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US Court Indicts Paedophile Imprisoned In Thailand


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Is he being indicted in the US on the same charges, or different ones?????????

If the same, surely the principle of Double Jeopardy comes into play?

I don't believe Thai law has a double jeopardy provision but regardless, he is being charged once in Thailand and once in the U.S.. so double jeopardy does not come into play.

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Just curious as to how prevalent the problem is.

The news photo shows how prevalent the problem is. There is obviously demand. There is obviously supply. These guys are old. This affliction has probably been in their system for their entire lives.

One paedo in the world is one too many. This is nothing new. The principal at my elementary school went to prison for being a predator of little boys. When I was twelve, a man at a gas station asked my friend and I to go into the bathroom with him. And this is good old, small town, midwest America forty years ago.

If some society wants to allow an adult male to have consentual sex or marry a girl who may only be 16, that's a legal and societal line in the sand. But I would say these instances are the exception and not the rule.

Once a child is abused, the innocence of youth is stolen forever. The legal and societal price to pay for that thievery should be as severe as the society will allow.

The worst part of all this is that we only see the ones who get caught. A drop in the bucket I fear.

Edited by Spee
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These are just my opinions and strong beliefs. This is an issue that will not go away, and unless good men begin pushing back, there will be no end to the Machiavellian laws that will come down the pike; aimed solely at the western male. There are too many issues that will never be settled in my lifetime. Sadly, and more so, I believe there is one thing that will never see the light of day; and that is a world where children can be nurtured, self-actualize, and grow up without any damaging fear and abuse from the adults around them. I would like for these kids to grow up and be healthy, happy and productive adults so that my golden years will be less fraught with garbage such as this. So, sorry about the length of typing to express my views.

I believe that the Southeastern Asian countries are predominantly male driven and two factors are non-existent: radical feminism and religious dogma that targets these issues of moral dilemma. For Asian men; commit a sex crime another Asian country, and no one cares. I am pointing out thousands of years of male dominated culture that has only recently toned down a bit on its (what the west deems as) abusive behavior towards women. The west, on the other hand, is still in the infant stages of cultural awareness and its superiority complex is comparable to that of a know-it-all teenager; some good and a lot ignorant.

The Western countries have both feminism and religious dogma, and the laws we see that target citizens from these countries primarily target men. Commit a sex crime in another country and go to jail. Women organize and lobby; men simply don't!

So the primary problem we have here is that Southeast Asian countries really do not have anything in common with the Western agenda (driven by feminism -radical or not - and religious dogma; two of the most powerful driving forces behind changes in the west's legal system) and hence that is why us foreigners see the so-called discrimination on this matter; Thailand targeting foreigners and seemingly turning a blind eye to their own. Again, this is how we see it, and only our indoctrinated sense of moral superiority makes us see this. In jest I say, "It hurts, doesn't it; to be outright ignored by inferior human beings, whose own sense of morals and behavior make them candidates for the Lake of Fire in our self-righteous eyes?"

Furthermore, the human sexuality and behaviorism in Southeast Asia, due to the above factors, are far different from the West and its moral and ethical battles over "woman's suffrage". After all, it is the female gender that is the focus here. Statistics prove that boys molested by women not only are afraid to come forward - for lack of anyone believing them, but they are groomed in society to be the aggressor. Adult male web sites can be found on the Internet where female sexual predators are worshiped and many male contributors post disgusting opinions of how they "wished (they) were young again and had a teacher or babysitter like her". The Internet allows it, woman's rights groups ignore it, and the law condones it in its silence. Sick! On the flip side, Asia pretty much does not give a hoot about its women, and they are pretty much used as tools of a trade, for whatever purpose there may be to serve the needs of the Asian male. The Asian male is raised to believe he is an incarnation above the female and that he is on the right path, above the female.

