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What Should I Do?


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I am not sure how to put it but it still bugs me.

A mate from my home country was involved with a lady, who she assured to him that she was single and has a good job(which she has) and owned her own house.

I believe he was together with her for some 1 or 2 years.

He asked me to come with him for to her place after they seperated to collect his gear.He stated that a couple of days previous he attemted to collect his personal belongings and jumped over the high fence,walked to the maids quarters to inquire if the maid would open the house up for him.

To his surprise he found an elderly guy lying in a 10ft by 10ft non aircon room in his deathbed with all kinds of tubes and apparatus attached to him to keep him alive.

The sister/family have a history in nursing as I believe as my friend had to take scripts for medical suplies for her "sick mum" supplied his sister who is a director of a nursing college.When he moved in with this lady she stated to him that prievously she had been married before with an american husband but he had passed away 18 months previous.

One of his tasks was to clean away the storeroom with stetsons and personal records of a life that was very succsesful.I dont want to get my friend in trouble but maybe he deserves it?T

This lady had an edowment that she recieved money every month for her life from her "Husband who had passed away"The bank and endowment records apparently confirm this.huge amounts of $us I think he was needed alive to sign the cheques!

I firstly think this guy is spineless for not doing anything except leaving and putting another chapter in Private Dancer.He was very reticint about doing any thing as she has connections with the police

I dont really want to get involved....what would you do??

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  • 1 year later...

Now I am wondering if this guy is still alive. Very surprised I wasn't moderated or contacted by some family.

It was obviously in their best interest to sustain his life.

To Desi, mate if I got seen taking photos I am sure that I would end up 6ft under. The people who enacted this crime act have money and a lot to gain and nothing to lose.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Just so I am reading this correctly; You think this old chap in the back room is the ex husband, who is not dead but being sedated and kept alive that way? Or he is basically dead but the machines are pumping blood round, oxygen food and water in to keep his body alive? The reason for this is because if dead, the lady gets monthly stipend for life?

So why keep him alive? Surely better for them if he is dead?

Did your mate say it was a farang? Maybe her dad recuperating from something?

Don't really understand this at all but ifmatey thinks it's the American, go to the embassy. If Thai, do nothing.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...


See my tagline for my advice. That said, I would not be above making an anonymous call to the American consulate. I doubt they would do anything but you have at least passed on the information to some entity that could do something, if so inclined.


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Now I am wondering if this guy is still alive. Very surprised I wasn't moderated or contacted by some family.

It was obviously in their best interest to sustain his life.

To Desi, mate if I got seen taking photos I am sure that I would end up 6ft under. The people who enacted this crime act have money and a lot to gain and nothing to lose.

It's taken you 2 years to wonder?

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