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Hello thanks for taking time to read this ,i am from the U.k and living in Thailand with my wife and have a 5 year old son who speaks Thai and English very well although he was slow to speak at first due to the 2 languages(Thai/English)

My concern is our younger 3 year old boy who at 2.5 years old was saying everyones name and we could take him to the supermarket shopping but the last 6 months he seems to have stopped talking many of the words although he says probably about twenty different words and can say 2 words together but seems to cry for no reason and does like to do the toy cars in a row like i have seen on autism sites but does not stack anything up

When we go out in the car if we go to the post office before shopping all hel_l breaks loose and its a case of turning around or getting his mind off the detour by giving him a toy plane or car

If i say 'give me a kiss' he comes straight to me and kisses me and smiles when we clap our hands and will go to anyone you name to kiss them although i might have to say his name 20 times for him to look at me

He will eventually give you eye contact but you need to keep saying his name

He is fasinated with wheels on anything/ toys cars/bikes/

When he was younger he watched quite alot of cartoons and when we recently took him for a check for autism we were told to not let him watch cartoons and keep talking to him and he hasnt got autism which quitened the wife down although i am sure all is not well but even going to the doctors for a check up and changing his routine made him nearly kick the dashboard off my car and taking him for a haircut was the hardest thing i ever have done

Basically i am sure he has Autism and as i am in Nakhon Sawan and the nearest specialist is a four hour drive away (Bangkok)and if anyone can give me any advise before i try to make this 4 hour drive with my son who needs so much routine i would be very very grateful

The more i read the more i can see he has autism and would love to hear from anyone who can give me any advise as mentioning maybe getting him proper help back in the U.K seems like a huge step we are not ready to do and i am sure we would have huge problems even getting on the plane

Even seeing a balloon at a mister donut store gets our little boy so worked up i have to buy a box of donuts and get a balloon as quick as possible

He wasnt always like this at 2 years old he talked much more and we could sit at KFC without any trouble but we cannot get him anywhere near KFC now

Any help or advice would be great as i have been going around in circles and all the clinics here dont seem to know enough to do the correct diagnosis tests

Thankyou in advance

Thanks in advance


Only thing I can suggest besides the obvious of taking him to a specialist in developmental disorder is to also get his hearing evaluated. hearing problems can produce some of the things you describe and are easy to miss at that age.

Dopn't know where you took him previously but Samitivej Srinkarin Children's hHospital Special Need Child Center seems to be the best of the private hospitals for this sort of thing.

http://www.samitivejhospitals.com/Doctor/DoctorProfile.aspx?DoctorId=11920087&lid=en is a pyschiatrist (MD)specializing in children and learning disabilities. UK trained, holds a senior faculty appointment at Ramathibodhi. Saturday mornings

http://www.samitivejhospitals.com/Doctor/DoctorProfile.aspx?DoctorId=11931125&lid=en is a US trained psychologist (not MD) specializing in childhood disabilities. All day Sundays

good luck



I totally understand your feelings regarding your son.

I agree with Sheryl, that Samitivej Srinakarin Childrens hospital is very good indeed.

There are good doctors there who can help you, BUT beware of all the tests they might want to sell to you.

They tried to sell us loads of tests, and we went for second and third oppinions at Bumrungrad Hospital and Chulalongkorn hospital, and got another conclusion in the end.

Chulalongkorn hospital has a wonderful genetics specialist and we went to see him,

We had mailcontact before we met him and we sent him pictures of our daughter and described her behaviour as much as we could.

We met antother family there with their autistic daughter and they had recieved great help.

Chulalongkorn hospital is not a fancy private hospital but they have very good specialists, especially the one we met.

He is trained in the US as well as he is a highly recommended genetic specialist. He sits in the board of pediatrics in Thailand at the moment.

We got his name from our doctor in Samui because they were classmates in Medical school.

Please PM me and i will give you his direct e-mail adress and you can say that I told you to contact him. He is a really nice guy as well and he will help you get an appointment with him since you are travelling far just like we did, just to see him.

Take care,

Comehome :)

  • 4 weeks later...

dear comehome,

could you please give me the doctor contact as I would like my son to go for testing. Thank you for your help in advance.

I have a short trip in thailand only for about 10 days. not sure if this is enough time for the result if go to testing.

Please advice. my e-mail PLEASE PM (personal message) THE PERSON,thank you,



If anybody knows of an English-speaking Speech Therapist...

