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Neighbours Simmering Unhappiness.


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in, our first words were harsh ones. I basically said, "if you don't teach your dog not to bark every time I open my front door, I will kill it"

. . . I am even more glad I don't have a thai partner.

The Thai partner you do not have is even more glad that you do not have a Thai partner.

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Plenty of neighborhoods where you don't have to worry about parking issues. But you probably already knew and decided to go with this neighborhood anyway. You get what you pay for.


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My Thai wife and I, children and dogs have a great relationship with our neighbours.

The local people, salt of the earth.

Firstly in most cases, (not all) it is illegal for the Farang to purchase land, even in his Thai wife's name, the same for growing and selling agricultural food products. Maybe this is one of the reasons why the police are giving the OP hassle.

I find it difficult to believe that all those people would make such statements and go as far as actually submitting them to the police, if there was no truth or actual facts behind their complaints, which is entirely opposite to the Thai way of doing things, because most Thais like to give themselves and the police a wide berth. There must be some extremes for the neighbours to take such action.

In Thailand, foreigners need to learn and adapt to the ways of the Thais, the overwhelming majority of people that surround us.

It`s not strictly a case of live and let live for us in Thailand. Some habits and certain behaviours the Thais find insulting and rude, even if it`s considered the norm or tolerated in Western society.

I would say that unless the OP takes a good realistic honest to himself look at what's causing his problems, than he is going to have trouble wherever he goes in Thailand, eventually concluding in all doors closing behind him within this wonderful country where I feel, tolerated, respected and privileged to be among the Thai people.

Your right and as such I have learnt that beating my child and wife can be enjoyable, dumping all my rubbish is also much easier. Am I Thai enough yet?

you frogot the bit about picking your nose in public. :D

I refuse to beat my wife and child whilst picking my nose..............that's disgusting, it only leaves one hand free for the beating :)

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I think when you do move, move to a Farang town

Grimsby? Huddersfield? Where do you suggest? :)

never heard before, but on Google Earth Grimsby looks not so bad. How's the beach and snorkeling?

Edited by Birdman
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You can get along great with your Thai neighbors as a non-Thai or can be total disaster. It just depends on you and them. You just need to be prepared that they care a lot about what you would normally consider your own business. But the same would be the case in other Asian countries.

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so wheres the op then?

surely not 2 troll topics!

maybe the neighbours have done him in or hes been banged up by the local bib.

bloody quick move if he has taken orders from the the wife, packed up and found a new place to live. :)

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There is definitely more to the story than has been told in the OP. I live in a 100% Thai neighbourhood; neither my Thai partner or I have any problems with our neighbours, who are all friendly and community minded. We interact daily with them and deal with community problems together. I strongly suspect that early on there has been some kind of disagreement that has been allowed to fester.

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You can get along great with your Thai neighbors as a non-Thai or can be total disaster. It just depends on you and them. You just need to be prepared that they care a lot about what you would normally consider your own business. But the same would be the case in other Asian countries.

Little old lady next door will creep around in the yard, water our plants, open our window and put a plate of khanom on the table... As i will walk around in the buff inside my home sometimes she catches an eye full while peeping in the window :) hasn't stopped her yet though.

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