrow if you can give today"

add-on; "my mum used to say, you will never be a good commercial, you are far too nice" ... but that's my mum :o

I began to work on it already B)

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hi' all

well, let's start now ...

so you'll have a good week-end B)

here it is ... first step (don't need to uninstall anything for now)

you have to know that Microsoft saved itself 20 % of bandwidth for the internet under Windows XP Pro.

To optimize your speed on internet and your times of ping or simply to help your connection, follow the steps which follow:

1 - You connect in Windows XP as Administrator and not simply as user who has privileged administrator rights.

2 - Start ¦ Run, type " gpedit.msc ".

3 - To the left, go in

Configuration computer

Administrative Templates


QoS Paquet scheduler

4 - To the right, made a right click to Limit the reservable bandwidth and choose Properties in the pop-up menu

5 - Assure that the Enabled(Triggered) radio button is marked and where it is written Limit of bandwidth (%), put the counter equal to 0.

6 - Close restart everything and to be certain that the changes are done.

well, it’s a first step, that improve already the speed, but there is more to do.

I'll give you the rest of it monday ... this is the week-end and I have my daughter

at home as she doesn't go to school B)

al the rest is really techy :D

have a good week-end B)

ps; I'm online a little bit anyway, always ... :o

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alright ...

are you ready?

here it is B)

Internet Connection Speed Improvement

First of all, you need to run Windows Xp Pro-Sp1 or SP1a.

You have to uninstall any software that is on to “improve your connection’s speed.

As you have to modify the registry, it has to be set like a default one as it is when you have installed WinXP.

Be sure to do it properly before, eventually go a first time in the registry to search for keys left behind.

To do so :

run : regedit and click ok.

you are now in the heart of the system … be very carefull of you do!

Edit\Find\ .. name of the software you used before, and click ok.

if : any key related to this software are still here, delete them without fear!

if : no keys are left, good. it was a proper uninstall.

after checking this and done it all, reboot.

so let’s get to our goal … go faster on the web

first step : the task scheduler

you have to know that the task scheduler is a real problem …

better not to use it, it’s never good to let windows do anything without you to do it manualy, old way is the best … the only exeption would be for antivirus-update.

so, disable it, it should not show up in the system-tray anymore, although even de-activated, it still work in the background for nothing else that occupy system ressources, like the memory.

so we are going to disable it for good !

Start menu\run\ regedit\ok .. we are in !


Save any key that your are going to change, by clicking on it once, and then in the file menu, choose save, and give it a name you can recognise easily, [ext: .reg]

save them in another partition than the C:\ one!

there is no real risk for the system, only the connection can be affected by a wrong manipulation, so save save .. in case of problem, take the old key and double click on it,

win will ask are you sure? .. say yes!, and then win will say the registry key has been successfully entered in the registry .. or something like this :o









delete the key : {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF} [again ..save it before]

is it done? … let’s go further up

Now we are going to check the ISP’s speed ;

Second Step

MTU: maximum Transmission Units

At first you need to determine the size of packages accepted by your ISP

For it, launch a MS-DOS window (Start \ All the programs \ Accessories \ command-prompt.

you should have a command line with this : C:\Documents and Settings\”your login name”

type cd C:\ (cd for change directory)

then you have a C:\

be sure you have this in the command line window.

In the window of command-line, it is necessary to type in the command line the following instructions:

** _MTU _ ** = a value beginning in 500 .. up to 1500

C:\>ping - f -l 500 [ ] [ example IP ISP]

Increase this value until the ISP "breaks". answer of the ISP = The package must be split up but set DF.)

C:\>ping - f -l on 1500

Sending of a query ' ping ' on [ ] with 1500 bytes of data:

The package must be split up but set DF.

The package must be split up but set DF.

The package must be split up but set DF.

The package must be split up but set DF.

Statistics Ping for

Packages: sent = 4, received = 0, lost = 4

Most of the ISP "break" at a value of 1500.

** _ISP _ ** = the URL of your ISP

Attention certain ISP have no URL of their site for address of server of connection

to check this address, click on the icon of connection in the system-tray, and click on the detail tab, you obtain the IP of your supplier and your personal. IP

And here is what you have to see when the MTU is good (here with a MTU of 1400)

C:\>ping - f -l on 1400

Sending of a request ' ping ' on [ ] with 1400 bytes of data:

Answer of octets=1400 temps=396 ms TTL=255

Answer of octets=1400 temps=419 ms TTL=255

Answer of octets=1400 temps=407 ms TTL=255

Answer of octets=1400 temps=422 ms TTL=255

Statistics Ping for

Packages: sent = 4, received = 4, lost = 0 (loss 0 %),

Rough duration of buckles in milliseconds:

Minimum = 396ms, Maximum = 422ms, Averages = 411ms


Attention you should have no loss. In case of doubt, always in the MS-DOS window, type F3 to re-register the command line then Entry. The test will be re-launched

Check at this moment you have the value of MTU of base. It is necessary to add 28 to this number (it is the size of the headings of TCP/IP packages) and we obtain the Optimized MTU.