"Moral Panic" throughout history is a tool that is used to push agendas. Whether it is authentic, or used to create a false flag, it is nevertheless a tool to manipulate the simple minds of the masses. Regarding paedophelia, I think this "moral panic" that is stirred up by the West is simply a scare tactic that goes unnoticed or ignored by the Southeast Asian community. All good men aside for the moment, this "moral panic" is nothing more than an insincere push on a very legitimate and serious issue. Legitimate because it is a fact, and insincere because people should clean up their own back yards before they begin badgering a harassing countries whose cultures do not see eye to eye. This male dominated community is xenophobic in its approach to human sexuality, and I suspect the only reaction we will ever see from them may be an occasional bone thrown to the NGO's, western media and law enforcement in the form of a legitimate or questionable foreign white male conducting activities that fit the profile. This also seems to be a good weapon for extortion or blackmail for the self-seeking Thais; "give us the money, or we'll toss you to your governments with enough allegations to keep you in court for the rest of your days. "

Thailand, as an example, is fairly lax in its approach to human sexuality (again. according to the west's interpretation). The images we see throughout our stay here would be criminal in, say, the USA. Mums kissing their baby's bums, and toplessness on TV, half naked children running around in full daylight and at swimming pools, Thai adults playfully pinching, poking, and tweaking the young in their private areas, the young boys proudly displaying their manhood whilst the parents beam with pride, advertisements offering sexual services and products in practically every Thai language magazine you pick up, and sexual promiscuity among teenagers, especially the out-of-control boys, and so forth. This "it's ok" environment the children get to grow up in. This is their norm and their "boundaries" are broader than western children.

Among the children, it gets even graver. Here is a sub-culture of what I would classify as feral human beings, who are swiftly growing right under the noses of the adults, who refuse to acknowledge their presence. The future ramifications could be shocking to the foreigenr once they reach the age where they are the ones in control. Abortions among teenagers make up the majority of all abortions performed in one statistic for the Chonburi area alone. I cannot imagine how much worse this gets when one digs a bit deeper. The government does nothing to teach western modesty to these kids, again, because this is not the west and religion and feminism does not play a part here. Condom programs are everywhere, parental guidance and counseling is non-existent, as are responsible fathers; out drinking and partying or playing at some hobby or sport and practically no involvement with their children that is edifying. It gets worse, but you get the idea regarding my personal views on the Asian male and their role as committed fathers and husbands

This is a male dominated society where it is acceptable to have many mistresses, and the Thai wives must put up with it. All of these things that we could go on about; one wonders the effect this has on the children as they grow up and imitate the behaviors of their parents, if they have any. Freud would have had a field day if he were alive today. What the west deems as a sex tourist destination, is to the Southeast Asian mentality nothing more than another normal day. Foreigners are so arrogant to think that all of this sex tourism is laid out for them. No; it is simply an economical, money making by-product of what is the everyday norm here, but we do not get to see it, because it is not meant for "Falang" as we are so irritatingly labeled. We term it irresponsibility and lack of family values. The feminists have their own definition, and so does religion. To them, it is the norm and most Thais will tell you, "It's our culture/country, not yours".

"The true test of a civilization is not the census, nor the size of cities, nor the crops - no, but the kind of man the country turns out." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Other statistics show that most sexual crimes against children occur in the family; not from some stranger or paying foreigner. The crime begins when the family member enlists and even grooms the child with training (if you get my meaning). That is long before the paying customer comes into the picture. Most of the time, however, I suspect it is only self-seeking, and has nothing to do with a hoped-for exchange of money for service. There are no statistics. No one cares, because no one reports on a mass scale. If they did, they would be beaten or stabbed to death. The criminal juveniles get a scolding and are sent home. The parents keep it hush hush in the hopes they do not lose face. Ah yes; that old "face" thing. From that statistic, the occurrences show that the average age of the male in the family, who commits the crime, is 18 years or below. Thai children, and especially boys, are obsessed with sex as early as the age of 12. One must ask themselves how these kids manage to think of these things.

We have read about monks who marry Thais where the girl is as young as twelve years of age. We have read about paedophile rings ran by Monks. We have read about the hundreds of thousands of Thai children living on the streets and exchanging sexual services for money (I will bet money that there are not hundreds of thousands of Anglo males out there, who are responsible for perpetuating this industry). We read about the kids who are unruly and run away because they have a better life on the street and they apparently have authority issues (look out future, here they come!). We should know about the Thai gangs who team up with the gangs of other countries and traffic sexual slaves. We know about the Japanese and other Asian men who come here on sex tours to get their sexual gratification from virgins and children; because their cultural morals and ethics are as different from the West's as apples to oranges. Do they get away with it; well, the question should be can they do it without anyone caring or enforcing it? And the answer is clear, and the reason even more so if you view it from this perspective.

