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Why Thai Girls Don't Shave There Legs?


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I'm renting a woman, and when she doesn't look good or gets naggy, I will be renting a different woman.

She loves me for my money, I love her for her looks.

Either side breaks the rental agreement bye, bye.

So what!

other people to that without paying

Everybody pays.

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Every morning and every evening I ride the bus about 30 minutes to work. I sit with my head down not looking at the scenery or staring at other people’s faces.

Kind of a peculiar pastime you have there...... I was always told that those that never look up have a better chance at finding money...Good Luck!

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The bottom line is you can't make a comment about a woman.

Any comment about a woman is met by the Political Light Brigade.

You can bet there will be three or four indoctrinated males reading the riot act about equal rights. A couple of females deriding males for any reason at hand because they even whispered an opinion about a female without being a female.

It's interesting to hear males' perception about this. I mean that in all seriousness, it really is interesting because it's so different from my perception as a woman. I feel like I quite frequently see comments making deragatory, demeaning, or offensive comments about women (Thai or Western). Sometimes it's a whole thread, sometimes it's just a side comment. I maybe comment on 1/20 of these threads. Most of the time I may agree with the comment that was made, or I recognize that it is a comment about a specific woman, or I just have no opinion about the comment, just like I do with most of the comments I read on TV. I think that the ladies on these boards actually show a lot of restraint in picking their battles. We understand that making any time of comment about a woman does not instantly make it negative, just like any comment we make about men is not automatically negative. However, when I do see something inaccurate or offensive and hold the male posters accountable for what they have said, usually I will have several guys jumping on the "It's not fair...women never get banned or warned...women are treated delicately on TV...women get to say anything they want...these women are just jealous" bandwagon.

When men make deragatory comments about women on TV, most of the other posters agree and often cheer them on. When women make deragatory comments about men on TV, most of the other posters insult us and say that we all have issues. It's ok, we ladies are smart enough to recognize that the dynamics on here stem from having a forum comprised of mostly male members, and that it would be the other way around if women were the majority.

The OP did not make a negative comment. He only made a comment and enquired why Thai women don’t shave their legs.

You chose to ignore the comments that equated hairy legs with fat men, hairy legged women don’t exist and the comments about if they did, men should not tell them they don’t like hairy legs.

I got the opinion that some of the posters thought that men had no right to discuss the hair on women’s legs.

I certainly don’t want to see anyone stereotyped. My point is that men cannot make any comments or questions about women at all. It is always interpreted in a negative way regardless of the way it was intentioned.

Your post is a good example. You ignored almost everything I said and went off on a mini tirade against men who make derogatory remarks against women.

I didn’t make any derogatory remarks against women but you bring it up a number of times in response to my post.

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"Everybody pays"

No, not everybody. There are Farangs who live from the money their Thai girls friends earn somewhere. :)

Sorry,..... Forgot about those. :D

They would be the young, non-fat, non-delusional guys that you occasionally come across.

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"Everybody pays"

No, not everybody. There are Farangs who live from the money their Thai girls friends earn somewhere. :)

Sorry,..... Forgot about those. :D

They would be the young, non-fat, non-delusional guys that you occasionally come across.

No they would be black DJ’s with dreds who work at hip hop clubs.

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The OP did not make a negative comment. He only made a comment and enquired why Thai women don't shave their legs.

You chose to ignore the comments that equated hairy legs with fat men, hairy legged women don't exist and the comments about if they did, men should not tell them they don't like hairy legs.

I got the opinion that some of the posters thought that men had no right to discuss the hair on women's legs.

I certainly don't want to see anyone stereotyped. My point is that men cannot make any comments or questions about women at all. It is always interpreted in a negative way regardless of the way it was intentioned.

Your post is a good example. You ignored almost everything I said and went off on a mini tirade against men who make derogatory remarks against women.

I didn't make any derogatory remarks against women but you bring it up a number of times in response to my post.

I never said that the OP made a negative comment. My only response directly to him was to say that it was an overgeneralization to say that Thai women don't shave their legs. I never said that there was anything wrong about men preferring women with shaved legs. In fact, I said that everyone has the right to make personal choices about things like leg-shaving, and that if a person doesn't meet your standards, you should be looking elsewhere.

I also never called men fat, hairy, or anything else. I questioned one particular poster about his beliefs in order to ascertain whether my perception of hypocricsy was accurate. He answered my question honestly, so I felt no need to reply to him further. I also did not say (and sorry if I implied) that you said anything derogatory in your post. I was only sharing my perception of board dynamics in comparison to yours. It was part of your post that got me thinking about how a woman's experiences on TV are different than a man's experiences. I thought it would be clear to you that your post was a conversation starter for me, and not that my comments were in direct response to the part of your post that I quoted. Next time I will be more specific so you understand my intentions.