! NOTED: for those who play games online a value of MTU to 576 give a lower latency (in the detriment however of the speed of downloading). Thus if you play more games than any other things put 576 by default for the MTU.

At the moment, you need to go to the registry, to register this Optimized MTU.

To open it, "start menu\run\ type regedit .. there you are.








Seek the key corresponding at your choice to the modem (RTC) and note it. (Of the kind {F573941C-9034-48DF-etc})

Go in:








Find the key of the modem and double-click on it.

Insert a chain value with for name " MaxMTU " you have to assign the value of the Optimized MTU obtained previously.

It is necessary to reboot to activate the modifications.

Third step : TTL

The TTL corresponds to the maximal number of addresses by which a package can pass to reach its destination. Contrary to the fact that its name lets suppose, the TTL does not represent the life cycle of packages.

By default, this number is fixed to 32 addresses, what can be just in certain cases. Imagine that the site which you wish to display requires to pass by 33 addresses! A message appears then, saying that it is impossible to find the site, although there is strong chances that it really exists.

It is advisable to increase the TTL, that we shall fix to 64 for a classic modem connection

Open the registry : start menu\run\ type regedit







- Create a value DWORD, that you will entitle "DefaultTTL".

Give it the "value " 64 ", according to your means of connection to internet, by having previously selecting the decimal base.[not the hexadecimal one]

Reboot to activate the modifications.

Fourth Step :

RWIN : Data amount accepted

The parameter RWIN corresponds to the quantity of data which your computer can accept without confirming the reception to the sender.

If the sender did not receive the validation(confirmation) of the reception of the first package which he sent, the transfer(relocation) is interrupted until a certain limit, to which the sender tries again to send the package.

The more the RWIN is important, the less your computer has of validation(confirmation) to be sent for the successful data.

It allows you to save of the bandwidth(passband) and to minimize(reduce) your ping.

Now, the bad news.

A more important RWIN also means that more data must be sent if the sender does not receive the validation(confirmation) of reception.

It is indispensable to configure well the RWIN following its connection.

Launch a MS-DOS window (Start \ All the programs \ Accessories \Command Prompt

Then type the following command :

C:\>ping -l **** (your ISP IP)

**** Corresponds to your value of MTU less 40 ( MTU-40).

the MTU is the value you found in the MTU section

C:\>ping on 1360 (your IP ISP) [here 205-228-0-42]

Sending of a query ' ping ' on [] with 1360 bytes of data:

Answer of octets=1360 temps=386 ms TTL=255

Answer of octets=1360 temps=390 ms TTL=255

Answer of octets=1360 temps=405 ms TTL=255

Answer of octets=1360 temps=431 ms TTL=255

Statistics Ping for

Packages: sent = 4, received = 4, lost = 0 (loss 0 %),

Rough duration of buckles in milliseconds:

Minimum = 386ms, Maximum = 431ms, Averages = 403ms


Note the rough average duration of buckles in milliseconds (here = > 403ms).

There that complicates a little...

Multiply by your actual bandwidth and divide by 8. The actual bandwidth corresponds to your normal bandwidth if you use a connection low debit(output) (33.6 / 56 kbps)

And to finish, multiply the total by 1,5.


With the data seen above:

The average duration is of 191ms with a connection modem thus an actual bandwidth of 56 kbps. we shall make the following operation:

403 x 56 = 22568

Then we divide by 8:

22568/8 = 2821

Then one multiple by 1,5:

2821 x 1,5 = 4231

Thus in this example, the RWIN should be "4231".

This configuration depends on the distance and on the state of "health" of the servers towards whom we make a ping.

Now, it is necessary to insert this value into Windows XP.

Launch Regedit [start menu\run\regedit+enter







Create a value DWORD, called "TcpWindowSize" and give it the value of RWIN (to insert in decimal).