The west calls it a problem; the same west that a little over 40 years ago had an age of consent law as young 15, and earlier than that as young as 12. The same west that has a dirty back yard. Britain was right in the thick of it as well. Mid wives and menarche have been replaced by religious dogma and feminism (radical or not). Men had nothing to do with this change all of their own accord. It is arguably safe to say that the age of consent laws in the west, today, would be radically different had feminism and religion not taken control of things; but the pendulum swings farther the other way. It does provoke thought.

The xenophobia that keeps walls between countries, and prevents them from agreeing on solutions, is largely due in part to the "supreme" west, whose feminist and religious influenced laws are changing at a rate of speed that does not allow for these same changes to settle in and grow favorably in the minds of the largely male dominated societies. This is all due to the fact that the west's feminism and religious dogma is a big joke to these countries, and will never be taken seriously as it would remove the sexually gratifying outlets that has been around for thousands of years as an Asian male's rightful claim. This is thousands of years longer than even the birth of most of the western countries that push their stiff moral issues on those they deem inferior.

This latest string of "moral panic" articles on paedophile round-ups is just another "quota" article meant for the western reader. It is not in any Thai page, and certainly not on any front page or news headline sound-byte. That these predominantly, singled out, white males may be guilty is another issue entirely. Again, as I have implied before, it is disgraceful and pathetic to even bother with these types of "fear and crisis" campaigns in a country that does not give a hoot, and where the full might of the western powers is ineffective against anyone other than singling out a few "alleged" rotten white men among the entire bunch of men and women who perpetrate this crime. This is an agenda that should serve notice to the white males who come here to escape from the changes that their countries have made. End result: These changes that are creating an enforceable "reverse discrimination" against us, and turns us into second-class citizens with no recourse of action at our end of it.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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  • 2 weeks later...

Is he being indicted in the US on the same charges, or different ones?????????

If the same, surely the principle of Double Jeopardy comes into play?

I don't believe Thai law has a double jeopardy provision but regardless, he is being charged once in Thailand and once in the U.S.. so double jeopardy does not come into play.

Actually the U.S. and several European countries have enacted "sex travel" laws, and that is what he will be charged with in the U.S.

Basically the law makes it an offence to travel to 3rd world countries for the purpose of sex tourism (particularly with under age victims). As this is a seperate law from the Thai charges, then

double jeopardy does not come into play.

I suppose now I am gonna get some arguments about "3rd world countries".



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These are just my opinions and strong beliefs. This is an issue that will not go away, and unless good men begin pushing back, there will be no end to the Machiavellian laws that will come down the pike; aimed solely at the western male. There are too many issues that will never be settled in my lifetime. Sadly, and more so, I believe there is one thing that will never see the light of day; and that is a world where children can be nurtured, self-actualize, and grow up without any damaging fear and abuse from the adults around them. I would like for these kids to grow up and be healthy, happy and productive adults so that my golden years will be less fraught with garbage such as this. So, sorry about the length of typing to express my views.

I believe that the Southeastern Asian countries are predominantly male driven and two factors are non-existent: radical feminism and religious dogma that targets these issues of moral dilemma. For Asian men; commit a sex crime another Asian country, and no one cares. I am pointing out thousands of years of male dominated culture that has only recently toned down a bit on its (what the west deems as) abusive behavior towards women. The west, on the other hand, is still in the infant stages of cultural awareness and its superiority complex is comparable to that of a know-it-all teenager; some good and a lot ignorant.

The Western countries have both feminism and religious dogma, and the laws we see that target citizens from these countries primarily target men. Commit a sex crime in another country and go to jail. Women organize and lobby; men simply don't!

So the primary problem we have here is that Southeast Asian countries really do not have anything in common with the Western agenda (driven by feminism -radical or not - and religious dogma; two of the most powerful driving forces behind changes in the west's legal system) and hence that is why us foreigners see the so-called discrimination on this matter; Thailand targeting foreigners and seemingly turning a blind eye to their own. Again, this is how we see it, and only our indoctrinated sense of moral superiority makes us see this. In jest I say, "It hurts, doesn't it; to be outright ignored by inferior human beings, whose own sense of morals and behavior make them candidates for the Lake of Fire in our self-righteous eyes?"

