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Nice colours Oilinki

I actually had to tune down the exposure to -0.75 and saturation to -9 on LR as the tail was really bright. I took the photo as JPG and let the camera (SX50HS) do most of the work.

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Thanks , maybe that's what it is ... a Bumble Bee .

I thought it was a Big old Horse fly kind of thing .


I'm pretty sure it's a fly, can only make out 1 set of wings, eyes positioned on front of head, antennae not visible as they should be
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attachicon.gifBf Vagrant.JPG


attachicon.gifBf Vagrant. 1.JPG

And out.

Do you know what it is? Where from?

According to the little book I have it is called Vagrant Vagrans sinha. Was taken up the Mae Wong River MWNP 1st of this month Canon SX50HS

Thanks for the info - just could not get this one - my book has a very ordinary pic showing it as almost all over chocolate and I see there are in fact several varieties.

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Three of these where inside a room, and removed to a wilder location!


Open wide!

They farm these in some provinces gut them and dry them out for sale to China as a natural Viagra like supplement.

Why do the Chinese like trying to make things extinct?

If there was no market there would be no trade,

Anyway rant over and nice photo especially the 1st one.

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The unfortunate abuse, which still happens in Phuket.

I did report this incident with a photo to the Gibbon project in Phuket. They will take care of it and contact relevant authorities, who can confiscate the loris.


Slow lori by Pekka Oilinki, on Flickr

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^^^ Similar thing Oilinki.

If tourists were educated on the situation with all the animals used for photos and decided to not partake this would all stop.

It will not happen though unfortunately especially now there's social media and the increase of peoples propensity to pose to their peers.

Look at me look at me I'm better than you, that's all I see on social media sites anyway.

The human race is becoming evermore shallower, it's f**ing wrong, let me drag their mother out for photo opportunities with tourists, see how they feel then.

Sorry rant over again...I am making sense though I do know that.

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Tourists don't really understand the case. They think it's normal to have these cute animals as pets in Thailand. They think it's just like having a cat in far away land.

Without proper education, nothing is going to change.

A good friend of mine, came to Phuket for the first time. He had his photo taken with a slow loris at the Bangla road. He thought it was a great experience. This person was well educated.

I took him and his family to the Gibbon project. He told his story, and got a lecture by the local staff, he'll never forget. Lecture how the showcase animals are treated and drugged, before they get to the street shows.

For the tourists, it's not simple to understand what is right and what is wrong. That's why more education is needed. As well as pointing out the folks who are abusing the animals.

As photographers, we have an edge.

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