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Forum Slow And Loads Endlessly?


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I have a pretty bad connection here at home - SmartZone Wifi (boooo!!) - but the TV site seems exceedingly slow since the "upgrade". Page often seem to hang while loading and everything just feels sluggish.

Also, pages seem to never stop "loading". In Firefox 3.6.3, I get the spinning icon indefinitely on every page I try to load, even if all the images and content has appeared.

Any one else getting this or is it just my crap connection?

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Ahh... well I am using GoogleDNS because I have found it speeds up the majority of sites I visit. Hmmm... wonder what I should do: deal with TV being slow or the rest of the web?

Thanks for the reply!

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You could use DNS jumper to switch between DNS servers on the fly.


Edit: more direct link.

Edit #2: Users who download the software do so at their own risk. I haven't tested it, but the details state it does change DNS only and is without spyware. I do not make any guarantees etc...

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Tips: Do not use OpenDNS or Google DNS from within Thailand.

Feel free to use Thaivisa own DNS which is very fast and reliable:

Set that one as your primary DNS and your ISP's DNS as secondary.

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