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Thai Colleges Get A Dressing Down Over Short Skirts


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Must be more important things to report

Totally agree !! Again an example which <deleted> are running around in political Bangkok! :whistling: They are UNABLE to teach something useful to the students, but complaining about a nice schooluniform ( which is NOT too short !! ) is a major point to these small brains.... Poor government/ministry ! :blink:

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I wonder how many complaints were received. From the comments on this subject, I would suggest that those for the short skirts, far outweigh those against. Perhaps if people wrote to this Government department complaining that short skirts were required in all schools, would they act on those complaints??

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Isn't it just a form of resistance to compulsory uniforms? If the girls were able to select their own clothes each day there'd be no problem would there?

Yeah, right... if left to choose their own, they would probably choose longer skirts. Good thinking.

<I thought they outlawed selling alcohol this early in the morning.>rolleyes.gif

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You would have thought it would be easier just to make Thailand the HUB of University short skirts:D

Finally, there is a hub that would work: one could also imagine a number of hubs based around the short skirt hub. For example a hub for erectile disfunction therapy, a hub for dirty old raincoat manufacturing, a hub for foreign sponsored education. The possibilities are boundless!!!!

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Hey, I am little bit older guy now.. my girl friend is 25 years and in 5 months she will have our baby..and she wears this uniform all the time. She says she loves short skirts.. and frankly so do I. Let me tell you to see her 5 months PG wearing this uniform is such a turn on to me.. Woman my own age over 50 up all seem to have no sex drive at all.. I have as my oldest woman ever in my life a 42 year old woman friend.. a grandma of two under 1 year boys. Let me tell you she is really hot in a bikini unlike many western women I have seen over the years. Yeah and even she is starting to wind down as my sex kitten to only a few times a year.. My younger Thai gal pals are all 19-32..

You can see the difference in their "booties" and their bodies as each grows older. Why do most if not all guys want younger women.. isn't that obvious... They dress sexier act sexier and will bong you more often and longer than a older aging female who only seem to start her "bitch" about everything after 40... My daughter is 41 and her boyfriend is 20 and they have a 8 month old son... my only grandson.. I guess you could say... Like father... like daughter...LOL I hope to see my only son turn 41 in 2051 with his 19 year old girlfriend wearing her same uniform drive all the guys wild...(Oh, BTW.. I will be a sexy 103). My aunt Edith died at 104 and my mom who is 91 is still driving and working in caring for older people who never took care of themselves as she did.. I know she will see 100+.. I have it in my genes. GOD BLESS AND LONG LIVE HUGH HEFNER..

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I am a student at one of these big international schools here. They have people literally stopping you from taking finals, midterms, or just going to class because of the skirts, how tight shirts are, if they are tucked in or not, the color and type of shoe you wear and other things that do not mater at all. Meanwhile students are openly plagiarizing, copying papers, and writing others papers (its a well known fact that as a native speaker I can make 50,000 baht writing someones thesis). If you ask me they need to focus more on how the students learn and teach them things like critical thinking or just proper reading. Or focus on the open cheating problems. Who gives a rats stinky but what color shoes I wear or if a woman wears pants instead of a skirt or a skirt that is a mini? Stop trying to control them and start teaching them.

Well, it does really beg the question how smart the students are. Stop breaking the bloody rules about uniforms and then no issue.

The handbook for my kids school is full of the basics for uniforms and the elder high school kids dress like complete slobs. The sad thing is that they only started to do something about it when a kid who was wearing a school tie knotted somewhere around his navel and it got caught (inside the knotted length) when he was running around like a bloody idiot and nearly broke his neck So now they have to do the knots up as they always should have done.

The debate is not about whether uniforms should be in schools and uni's or not, it is about whether kids should obey rules. For me schools should have uniforms, universities you should be able to wear what you like, within reason.

As for the other issues of corruption, all very valid and very sad.

Sounds like your kids are in high school. In that case yes you or the school you choose should be able to decide what they wear, though I don't think thats the best thing it is your right as a parent of a child. But we are talking about Universities. And though they are someone's kids, they are no longer (with few exceptions) children. And as young adults they should be able to choose their own cloths. Yes society needs to follow rules to function and children should obey rules that are their for their protection and safety, but how do these rules provide safety and protection for the university student? They do not. They are a means to control and promote the school. When I joined the school I am now at (a university, I am an older student in my mid 20's) I was informed that when I wear the uniform I have to wear it properly so as to promote the good image of the school while I am out. I informed them that that would never be an issue because I don't care about their image and wouldn't be in their uniforms when not in school anyways. They seemed confused and told me I should take pride in my uniform, I said I am here to get an education and will take pride in that, not some stupid uniform. That confused people even more... I don't see people breaking the rules very often and when I do it is usually a male who wishes he was a she or a female who wants to wear pants. Most skirts stop around the knee and a few an inch or so above it. But come on. Not enough students want to look like they are going to a go-go bar after class to make a few extra baht to justify a school wide shutdown of classes, and even if they did they are adults, and the schools as well as their parents should really figure that out before they are married and popping out kids... And they do the same thing in my home country and it bugs the heck out of me.