Get used to insert always minimal values, then increasing as one goes along these values.

you may reboot after all the changes done, and not after each of them B)

there you are, have a nice internet speed B)

keep in mind that all ISP IP and any number are here as examples!

don't use any of them, you have to use your ISP IP, and all numbers and values

that belong to your ping request.

do it, write down every single thing you do, and follow the steps precisely.

you should get at a real better speed

some would like to ping more to try to get a minimum time-reponse, you may try. the connection will be very fast, but this will refrain the global speed, I mean by this, that downloading and surfing at the same time will become slower ...

but in this configuration, running the web without download become real fast.

it's a choice to make, everything faster or just the web, or just downloads ...

I have set it up at 1428 for MaxMTU, after tried to set it at 628 wich was the fastest response time (248ms) ... in a global appreciation, 1428 is going smoother. don't forget that the time of response is in ms ... B)

and as you might not like to change these values often, choose good and don't try too many possibilities. :D

can play with this, but don't mess up ...

and don't blame me, if you make a mistake please B)

instead, contact me, I'll help to get out B)

nothing bad should happen if you follow the steps above precisely B)

francois [sunday 16th - 20h30]

[corrected monday-1h17]

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some visits .. and no comment yet? :o

did anyone tried it yet?

please let me know B)

I would be glad to learn that you are satisfied and happy on the net again :D

anyway, have a nice after noon ... I see you all tonight, need to relax B)

some snooker will do B)

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You have really taken your time for this.

Thank you and I already printed the whole thing. It took some time even for me to read it. :o

I am going to do this tonight and if it works, I will post the responce tonight [which means my connection works.. :D ] or tomorow.

Did you see the post I posted in General section to get feedback of "What your Thai Wife/GF think about the time you spend on Thaivisa.com"..?




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in anyway, internet is faster under Linux than with Windows :o

freedom is not a luxury ...it's a choice :D

chay may cap?

If you have time, can you advice us how to install Linux into a Machine that has Windows XP in it?

Assume I Partition The HDD. What is the space it will need?

How to install to that Partition?, How to change the operating System etc..?

What should install first? XP or Linux?



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Guest IT Manager

Hi Francois,

Premised on my almost hysterical hatred of XP, I am waiting for the Win 2K version, then I will convert the Hotel.

I am impressed with the research that went into this, though not siurprised after our discussions last Friday.


IT :o

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Please explain why you hate XP so much? Perhaps I can help with some common misunderstandings about it. It truely is a superior operating system to Win2K, especially in a server/client environment where you have to support many computers. I often find it so interesting why other IT people are so resistant to change. I'm open for a free and friendly debate, and here to help if I can. :o

P.S., no matter what operating system you install, if you are on a 56k modem, you can guarantee you will not get any higher than 52kb/sec, with a 33.6kb/sec max upload speed. It's the max your are physically limited to. Typically those that are within 3 miles of their local central office will have the highest speeds. The farther you are, the worse the quality of the line, the lower the connection speeds. So if you are getting less than this, this is more than likely due to the quality of the copper of your phone lines and your distance to the local central office. Again, something no matter what you do to your computer, nothing will change.


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no matter what operating system you install, if you are on a 56k modem, you can guarantee you will not get any higher than 52kb/sec, with a 33.6kb/sec max upload speed. It's the max your are physically limited to. Typically those that are within 3 miles of their local central office will have the highest speeds. The farther you are, the worse the quality of the line, the lower the connection speeds. So if you are getting less than this, this is more than likely due to the quality of the copper of your phone lines and your distance to the local central office. Again, something no matter what you do to your computer, nothing will change.

hum hum ...

who talk about changing speed?

I never did! a

so read this well, Mr expert B)

the fact is!

whatever the connection speed you can have, you can always make some changes that are going to speed-up the display of any pages coming

from internet. in other words, get the best of what you have!

this is a simple fact, if your computer (the system itself) is not properly configured,

you will never have the best out of it, this means the speed of execution and the speed of display from the web .. the one you should have.

is it that difficult to undestand?

but may be that you are part of the people that believe what microsoft says?

you see in fact, I run both windows and Linux, mostly Linux ...

I have studied both system for a few years ...

what I say is a simple fact that is real, if you can't believe this, up to you :o

Linux have a kind of auto MaxMTU ... that bring the display-speed always at it's best, not windows ... like the bandwith limitation!

did you know about this? :D

some time, you know, it's not that bad to listen or to read a little bit B)

even if you think that your knowledge database is full enough ...

never made any upgrade? B)

ps; I run Linux since 1995 B)

I had the pleasure to see appearing the grafical desktop KDE B)

have you ever install windows 1.0 ? or a freeBSD or Unix from scratch?

tell me tell me ...

I ask all this, because you seem to be so sure of yourself ... B)

and friendly said ... I don't think that ###### needs your help B)

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If you have time, can you advice us how to install Linux into a Machine that has Windows XP in it?

