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Unmasked: Thailand's Men In Black


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The article is a very nice example of imagination running wild. A great piece of fantasy writing.

And I suppose if someone said that pigs can fly, you all would believe that as well.

You don't happen to have a picture of a black pig?.....that would clinch it...... :D

You know that I posted a picture here as requested, but the pig has indeed flown away. Pigs can fly, man!

All this pig stuff is just a boar.

:) lots of pigs in Thailand, few Boars


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Why is the 'terrorist' running together with the soldiers? :)

Maybe because he is a plain clothes 'terroist sniper hunter'.

Call it Urban camoflage. Easier to sneak up on the real snipers,

if they don't think you're army.

Same as the men in black.

They are the same group as the men in white in the clip.

Or it is not possible? Prove it.

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SONDHI LIMTHONGKUL is a good man, and greatest man in Thailand.

Hence god protect him, even though he was showered with bullets, god stay with him. He live.

I like him just like my uncle. Not just me. Million of Thai and Farang who watch ASTV and join PAD protest at the airports, all treat him like their kind and gentle big uncle.

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When black shoot at army. It is obvious that they are Red, as they want to shoot their enemy.

When white shoot at army. It is obvious that they are Red too, as they want to shoot their own people.

Ha ha ha.

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There are two keys factors arising from this article:

Firstly for most of the time the red apologists were denying day after day that the blackshirts were a part of the red occupation in Bangkok.

I didn't read the article yet but for the Elite- and Yellow apologists amongst the members ( :D ) I have to point out that Asia Times Online is owned by Sondhi Limthongkhul (PAD co-founder) the once VERY-CLOSE buddy friend of Thaksin.

Seen in this light it is not particularly strange that "news" brought by ATO will never be pro-Red and never be anti-Yellow.


Note: I write this, standing in the middle, neither being Red nor Yellow.

I am pro Thai People.


That should read : Yet but one of the millions who were fooled and screwed by Thaksin over the years BEFORE he had to exile himself after making a sh!t pile a mile high, going as far as adding more on top of it while squatting abroad.

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There are two keys factors arising from this article:

Firstly for most of the time the red apologists were denying day after day that the blackshirts were a part of the red occupation in Bangkok.

I didn't read the article yet but for the Elite- and Yellow apologists amongst the members ( :D ) I have to point out that Asia Times Online is owned by Sondhi Limthongkhul (PAD co-founder) the once VERY-CLOSE buddy friend of Thaksin.

Seen in this light it is not particularly strange that "news" brought by ATO will never be pro-Red and never be anti-Yellow.


Note: I write this, standing in the middle, neither being Red nor Yellow.

I am pro Thai People.


That should read : Yet but one of the millions who were fooled and screwed by Thaksin over the years BEFORE he had to exile himself after making a sh!t pile a mile high, going as far as adding more on top of it while squatting abroad.

I don't think so Tony.

Sondhi and Thaksin were close (business)-friends but Sondhi Limthongkul didn't belong to the "millions who were fooled and screwed".

They BOTH belonged to screwing and fooling business men group like there are so many around the world and in Thailand also.

Sondhi wasn't a victim of Thaksin, he was more a victim of his own business failures and projected his faults at third parties (except blaming himself) and blamed others, including Thaksin, the Democratic Party in 2005, The Military in 1992 and the Banks and Thai Companies who wanted their money back they loaned to Sondhi.

Instead, he declared himself bankrupt; fine business attitude, isn't it ?


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Nobody should believe CNN, BBC or other news networks anymore. They're all liars.

They should be kicked off the TV and instead replaced with Sondhi's unbiased and truthful programs.

Like http://www.antithaksin.com/

Publications include:

Now THAT is what I call good journalism. Totally unbiased. Gives you the full story, no facts withheld.

:) That's a fine piece of PAD propaganda, Sondhi Limthongkul's playing tool.

Ah well, it's politics and in politics almost EVERYTHING is allowed as long as you can destroy the opponent and sit on the Pluche yourself.


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You know that I posted a picture here as requested, but the pig has indeed flown away. Pigs can fly, man!

All this pig stuff is just a boar.


I agree time to call time on the flying pig....case 100% proven......

Unlike the majority of comments on this post.......

Anybody ever advise some of you guys to look down at your feet......you may observe many of you have one foot nailed to the floor.....

Some people call this being grounded,

for others it's just spinning in circels and squeeling a lot.

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I kept a rather close watch on revelations that came forth during the Reds' commandeering of downtown Bkk. What's written in the OP is believable and fits with what I've deduced from being a keen observer.

The article is a very nice example of imagination running wild. A great piece of fantasy writing.

