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Thai Colleges Get A Dressing Down Over Short Skirts


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Surely its time to get tough with these students.

Cant they introduce public stonings for girls having their skirts not down to their knees?

Its good enough for Iran.

Stoning isn't that a little harsh? How about a public spanking instead?

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I do think they have a point......... so i have taken the time out to research this subject with vigour.

i have found some offending photos already.

If i find anymore i will seek further opinion from the members.

hmmmm now where shall i look now....

You found the photoshopped examples.

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How about the focus on education for a while and actually teach them something for a change. Don't worry about their clothes.

IMHO,, the body is their best arsett .

if used wisely ..

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There are no truer words than "A skirt cannot be too short."

I think they should all have to wear Burkas. I think they are coming into fashion all over the world. They certainly cover everything and no man will take a second look at a woman wearing one of these black ones down past the ankles. Then no teacher/professor, administrator, men/boys would spend any time looking at the girls/women. I mean even if you could see their eyes you wouldn't be positive if the person was male or female. Problem solved. It would show that the Government (old men) care about the people of Thailand.

I don't know what world you live in, but in my world I don't see Burkas coming into fashion anywhere except muslim women which is not coming into fashion.

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As a newbie I think this is a good place to make a contribution.

With my tongue planted firmly in my cheek I thank all contributors for an hours light entertainment.

OPEC - Overt Promotion of Extremities Censorship (For public protection)


Below is a pic from an article I found after a quick search.

Will this scene from 1922 be repeated on our campuses in Thailand?

Oh dear ! Methinks perhaps a bureaucrat felt a need need to justify their position.



June 30, 1922. Washington policeman Bill Norton measuring the distance

between knee and suit at the Tidal Basin bathing beach after

Col. Sherrill, Superintendent of Public Buildings and Grounds, issued

an order that suits not be over six inches above the knee." National Photo Co.

link is: http://www.shorpy.com/node/1070?size=_original

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Actually, I have some students who wear burkhas and it certainly makes you focus on their eyes!(can't see anything else)

I feel sorry for you, hope you can get a job in a decent place soon . Don't let them permanently warp your mind .

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Don't feel sorry, we have the whole range of dress modes.

Actually, it's a bit of a challenge to get the Saudi women to come out of their shells and contribute to classes, but once they feel 'safe' and get more confident it can be quite interesting. Some wear them by choice you know. For others its just cultural.

Personally, I'm quite fond of Koreans in black tights and shorts. B)

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Don't feel sorry, we have the whole range of dress modes.

Actually, it's a bit of a challenge to get the Saudi women to come out of their shells and contribute to classes, but once they feel 'safe' and get more confident it can be quite interesting. Some wear them by choice you know. For others its just cultural.

Personally, I'm quite fond of Koreans in black tights and shorts. B)

DOM = dirty old man.

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Don't feel sorry, we have the whole range of dress modes.

Actually, it's a bit of a challenge to get the Saudi women to come out of their shells and contribute to classes, but once they feel 'safe' and get more confident it can be quite interesting. Some wear them by choice you know. For others its just cultural.

Personally, I'm quite fond of Koreans in black tights and shorts. B)

DOM = dirty old man.

Yes dirty old man and I love it.

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Women in burkhas are very mysterious.


What's the point of taking the photo.

Can't tell who is who anyway.

Thats the point, and do you know what they wear under those things, Saudia Arabia has more Victoria Secrets than any country in the world. toungh in cheek

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  • 1 year later...

Can anyone explain to me why groups of university students wear their uniforms to the malls, even though the school is closed for the holiday. In the US the first thing a female getting home from school is dump the uniform. Someone suggested it was some kind of a status symbol to wear your school uniform when not attending classes. Any truth to this?

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"Quote" "Students who overly expose their flesh could become the victims of crime, he said, and urged parents to watch what their children were wearing."

Is this charnwit's words or a bit of Thai journalism. Seems someone is trying to encourage people to commit crimes. The girls skirts in the picture are a lot longer than what is seen on television and the newspapers everyday including Bangkok streets. Funny enough in the north they are a lot longer than in Bangkok, usually below the knees.

Thankfully not where I live - Chiang Mai. Can forgive the fact that most University students I come across can't speak English.

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I do think they have a point......... so i have taken the time out to research this subject with vigour.

i have found some offending photos already.

If i find anymore i will seek further opinion from the members.

hmmmm now where shall i look now....

The right-hand photo (at least) is photo-shopped. In the original photo the skirts are much longer and the breasts smaller

Edited by exalll
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