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Stretch Mark Zapper:


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Stretch mark zapper: Laser treatment claims to reduce them by 75%

Women are being offered a treatment that promises to zap away stretch marks.

The laser therapy can dramatically reduce the tell-tale white streaks by up to 75 per cent, its developers claim.

As well as tackling stretch marks, the laser can treat surgical scars, acne scars, dark skin patches – known as melasma – and other skin conditions.

It works by creating columns of heat within the affected tissue which kick-starts a natural healing process that stimulates the growth of fresh, healthy tissue.

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Thanks for the article.

Im rather cynical about lasers though. So many articles over the years have heralded the next holy grail of laser treatments. Yet, ive read reports about fat loss (im talking facial volume..sunken cheeks..sagging cheeks.etc), demarcation lines, pigmentation loss, uneven skin tone, enlarged pores, uneven healing. Im just extremely cautious about these miracle treatments. Also because we are all individuals, what is yields amazing results for one person, does not necessarily yield good results for another. Of course, it also depends on the technique of the doctor. I think there are too many poorly skilled docs wielding lasers.

But interesting read none the less. Will be interesting to read the real results some time (months/years) from now.

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Your post caught my eye because I use to design and manufacture medical and scientific lasers before I retired. I contacted a old business friend who directed me to this link which will give you a better idea of the procedure. I do not promote any ones product. This is for info only.


Lasers have made a great advancement in medical science but they don't always give you the desired affect on everyone. There are things they can do and there are things they cannot. Everyone's skin is different so you get different effects. Basically you are burning a few micron layers of skin and letting it heal. In this case it does it using a fractional laser filter which creates a small pattern of dots as the photo shows. I'll let the article speak for itself.

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