The above cop-out is typical of a Red supporter denying everything and anything that indicates there were black combat trained troops embedded withing the Red camp. When all their soggy excuses fall by the wayside, they inevitably resort to attacking the messenger, in this case two independents who found a venue which would publish their article. As they're both based in Thailand, I hope they're being careful with their personal security, because Reds (and Blacks, and Shinawatres, and their friends) have been known to get lethally vindictive when thing don't go their way. With that in mind, it was a brave thing for those two men to do - to not only publish, but do so using their real names (more than we do on ThaiVisa).

"M16 and AR-15 rifles slid free from concealment under plastic or inside their clothing."

- M16 in their clothing... just wondering if these were M16 rifles or M16 key chains?

BB's comment: Key chains, that's cute. But I've seen photos of Blacks wearing jackets which came down below their knees. Also, who says they were good at concealing weapons. I've also seen photos of blacks holding bags which don't do a good job of concealing what looks to be combat weapons. It will be interesting to see the evidence that comes forth in a trial. Needless to say, no evidence is ever going to convince certain Red supporters or the Reds/Blacks themselves.

"Ammunition was running low, they said. Each fighter was given no more than 30 rounds to carry. Although we didn't see any M79 grenade launchers, the Ronin discussed a bulky sack of grenades they were carrying." - Contradicts the governments claim of huge weapons haul.

BB comments: Are the two farang outsiders, who were there for a brief time, expected to see the combatants' complete arsenal?

Hard to believe the article… if they were actually interviewing men that had trained to be stealth; would those men have invited such publicity?

BB comments: I can concur with that question. However, these guys, many of whom were quite young, were thinking they might die any minute, so they might have thought to get some of their final moments chronicled. The Black Shirts may have thought the farang intruders were sympathetic and would aid their cause. As you may recall, a lot of journalists were trying so hard to position themselves in the middle ground, that they wound up bolstering the Red cause with their stories of 'unarmed civilians' etc.

If those same journalists had indicated they thought the Reds were a Shinawatre funded and Thaksin led group with embedded combatents (which the Reds were), the Reds would not have allowed them near - indeed they might have injured or killed them - which they likely did with some journalists - which fits with the reports that near the end of their self-barricaded quixotic stand. The Reds didn't want any journalists anywhere near them. Remember that?

Edited by brahmburgers
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The article is a very nice example of imagination running wild. A great piece of fantasy writing.

The above cop-out is typical of a Red supporter denying everything and anything that indicates there were black combat trained troops embedded withing the Red camp. When all their soggy excuses fall by the wayside, they inevitably resort to attacking the messenger, in this case two independents who found a venue which would publish their article. As they're both based in Thailand, I hope they're being careful with their personal security, because Reds (and Blacks, and Shinawatres, and their friends) have been known to get lethally vindictive when thing don't go their way. With that in mind, it was a brave thing for those two men to do - to not only publish, but do so using their real names (more than we do on ThaiVisa).

Cop out? I think not, as I am not particularly interested these days, as to whichever side wins, it will be basically the same old dance as before.

But the supposed story in the "black" tent does not ring true, that's my personal opinion, and its not a cop out but I still think their story was quite imaginative but alas should be filed under "fiction".

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Google the journalists who penned the article, they seem pretty legit and objective.


Oliver Serbil photo journalism with Karen hillstribe

SMH article on army snipers

Another interesting link I came across. Corroborates the OP link.

I am sorry but this is nothing. First link only one noname photoblog, 2nd link writer is Jack Picone, not one of these two guys. I don't give any credibility for this unmasked black story. If this is real I am pretty sure one big media already pick up this story. But no-one did it.

Sorry I wasn't clear; the 2nd link is meant to indicate there is at least one other journalist who witnessed M79 grenades and high velocity rifle fire directed at the army. This I felt corroborates the OP.

And I as I said, google them yourself, there is plenty there to get a feel on these 2 guys.

Edited by longway
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I kept a rather close watch on revelations that came forth during the Reds' commandeering of downtown Bkk. What's written in the OP is believable and fits with what I've deduced from being a keen observer.

Then it surely fits that a keen observer would not have to be present to create such an article!!

Otherwise....what you state is not worth the space it is written on!!

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There are two keys factors arising from this article:

Firstly for most of the time the red apologists were denying day after day that the blackshirts were a part of the red occupation in Bangkok.

I didn't read the article yet but for the Elite- and Yellow apologists amongst the members ( :D ) I have to point out that Asia Times Online is owned by Sondhi Limthongkhul (PAD co-founder) the once VERY-CLOSE buddy friend of Thaksin.

Seen in this light it is not particularly strange that "news" brought by ATO will never be pro-Red and never be anti-Yellow.


Note: I write this, standing in the middle, neither being Red nor Yellow.

I am pro Thai People.


Just a question or two....

So, you are pro Thai People. That's good to know.

And then there are the rest of us??? By implication, are we not pro Thai People?

You could be read in that way.