Furthermore, the human sexuality and behaviorism in Southeast Asia, due to the above factors, are far different from the West and its moral and ethical battles over "woman's suffrage". After all, it is the female gender that is the focus here. Statistics prove that boys molested by women not only are afraid to come forward - for lack of anyone believing them, but they are groomed in society to be the aggressor. Adult male web sites can be found on the Internet where female sexual predators are worshiped and many male contributors post disgusting opinions of how they "wished (they) were young again and had a teacher or babysitter like her". The Internet allows it, woman's rights groups ignore it, and the law condones it in its silence. Sick! On the flip side, Asia pretty much does not give a hoot about its women, and they are pretty much used as tools of a trade, for whatever purpose there may be to serve the needs of the Asian male. The Asian male is raised to believe he is an incarnation above the female and that he is on the right path, above the female.

"Moral Panic" throughout history is a tool that is used to push agendas. Whether it is authentic, or used to create a false flag, it is nevertheless a tool to manipulate the simple minds of the masses. Regarding paedophelia, I think this "moral panic" that is stirred up by the West is simply a scare tactic that goes unnoticed or ignored by the Southeast Asian community. All good men aside for the moment, this "moral panic" is nothing more than an insincere push on a very legitimate and serious issue. Legitimate because it is a fact, and insincere because people should clean up their own back yards before they begin badgering a harassing countries whose cultures do not see eye to eye. This male dominated community is xenophobic in its approach to human sexuality, and I suspect the only reaction we will ever see from them may be an occasional bone thrown to the NGO's, western media and law enforcement in the form of a legitimate or questionable foreign white male conducting activities that fit the profile. This also seems to be a good weapon for extortion or blackmail for the self-seeking Thais; "give us the money, or we'll toss you to your governments with enough allegations to keep you in court for the rest of your days. "

Thailand, as an example, is fairly lax in its approach to human sexuality (again. according to the west's interpretation). The images we see throughout our stay here would be criminal in, say, the USA. Mums kissing their baby's bums, and toplessness on TV, half naked children running around in full daylight and at swimming pools, Thai adults playfully pinching, poking, and tweaking the young in their private areas, the young boys proudly displaying their manhood whilst the parents beam with pride, advertisements offering sexual services and products in practically every Thai language magazine you pick up, and sexual promiscuity among teenagers, especially the out-of-control boys, and so forth. This "it's ok" environment the children get to grow up in. This is their norm and their "boundaries" are broader than western children.

Among the children, it gets even graver. Here is a sub-culture of what I would classify as feral human beings, who are swiftly growing right under the noses of the adults, who refuse to acknowledge their presence. The future ramifications could be shocking to the foreigenr once they reach the age where they are the ones in control. Abortions among teenagers make up the majority of all abortions performed in one statistic for the Chonburi area alone. I cannot imagine how much worse this gets when one digs a bit deeper. The government does nothing to teach western modesty to these kids, again, because this is not the west and religion and feminism does not play a part here. Condom programs are everywhere, parental guidance and counseling is non-existent, as are responsible fathers; out drinking and partying or playing at some hobby or sport and practically no involvement with their children that is edifying. It gets worse, but you get the idea regarding my personal views on the Asian male and their role as committed fathers and husbands

This is a male dominated society where it is acceptable to have many mistresses, and the Thai wives must put up with it. All of these things that we could go on about; one wonders the effect this has on the children as they grow up and imitate the behaviors of their parents, if they have any. Freud would have had a field day if he were alive today. What the west deems as a sex tourist destination, is to the Southeast Asian mentality nothing more than another normal day. Foreigners are so arrogant to think that all of this sex tourism is laid out for them. No; it is simply an economical, money making by-product of what is the everyday norm here, but we do not get to see it, because it is not meant for "Falang" as we are so irritatingly labeled. We term it irresponsibility and lack of family values. The feminists have their own definition, and so does religion. To them, it is the norm and most Thais will tell you, "It's our culture/country, not yours".