And your post makes my point as well, so thank you. I thoughtfully read everything you read, and I tried to start an honest, calm dialogue based on a point you brought up. Your perspective was interesting to me, so I thought I would share my perspective as well. You saw it as a "mini tirade." It's interesting that you seem bothered that I did not respond to every part of your long post. Had I done that, I suspect that you would have used a harsher word than "tirade."

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the big difference being is that many thai girls like their men to be fat ... but which man likes monkey legs? ... not me!! :)

You just keep believing that, the only thing woman like fat is a wallet or an other part of the male body.

The real Thai girls that i know (the ones you don't buy) like young handsome men. Although some like me even though i am a bit older then them But they do like guys who are in shape. It might be that that is the kind of girl that i attract.

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Tonitian, yes many guys here are male chauvinists that have little more to bring to Thailand as their wallet and that is why they could not find a girl back home.

Back home girls would not accept it, here they do because they get paid to or just don't understand it.

That doesnt mean that i dont like to joke and tease woman who are clearly a feminist. I also might have some ideas that girls dont like. Still i dont consider me one of those other kind of guys.

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The OP did not make a negative comment. He only made a comment and enquired why Thai women don't shave their legs.

You chose to ignore the comments that equated hairy legs with fat men, hairy legged women don't exist and the comments about if they did, men should not tell them they don't like hairy legs.

I got the opinion that some of the posters thought that men had no right to discuss the hair on women's legs.

I certainly don't want to see anyone stereotyped. My point is that men cannot make any comments or questions about women at all. It is always interpreted in a negative way regardless of the way it was intentioned.

Your post is a good example. You ignored almost everything I said and went off on a mini tirade against men who make derogatory remarks against women.

I didn't make any derogatory remarks against women but you bring it up a number of times in response to my post.

I never said that the OP made a negative comment. My only response directly to him was to say that it was an overgeneralization to say that Thai women don't shave their legs. I never said that there was anything wrong about men preferring women with shaved legs. In fact, I said that everyone has the right to make personal choices about things like leg-shaving, and that if a person doesn't meet your standards, you should be looking elsewhere.

I also never called men fat, hairy, or anything else. I questioned one particular poster about his beliefs in order to ascertain whether my perception of hypocricsy was accurate. He answered my question honestly, so I felt no need to reply to him further. I also did not say (and sorry if I implied) that you said anything derogatory in your post. I was only sharing my perception of board dynamics in comparison to yours. It was part of your post that got me thinking about how a woman's experiences on TV are different than a man's experiences. I thought it would be clear to you that your post was a conversation starter for me, and not that my comments were in direct response to the part of your post that I quoted. Next time I will be more specific so you understand my intentions.

And your post makes my point as well, so thank you. I thoughtfully read everything you read, and I tried to start an honest, calm dialogue based on a point you brought up. Your perspective was interesting to me, so I thought I would share my perspective as well. You saw it as a "mini tirade." It's interesting that you seem bothered that I did not respond to every part of your long post. Had I done that, I suspect that you would have used a harsher word than "tirade."

Sorry, I can be dense at times. Speaking of dense, I actually like hairy legs on women. That’s why I stare at women’s legs on Song Tau’s. No body minds if you look down at the floor and it beats looking the junk thrown away on the side of the road.

It is one of the reasons I am in Thailand instead of Vietnam. Hairy legs that is and not junk on the side of the road.

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:):D :D :D

Didn't expect that this Thread would explode like that.

Yes, i do prefer well shaved all around. But this is my personal opinion and i don't expect that everybody else do.

I just don't understand why so many Thai Girls don't do it??? Young beautiful Thais in the early 20s hairy like a monkey sometimes. :D

Yes, i commit i meet them at Bars and GoGo clubs but also at shopping malls, on the street or upcountry.

Well what can is say...maybe they just don't into that like western Girls.

Who knows, right!?!

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Are you having a laugh,EUROPEAN women less hairy,i nearly spit my coffee out.Have you ever been with a german or Greek or Turkish woman,they are like a giant teddy bear.

you pervy ,

i have no desire to even picture in my mind / delete from memory card.

a european beast ,, with her nipples. on her knee caps.. OMG

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its pretty simple really, hair starts growing faster, or at least thicker the more you shave. those fine hairs that offend you require no maintenance. they are not going to get any worse.

once you begin shaving, you can not really stop. waxing, finacially, is not a viable option for many.

if at ain't broke, why fix it?

The responses posted earlier are correct. It is a myth even in the developed world (as can even be seen by your response). The posters have given a myriad of sites for anyone to check this is a complete fallacy. Hair growth has more to do with genetics, environment and age; not shaving. Here it is an exceptionally common myth, much more than many others. Thai women are fastidious about hygiene and beauty and extreme with skin whitening. Seems crazy that with such extremes in other beauty areas that they totally believe this urban legend. However that has more to do with their education system which concentrates on remembering low level facts, very little creativity or evaluative skills and social compliance to the "nth degree"!

