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One Year O Visa Nearly Finished

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Hi all,

New to the forum.

Sorry if this question has been asked a million times before but I can see things seem to change in Thailand all the time and even the facts seem to depend on too many different things so I will ask again.

Basically I am on a one year multi entry O visa issued in Hull, UK. The 12 months is due to expire on the 29th July. I have been told that maybe I can get an extension or 'bonus' three months on top if I have stayed within the rules in my 12 months so far (which I have).

Is this correct ? Can i get another 3 months ?

If so, would I just do the normal border run like before to activate it or is there another method for this extension.

Also if I can, is there any criteria for the extension or just go to the border 1 day before as i have done for the last year ?

Many Thanks for any information people can give.

If someone has done this very recently then would be good to have some advice on what you did ?

Thanks again


Edited by steveprobert
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If you do another border run a day or two before the Visa expires you will get another 90 days.

Note. The actual expiry date of the Visa not your current stay.


Thanks for that. You have raised a good point.

So i am looking at my passport. The actual visa says exp 28 July. My latest white departure card says exp 23 July (i was obviously going too early for every run, lost myself a few days)

So are you saying I should turn up at the border anytime before the 28th July, as per the visa or maybe the 22 July to be safe and satisfy both visa and white slip exp dates ??

Thanks again

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Thats great, thanks for all your replies.

One last thing, in this situation is there any need to show anything financial from me like statements or wifes details etc etc at the border or would it be just a normal stand at the counter and wait for the new stamp like any other time ?

Thanks again, sorry for the questions.

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Same as every other time. If you wish to extend your stay after 60 days you would visit Immigration with financial proof/wife/paperwork. But for visa entry that is not required.

Great, thanks.

Thats a relief. I think after i get this bonus 90 days I will just go back to UK and get another 1 year.


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Once the final 90 days have been issued on a multi entry 'o' and it is coming to the end of that 90days, would it be possible to go to immigration and obtain a 90 day visit thai wife, extention as a one off?

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No but a 60 day vist would be possible - have the wife and marriage certificate with you. Will cost 1,900 baht and 4x6cm photo.

You are aware there are other Consulates you could use to obtain a new visa if you do not wish to visit Hull. KL will issue if you have proof of 100k in a Thai bank account. Others may issue with none or more required but can change so best to check with them before travel. Perth would be one that is not requiring financial conditions.

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No but a 60 day vist would be possible - have the wife and marriage certificate with you. Will cost 1,900 baht and 4x6cm photo.

You are aware there are other Consulates you could use to obtain a new visa if you do not wish to visit Hull. KL will issue if you have proof of 100k in a Thai bank account. Others may issue with none or more required but can change so best to check with them before travel. Perth would be one that is not requiring financial conditions.


Thanks for that. I did think about Perth as I have been told they are quite good. I think once my bonus 90 day is up i will just get another year from either there or Hull.

Thanks again for your advice

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