Regardless, I won't say what it is you're standing in.

Edited by Publicus
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I kept a rather close watch on revelations that came forth during the Reds' commandeering of downtown Bkk. What's written in the OP is believable and fits with what I've deduced from being a keen observer.
The article is a very nice example of imagination running wild. A great piece of fantasy writing.

The above cop-out is typical of a Red supporter denying everything and anything that indicates there were black combat trained troops embedded withing the Red camp. When all their soggy excuses fall by the wayside, they inevitably resort to attacking the messenger, in this case two independents who found a venue which would publish their article. As they're both based in Thailand, I hope they're being careful with their personal security, because Reds (and Blacks, and Shinawatres, and their friends) have been known to get lethally vindictive when thing don't go their way. With that in mind, it was a brave thing for those two men to do - to not only publish, but do so using their real names (more than we do on ThaiVisa).

"M16 and AR-15 rifles slid free from concealment under plastic or inside their clothing."

- M16 in their clothing... just wondering if these were M16 rifles or M16 key chains?

BB's comment: Key chains, that's cute. But I've seen photos of Blacks wearing jackets which came down below their knees. Also, who says they were good at concealing weapons. I've also seen photos of blacks holding bags which don't do a good job of concealing what looks to be combat weapons. It will be interesting to see the evidence that comes forth in a trial. Needless to say, no evidence is ever going to convince certain Red supporters or the Reds/Blacks themselves.

"Ammunition was running low, they said. Each fighter was given no more than 30 rounds to carry. Although we didn't see any M79 grenade launchers, the Ronin discussed a bulky sack of grenades they were carrying." - Contradicts the governments claim of huge weapons haul.

BB comments: Are the two farang outsiders, who were there for a brief time, expected to see the combatants' complete arsenal?

Hard to believe the article… if they were actually interviewing men that had trained to be stealth; would those men have invited such publicity?

BB comments: I can concur with that question. However, these guys, many of whom were quite young, were thinking they might die any minute, so they might have thought to get some of their final moments chronicled. The Black Shirts may have thought the farang intruders were sympathetic and would aid their cause. As you may recall, a lot of journalists were trying so hard to position themselves in the middle ground, that they wound up bolstering the Red cause with their stories of 'unarmed civilians' etc.

If those same journalists had indicated they thought the Reds were a Shinawatre funded and Thaksin led group with embedded combatents (which the Reds were), the Reds would not have allowed them near - indeed they might have injured or killed them - which they likely did with some journalists - which fits with the reports that near the end of their self-barricaded quixotic stand. The Reds didn't want any journalists anywhere near them. Remember that?

Ego coupled with a fanatical sense of right against evil will make a

otherwise clear thinking person do something stupid,

like interview with reporters

before going out on guerilla urban warfare ops

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After all this time, all these unfolding events - I find it very difficult to grasp what there is still left to debate - except the attempt of the white washing of someone who is by many, perceived as "damaged goods"... as some one who completely "lost the plot"... and is simply accompanied by the shaking of their heads - but they don't go on stages and prefer to remain calm, not rampaging, throwing Molotov-Cocktails, burning tires and damaging public assets, shooting police and Soldiers randomly, blaming anyone who is in charge for anything, ... it's the so called "silent majority".... nobody want's to debate them, or listen to them - the Peace movement, the many colored shirts....why?

Anyone who has been a witness of these (tragic) events unfolding - knows who is accountable for all of this... it's no magic at all!

if not concerned, if not involved, if there is no genuine interest - WHY DOES HE get involved again and again, why does his signature occurs everywhere again and again?


because he is a fan of 'genuine Democracy"?

Someone who made it clear the "DEMOCRACY IS NOT MY GOAL!"

Someone who said: "The UN is not my father!"

all of a sudden someone who has been at the helm when events like the "war against drugs", "Krue Saeh" "Tak Bai" unfolded - when the human rights lawyer "Somchai" disappeared, when "Shipping Moo" an key witness, was shot, when mysterious bombs went off, an airplane's faulty a/c system became an assassination attempt...?

on top of much, much more, not to mention tax free selling of a giant asset, which saved the seller millions and millions... in one single act.... this very "someones" asset value increased magically 3-4 fold in a fraction of 4-5 years?

There are just way too many blemishes on the 'white vest" - way too many to believe ANY of the excuses!

if this is all genuinely "incidental" then "Alice in Wonderland" is a true report of events that happened!

Edited by Samuian
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The circle of deabate continues Samuian because there are always people who are prepared to turn up and start trying to beat their drum louder than others, -'et tu Brute'

Edit: removed uneccessary quote

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Yes it still shocks me that any thinking man with even a mediocre education could ever defend Thaksin. By any set of rules of right and wrong he is clearly always wrong.