Luckily most of the gorgeous little beauties here :D only have small gentle hairs covering velvet soft skin and aren't the hairy fat farangs with waddling great legs wearing flip flops, with guts hanging hanging out singlet tops from farang land! :) Believe me those farangs NEED to shave!

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Body hair on the Thais' and any other nationality for that matter, seems to become more noticeable with increased age. Both sexes seem to sport an increase in nipple, ear, nostril, etc, hair after middle age. Shaving does seem to promote hair growth, note women who have had children, shave legs/underarms. etc for cosmetic purposes, and men who shave at first sign of facial hair. Hair loss also also seems to accompany aging, but for very specific body areas. Genes undoubtedly have a part, as would gene input from other nationalities over the past decades. Maybe the Thai family trees are not as verifiable as we/they are lead to believe. Kinky hair, in some parts of the world, can elicit the comment "there was probably a ...... in the woodpile somewhere', true or not, it was probably a common mans approach to something they did not understand. Mother nature still has a few secrets that the human specie still has to attempt to unravel.

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My Wife has hairy toes too about 1 cm long, and she has quite a good moustache but then she's honest, hard working, loyal, kind and doesnt see me for months on end. Hairs???? who gives a flying fig..........I dont..... shallow people.

Those are very short toes m8...? :)

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In my younger days, I lived with a Navajo Indian girl from Arizona. She had almost no body hair, except a lovely head of hair and just a 'few' silky whiskers 'way down south'...... She told me that most Navajos had very little body hair, even the men had no chest hair and only slight arm hair (we dropped the subject there)......... I think that certain genes of certain races are prone to non-hairy bodies........... Most of the Thai women that I have experience with, don't have much body hair, some almost non-existant ----- You must just be lucky to have found 'her'....................

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its pretty simple really, hair starts growing faster, or at least thicker the more you shave. those fine hairs that offend you require no maintenance. they are not going to get any worse.

once you begin shaving, you can not really stop. waxing, finacially, is not a viable option for many.

if at ain't broke, why fix it?

Urban myth hair grows thicker and faster if shaved.

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...... She told me that most Navajos had very little body hair, even the men had no chest hair and only slight arm hair (we dropped the subject there)......... I think that certain genes of certain races are prone to non-hairy bodies........... Most of the Thai women that I have experience with, don't have much body hair, some almost non-existant ----- You must just be lucky to have found 'her'....................

I think there's definitely some truth to that. People from some backgrounds are naturally more hairy than others. In my years here in Thailand, I have yet to see a single Thai man with a "sweater vest courtesy of Darwin." In fact, I can't recall seeing a Thai man with any chest or back hair. (Not saying they don't exist.) The lady at the salon I go to told me once that she waxes farang backs all the time, but she's never waxed a Thai man. And my male friends (farang) who happen to be on the hairy side always get lots of looks and jokes from the Thai men when we go to the beach. Even the kids I work with are constantly rubbing the teachers' arms (men and women) because they are not used to the arm hair.

I guess the Thais are just naturally blessed when it comes to body hair! Of course I'm saying that from the perspective of a westerner who grew up being taught that body hair is not a good thing, and that shaving/waxing to remove hair is what "normal" people do. Other cultures probably look at hair differently, just like they do with skin tone, weight, etc. Personally, I could care less if a man is hairy or not as long as he's a good guy.

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"Why Thai Girls Don't Shave There Legs?"

Why don't you ask them? When I was in China, many women didn't shave either their armpits or their legs. Rather than speculate about the reason, I asked. You might be surprised by the answer.

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I find it really weird that Thai women don't! Even for me as a women it looks ugly. What also wonders me, is that many Thai women use a lot of time to dress up nice and put their hair. But then, they don't use any makeup? For me, it's like something wasn't finished.

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I find it really weird that Thai women don't! Even for me as a women it looks ugly. What also wonders me, is that many Thai women use a lot of time to dress up nice and put their hair. But then, they don't use any makeup? For me, it's like something wasn't finished.

It probably looks ugly to you (and even to me, I admit) because our culture's standard of beauty dictates that hairy legs are ugly. I always shave my legs, but sometimes I wish I didn't care. It would definitely make life easier - shaving can be a pain. :) To the women who are totally comfortable with their hairy legs, I say, good for you! There are plenty of guys in the world that don't care about leg hair.

As for makeup, again, that's your expectation that makeup makes someone pretty. A lot of the most beautiful women I know don't need to wear makeup (not that anyone really "needs" to, actually). Really, why is is that we feel the need (myself included) to cover our faces up with a bunch of gunk? Aren't our faces enough? To me the whole concept of makeup is stupid, actually. It's expensive, it's not good for your skin, it can sweat off in Thailand, and sometimes it makes you look even worse. Do I still enjoy wearing makeup sometimes? Yes, it can be fun and I enjoy the creativity one can use in applying makeup. But I don't think that I'm "unfinished" or ugly if I'm not wearing it.

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