Assume I Partition The HDD. What is the space it will need?

How to install to that Partition?, How to change the operating System etc..?

What should install first? XP or Linux?

welllll .....

you have first to know, that Linux run under a complete different file system ...

this means that Linux and windows aren't the best friends in your com !

but well, let's assume you have only one disk.

first, you'll need to rebuild the partition table.

this means, keep windows and you existing partitions, and keep some 5gb at the end of the disk. (means free some space, and use a partitionner)

a program like Partition Magic work well for this.

if you run windows with an NTFS file system, you can't have a dual-boot.

this work only in FAT or FAT32 partitions.

so, here is the best choice, get another disk dedicated to Linux.

if you can't, you still can install Linux on the same disk, but then will have to boot it form a floppy (more secure).

the install itself is another story :o

just a fact, you have to build new partition table ... one root / , one swap, and at least one /home, we can do more precise, adding an /usr one, this where all executable (program) are stored.

roughly : 500mb for /root, 256mb for /swap, 4gb /usr and 1 ou 2gb for /home.

/home is where you store your personnal files as well as some programs configurations as in docs & settings in winXP.

make a list of your harware, to be sure that everything is Linux compliant.

and the most dificult, is too choose a distribution of Linux ...

not an easy choice, for beginners, I would recommend Red-Hat or Mandrake, or Suse-Linux, the one that Linus Thorwald use B) (creator of the Linux Kernel)

for someone that have computers skills with win, we can choose some others,

like Debian or Slackware (I like the last one, but it's my choice).

the best, would be to have a demo day ...

let's say ... anywhere, anytime B)

just need a couple of computers not too old, and a place to setup all this,

if I have to come to BKK, please provide me a place to stay B)

and I'll come sure B)

I'm going to prepare something a little more precise than this, but still the best, is someone that can show you it all.

install of the OS .. use it, and upgrade it, and be happy with it B)

so many people give up cause of the lack of help :D

never forget, that once bought some CD's, you have an OS and a good collection

of programs, all free (GPL ..general public license), this means that, you might want to install some more very specific programs for you own work, but essentialy, you have what you need. typical set of Linux is 3 CD's.

so, for a 300B or so, you have an OS that you can copy and give to friends,

you don't need to show any licence, you are free B)

give me a couple of days, so I can write something more techy B)

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francois..a Big thank you again.

You are really a nice guy and even willing to come down to Bangkok to help... It is hard to find people like you these days.

That is why I like this forum alot.

Can we transfer this Linux Answer to the new thread I posted today? I am sure many of the users will like to try it. I still could not try your Internet Speed-up connection. May be during next Weekend.

For Linux, I think it is better to get a new HDD as you say. I will go for that option.

Thanks once again.

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I personally do not like to use xp on my personal computer at home, but it seems to be the go for business systems managed by an IT department.

As a dinosaur who uses win98se, and I have only got a 33.6k ext modem but I use these tweaks(most) to get the most out of my web experience



and I use x-teq s x-setup to tweak my os


kwiz , have a look at www.linuxhelp.net

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Guest IT Manager
I personally do not like to use xp on my personal computer at home, but it seems to be  the go for business systems managed by an IT department.

First, I always enjoyed Alfred E Neuman.

Second I take exception to the broad generalisation that corporate systems managed by IT Specialists prefer XP.

I manage 40+ machines in a corporate network. 3 have XP. They are owned by service providers not by the organisation I work for. They were foisted on me.

IT specialists prefer to maintain control of machines rather than vest control in a man currently being considered for ditching out of Brazil.

I do not believe I know more than the Gates chaps, about programming. I do however, believe I know more than them about MY system, so prefer Win2K if I must go MS, but would prefer Linux.

Can't do LINUX because the retraining time for staff would be cost-prohibitive.

So, for professionals, WIN2K. For corporate users with no idea and no full time IT department, XP.


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Can't do LINUX because the retraining time for staff would be cost-prohibitive.

hi' ###### B)

does it cost this much to train some staff for a new system?

I thought about something like an after hours class, and probably not this long

to make them understand the way it works ... I might be wrong here :o

are the users running any particular software that there is no-way to make them work with another one in an easy way?

it's just a question, because as long as it is office works, it seems to me that what any Linux-distribution provide are good tools to work ...

but as I don't know any details about your network, it is difficult to have an idea of the cost :D

I'm just surpised B)

even the server?, could it be possible to change the server, just for a good reliability and stability?

it's my Linux addiction that talks ...

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