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New Us Embassy Prices July 2010

Sunbelt Asia

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This affects every American with a passport or living outside of America or plans on traveling.

July 13, 2010 is rapidly approaching and we wanted to make sure everyone has added pages or ordered a new passport if you need to. After July 13, 2010 adding pages (you can get 3 alphabets added maximum in your passport) to your passport goes from FREE to new price $82.00 USD, yes you are reading correctly, all other services go up also so you all need to get this done now or in the next 4 business days. Here is the link



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If I am reading the statement correctly the new fees go into effect on July 13th, not after July 13th. So if you are in Chiang Mai, it is too late as the first available appointment is on July 13th.

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My friend took care of his passport today and his daughter and him added 2 more alphabets ( 2x 26 pages) in his passport. You need to fill out 1 application for each alphabet you are adding and I suggest you fill out the application before you go to the embassy, do not let them tell you that you cannot add more than one alphabet at a time because you can!! Below is the link for the application



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