"The true test of a civilization is not the census, nor the size of cities, nor the crops - no, but the kind of man the country turns out." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Other statistics show that most sexual crimes against children occur in the family; not from some stranger or paying foreigner. The crime begins when the family member enlists and even grooms the child with training (if you get my meaning). That is long before the paying customer comes into the picture. Most of the time, however, I suspect it is only self-seeking, and has nothing to do with a hoped-for exchange of money for service. There are no statistics. No one cares, because no one reports on a mass scale. If they did, they would be beaten or stabbed to death. The criminal juveniles get a scolding and are sent home. The parents keep it hush hush in the hopes they do not lose face. Ah yes; that old "face" thing. From that statistic, the occurrences show that the average age of the male in the family, who commits the crime, is 18 years or below. Thai children, and especially boys, are obsessed with sex as early as the age of 12. One must ask themselves how these kids manage to think of these things.

We have read about monks who marry Thais where the girl is as young as twelve years of age. We have read about paedophile rings ran by Monks. We have read about the hundreds of thousands of Thai children living on the streets and exchanging sexual services for money (I will bet money that there are not hundreds of thousands of Anglo males out there, who are responsible for perpetuating this industry). We read about the kids who are unruly and run away because they have a better life on the street and they apparently have authority issues (look out future, here they come!). We should know about the Thai gangs who team up with the gangs of other countries and traffic sexual slaves. We know about the Japanese and other Asian men who come here on sex tours to get their sexual gratification from virgins and children; because their cultural morals and ethics are as different from the West's as apples to oranges. Do they get away with it; well, the question should be can they do it without anyone caring or enforcing it? And the answer is clear, and the reason even more so if you view it from this perspective.

The west calls it a problem; the same west that a little over 40 years ago had an age of consent law as young 15, and earlier than that as young as 12. The same west that has a dirty back yard. Britain was right in the thick of it as well. Mid wives and menarche have been replaced by religious dogma and feminism (radical or not). Men had nothing to do with this change all of their own accord. It is arguably safe to say that the age of consent laws in the west, today, would be radically different had feminism and religion not taken control of things; but the pendulum swings farther the other way. It does provoke thought.

The xenophobia that keeps walls between countries, and prevents them from agreeing on solutions, is largely due in part to the "supreme" west, whose feminist and religious influenced laws are changing at a rate of speed that does not allow for these same changes to settle in and grow favorably in the minds of the largely male dominated societies. This is all due to the fact that the west's feminism and religious dogma is a big joke to these countries, and will never be taken seriously as it would remove the sexually gratifying outlets that has been around for thousands of years as an Asian male's rightful claim. This is thousands of years longer than even the birth of most of the western countries that push their stiff moral issues on those they deem inferior.

This latest string of "moral panic" articles on paedophile round-ups is just another "quota" article meant for the western reader. It is not in any Thai page, and certainly not on any front page or news headline sound-byte. That these predominantly, singled out, white males may be guilty is another issue entirely. Again, as I have implied before, it is disgraceful and pathetic to even bother with these types of "fear and crisis" campaigns in a country that does not give a hoot, and where the full might of the western powers is ineffective against anyone other than singling out a few "alleged" rotten white men among the entire bunch of men and women who perpetrate this crime. This is an agenda that should serve notice to the white males who come here to escape from the changes that their countries have made. End result: These changes that are creating an enforceable "reverse discrimination" against us, and turns us into second-class citizens with no recourse of action at our end of it.

Probably one of the best, most thought provoking posts I have ever had the pleasure of reading on Thaivisa/forum. It is also one that I think should be compulsory reading.

well said

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The west calls it a problem; the same west that a little over 40 years ago had an age of consent law as young 15, and earlier than that as young as 12. The same west that has a dirty back yard. Britain was right in the thick of it as well. Mid wives and menarche have been replaced by religious dogma and feminism (radical or not). Men had nothing to do with this change all of their own accord. It is arguably safe to say that the age of consent laws in the west, today, would be radically different had feminism and religion not taken control of things; but the pendulum swings farther the other way. It does provoke thought.

I would however take the poster to task over this statement, check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe and you will find that the age of consent is still 14 in most european countries and only 13 in Spain. I would however agree that it would probably be lower if his assertations were met.

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Glad to see these people have been properly tried and sentenced but one question remains, why was the "procurer" not prosecuted?