We are an American expat family looking for a speech therapist (MA or MS, CCC- SLP) that can help our 3 year old, slightly apraxic son with therapy sessions in Koh Samui, Thailand. Ideal candidates will have pediatric experience covering expressive and receptive language delays as well as apraxia. Knowledge of PROMPT/Beckman method is a plus, as well oral motor therapy in kids with tonal problems. Please contact me at [email protected] for further details regarding our son and the arrangement. If you know of anyone, then please pass this on to your friends or colleagues.

thank you


Hi There ,

Reading your story reminds me so much of what happened to my son 6 years ago the tantrums, lining up cars, OCD, speaking and then none , I'm no expert but I know I'm a lot more knowledgeable than the Doctor who diagnosed my son when he was the same age as your son is now . It dose sound like Autism but Autism is after all only a label that hides many symptoms behind the label . We did many test and my son body was in a total mess from heavy metals, chemical toxicity, yeast and the list goes on .

He is 9 yo now and though not fully recovered he is getting closer everyday and I'm pretty certain that with the right intervention your son could be recovered, many people will tell you that Autism is incurable but at least 30% of children are now doing so. I've spent the last 6 years engrossed in this subject for obvious reason and , the area that I would start with would be his food clear out all processed foods the packaging usually has more nutrients than the product ., I now feed my son only organic and mostly raw foods its a lot of effort but the difference it has made is worth it . I would look at your water supply and any environmental toxins from nail varnish to household cleaners, soaps, toothpaste etc your son is probably storing toxins which is liver is unable to detoxify unburdening the stress will go a long way to help him .

There is an excellent book called Recovering Dylan my copy is in the UK but it should be available on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Dylans-Story-Overcoming-Childhood-Epidemic/dp/0979657903 and I'm pretty certain there is a web-site I will look it up and post it too you. It's a book I wish I had when I started looking for ways to help alleviate the pain my son was going through at the time . Out of the hundreds of books I have read and months spent on the internet this is the one I would recommend above all else . It is worth its weight in gold all the advice you will get will be invaluable and you will learn a lot of things that you never would assume i.e. that nappies are lined with mercury!!! , it will give you good dietary advice which too me is paramount to healing your are any child suspected with Autism.

Please don't hesitate to mail me or if you need my number just let me know advice, help, support whatever I have been there and lived with Autism for the last six years and it is a journey thankfully you wont have to go on alone.

Best Wishes



I have an autistic stepson, so have some experience with autism, but I am no doctor and therefore cannot diagnose your son's condition. My stepson is now 13 years old, but at 3 years he had many things in common with your son. However, he was differnet in that he did not suddenly stop talking, but did not learn to talk until he was older. To this day he does not make eye contact with people, but he is otherwise very affectionate. He also would have tantrums and fly into a rage, and still does even though not as often. He loves cartoons and he will replay a certain part of tape he likes over and over and over, and consequently went through a lot of VCRs.

Though he has made progress, he is still far from being able to live on his own and I fear he will never be able to support himself, but he is otherwise a very happy, loving child and in many ways he is lucky in that he does not worry about things that most people do. He especially loves swimming. Perhaps the biggest problem was he would wander off, sometimes in the middle of the night, and now matter what locks we put on door he would mange to open them. Also, he sometimes liked to get into things like shaving cream and toothpaste and make a mess. There are degrees of autism, however, and only a trained physician can properly diagnose your child, and even then it is difficult. One thing to realize is one of the symptoms of autism is stomach problems, so make sure to ask doctor about his diet. There is new evidence that having a gluten-free diet helps counterract autism. I do not know if your son is even autistic, but if so then it is not the end of the world. They are just as much a treasure as any other kid, but be prepared for some difficult and sometimes heartbreaking times. But they will be overcome. I also lived in Nakhon sawan, so I think perhaps it might be difficult there to find qualified people totreat autism, or special schools. But perhaps not. If you have any questions I can help with send me PM or just post it here. Good luck.

  • 1 month later...

We will have Integrative medicine for ADHD and ASD on November 26-30. Guest speaker : Dr Jeff Bradstreet director ICDRC and DAN tutor. Dr Bradstreet will also help for consultation after conference.

  • 1 year later...

If anyone needs help getting treatment or ideas for assisting a child with Autism, we run a company called Simply ABA, that offers ABA Program for children on the Autistic Spectrum. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

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