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Not again, how often are they going to recycle this "problem"...

Politics 101: if you can't control the entire country and can't manage the economy to everyone's benefit, you choose the easy stuff with emotional pull to try to get a win. Elsewhere it's called dog whistling: you whistle about some problem that gets media attention then wait to see which dogs it sets yapping.

Perhaps here we could call it wolf-whistling.

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<BR>can we get some more examples so I can see what the problem is   <IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt=:rolleyes: src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif"><BR>
<BR><BR><BR>yes agreed, i believe this type of problem needs to be assessed logically, using all pictoral evidence available to us.......judge if you could just refer to exhibit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, .......................... <IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt=:D src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif"><IMG'>http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif"><IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt=:D src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif">
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I can not help but say that this is great that finally Thailand is doing crack downs after crack down, following the crackdown.but i am just wondering when will they start USEFUL crackdowns, rather then totally pointless and useless crackdowns?

What difference could the skirt possibly make?

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While they cracking down on skirts being too long or too short and shops selling fake goods, walking down Pattaya beach daily i get harassed to buy drugs, When will they crack down on this? keeping in mind that all those drug dealers are right outside the police station<br>

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I am a student at one of these big international schools here. They have people literally stopping you from taking finals, midterms, or just going to class because of the skirts, how tight shirts are, if they are tucked in or not, the color and type of shoe you wear and other things that do not mater at all. Meanwhile students are openly plagiarizing, copying papers, and writing others papers (its a well known fact that as a native speaker I can make 50,000 baht writing someones thesis). If you ask me they need to focus more on how the students learn and teach them things like critical thinking or just proper reading. Or focus on the open cheating problems. Who gives a rats stinky but what color shoes I wear or if a woman wears pants instead of a skirt or a skirt that is a mini? Stop trying to control them and start teaching them.

Well, it does really beg the question how smart the students are. Stop breaking the bloody rules about uniforms and then no issue.

The handbook for my kids school is full of the basics for uniforms and the elder high school kids dress like complete slobs. The sad thing is that they only started to do something about it when a kid who was wearing a school tie knotted somewhere around his navel and it got caught (inside the knotted length) when he was running around like a bloody idiot and nearly broke his neck So now they have to do the knots up as they always should have done.

The debate is not about whether uniforms should be in schools and uni's or not, it is about whether kids should obey rules. For me schools should have uniforms, universities you should be able to wear what you like, within reason.

As for the other issues of corruption, all very valid and very sad.

Sounds like your kids are in high school. In that case yes you or the school you choose should be able to decide what they wear, though I don't think thats the best thing it is your right as a parent of a child. But we are talking about Universities. And though they are someone's kids, they are no longer (with few exceptions) children. And as young adults they should be able to choose their own cloths. Yes society needs to follow rules to function and children should obey rules that are their for their protection and safety, but how do these rules provide safety and protection for the university student? They do not. They are a means to control and promote the school. When I joined the school I am now at (a university, I am an older student in my mid 20's) I was informed that when I wear the uniform I have to wear it properly so as to promote the good image of the school while I am out. I informed them that that would never be an issue because I don't care about their image and wouldn't be in their uniforms when not in school anyways. They seemed confused and told me I should take pride in my uniform, I said I am here to get an education and will take pride in that, not some stupid uniform. That confused people even more... I don't see people breaking the rules very often and when I do it is usually a male who wishes he was a she or a female who wants to wear pants. Most skirts stop around the knee and a few an inch or so above it. But come on. Not enough students want to look like they are going to a go-go bar after class to make a few extra baht to justify a school wide shutdown of classes, and even if they did they are adults, and the schools as well as their parents should really figure that out before they are married and popping out kids... And they do the same thing in my home country and it bugs the heck out of me.

Spot On !!