Its all window dressing for the west, look at us caught your child molester. The west could care less about a Thai pimp or ped.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Canadian-born US citizen Glen Richard Allen, already imprisoned in Thailand, has now been indicted by a US District Court in his hometown of Seattle.

When Mr. Allen finishes his time in Thai prison, this is what he has to look forward to:


An American man, Steven Erik Prowler, who worked as an English teacher in Bangkok, is physically removed during his deportation to the USA from Bangkok in May 2006.

LA man re-sentenced to longer term in Thailand sex case

KPCC Wire Services

August 3, 2010

A Los Angeles man who worked as an English teacher in Bangkok will spend 25 years in federal prison for traveling to Thailand to have sex with minors, prosecutors said today.

Steven Erik Prowler, 61, was re-sentenced in U.S. District Court in downtown Los Angeles after prosecutors appealed a 10-year sentence previously handed down in the case.

U.S. District Judge Consuelo B. Marshall told the defendant on Friday that he was receiving the quarter-century sentence due, in part, to the nature of his conduct, which she described as particularly "depraved.''

Prowler pleaded guilty in 2007 to one count each of traveling abroad with the intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct and illicit sexual contact with a minor in a foreign place.

Prowler admitted that he had oral sex with a boy he knew was about 15 in April 2005. Prowler paid the teen the equivalent of about $6, according to his plea agreement.

He also acknowledged engaging in sex acts with other minors during another trip to Thailand the previous year.

Prowler was arrested in May 2005 in Bangkok after the Royal Thai Police, acting on a tip, saw two youths leaving his apartment. He was jailed there on local charges, then returned to the United States in immigration custody in May 2006.

After another judge sentenced Prowler to 10 years in prison, the Justice Department appealed, and the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the sentence and remanded the case to the lower court for re-sentencing.

Following Prowler's arrest, a search of his apartment revealed more than 100 photos of naked teenage boys, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office.

Additionally, investigators recovered numerous handwritten journals in which Prowler described in graphic detail the sexual acts he performed with numerous boys in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Mexico over a five-year period, prosecutors said.

"This sentence is a powerful reminder about the consequences facing Americans who travel overseas seeking to sexually exploit innocent children," said John Morton, director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

"Stopping these deviant and criminal acts is a priority that requires aggressive action," he said.

"ICE Homeland Security Investigations will continue to work tirelessly with foreign law enforcement officials and non- governmental organizations around the world to vindicate the rights of these young victims, no matter how destitute they are or how far they live from our shores."


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About 3 years ago I went to renew my work permit. The man handling my application told me that the following year I would be more inconvenienced as I would need a police check from my home country. I politely asked him why and he told me that I was male and working with children and could be a Paedophile. I get where he was coming from but then asked him if the Thai teachers in my school had to do the same thing. His reply was that Thai men aren't Paedophiles - it was accompanied by that certain look that says - "it's obvious - Duuh!".

A couple years a go there was a special club of Thai male teachers in an elementary school right outside Bangkok that were routinely raping boys 8-10 years old. Parents found out because of blood in the boys' underwear. After it was happening for awhile, a few parents complained. At first the principal tried to play it down as not a big deal, calling the complaining parents 'troublemakers', but then the parents went to the police and press and they reassigned the teachers to other schools.

It is also fairly common knowledge that boys going to the monkhood during holiday should expect to have to service the adult monks. Very sick, indeed.

For many years the police station on the pier in Pattaya protected and made money off a bar, right next door to the station, which had young boys and girls as young as 6 years old for sale, who would be dressed in underwear for the customers to ogle.

Boy and girl brothels with very young kids are common in Thailand, but are kept to strictly Thai only. A huge boy brothel was busted in Nonthaburi a few years back with dozens of boys as young as 8 and up. A registry of the customers was kept. Plenty of politicians, military and biz biggies were on the list.

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Unfortunately, there is no available empirical evidence whatsover that suggests these PEDOS are reformable. None.

Its like "reforming" heterosexuals or homosexuals. They are what they are, sadly.

Thats not true at all. There is a rehab course in Britain which is extremely effective. May I ask why you came to this assumption, have you actually looked for "empirical evidence"...?

Whilst I do believe that someone who cant control their urges and as a result affects someone else in a negative way is beyond selfish people do and can change. Alot of paedos don't offend but do put themselves into rehab to rid themselves of their thoughts.

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