Like I said, the man's a whore. Throw him a wad of cash and he'd do anything. Both he and Thaksin can be the best of friends.

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But the supposed story in the "black" tent does not ring true, that's my personal opinion, and its not a cop out but I still think their story was quite imaginative but alas should be filed under "fiction".

What is interesting about the article Unmasked: Thailand's Men in Black (which I have no reason to believe is not true and neither do you apart from its not ringing true) is that friends on Thaksin's side see it as a confirmation that the MiB (current and ex-military) are controlled by the military, while those against Thaksin see it as a confirmation that the Reds are not as peaceful as they claim.

Hence, the article is lending credence to both sides.

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Google the journalists who penned the article, they seem pretty legit and objective.


Oliver Serbil photo journalism with Karen hillstribe

SMH article on army snipers

Another interesting link I came across. Corroborates the OP link.

I am sorry but this is nothing. First link only one noname photoblog, 2nd link writer is Jack Picone, not one of these two guys. I don't give any credibility for this unmasked black story. If this is real I am pretty sure one big media already pick up this story. But no-one did it.

Sorry I wasn't clear; the 2nd link is meant to indicate there is at least one other journalist who witnessed M79 grenades and high velocity rifle fire directed at the army. This I felt corroborates the OP.

And I as I said, google them yourself, there is plenty there to get a feel on these 2 guys.

Thank you for your answer.

I'm searching around net and twitter and found something what makes me doubt. But I think better say nothing because this topic looks like powder keg. :)

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On CNN at 7.12 pm Thai time - new footage of men in black up close and identifiable + shooting in the temple examined.. /via @danieljerivers

just watched this and Dan Rivers and CNN may just have redeemed themselves

this clip must be manna from heaven for Abhisit

it shows a number of 'men in black' accompanied by their Red guards.

some are unmasked with full frontal facial shots for easy ID

most importantly they are fully armed, with holstered pistols, ammunition and M16's slung over their shoulders

it will be hard to dispute whether the 'men in black' exist now and that they worked in tandem with red guards

it will only be a matter of hours before at least one of them will be identified

right on cue CNN..........

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On CNN at 7.12 pm Thai time - new footage of men in black up close and identifiable + shooting in the temple examined.. /via @danieljerivers

just watched this and Dan Rivers and CNN may just have redeemed themselves

this clip must be manna from heaven for Abhisit

it shows a number of 'men in black' accompanied by their Red guards.

some are unmasked with full frontal facial shots for easy ID

most importantly they are fully armed, with holstered pistols, ammunition and M16's slung over their shoulders

it will be hard to dispute whether the 'men in black' exist now and that they worked in tandem with red guards

it will only be a matter of hours before at least one of them will be identified

right on cue CNN..........

Fake reds, infiltrated government agents, kids dressed up for Halloween, extras from a nearby movie set, shape shifting aliens from another planet, computer graphics, etc, etc...

Just trying some preemptive dismissals. :)

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Google the journalists who penned the article, they seem pretty legit and objective.


Oliver Serbil photo journalism with Karen hillstribe

SMH article on army snipers

Another interesting link I came across. Corroborates the OP link.

I am sorry but this is nothing. First link only one noname photoblog, 2nd link writer is Jack Picone, not one of these two guys. I don't give any credibility for this unmasked black story. If this is real I am pretty sure one big media already pick up this story. But no-one did it.

Sorry I wasn't clear; the 2nd link is meant to indicate there is at least one other journalist who witnessed M79 grenades and high velocity rifle fire directed at the army. This I felt corroborates the OP.

And I as I said, google them yourself, there is plenty there to get a feel on these 2 guys.

Thank you for your answer.

I'm searching around net and twitter and found something what makes me doubt. But I think better say nothing because this topic looks like powder keg. :)

Go on...share. I am sure you can handle it. :D

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Google the journalists who penned the article, they seem pretty legit and objective.


Oliver Serbil photo journalism with Karen hillstribe

SMH article on army snipers

Another interesting link I came across. Corroborates the OP link.

I am sorry but this is nothing. First link only one noname photoblog, 2nd link writer is Jack Picone, not one of these two guys. I don't give any credibility for this unmasked black story. If this is real I am pretty sure one big media already pick up this story. But no-one did it.

Sorry I wasn't clear; the 2nd link is meant to indicate there is at least one other journalist who witnessed M79 grenades and high velocity rifle fire directed at the army. This I felt corroborates the OP.

And I as I said, google them yourself, there is plenty there to get a feel on these 2 guys.

Thank you for your answer.

I'm searching around net and twitter and found something what makes me doubt. But I think better say nothing because this topic looks like powder keg. :)

The topic is not a powderkeg. What some of us often do on TV is seek the truth with the help of others. If you have found a link that shows the MiB were fictious and it is a credible source then please post the link. Note, CNN is not a credible source.

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