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I have not been back to Thailand in 15 years... they must have cleaned up the prostitution and strip bars right? Because if ppl are upset enough to complain about skirts that are a couple of inches above the knee then surely the public nudity and pandering must no longer exist. I remember an interview I saw with a former prime minister back in the 80's. When asked about the sex trade in Thailand he said Thais should be proud that the rest of the world found them attractive. My how times have changed???

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It could be my age, or my Christianity, but I don't see this very shapely Thai girls in much of a sexual way, they look more like children to me and just plain appealing when they try to look "sexy," well, up to a point, but I don't see students doing that. Well, that's just my opinion, and I mean that as a compliment both to Thailand and the good young people I meet here.

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<br>"Quote" "Students who overly expose their flesh could become the victims of crime, he said, and urged parents to watch what their children were wearing."<BR>Is this charnwit's words or&nbsp; a bit of Thai journalism. Seems someone is trying to encourage people to commit crimes.&nbsp; The girls skirts in the picture are a lot longer than what is seen on television and the newspapers everyday including Bangkok streets. Funny enough in the north they are a lot longer than in Bangkok, usually below the knees.<br>
<br><br>Love this post and you have an excellent idea. However, it is a Hot fashion in Paris at this point for Mini and Micro skirt. I, myself  ever done that..not because I do not have good figure but, I do believe in woman's Right of Brain than showing my merchandise. Crime can happens anytime if any woman allows herself to be in the wrong place and wrong time. plus wearing mini and micro skirt will not help.  I urge your girls to learn self defense and Kung &lt;deleted&gt;. Remember the world is so different.  97 percents of males commit crime and 3% of females still in jails...none of them never be out for a long long time....( stay there until you all die I do not understand  why you all can not be honest and good citizens )<br>You did say it right about television and newspaper. These two institutions should be example for citizens but , they choose to sell their souls for Money...Wow?? I can not fight this War...my comment is very mean and I am standing tall about my opinion.<br>
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Surely its time to get tough with these students.

Cant they introduce public stonings for girls having their skirts not down to their knees?

Its good enough for Iran.

I support stoning.

But not with real stone.

Maybe stone made from soft sponge.

As a symbol for sin purification.

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On the one hand, I understand the need for propriety and to exude a proper image, in accordance with tradition. However, on the other hand, these are college-age individuals who are completely capable of making their own decisions, including their attire. I also disagree with the implication that dressing in a provocative manner will result in victimization; that just reinforces the notion that all victims of sexual assaults are at fault if they dressed in a seemingly provocative manner.

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Sounds like your kids are in high school. In that case yes you or the school you choose should be able to decide what they wear, though I don't think thats the best thing it is your right as a parent of a child. But we are talking about Universities. And though they are someone's kids, they are no longer (with few exceptions) children. And as young adults they should be able to choose their own cloths. Yes society needs to follow rules to function and children should obey rules that are their for their protection and safety, but how do these rules provide safety and protection for the university student? They do not. They are a means to control and promote the school. When I joined the school I am now at (a university, I am an older student in my mid 20's) I was informed that when I wear the uniform I have to wear it properly so as to promote the good image of the school while I am out. I informed them that that would never be an issue because I don't care about their image and wouldn't be in their uniforms when not in school anyways. They seemed confused and told me I should take pride in my uniform, I said I am here to get an education and will take pride in that, not some stupid uniform. That confused people even more... I don't see people breaking the rules very often and when I do it is usually a male who wishes he was a she or a female who wants to wear pants. Most skirts stop around the knee and a few an inch or so above it. But come on. Not enough students want to look like they are going to a go-go bar after class to make a few extra baht to justify a school wide shutdown of classes, and even if they did they are adults, and the schools as well as their parents should really figure that out before they are married and popping out kids... And they do the same thing in my home country and it bugs the heck out of me.

As I said, Uni should be free from uniform in my opinion. Of course closing the colleges because of uniform violations is ridiculous. But then of course the pooyai ajarn always knows best.

Unfortunately that doesn't match with the conformist rules of Thai Universities, and I wouldn't expect that to change anytime soon. Unfortunately, Thai universities still consider it "teacher v pupil" as opposed to 'lecturer/professor v student' as it should be.

I have often wondered how specially talented students in Thailand are handled. Could a Thai ajarn even contemplate that Somchai from the village is able to handle complex mathematics or such things better than he or she?

In my high school days we had a kid there who was attending tutoring at Cambridge in mathematics when he was 13 years old. Could the Thai system even contemplate handling such a situation?

You said you were in one of the large "International Schools" here. I didn't take that to mean university, rather high school.

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